Growing Up Creepie (TV Series 2006–2008) Poster


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A little Odd but Okay
ethereal_heart10 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
At first I wasn't delighted when this show was airing but after watching it a bit a few times I loved it...

Advice to you all, It may not be the best work of art but it's a decent show, lots of stuff that might intrigue you like for example: it's got the usual themes teenagers go through, a few horror references ,tells you interesting facts about Insects and has a lot of moral and messages when it comes to family, just like it mentions in one of the episodes, believe me it's true...

And some of the characters have a touch of elegance, which was one of the reasons, I now like the show...

Give it don't know if try, I know I did believe me.
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Very cool, not to mention educational
Tenchi645895 September 2008
I had never heard of this until a few weeks ago. Someone on Yotube mentioned it and I had to see for myself if it was any good; let me just say that I was pleasantly surprised.

I really enjoy this show. Not only does the show entertain, but after the episode finishes, we, the viewers, get to learn a little something about bugs and other creatures.

It's extremely rare that a cartoon like this comes along that both kids and adults can enjoy.

this is definitely a favorite.

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the right kind of educational
pekkavangoethem18 April 2018
'growing up creepie' has a unique yet familiar plot, about a goth girl out of a rather extraordinary family trying to fit in whilst keeping a big secret from everyone. throughout episodes she and her friends experience weird things.

at the end of each episode there is a more in depth look at the bug/plant/creature shown in the episode, this part is just long enough to be educational yet short enough to stay interesting for kids.

story and style wise this is a unique series worthy of any praise it gets. although the style did age, it still succeeds where newer shows often fail.
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Great show
cthomas-149-784912 November 2014
This show was so great. I remember it from my childhood, and my only question is why isn't it still running or at least doing re-runs, or on Netflix. It was a great favorite of mine, and they should consider bringing it back. It is such a great show for kids who are different in any way to know that being different is fine. It taught me lessons, such as being myself. It is a little oddball, but I'd rather my little sister, or if I have kids, watching something like "Growing Up Creepie" compared to watching something such as "Bob's Burgers" or some TV show much like it. It doesn't have anything truly sexual or obscene like "Bob's Burgers", but does show an idea of how to deal with normal everyday problems. Otherwise saying, it was a great show and they should bring it back.
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A strange girl goes to school
atomius11 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Growing up Creepie is a cartoon about a girl of that name who, being deposited at the doorstep of an odd house, has ever since been raised by insects. This has given her a strange character which also gives her a different opinion to most of the other students at Middlington school. She has one good friend, who spends time with her. Her family are often the subject of, or a large part of, the plot, being insects, they often find themselves, in a Zombie Hotelesque fashion, meeting humans. The difference between the insects and the humans, and Creepie a sort of mental hybrid (although physically human) lead to scenarios of contrast, however usually Creepie is seen as an intelligent person and the other humans are often the ones with obvious problems.
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