The Vanishing Triangle (TV Series 2023) Poster

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So good, but the ending UGH (MANY SPOILERS)
IWasRaisedByTV15 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
All six episodes lead to nothing. I realize the series is loosely based on true crimes, but the reveal of the villain was obvious from the moment Lisa gets in the car with him. I'm too exhausted to look back for clues, it seemed ridiculous. Also, they felt it was important to wrap up the dad in the hospital story, but we never get any closure about the original missing girl, nor what the police concluded about Burkely's shooting. I presume he's dead and his partner lied, but we don't know that.

Perhaps Amy is never found, but it was brushed over. Perhaps Burkely is dead, Brennan lied, and nobody followed up? I guess the Garda circa the mid 90s was the laziest crew ever? They don't investigate the murder of police officers? How about the corrupt Chief Superintendent and Gough? Nothing?

It felt like it was supposed to be 8 episodes, but they suddenly pulled the plug at 6. I'll give it 5 stars because I enjoyed the performances, but the series as a whole really tanked and left me irritated.
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Great until unresolved ending
drumkep1 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Like so many others, I enjoyed this until the last few minutes. Actors were great, lots of plot twists and perhaps red herrings. Some silliness with making too much noise when defied common sense towards the end. And no real ending.

As a true crime,this needed to be handled a different way to even be satisfied with possibilities of whodunit. A s a story inspired by real events, this should have a season two and a real resolution.


What happened to Aimee? How could a man approximately the same age as Lisa have been old enough to jurser her mother? Why did the police chief redact earlier investigations? Is David really dead? Did he bite off some DNA? Will there be more evidence to prove that Lisa's dad was set up and will he be set free? What happened to David's boyfriend? The series just sorta ended with one person lying on the floor, one person claiming he was shot, and four in the hospital. What about the earlier women that vanished? And what gives with shouting for the detective in the factory when she knew there was a killer inside? So much noise and bizarre music and echoes while you just wanted her to be quiet and aware of her surroundings. It's like in the last episode the writers and director gave up.
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Watching the Detectives
jasperredhat9 November 2023
It's rather daring. To execute this crime story in a manner we remember from the 80's. The 1980's that is. But, it works. Up to a point. They manage to stir up the tension and keep it boiling until... the famous final scene. Where it gets a bit slow and archaic.

Yes, it is a relief to escape from mobile phones and computers. That world of instant messaging that kills most of the excitement. And we get a lot of passionate acting in many supporting roles. And India Mullen fights for her life surrounded by soggy memories.

This is strictly watching the Detectives. The old-fashioned police & thieves saga.
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jenkins_susieq19 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This started off well but rapidly lost momentum. Rather than concentrating on a decent mystery it got bogged down with the side story of the detective David's personal life. Although poignant it felt forced and took away from the actual storyline of the missing girls. It does also seem in most police dramas that the people in charge are always incompetent, corrupt or both. The ending was disappointing. Sadly I had guessed who it was so the shock wasn't so much. I would rather the whole thing had been resolved rather than leaving it open for perhaps a second series. If a second series has been issued then it could have followed a different path perhaps Lisa trying to clear her fathers name or finding a different case. As it was we still have no idea what happened to that girl who was originally taken at the start and frustratingly we will have to watch the baddie getting away with it. I would definitely have preferred a resolution.
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Journalist who thinks she's a cop
ikanboy18 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of those series where one yells at the screen a lot. "Don't go in there alone!" "Don't follow him (murder suspect) down a country lane in the dark 10 feet behind him!" "Don't run down a road after you've escaped."A journalist reveals her mother was murdered when she was a child and the murderer communicates with her.

Now she decides she is a detective and has the real Detective constantly trying to get her to back off. Does she listen?

Side story the real Detective is Gay and still very much in the closet. He falls in love with a male prostitute. Good decision making. Cookie Cutter plot from Ireland. Film Blarney?
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I'll write the ending for you Warning: Spoilers
The serial killer is actually the son of the original killer who killed the journalist's mother. His father, the original killer, was the gang member who framed the journalist's father.

The 'son' killer is discovered through DNA in David's teeth during autopsy and the matching bite mark on the killer's neck.

The killer discloses where the bodies are of the previously kidnapped girls in exchange for avoiding the death penalty. He is sentenced to life in prison without parole. When other inmates find out why he's in prison they shank him and he doesn't survive.

The killer kidnapped the girls and murdered them because he never lived up to his father's expectations as a man as his father hated him because he was gay. He tried to be like his gangster father in order to gain his father's respect.

There is a huge investigation of the precinct when it's discovered that the killer was an officer there. During this investigation the corruption of the other officers is discovered and they are charged. The top brass decide to see that they are punished as they have to clean the slate to gain the trust of the population which have become very fearful and disillusioned with the Guardia.

The journalist is never able to free her father from prison but she develops a new close relationship with him after discovering that he was framed and did not commit the crime he was sent to prison for.

Tommy finds out David has been murdered through the newspaper. He is heartbroken but eventually continues his life and tries to find happiness as David would have wanted.

There you go. You are welcome ;D.
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Why the ending? Was it a statement?
rchrdcorteel122 August 2024
After sitting through what was a tolerable but not great series, we are presented with an ending that suggests that bigotry and violence are the way to go. If it was intended to show that this was the case, at the time this series was set in, you could perhaps get some satisfaction. I suggest that this is not the case for the majority of least I hope so. I never quite understand programs that do this...there are others and I suspect most viewers have seen similar. Perhaps it is not always probable to present positive outcomes. If this ending was a statement then the closing vignettes should have been more pointed.
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Enjoyed it, until the terrible ending.
davo272003-492-92626729 February 2024
What a disappointment. The series ending was incomplete and left me feeling unsatisfied and frustrated. At least one more episode was required to tie up all the loose ends. Could have rated this much higher if they didn't decide to wrap it up like they no longer cared about creating a full story. Don't waste your time watching it. It's six hours of your life you'll never get back. If the producers had any sense they would have cancelled the release until they had an ending they could sell to the viewers. What a shame. Could have been something special but they chose to cut corners and release a second class product.

I gave it a 2 out of 10 as a decent story was devolping. Sadly it never lived up to its potential.
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Ticks most buttons but severely let down by Sound Engineering.
dezzz25 December 2023
The story, pacing and video side of the production including the acting were very good. However, the overall experience is let down by some rather shoddy sound engineering. Within the first 10 minutes, it should have been obvious to the Director that there was a shortfall. Considering the fact that I grew up in in Dublin and that I had to have sub titles switched on should be indication enough that there was something not so effectively done.

As stated in another review, the sound separation was abysmal for a modern production, even Smart TVs with Dialogue Enhancers and various surround enhancing alternatives did not do enough to help.

The Dublin dialect can be difficult to understand as certain words roll into others so it IS important. The speech coach should have realised this on first review as well and questioned whether it was actors' failings or inadequate sound capture and/or separation.

Interestingly enough, the actor that stands out as being the most articulate is the one who worked on Downton Abbey. Possibly the bigger a production is may demand more resources thrown at actor articulation?

Otherwise, as I said, I found the story very intetesting.
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No Ending Missing an Episode to Resolve
canterburybella-68010 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
WTF is all I have to say. This was an incomplete crime series, leaving the ending stupidly unresolved, with character's whereabouts left unknown, and the perp not caught. What's wrong with writers in the UK, they do this all the time!

The viewer invests time in watching good episodes only to realize the writers and producers went to sleep or on vacation in the end.

Do they not have story editors anymore to work on scripts to say "hey, you need a proper ending and to resolve your crime properly".

I feel completely ripped off with this series, as there's no satisfaction at all.

The acting was very good, but these writers should not be allowed to roam free without a supervisor in charge telling them the most basic thing any story writer should know: solve your crimes properly and don't cheat your audience.
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Quickly hooked on this show
red-671-12564915 January 2024
From the first episode, this series had me hooked with its compelling story and brilliant character development.

The attention to detail in both the script and production is commendable. The creators have crafted a world that feels authentic and captivating. The plot twists are cleverly executed, keeping me on the edge of my seat, and the pacing is impeccable, allowing for a perfect balance between suspenseful moments and character-driven narratives. By the time the emotions of the lead characters begin to be explored you are fully engaged with their respective plights.

The ensemble cast delivers outstanding performances, bringing each character to life with depth and nuance. The chemistry between the actors is palpable, adding an extra layer of authenticity to the already gripping narrative. It's rare to find a series that keeps you guessing while also making you care deeply about the characters, and "The Vanishing Triangle" achieves this effortlessly.

Definitely the final episode left me scratching my head, but the creators are clearly planning for every possibility in a subsequent season.
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Great show absolutely spoilt beyond repair by the terrible non ending
ndsmm-1176915 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
What can I say? I loved this right up until the last episode. There are many series out there where the ending spoilt the story but this takes the win by a country mile. There is no ending, no resolution and every bad guy, and there are a lot of them, totally gets away with everything while every good guy, not so many, looses. Terrible, terrible, terrible. I can understand wanting by be a bit less good guy wins but this is beyond the pale. It just leaves you feeling like you've wasted your 6 hours. Why did he kill her mum? Why did he leave her alive? Why did he pick who he did. Who even is he? And what about the whole corrupt police force filled with child traffickers? I'm just left with an icky feeling and that's never right for entertainment. They've missed the point and got the whole feel wrong at the end.
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Utter trash
subzeropmb-3771830 April 2024
Complete waste of time, watching paint dry would have been more entertaining. All the characters end up doing the dumbest of choices / decisions. The back story of David is completely a waste of time and has absolutely nothing to do with the police case. Lisa for a reporter has absolutely no cop on and does the most dumbest things in nearly every episode. Spent more time rolling my eyes, laughing. I dont think you are meant to want the "heroes" to die ir come to halm but I found myself hoping for that. So many plot holes from start to finish and the big "twist" you can see coming and the most a complete waste of time ending. Don't waste your time.
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Gripping mystery based on real events
sarah-702084 March 2024
Overall a great and gripping thriller series which feels like a window into a world of the recent past, but a really disturbing world full of damaged people and institutions. Even though a period piece it felt fresh with some great performances form the lead actors, and some nail biting scenes.

Probably the true story behind this series may never be fully revealed. Let's hope the corruption of the Irish police and state has not continued.

The ending is confusing, like the creators wanted to have every option remaining on the table. Better if they had just chosen an ending and stuck with it. Some of the performances like the lead female were not as believable in the final episode, but that's perhaps because of the lack of believe ability of the scenes she had to perform. Two stars removed from what is otherwise a positive review.
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Woman gets upset by dying fathers bed and gets injected by tranquilizers?! Warning: Spoilers
Like others wrote, the acting is good, but the characters are so incredible dumb. It actually had potential to be a good story but is massacred by stupidity.

Ex: female character crying by her father's death bed, she gets upset and doctor come and give her an injection to fall a sleep? What kind of hospital is this? She wakes up strained to a bed?!

I can't stand the whole journalist being let in to do police work, such a weak story line.

Police's daughter asks journalist, "will you solve this?" Journalist answers "I will do everything in my power to solve this", standing by the actual police!
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Glued to the screen
harryoconnell3 June 2024
Twisty plot contrivances get a little unhinged in final episode, but creepy tone and excellent performances particularly from the two lead actors kept us glued to the screen.

Based on true still unsolved murders, this show depicts a what-if scenario to try to explain the disappearances of missing women in Ireland in the 1990s. The feeling of dread and tension doesn't exactly fit in with Irelands identity as a charming friendly country.

The unique element of the show is that it doesn't just search out the bad guy serial killer. It also shows how the institutions of the time were totally corrupt.
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Everyone has secrets
springster23 February 2024
Everyone has secrets in the repressive Ireland of the 1990s. This show does a good job of fulfilling the thriller beats, while keeping us fully engaged with the characters. Disappearances (likely kindnappings) go completely ignored by Irish police whose indifference is jaw-dropping. Based on real-life stories where dozens of young women went missing on the east coast of Ireland without ever being found. A serial killer has to be the obvious suspect.

The show becomes incerasingly fictional as it near enough identifies the abductor/murderer bit the end. Final episode maybe has too much to do in regards to plot, and loses sight of finely tuned character and drama notes which were so enjoyable in the rest of the show. One star removed for this.

So interesting to watch a subtle thriller show depicting a time and place I'm unfamiliar with, and it seems like those poor women really deserve justice.
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Spoilers alert
TadDavis26 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sorry this particular series got the brunt of my anger. It probably deserved more than one star. But I'm sick to death of crime dramas that are as brilliantly written and acted as this one was - the kind that grip you for six episodes of increasingly agonizing suspense, with real characters caught in terrible moral dilemmas, and then -

**** SPOILERS ****

  • throw it all away in the last five minutes for the sake of a cheap fling at fashionable cynicism.

In a nutshell: the bad guy gets away with it. And we never find out what happened to Amy, who started the whole thing rolling. (Did I miss that somewhere along the way? I assume she's dead, but she gets lost in the shuffle.) I loved seeing all the scenes in and around Dublin, and I felt like things were drawing toward a satisfying conclusion; and then, once again, literally in the last five minutes, the rug was yanked out from under me, because God knows we can't have an ending where the people involved pay a terrible price, but some measure of justice, you know, manages to win in the end. Cheap shoddy conclusion that throws everything that came before it in the trash: deus ex machina in reverse.
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Exploited the phrase "Vanishing Triangle" for views.
Sladobee29 April 2024
I am a crime writer who has studied the individual cases that are commonly associated with Ireland's so-called Vanishing Triangle.

This show basically just took the phrase and spun it into yet another far-fetched, cliche crime drama series.

It's a cash grab by someone who realised that the title would garner some interest.

Another reviewer said that it is based on true events. This statement is so false that I suspect it was written by someone who is associated with the series.

The vast majority of the women who went missing in Ireland's "Vanishing Triangle" are believed to have been killed by someone who was well-known to them. There is a very strong suspect in each case.

Only two are believed to have been the victim of a stranger abduction.

When I first heard that someone was creating a series called The Vanishing Triangle, I thought that we'd get an in-depth look at the victims and their cases. Or at least a factual dramatisation that accurately represented their stories.

Instead, we got a series about a journalist taking a murder investigation into her own hands and some lad running around in a balaclava.
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The singularly worst mystery I've ever seen
franciskelly312 April 2024
Started fairly strong and then nosedived so fast my head was spinning. Horrific writing and weak acting. If I could give it zero stars I would. I was left wondering if this was some sort of bad comic parody of the hunt for a serial killer.

The ending? It wasn't an ending. The hero is killed by the psycho. The kidnapped girls escape with the brave reporter. But who cares? The reporter who was a victim as a child of the same psycho is reunited with her near-death father whom has vindicated of a murder he didn't commit and - TA-DA! Sunshine and unicorns! Who cares if the psycho murderer - cop - is captured? He's not. But you're left to believe everyone is happy now.

Again, this was so unbelievably bad. I've never seen something frustratingly bad.
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Hated it just so much.
mc-4404816 March 2024
I hate leaving bad reviews, but I don't think words can express just how much I hated this show. The actors' performances were the only good thing about it. But if you just loooove watching every character you care about at all make the dumbest decisions ever over and over and over and over and over again, this is the show for you. And you're welcome to it. At a certain point, you start to want to punch the characters you should be able to like for just being so stupid. I guess having a strong spirit is supposed to make up for being a complete idiot? Is that the message here? I'm rarely motivated enough to leave bad reviews, but truly this is beyond the worst. Kudos to the actors for making it worth two stars. Without their performances it would've been one.
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Horrible ending!
joellyn-mumcian16 May 2024
These cliffhanger series endings are becoming far too common and very irritating. Without revealing any spoilers, the viewer should be forewarned. I doubt that with such a low rating there will be another season to tie up the storylines, but I hope at least there would be. But what a disappointment after investing so much time watching this series. Allen Leech is one of my favorite actors, and while I wasn't familiar with any of the other actors, they were all very good, especially India Mullen. This series is supposed to have been modeled after a true story, so it's hard to believe that this was the way the case ended. I guess I can only hope that there will be a second season to find out.
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Terrible ending.
slw12654 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Enjoyed the first few episodes, knowing it was based on real events kept me interested. And it's always a pleasure to see Alan Leetch in anything. We feel his pain as we grow to understand that his character is keeping a deep dark secret. But ultimately the story never pays off. Like the main character, we stay with the story because we want to know who her mothers killer was. And we ultimately feel compassion for her father who is in prison for murder that he may not have committed. The first five episodes introduced us to victims and their families and we care about their outcomes. But then, after six hours we finally get to the ending which is abrupt, vague and never actually reveals who the mother's killer is (the original murder in episode one). We also don't know what happens to the killer, does he get away with it? Do the corrupt police get away with it? Complete waste of time.
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Ends with a dull thud
awiener15 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers

The series started off and carried on well up till the last episode, although it drifted before that from a search for a serial killer into a mix of horror film with threads dealing with homosexuality and abuse of women thrown in.

The plot follows a reporter's efforts to find the man who raped and murdered her mother, right in front of her, when she was 10 years old. Although the case went cold, she is convinced that the disappearance of a young woman is the work of the same killer. The stories she runs forces the police to step up their game. Before things end, two more young women are kidnapped by the same villain.

After nearly six hours of following the various threads in this yarn, audiences have a right to expect a definitive conclusion, but we are left largely flat and in the dark. Although the killer's identity is revealed (many will have guessed who it was anyway), we are not told if he is ever apprehended or tried for his crimes. None of his victims ever see him, nor does our star reporter, as he always wears a ski mask,. Although the two women are rescued, we never find out what happened to the first one who disappeared and ignited the investigation.

Other scenes stretch credulity to its limits, particularly when the reporter follows the killer on her own, tags along with police, and personally rescues three women completely on her own in the process.

When the final episode ends abruptly and the credits roll, many will turn it off, but if they do they will miss two brief scenes that were inserted in the middle of the credits. This was both bizarre and unfair.

The one-star rating is for the utter failure to bring a promising mini series to a satisfying conclusion and for showing disregard for the audience. When it was over, I was sorry I spent any time on this at all.
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Cops are either corrupt, incompetent or serial killers
clogan-128 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the cinematography the view of Ireland were good. The female reported is a good character actor. The writing is very bad. So you're saying that all cops in Ireland are either corrupt, incompetent or serial killers. The ending was abrupt and unsatisfying. This seems to be a condemnation of the Irish justice system. I would have like to visit Ireland but not if this is the way it is.

There are several times the characters act in a manner against all common sense.

Why go in there, why follow so close.

Since it was so political why did they have one of the after blurbs that say they have changed there law on homosexuality.
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