Eden (TV Series 2021) Poster

(I) (2021)

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Sweet story, perfect to watch with the family
KatOfJelly28 May 2021
Besides the general message of "destroy all Humans" from Some of the robots - it's a fairly family friendly Movie (if a little sad), with only a few moments of peril. Might be better to watch with slightly older kids so They get more out of it though.

The story is heart warming, even if it is a little generic.
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It's actually really good
chwpqknyp31 May 2021
I'm giving this an 8 star since the story does go pretty fast with only four episodes. Many critics won't understand this, but since robots don't understand human emotions except human language there'll be plenty of times that the MC puts herself in danger. The robots don't understand how much danger she is in until she has left. A Human adult would already be aware of this danger and wouldn't have let her go on her own. But without going into it too deep it's an intriguing story. And the director said that if this show get good reviews there will be a season 2!
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Pretty good
bertoli-mauro27 May 2021
Not an original story, but you can spend some good time watching it with you family, and maybe to learn to be a better human being ;)
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Engaging and sweet but ultimately too short and abrupt
cferalpenn15 January 2022
Really could have used another eight or so episodes. The animation was fine the concept was good but it needed more time to breathe and flesh out the conflict. As it stands the ending feels rushed and perhaps unearned.

Pity though the second and third episode raise some neat concepts.
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This is a fun family series that is worth watching but isn't outstanding
kevin_robbins31 March 2023
Eden (2021) is a series that my daughter and I watched together on Netflix. The storyline follows a world run by robots created by humans that have long gone missing. The robots know the humans went underground but have no idea what happened after that. One day a baby is found by two robots and they keep her, raise her and protect her. As the young lady gets older, she wants to find out what happened and why.

This series is created by Justin Leach (Star Wars: Visions) and contains the voices of Rosario Dawson (Deathproof), Neil Patrick Harris (Gone Girl), Ruby Rose Turner (Coop and Cami Ask the World) and David Tennant (The Legend of Vox Machina).

The storyline for this was fairly straightforward, predictable but still fun and entertaining to watch unfold. The animation is very clean, unique and well done. The universe was interesting, and the security robots were intense and great villains. The robot battles are outstanding and while the conclusion is rewarding, it leaves you wanting more.

Overall, this is a fun family series that is worth watching but isn't outstanding. I would score this a 7/10 and recommend seeing it once.
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Solid good
LancelotSB30 July 2022
Scifi probably my least favorite genre next to ramance but this limited series was amazing. Didnt expect the delivery was this strong. Tbh the plot was very predictable and boring at first but it gets better starting from eps 2.
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Some interesting sci-fi concepts, but ultimately unsatisfying :-(
stevebondi30 May 2021
The dialog was mostly silly, and the conclusion was too simplistic :-(
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amazing touching story
isacousins28 May 2021
The story alone had me anyone to give this 2 has no sense of mind. If you played the game nier automata you will love this.
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The less than intelligent human teen trope
kngdomtrag29 May 2021
While I love the robot parent idea. The teen child randomly putting everyone in danger because they want to do what they want is extremely annoying.

Nobody is that stupid that they will risk their life and parents life just for reckless curiosity.

When you have a character that reckless they are villains. Ignoring their own survival instinct for selfish gain.

Characters like this don't grow. They clean up their own mess out of guilt. When they could of advoid it by being smarter.

Making characters dumb to push a story is poor writing.
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A Wonderful Mini Series
hbilalkasmani4 June 2021
I was not expecting it to be that much amazing & wonderful. I have not seen such amazing work since Wall-E. In less than 100 minutes, the team has presented a brilliant piece of work.

A beautiful story, wonderful animation, strong subject and full of emotions. Hats off to writers, animators and whole cast & crew.

English voice over was also great. We all know that Neil Patrick Harris is always great, but voice over by Ruby Rose Turner was also amazing. It's not easy to voice a character which is full of emotions, without being able to use facial expression. Joy, laughter, fear, crying, amazement, anger, every emotion was so well depicted.

Overall, I would recommend it, especially to those who love Wall-E.
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It was terrible from the start, and pathetic at the end
pranayjalvi27 May 2021
With just 4 episodes, Eden never got off to a decent start. The story had no development, the animation was below average and everything felt super rushed.

Another Netflix original anime which was not at all pleasing and intriguing.
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absolutely sublime
felixnkubi28 May 2021
The show is amazing and this might be the first 3d animation show I've watched and loved, the story is so good, only thing I found annoying was that it was just 4 episodes but apart from that the show is amazing.
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Awful Narration
dogger-8538125 July 2021
I had to shut the show off. The woman narrator has such an annoying voice and accent, it ruined the experience.
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A fun watch with a good story
teruukinart31 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
To be perfectly honest, I went into Eden convinced I would absolutely hate it. Instead, I was pleasantly surprised - I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. The story itself was good - it certainly isn't original, but it was fun to watch, and sometimes that's all something has to be. Sara's interactions with her robot family are super charming, as well, and I think that's where I had the most fun with Eden. Her relationship with her parents is especially sweet, and honestly the reprogramming scene in episode 3 got a few tears out of me.

That isn't to say that Eden is perfect - far from it. My main issue is with Sara herself. For all the talk about humans and how creative and interesting they are, I found it ironic that Sara is probably the most boring character in the show. I never felt like she'd earned much of the praise heaped upon her by her robot family, and save for a few scenes, most of her screentime was spent reacting to things. Or, if she did take action, it was usually reckless and poorly thought out. It absolutely worked in some scenes, such as the episode 3 scene I mentioned, but the rest of the time, Sara just feels like a stock anime protagonist, with nothing really setting her apart. I absolutely loved the little quirks they gave her in episode 1, as a result of growing up with robots instead of humans, but it seems like they completely forget about those after that, except for one time in the final episode. It would have been really nice to let her keep them, because they gave her a lot of character and made her pretty fun to watch. That being said, she usually has plenty of other characters to bounce off of, so it's pretty easy to ignore.

I didn't really like the animation, either. I don't really like 3d anime as it is, but Eden felt especially janky and odd in certain places. It worked fine for the robots, but not so much for the humans. The humans' animation reminded me a little too much of MMD at some points. However, the fight scenes are fairly clean and well animated, so I'd imagine they put most of their budget into that.

Going back to things I liked, though - Dr. Fields. I really enjoyed the twist villain in this show. Well, I say twist, but honestly I really don't know why I didn't expect it, considering the hints that were shown before the reveal at the end of episode 3. Regardless, Dr. Fields is a very interesting character, and a great choice for the villain. His motives and morals are perfectly understandable, even if I personally don't align with them.

I loved the setting. Our current climate pushes us closer and closer to the post-apocalyptic movies and shows of yesterday, and the creators know this. In Eden, they show us what could too easily become our future - save for a few oasis-like pockets, the majority of what we see outside of any buildings is rocky desert. They aren't afraid to show us what caused the fall of humanity all that time ago, either. If you look at the newspapers and reports, which Eden shows off multiple times, you'll see: the biggest factors were climate change, and the wars that broke out as a result of it.

I've seen multiple reviews saying the ending was anticlimactic or disappointing - I have to disagree. I think it ended just fine. It didn't end with a bang, but it was satisfying and left room for the imagination to take over, which I can almost always get behind.

Overall, if you've got a little under two hours to kill, I'd absolutely recommend Eden. It has plenty of flaws, but its a very enjoyable experience, and personally I'm glad I watched it. I will advise, though, that It's much better watching it in one go, like a movie.
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Started off charming ending patheticly
allan-149318 July 2021
The serious is pretty stupid all the way through, but in episode 3 and 4 it taked overhand and it becomes unwatchable.
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Made to make you feel better
abedmozumdar31 May 2021
I loved it and yes it's not the best compared to many things but it's best when you're bored or when you're in need of something to kill the down time I mean it's a 4 episode tv show and every episode is about 25 minutes so it's even less than 1/2 hour which makes it perfect.
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Pretty good
vassiliskounelis14 June 2021
Nice story and cute characters it was way too short to call it seiries but it was fun to watch and a bit sad though I loved it.
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blackbanter2 June 2021
A very short, very original little anime that I thoroughly enjoyed.
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Don't nitpick, just enjoy.
chees19901 June 2021
Think of it like a movie not a show, sit back and enjoy the ride, maybe get some tissues though. Honestly I'd give it an eight out of ten but gave it ten stars because everyone else's review ticked me off.
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tahsinbushra-4194710 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I actually enjoyed the show, and I wasn't certainly expecting the doctor to be the villain, though I should've thought so. Even if I did, it was much more impacting I could ever think of! As much as I enjoyed the plot, I wish the creature had tried to expand their world building, since I really took the hints and was curious. I'd love to know and see the world, the history and much more. Though, it would be difficult. I enjoyed it still!
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BEAUTIFUL...Its Classic Anime That All Can Enjoy!
silicontourist28 July 2021
I loved the story idea, the beautiful artwork of richly exquisite colours and just the sheer all around simplicity of its good feeling vibe.

It is exactly the right amount of episodes, 4, and overall length of each one but, I would have been just as happy with a film length edition. Both humans and robots are all singularly interesting and likeable.

I would like to see a sequel to this but as of now there is no information as to whether there are or were plans to make one.
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