Game of Thrones (TV Series 2011–2019) Poster


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It could have been the best TV series ever made...
danielkpkp12 May 2020
Till season 7 very likely the best TV show ever made in terms of suspense, character development, plot, effects, acting.... 10/10 with no doubt! But S6E10 is probably the point where you should stop and imagine your own ending. It is guaranteed better and has more character development. Otherwise you may end up rating it down by more than just one and are overcome by disappointment...
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A perfect example of: Falling in Love with the Wrong Guy
samxxx-671-82622125 May 2019
It was a master piece. It was written to the perfection. It was mesmerizing. It was gripping. It was so shocking that if someone is binge watching this show he/she will need a time-off in between to get their head around things and accept some messed up, yet mind blowing development.

But yet, I cant hate it enough after final season. Its like you came to know that you were in love with the wrong one all along. It was like looking at a completely different person. It was like seeing your own dreams and expectations get destroyed. It was not a let down, it was a BETRAYAL!
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Seasons 1-6: outstanding. 7: daft but good. 8: disappointing
slowcando21 May 2019
Let's say you're reading these reviews and haven't watched GoT yet, but now that it's finished are considering the marathon. What's the consensus? In this case, the consensus is accurate, and that is:

Seasons 1-6: outstanding. Deep world-building, intelligent dialogue, epic set-pieces worthy of Hollywood, expert acting, detailed plotting, genuine surprises, great soundtrack used sparingly. GoT is worth watching for these seasons, definitely.

Season 7: you suddenly notice the writing and plotting has taken a sharp dive downwards in quality. There are inexplicable ideas, inconsistent characterisation and soap-opera dramas. But at least the entertainment value is still very high, so it gets a pass.

Season 8: this drop chasms down to depths you didn't think possible. The writing has got so amateurish that the still-fantastic production values are no longer enough to save it. If you ever enjoyed Lost but were amazed at how bad the final season was, you're in familiar territory here.

The biggest problem with the final season was it took us out of the story and got us thinking about its many weaknesses. We lost our suspension of disbelief. Fatal for fiction. It also ruined the series-arcs to the point where a rewatch of the entire series is pointless.

So can I recommend a GoT marathon for newcomers? Yes, the first 6 seasons are worth the disappointments later on. But best series of all time it is not. It could've been, but dropping the ball in the final stretch puts it behind the following superior series more worthy of your marathon:

  • Battlestar Galactica (2003-2008)
  • Twin Peaks (all 3 seasons, plus the movie)
  • Breaking Bad
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Can you just make the remake the season finale?
SaifOVGU9 April 2020
I'm feeling so heartbroken to see everyone criticising my favourite show of all time. And yes of course that's because of the bad making of the season finale, I can totally understand that. After all these years hardwork, creating and developing each and every character from bottom to top, memories, emotions throughout the process all went to vain for one bad making. It's so painful to accept it for the audience who invested lots of time watching the show from the starting and then finishing it like this! It's a long long journey. I don't even remember the day I started watching it and since then I waited the next year to come for the new season. I can't say anything more. Only one last request, could you please delete the whole season 8 and make a new version of it? Please?
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Game of Thrones
jacobnoble-0252410 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I would give this an easy 10/10.. if season 8 didn't exist. But it does, unfortunately.

Season 1-6 10/10 Amazing, complex dialogue and intriguing logical story lines with strong character developments, shocking emotional moments and insane action scenes.

Season 7- 8/10 - still really good but seemed rushed and had some illogical moments that made no sense like the Ayra/Sansa fall out and the time/teleporting issues beyond the wall which revealed some lazy writing. But all in all filled with great moments and good set up for the final season.

Season 8- 2/10. I actually don't know where or start. Season 8 is a joke. Terrible writing. Nothing makes sense. The writers have butchered most character developments and given hardly any satisfying conclusions to their story arcs.

  • Brans story had no pay off at all and his whole role as the 3 eyed raven proved pointless against the Night King.

  • Jaime's redemption arc was cut off instantly with real no reason.

  • The Night Kings death was underwhelming. Infact all of episode 3 was poor, with no real structure and poorly written end to the main story line of the show. The battle was shockingly illogical and horrendous tactics. Zero white walker fights, limited deaths and ridiculous plot armour. Also editing was poor- some moments characters would be surrounded by hundreds of wights but then the next shot they were all gone. The plot armour ruined the battle of Winterfell. 'All' the Dothraki wiped out in seconds yet Samwell Tarly can fend them off. Laughable.

  • No Sansa and Cersei interaction of any sort which I would have liked to have seen. Although I appreciate this is just my personal disappointment rather than poor writing.

-Rhaegal taken down by first 3 shots, yet Drogon dodges an Iron fleets worth of Scorpions at Kings Landing, just to serve the plot. I guess Euron forgot about Dany's dragon and her forces.

-Jon does nothing all season (why was he resurrected if he didn't end the long night or atleast become King? The whole point of his resurrection is because the lord of light claimed he was needed alive). Speaking of Jon, what was the point of his lineage? It didn't change anything apart from give us unconvincing tension between him and Danaerys. I kind of like Danaerys going mad but it needed a lot more time and thought put into it - It went too far too fast with no substantial development to justify her killing thousands of innocent people. Again, Laughable. It needed seasons of planning and transitioning her character. After Dany's death it just skipped to Tyrion's trial and no one seemed phased over her death.

  • Anything that required any thought from the Writers was done off screen, like Arya and Sansa finding out about Jon's lineage.

  • Cersei, the clever mastermind who always has a deceitful plan up her sleeve does nothing but stand looking out of a window all season. What a waste of a character.

  • Ayra does not use her faceless abilities. How cool would it have been for something like Ayra shockingly kills Jaime in order to get his face and uses it to get close to cersei, she thinks she is safe then is stabbed whilst in the arms of her 'brother' who reveals to be Ayra. Atleast something like that may have been more satisfying a few bricks falling onto her.

  • Bran becomes king. Urghhh. He literally said countless times he could not be lord of winterfell or rule anymore. Why the sudden change of heart? No explanation? Oh typical.

  • Prince that was promised? Oh yeh let's forget about that too. Haha we fooled you audience.

However, my main issue was not with what happened but with how it all happened. Rushed and made no sense.

Major let downs and bad dialogue throughout. There are some good moments like Brienne being Knighted, but even that becomes ruined when she sleeps with Jaime- their relationship was so much nicer just being about honour and respect for one another. Have to appreciate effort by cast, visual and music crew and the few decent scenes as a whole.

Overall- 9/10 purely on S1-7.
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One of the best shows ever
Supermanfan-1310 December 2023
You know a lot people say this about a ton of different shows but Game of Thrones is absolutely, without a doubt, one of the best TV shows ever's damn near perfect (except for maybe the last few episodes of the last season) and easily one of my all-time favorite shows! Yeah, the last few episodes of Season 8 weren't that good and the ending was just awful but the first 7 1/2 seasons were so amazing that it still gets a 10 from me! It's one of the rare shows where I can watch it all the way from the first episode to the last and never get bored. I'm pretty sure there's never been a show more talked about or more loved in the history of television than GOT. All you have to do is read through the reviews to see how loved this show really is! It's absolutely amazing.
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Despite the final season, Game of Thrones remains an all time classic
heavenacceptme23 August 2022
As we prepare for the House of the Dragon, we look back on the brilliance that once was Game of Thrones. Seasons 1-6 are truly outstanding television, right up there with The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, Mad Men, The Wire, best of the best. Season 7 was a drop in quality but still somewhat enjoyable, and then came Season 8 which was a blunder of epic proportions. A Rushed, botched, lazy ending and a slap in the face to both new and old fans alike.

That being said, nothing can take away from the wild, brilliant, emotional ride that is Game of Thrones seasons 1-6, a television show that defined a decade and changed pop culture forever. I like to believe that it was cancelled after Season 6 and we never get to see the true ending ;)
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Captivating and Gripping but a Disappointing Final Season
Dan_W_Reviews6 February 2023
Game of Thrones boasts an intricate plot with complex characters, stunning cinematography, and intense action sequences, especially its many battles and fights. It's hard to deny that it wasn't a cultural phenomenon that captivated me and many others for eight seasons.

I've rated Game of Thrones a nine out of ten for its well-written and multi-layered storytelling, and its fantastic production value. However, despite still having amazing visuals and extremely high production value, like many fans, I was disappointed and to an extent frustrated by the final season's storytelling and how certain plot points were handled, which has lowered my rating from a ten to a nine. Despite this, Game of Thrones still remains for me a must-watch series and I would still highly recommend it to any fan of the fantasy or drama genre in general.
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This is a television show?
TheLittleSongbird9 November 2017
Was over-time on a gradual binge of watching 'Game of Thrones' from the first episode (gradual because of being so busy), having heard nothing but amazing things about it from friends, family and IMDb reviewers. Plus with such a great cast of talent and a brilliant book series, how could it possibly go wrong?

The good news is that 'Game of Thrones' didn't go wrong. Quite the opposite. Not only is it a rare television show that does its original source material justice and treats it with respect but it is on its own merits one of the finest, most addictive and consistently compelling shows in recent years. A television show so brilliant that one has to actually check that it was made for television when everything is done to such a high level that it puts many films made today to shame. This is one of the strongest examples of an acclaimed show that deserves every ounce of the praise it's garnered.

Visually, 'Game of Thrones' looks amazing. The scenery is throughout spectacular, the sets are hugely atmospheric and beautiful on the eyes with a real meticulous eye for detail and the costumes suit the characters to a tee. Then there are the special effects that are some of the best of any television programme and are not overused or abused, the scale, the detail and how they actually have character and soul are better than those in a lot of the big-budget blockbusters. As well the cinematography and editing, which are cinematic quality as well.

One cannot talk about 'Game of Thrones' without mentioning the thematically, orchestrally and atmospherically multi-layered music scoring and the unforgettable main theme. Again, worthy of a high-budget fantasy/action/drama film.

It is hard not to be bowled over by the quality of the writing, outstanding isn't a strong enough adjective to describe how good the writing is. It always has a natural flow, is layered and thought-provoking and demonstrates a wide range of emotions such as suspenseful tension, poignant pathos and witty humour. The story-lines are paced so beautifully, structured with such nuance and attention to coherence, a high emotional level and touch upon complex and sensitive themes with intelligence and tact.

Whenever there's a set-piece or more action-oriented scene there's always a reason, never there for the sake of it. Not only are the set-pieces done with a lot epic scale, superb staging, excitement and dramatic tension but underneath all the scale and flashy attention to detail there is a lot of heart and a multi-layered one. They're not overlong, nor are there out of place elements.

Characters are a huge part of the appeal too. 'Game of Thrones' has characters that are so well developed and as close to real life as one can get despite being in a fantasy world. These characters are not hero and villain archetypes (Joffrey is the only one close to that, the difference though is that he is an extremely interesting one with a lot of development who ranks well beyond one hundred percent on the threat level scale), they have much more to them and have strengths and flaws. Decisions are logical and one doesn't like any character any less when a decision is not the right one because mistakes are acknowledged and learnt from.

'Game of Thrones' cast is full of talented names and, thanks to so well rounded characters and such great writing, nothing but the very best is gotten out of them. Even those who are not favourites of mine. Big acting standouts are Peter Dinklage, Sean Bean, Lena Headey and Jack Gleeson (Joffrey being the king of all young characters with not a redeeming bone in their body).

In conclusion, absolutely outstanding and a rare television show worthy of being a cinematic modern classic. This review may sound superlatively hyperbolic, but to me 'Game of Thrones' is that good. 10/10 Bethany Cox
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Rob133111 November 2023
What can be said about Game of Thrones that hasn't already been said? It's universally thought of as one of the best series in the history of television. Look up any "best shows ever" list and I promise you'll find Game of Thrones near the top of every list you'll find. Obviously everyone knows the last episode was absolutely awful, even most of the actors have come out and said they didn't like it. Having said that, it doesn't take away from the show being amazing. One bad show doesn't take away from the other 72 episodes that were almost perfect! I've watched the entire series all the way through twice now and if anything I just appreciate this show even more.
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Imagine an Ice Cream Shop
kunkell2 November 2019
So imagine you go into an ice cream shop and you order a sundae. They've got all kinds of nice stuff going on, beautiful delicious soft serve vanilla bean ice cream, some hot fudge, freshly cracked up peanuts, woah what is that?? A brownie? Some delicious house made whipped cream... Man this sundae is gonna be spectacular. Wow what more could you ask for? Cherry on top? Bring it on!!

And then all of a sudden they put an anchovy on top, and then another, and then a couple more, and then squirt some Dijon mustard on for good measure.

You don't even want the sundae anymore, in fact, you can't even look back on how nice that sundae used to be without thinking about all the stupid s*** they did at the very end just when it was going so well.

That's essentially Game of Thrones. I tried to rewatch it, but as I got through the first season I began looking at where all the pieces land at the end it's literally impossible to go back to. There are just so many ruined character arcs, so much pointlessness, and every time I come back here I drop it one more star it seems like. Game of Thrones is a beautiful anchovy sundae.
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A Message to Dan and Dave
akhil-marsonya2721 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Dear Dan and Dave,

I have long been a huge fan and an avid supporter of Game of Thrones all the way since Season 1, granted I regretfully have not had the joys of reading any of the wonderful George RR Martins books. I have, however spent hundreds of hours exploring the Game of Thrones lore, history of Westeros, fan theories, detailed interviews and everything in-between - It's fair to say I'm a more passion fan than most.

I am no Hollywood writer - or in fact any writer for that matter - but I believe I share the opinion of so many GoT fans. I want to start off by saying thank you. Thank you to the visual effects crew, stunt co-ordinators, body doubles, extras, set designers, costume designers, camera men, George RR Martin, directors, the brilliant actors and so many other people behind the scenes of this once all-time great show - Not only have we the fans been incredibly let down, but the people who have put their physical blood, sweat and tears into the show have also had their beautiful hard work defiled.

I could go into incredible detail about all the things wrong with this season, some notable events: Jon being exiled for killing Danny who murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent people, Jon's heritage being seemingly not important, the woeful execution of Danny going mad, Bran being king even though he didn't do anything at all, Drogon flying off into the 'sunset', Rhaegal being killed, missing the reaction of Sansa and Arya's when Jon revealed his real parents and most of all for me, no one sticking up for Jon in the meeting with all the powerful lords... He literally killed the woman he loved and saved countless lives in the process and he gets nothing in return, its shameful.

With the holes in the show - and there as so many - I think it's a pathetic excuse of an ending. HBO wanted 10 seasons, but foolishly Dan Weiss and David Benioff decided they had enough, they wanted to wrap the show up so they could make mountains of money butchering yet another beloved franchise (Star Wars). I understand that not everything deserves a happy and perfect ending, nor can you please everyone. However, we spent nearly a decade following these wonderful characters, watching them develop and intelligently interact with each other since season 1. The ending to this show will never be forgotten, for the wrong reasons unfortunately. I hope Dan and David come out and apologise to the fans, we are the people that kept the show running, without the fans support there would have been no Game of Thrones on TV at all.

The characters deserved better. The whole crew deserved better. The fans deserved better. George deserved better.

Regards, A Game of Thrones fan

Originally posted by channelsergeant on Game of Thrones S08E06
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Extraordinary untill season 8
alshamari-marwa19 May 2020
This is the first series i would recommend to anybody , it is an amazing piece of work , the most stunning TV series you will ever watch. Why i gave it 9/10 because of the last season, it's still good but very disappointing compared to all the seasons. YOU will enjoy every episode
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Why just why? This show could have been the best ever.
tweaknhoe26 May 2019
The end ruined it all for me. It reminds me of lost, you can't judge it anymore without thinking of the ending and I wouldn't recommend it to my friends knowing how bad they handled it in the end. Wow just, wow I don't regret the ride, but I have never seen such a good show fall apart like this. I guess the checks have been cashed who cares about artistic integrity
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U don't watch GOT..U Live GOT......
ritwikgaur25 October 2020
Legendary.... Best Thing to watch in entire Milky Way...... No words to describe....
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one the best shows ever made
tobiascramon9 November 2022
Season 1-4 were practically perfect, there is not much to say. It had so many great moments, so many great episodes there. But then... well the writers kinda ran out of books to adapt. Season 5 and 6 were pretty boring most of the time. But they truly had their moments even having some of the best episodes of the show. Season 7 you could really see the dip in quality. Everything just felt so rushed most of it was really stupid. And then ofc. Season 8 the biggest disapointment I have ever seen. I have never seen anything more terrible. The ending was the stupidest thing i have ever seen. All of the characters were just so stupid. Everything felt even more rushed. And all the characters were basically ruined because of the writing. Overall i still give it a 9/10 just because of the first half of the show. And ofc it did still have its moments. I would still consider this show a masterpiece and I would 100% recomend. It is truly a must watch show.
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Can we please just restart season 8, perhaps 7 as well, but mainly 8
adamheritage-153336 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First off, I used to have a 10/10 for the show but after watching season 8 ep 3, I can no longer consider it a masterpiece. The writing has been atrocious, no spacing between major moments. Season 8 is definitely going to be the worst season in GOT history, even if the last two eps are Brilliant which I'm starting to feel is highly unlikely. However I'm still giving GOT as a whole 8/10 because of what the show once was, but season 8 has ruined it. Their best hope now is to hire some new writers and redo season eight with 10 episodes, so key moments are spaced out and not feel all jumbled together like they do currently, and give more justice to the night king so that GOT can go out with a bang and be remembered as the greatest show that ever was, like it was supposed to.
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This was an 10/10 until S08E03
SpitOnAStranger10 May 2019
I loved this series so much. Then came season 8 episode 3 and 4. Such a disgraceful ending.

Seasons 1-4 10/10 Seasons 5-7 9/10 Season 8 (Ep 1-4) 3/10
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almost perfect
A series like never seen before which rocked last season on a flop! congratulations anyway
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Great Beginning, WORST Ending!
el-absy20 May 2019
Started off as the greatest series of all time, but had the worst ending of all time.
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An Unparalleled Masterpiece
faruqueshahriar13 July 2023
Game of Thrones deserves not just ten, but even more stars for its unparalleled brilliance and grandeur. This epic saga has set the bar incredibly high for television shows, captivating audiences worldwide with its intricate plotlines, unforgettable characters, and breathtaking production value.

From the very first episode, Game of Thrones grabs hold of your attention and refuses to let go. The writing is a masterclass in storytelling, expertly weaving together multiple storylines that are as complex as they are compelling. The show's ability to surprise and shock viewers with unexpected twists and turns is nothing short of genius, leaving you constantly on the edge of your seat, eagerly awaiting the next episode.

The characters in Game of Thrones are the heart and soul of the series. Each one is meticulously crafted, with their own unique personalities, motivations, and flaws. You become emotionally invested in their journeys, feeling their triumphs and heartbreaks as if they were your own. The performances from the cast are simply extraordinary, bringing these characters to life in a way that is both mesmerizing and deeply moving.

Visually, Game of Thrones is a feast for the eyes. The attention to detail in the sets, costumes, and visual effects is absolutely breathtaking. From the sprawling landscapes of Westeros to the intricately designed armor and costumes, every frame is a work of art. The battle sequences are nothing short of epic, rivaling those seen in big-budget Hollywood films.

What truly sets Game of Thrones apart is its ability to explore complex themes and reflect the human condition. It delves into the nature of power, morality, and the consequences of our actions. It challenges us to question our own beliefs and forces us to confront the harsh realities of a world where no one is truly safe.

Game of Thrones has left an indelible mark on television history. It is a cultural phenomenon that will be remembered for generations to come. Its legacy is not just in its record-breaking viewership, but in the way it has inspired countless discussions, theories, and even academic studies.

In conclusion, Game of Thrones is a masterpiece of storytelling and visual splendor. It is a must-watch for anyone who craves a truly immersive and unforgettable television experience. Prepare to be transported to a world of dragons, political intrigue, and heart-wrenching drama. Winter may have come and gone, but the impact of Game of Thrones will continue to resonate for years to come.
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This rating is caused by the huge disappointment after the last season
stil_d20 May 2019
I was a big fan of Game of Thrones ever since it first aired on HBO. However, after waiting for two years, I (as probably also a lot of others) felt that the season didn't rise up the rest of the show. I believe the writers and producers didn't do the show justice and rushed the story. In these 6 episodes and pretty much destroyed most of the major character lines. It took 7 seasons for these complex story lines to evolve, just to be shattered in 2 episodes. That being said, taking in consideration that season 8 is a part of GOT, I don't believe anymore that the show deserves the 9.5 stars.
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Finally, a Show that stays true to it's written roots
Jschool0318 April 2011
As an avid reader, I am often disappointed by what is represented by the silver screen. I initially get excited to see one of my favorite series on the big screen, and eventually walk away disgusted. For whatever reason, most shows and movies that are based on epic book series absolutely butcher the original content.

So when I saw the preview for "Game of Thrones" on HBO, I was immediately skeptical. Oh, I was going to watch it, but I didn't have high expectations. I did hold a little hope because HBO is known for their high quality shows.

I was absolutely shocked to watch the Pilot and realize that it followed the book almost to perfection. The language that is used by the actors is very similar to the way that it was written in the book, and events were not skipped. It stayed very true to the story without adding to it or removing from it.

The acting is superb and I actually felt like I was looking into Winterfell for the first time. I feel like I've actually got faces to add to the characters that I've been reading about for a long time.

If you have not read the books, you may feel as though the blatant sexuality is an addition from HBO to add some spice to the series. This is not the case at all. The books contained all of the sexuality that is shown in the Pilot. I am very proud of HBO for producing an amazingly accurate product. I will be watching every week for sure.

If you enjoyed what you saw in the Pilot, know that there are many other plot twists and action filled evenings to come. "Game of Thrones" has a ton of potential to be one of the greatest series that has ever been produced. I would highly recommend it to fans of the series and newcomers alike.


I have now watched 3 Episodes and I wanted to come back and report some more. Even after 3 Episodes, the series is staying true to the written story. Overall the acting is still very good. I hate to watch a show that makes it look like the actors are reading a script. I don't get this impression with this HBO adaptation.

Each episode of this series leaves me itching for the next weekend. I really hate watching shows in real time because I enjoy absorbing several hours of a show at one time. But, a good show will keep you looking forward to it the whole week.

A special note to viewers that have not read the books... Keep watching! This series has numerous twists and turns and full of epic battles and action. It may seem like it's taking a little while to develop, but the reward is well worth the wait.

Even after 3 episodes, I would still highly recommend this to anyone.
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Excellent adaptation.
psypeterson17 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Readers who come to this review later in the series must note that, at the time of this writing, I have only seen the inaugural episode.

It's probably safe to say, when dealing with a series of novels as beloved as The Song of Ice and Fire, the most scrutinized aspect of the T.V. adaptation will be how well it holds to the source material. I am here to confirm, as a fierce devotee to the books, that we have nothing to fear.

While certain scenes play out differently in execution, the plot remains perfectly intact (so far). The characters have been transplanted well from page to screen, and the actors (most notably Peter Dinklage) nailed their personalities quite well. However; it is only fair to point out some of the acting seemed a little wooden at times.

Special effects were well done, though nothing mind-blowing, but the scenery and props perfectly captured the feel of the novels (in my mind at least). It also must be noted that there was just the right amount of nudity, violence and vulgarity to let the audience know they were watching a tale woven for mature viewers without using said nudity, violence and vulgarity as a crutch.

All and all, I am very, very pleased with this adaptation, and I went into it expecting to be disappointed. If I were to gripe about anything, it would be that newcomers who have not read the books might not know what to think of this fantasy story for adults. Some may shrug it off as fodder for geeks, while others might take offence to what they may see as a defiling of a genre usually meant for children.


After watching the entire first season, I can safely say this is perhaps the BEST adaptation of book into film/TV. While many moments in the show do not match the moments in the book action for action and word for word, the plot is never sacrificed when doing this, and the alterations simply make the story a better fit for a one-hour television time slot.

In addition, new scenes (by which I mean scenes which never happened in the book at all) fit seamlessly into the greater plot, and help the audience with information they would only otherwise get via the narrative of the novel (EG: asides which explain character/world history).

Top form, HBO. Top form.
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