Freaky (2020) Poster


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It's 7.5 for the pure entertainment.
ThomDerd25 January 2021
This is a fun film, with a bit of slasher elements and the comedy style surrounding this genre. Now, the added value here is the great pace and the cool performance of Vince Vaughn as a teenage girl. The film is more funny than scary and there is plenty of nice dialogue and moments in there to keep you entertained. 7,5 / 10 freaky fun movie.
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Vince Vaughn plays a better teenage girl than most teenage girls.
Tony_Fresh_Reviews15 November 2020
It's a little late for a Halloween/slasher movie, but it looks like they really wanted that Friday the 13th release date. And to my surprise, this was way more fun than I thought it would be.

Just when you think it's another generic, teen angst, alcohol-drinking, sex-thirsting movie, the kills start happening. Not only were they gory, but they were also quite creative. The movie just knows exactly what it is and never takes itself too seriously. Plus, watching mean bullies die in horrific ways was just so satisfying to watch. (Hopefully, I'm not the only one...)

More importantly, Vince Vaughn is the reason you should watch this. You have this 6-foot-5 giant of a man running around as a teenage girl. From the way he speaks to his subtle mannerisms, it was just plain funny. He's the man-- or the woman, I mean.

As for the negatives, it mostly has to do with the writing. Basically, everything with the family was boring and predictable. It was probably the most generic part of the movie. They lazily tell you everything you need to know as soon as they're introduced.

I also hate it when movies portray a character as "ugly" or "undesirable" and the actress is anything but. In other words, they want you to believe that Kathryn Newton's Millie is some kind of weirdo loser, but I just never bought it.

There's also a disconnect between Newton's Millie, who is shy, timid and quiet, and Vince Vaughn's Millie, who is girly-girl, talkative and fun. They just felt like different people. There's also, sort of, two endings. There was the natural conclusion, and everything was good, but then it goes on for another 10 minutes, and it was just unnecessary.

Despite some annoying tropes and poor writing, this was a fun, self-aware movie with some horrific kills and really funny body swap moments.

Score: 7 out of 10 Overall: Good

Recommended for: Fans of Vince Vaughn, fans of Freaky Friday with a slasher twist, or fans of watching scumbag bullies get what's coming to them.

Thanks for reading!
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Good enough to entertain me on a friday night.
deloudelouvain7 January 2021
You can't take Freaky too seriously. If that's what you're looking for in a movie then you should just pass on this one. But if you're just looking for some easy entertainment, mindless fun and some gory scenes then Freaky is a good option. The story has a fast pace so you never get bored, the slashing scenes are funny, inventive and well made. As for the acting it was good from the whole cast. Vince Vaughn plays a character that I would not have expected him to play, and he did it well. Freaky is a good friday night popcorn slasher comedy.
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This was such a wonderful surprise of a movie...
paul_haakonsen4 December 2020
As I sat down to watch the 2020 movie titled "Freaky", I must admit that I wasn't really expecting the movie to be very outstanding or memorable. But still, it had Vince Vaughn in it, so chances were that it would be watchable.

Turns out that "Freaky" was surprisingly good. This movie totally surprised me. I will say that the movie started out by having me thinking it was just a senseless rip-off of the "Friday the 13th" movies, but that all changed - and for the better.

The movie's storyline turned out to be one that brought suspense, comedy and thrills along with it, mixing the elements in a very enjoyable manner. I was genuinely entertained by what writers Michael Kennedy and Christopher Landon managed to deliver for "Freaky".

Now, if you think "Freaky Friday" meets "Friday the 13th", then you actually have the result that is "Freaky". I kid you not! And it works out so very, very well. And yeah, a body-swap horror comedy done the way that director Christopher Landon did with "Freaky" just worked marvelously.

I will say that Vince Vaughn definitely had nailed some iconic and classic Kane Hodder as Jason Voorhees moves and mannerisms in the beginning of the movie, and he pulled it off so very well. But when the story progressed and The Butcher (played by Vince Vaughn) switched bodies with Millie (played by Kathryn Newton) the movie took a turn for the better, and it become absolutely splendid.

And it should be said that there were so many nods towards established and well-known horror movies throughout the course of "Freaky", and that was just so much fun to pick up on.

"Freaky" was made so enjoyable and entertaining mostly by Vince Vaughn's performance as a teenage girl trapped in a hulking body of a mass murdered. There were just so many laughs to be had there, and his ways of delivering the dialogue, his expressions, his mannerisms and behavior all just came together so well for a very, very funny outcome.

This was definitely a very good movie, and I can highly recommend that you sit down to watch it if you have the chance. My rating of "Freaky" is a well-deserved seven out of ten stars. This movie was such a wonderful surprise.
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Really fun to watch in Halloween
Marcello_Rafiado_20 October 2021
This movie is so funny and really fun to watch, not really brutal like super scary movie, cause this movie is comedy so not that scary, I love the comedy. They are make me laughing, from the movie was start until the end of the movie, but there's so many adult jokes in this film

It's kinda weird seeing a girl into a guy and act like a girl, I like the guy acting so funny, and when the girl turn into a guy he/she and kiss his/her crush, it was so funny seeing they're kissing. Recommend movie for Halloween.
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They gotta be careful with the sequel cos Vince Vaughn is the kernel of this movie.
Fella_shibby5 December 2020
Vince Vaughn's acting is top notch. His pancy way of running around n his girly act is what made this film entertaining. The film starts off with a bang, lots of brutal killings n then maintains the entertaining value cos of Vaughn's top notch acting. The film has good humor n moves at a decent pace. The professor with the handle bar moustache looks like Edward Norton.
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"You're black, I'm gay we are so dead"
BrunoRatesTheMovies27 February 2022
A surprisingly good stab flick. It was fun and gory, with a body switching twist for that extra kick. I mean, he did make Happy Death Days and some Paranormal Activities so I'm loving his groove anyway. It looked like Vince Vaughn had a fun time filming this.
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Vince Vaughn as serial killer? Sold!!
surfingthebigwave14 February 2021
Here's a role I would never imagined Vince Vaughn doing- but damn glad he did!!! The whole body switching thing (yeah we've seen it a million times, I know) but this despite a familiar premise was sold by the two leads particularly Vaughn who seemed he was having a blast playing killer and highschool senior!

Well written, great acting, and a decent ending.

Worth checking out!!
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Freaky Ultimately Slays its Victims but I Wanted Something More to Push it Over the Top
CANpatbuck36645 February 2021
Body swap comedies have been around for decades with varied degrees of merit and success. It was both intriguing and pleasantly nostalgic to see someone trying to rework the formula in a new genre. Much like cinematic time travel, if its not thought out or properly tweaked, including that kind of plot device can be an invitation for audience nitpicking. Freaky is a throwback, there's a bare bones explanation and minus some exposition, you're expected to come along and not ask questions. This was a free spirited decision by the screenwriting team but it didn't bog me down or ruin the movie. If the movie is doing its job, you shouldn't be focusing on that and there are movies come out all the time where the explanation is "magic?" (Freaky Friday comes to mind but so does BIG). They do just enough to propel the story and it was silly enough to avoid too many specific questions.

With Freaky firmly being a horror/comedy does it deliver the goods on what you're looking for? We get to both almost immediately as the beginning moments of the film are also the best for me. The introduction of the killer has some brutal kills and pretty funny bits wrapped together. It sets up the tone for the rest of the film and moving ahead, you know what you're getting. While the more meta material fades to the back, Christopher Landon and his team are trying to have their cake and eat it too. They try to make an actual slasher movie while lampooning it at the same time. Freaky doesn't always gel as the best in this genre do but there are more than enough funny jokes and violent deaths to satisfy fans of slasher movies and horror/comedies.

The biggest draw for this movie other than the twist on a familiar premise is Vince Vaughn playing the co-lead. He's a funny comedian and a surprisingly talented dramatic actor but he's been in need of a career reboot for years. He was on a roll for years but the hits are fewer and farther between now. I think he's solid at pretending to be a frantic teenage girl but he was still a little too restrained. Millie is such a door mouse that despite Vaughn talking like a teenager, I thought he was still too composed. I tip my hat to him for taking on this role but he wasn't a totally seamless fit. Kathryn Newton was a lot of fun after Millie makes her switch but he's undercut by Millie's earlier scenes as well. Her being meek almost makes up her entire character, her sidekicks/friends/ family have a lot more personality. That being said, after the switch, she plays off the extreme moments with a nice wink and a nod. Celeste O'Connor and Misha Osherovich jump back and forth between portraying their respective stereotypes and instead parodying those same stereotypes. But they each had funny moments and decent comedic timing and they play off of Vince pretty well.

Freaky is decent overall and provides the requisite laughs and thrills but I was still a little let down. I'm a big fan of Landon, check out my reviews for Happy Death Day and its sequel 2U. So I went in ready to hand this movie extra points and it just never wowed me or got to that next level. I was hoping for more specific references or pointed dialogue to how ridiculous slasher movies can be but that's not the direction they wanted to go. Props to Newton and Vaughn for embracing the silliness of the premise and committing to the bit and I'll admit that I did laugh enough to make Freaky worthwhile. If you love a body swap movie and wouldn't mind a horror twist on it, I'd give it a 6.5/10 and Freaky can be checked out on your preferred streaming service.
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Bad ending
Reifos18 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Corny ending. Had so much potential but ruined it with a feel-good, undeserving ending.
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If you want a real review
brianearley255 December 2020
This movie was a blast. It's not an academy award winning film lol. It's exactly what I was looking for, a fun Friday night. It made me laugh, had some gory kills, and the acting was good. I never understand the whole "it's not original" argument. Give me a break. It's a good movie.
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Not a 'must see', also not bad
the_real_smile12 December 2020
This movie revolves around a girl that is picked on by everyone, by the fellow students, even the teachers. Then one day she swaps bodies with a serial killer. Vince Vaught truly carries this movie, Kathryn Newton does a very bad job at pretending Vince, the only thing she does is being quiet and looking like an infant who has to poop. It's the most predictable plot EVER, but the fair amount of slashing makes up for that. Then there are the demonic whispers in the movie, but that is more laughable then scary, I even dare to say there is not 1 scary thing in this movie. If you will never see this movie in your life, then you have missed out nothing, if you can't find a better movie, this one will fill your evening.
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"Don't leave me alone with murder Barbie!"
classicsoncall28 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was a little too teen oriented for my taste, but it did have it's moments. The best were Vince Vaughn's spots following the body swap with Millie Kessler (Kathryn Newton) in which she became the Blissfield Butcher. The opening scene had some creatively gruesome murders committed by the Butcher when Vaughn still occupied his own body, the sickest was the broken wine bottle stuffed down the throat of the male teen. The tennis racket header was also kind of nasty. Once Millie/Butcher convinces her high school friends what happened as the result of an Aztec knife curse, a countdown begins to make the body exchange occur again before the result becomes permanent. Some of the murders are exceptionally violent for younger teens so I'd say discretion is advised. Not to mention an early simulated sex scene that's a bit in poor taste, but I guess I did just mention it. If I had to do it over again I'd give this movie a pass, but since I stumbled upon it thinking it would be more cleverly written, the die has already been cast.
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I had fun!
BandSAboutMovies23 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
By all rights, I should hate this movie, a semi-remake of Freaky Friday that instead subverts the source material by turning it into a slasher. But you know, it ended up hitting me the right way and I was behind it pretty much all the way.

Directed by Christopher Beau Landon - yes, the son of Michael - who wrote Disturbia - that's not even a word - and several of the Paranormal Activity movies before directing the Happy Death Day films. If you liked those, well, this will definitely give you more of what those movies offered, this is set in the same universe - Landon said that, "They definitely share the same DNA and there's a good chance Millie and Tree will bump into each other someday" - and was originally titled Freaky Friday the 13th.

Millie Kessler (Kathryn Newton, Big Little Lies) is a teenager who has been tormented by bullies, both of the teenager and teacher* varieties. Meanwhile, the urban legend of the Blissfield Butcher continues, as he keeps killing her classmates. Now that he possesses a McGuffin called La Dola - an ancient Mayan sacrificial dagger - he looks to gain even more power. But when he runs into our heroine - her mother (Katie Finneran, who is great in this) has left her behind at a football game where all she gets to do is wear a beaver mascot costume - she battles the Butcher and when he stabs her, they end up switching bodies.

So yeah - this turns into a body swap comedy and you'd think, after the gory as hell open, this is where they lose you. But no - if anything, this gets way more fun.

Millie's friends make for some of the best scenes in the film. Nyla (Celeste O'Connor) and Josh (Misha Osherovich) have been with her through the worst parts of high school, so having their best friend in the body of a killing machine is just another trial to be endured.

Speaking of that killer, Vince Vaughn shines in this. There's plenty of silly physical comedy, but also some really nice scenes like when he admits to the love interest that she left the note he treasures (body swap pronouns are a little hard) or when he has a moment with her mother while hiding in a changing room.

Landon - who wrote the movie along with Michael Kennedy - said that the film was influenced by the Scream series, along with Cherry Falls, Fright Night, Jennifer's Body, The Blob and Urban Legend. There's also a fair bit of Halloween in here, particularly the opening series of murders, and references to Heathers, Child's Play, Creepshow, Galaxy Quest, Carrie, The Faculty, The Craft and Supernatural. There's also a bottle down the throat kill that came directly from the 2009 slasher remake Sorority Row.

I had fun with this. Here's hoping you do the same.

*The funny thing is that the teacher that is the worst to her is Alan Ruck, who knows a thing about bring bullied, what with playing Cameron in Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
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Nice take on the body switch
okpilak30 November 2023
It is certainly passable entertainment. Millie is the girl at high school that really gets picked upon and certainly isn't well liked. Her mother, losing her husband a year prior has settled into being a drunk, and her sister is a cop. So it is not as if she has a support system, although she has two at school who do care about her. Some of the best parts of the movie were watching Vince Vaughn act like a high school girl. Watching him run was almost worth it even if nothing else was any good. And they built up the suspense fairly nicely. But the real reason to watch is to see Vince Vaughn in the role of a teen age girl.
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Enjoyable body-swap slasher.
Pjtaylor-96-13804430 January 2022
Originally titled 'Freaky Friday The 13th', this comedy-horror body-swap slasher is a mash-up of the two films squashed together to form that name. 'Freaky (2020)' is similar to Landon's previous 'Happy Death Day (2017)'; it takes a well-worn trope first established in a classic comedy and puts a horror movie spin on it while keeping its tongue planted firmly in its cheek. Where that film leans further into the whodunnit elements of its genre, this leans into the 'creative kill' gore that perforates many of its own genre's more derivative entries. Indeed, the opening sequence could be ripped straight out of a 'Friday The 13th (1980)' sequel, with Vaughn's gigantic Butcher basically being a stand-in for Jason Voorhees (with a dash of Michael Myers for good measure). The Butcher is a solid slasher villain, as stereotypically stoic and menacingly strong as he needs to be. The downside of this is that he's a mostly silent enigma whose motivations aren't clear. While this mimics the effect of his most direct inspiration, it undeniably makes for a less compelling presence - especially since the picture is more-or-less a two-hander that splits its time evenly between its hero and its villain. Still, this is a fairly small issue in the grand scheme of things. Though it starts out a little shaky and is, in general, rather stereotypical in an ever-so-slightly unsatisfying way, the flick eventually settles into itself and becomes quite a bit of fun. It's at its best when its body-swap story is in full swing because it stops feeling as though it's trying to ape a sub-genre and starts feeling as though it's trying to create its own. The main concept of the feature is slightly underused and the overall narrative seems sort of slight overall. The ending, too, feels like a reshoot and is honestly kind of underwhelming, appropriately blunt conclusion aside. However, the film is a solid slice of fun fluff pretty much for its entire duration. The characters are mostly compelling (the Vaughn as Newton and Newton as Vaughn dynamic is mostly entertaining, if not quite as convincing as it could have been) and the kill sequences are effectively gruesome. Plus, the piece does a good job of maintaining a tight pace and interspersing its sillier stuff with some fairly accomplished scare scenes. If you're willing to overlook some of its more glaring issues, it's generally an entertaining experience. It isn't brilliant, but it's good enough for what it is. 6/10.
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A Seriously Silly Slasher
jimmyhoover-5586118 November 2020
A teenage girl is stabbed by a serial killer with a magical knife he stole from one of his previous victims and their souls switch bodies and they have only 24 hours to get back into their original bodies before they're stuck that way forever.

Freaky takes a little while to warm up, but once it does, it's off to the races. Vince Vaughn has never been funnier and Kathryn Newton makes for a very likable heroine and also manages to pull off the sociopathic serial killer stuff once she's switched bodies. It's well paced with just enough laughs, gore, and even heartfelt moments to make for a memorable ride.
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Blumhouse made the right choice producing this
geniscasassas19 October 2020
This movie surprised me. I watched this at the Sitges Film Festival, expecting to see just another slasher, but this is something else. The comedy is just right, the violence is too good, and Vince Vaughn just kills it, quite literally. Overall, a great flick to have some laughs and to watch some great gore scenes.
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Friday the 13th Meets Hot Chick
supernj4 December 2020
I thought Vince Vaughn's perfromance was incredible! Another BlumHouse movie that turned out to be creepy and funny. Its like Jason Voorhees meets Rob's Schneiders "Hot Chick". It makes fun of Friday the 13th alot and other films because of it's wierd, corny killings.
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Alot less cool than it thinks it is!
flicklover13 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
When I saw the trailer firbthis I was cautiously optimistic that it could be ok. It looked like a Scream meets Freaky Friday. Well, it is that but it is really not very good.

Of course this type of horror comedy is not to be taken seriously but it is not very funny or scary at all. The premise is just as the trailer shows. A high school girl gets attacked by a serial killer and they switch bodies. That's it.

The serial killer the Blissfield Butcher is played by Vince Vaughn. The high school girl Millie is played by Kathryn Newton. Millie is attacked by the killer with a sacred Aztec dagger that has the power to switch their bodies. The fun of the film is watching each of them adjust in their new bodies. Vaughn does a good job with a very thin script. Newton just goes around looking evil. The film is gory but nothing we've never seen before in much better films. It has a couple of decent chuckles but again been there seen that.

The film wants to convince you that it is really cool and edgy but it really isn't.

Lazy film.

Grade: C-
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Fun and Entertaining
StrifeLeeSimpson6 March 2021
I wasn't sure what to expect going in. Everyone, except Vince Vaughn, was an unknown to me and he has been a hit or miss over the last 15 years. The previews showed nothing but a horror comedy so the cold open being an homage to Friday the 13th while taking itself seriously and emoting genuine emotion was a great introduction to the rest of the film which didn't stray from the comedy element like the intro. The female lead played her role well but Vince Vaughn completely stole the show acting as a teenage girl. Writing that sentence feels weird but the performance never gave off an inappropriate or creepy vibe. I found myself laughing hysterically for many of his scenes and the film sent you home with unforced character development and arc for Millie and her family. There are some stereotypical characters, at some points it was an obvious commentary on old horror films but other times came off as a genuine cliché instead of a satirized cliché. With that said it was never distracting and didn't ruin the experience in the slightest with Vince Vaughn stealing every scene he was in.
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A fun new twist on a familiar trope
blott2319-128 October 2022
I assume if you are reading this review that you already know the basic premise of Freaky. It is in the trailers, and the title kind of gives it away, but if you don't know the events that start off this movie just avoid this review. The opening sequence of Freaky kind of gives you an idea of what you can expect as far as violence and gore. This movie pulls no punches and has extreme bloody violence in the kills. They establish early that the villain is a psychopathic killer who revels in all kinds of murder, with no signs of remorse. For the longest time I thought they were going to maintain him as a completely silent/mute person, but I think they did some good things with him talking as the film moved on, so it was probably worthwhile that they gave up on that choice. I do struggle sometimes with these kind of slasher films because they are predicated on people making stupid decisions, and that certainly holds true here. Every major character in this movie acts like an idiot at least once or twice.

What makes Freaky for me is the comedy. They lean in hard to the silliness of a teenage girl living in a grown man's body, and Vince Vaughn does a pretty good job of portraying that. He actually doesn't fall into all the stereotypes of teenage girls either, and seems to be portraying this particular young woman. However, I think the real genius was in the performance of Kathryn Newton. She is absolutely transformed as this insane murderer, and every single body movement and expression is different. I loved everything she was doing, particularly when she is playing a huge man who expects to get more strength from this little body. The kills were a bit extreme for me, and most of the plot elements were overly predictable. Yet, I was still entertained by Freaky, and I like that someone is finding new ways to use old genres and tropes to keep them fresh and original. This isn't a movie I'll want to seek out on a regular basis, but it is one I would be willing to watch again if I'm in the right mood.
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Tired old rehash
millordrak27 March 2021
This is about the 5th remake of Freaky Friday. Please Hollywood, No More! The people who are saying this is good must all be teenagers. If you're a mature adult, don't bother watching. It's dumb, unfunny & low class. Movies like these are filling kid's heads with garbage.
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A LOT of fun
GregTheStopSign9517 October 2022
Honestly, this movie was a lot more fun than I expected. One particular kill in the opening scene especially gave me joy to witness.

Vince Vaughn does a fantastic job of playing a high school girl! Kathryn Newton does a great job of playing the killer post-switch, too, but I feel like Vince had the harder job of the two, and he did it SO well.

There were some great little nods to the likes of Friday The 13th, Halloween, I Know What You Did Last Summer etc, and some REALLY funny comedic moments (that were honestly made better because they weren't JUST played for laughs, they actually fit into the story), and it was really just so much better than I thought it'd be.

That ending, though? I've still gotta give that a bit more thought...
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Pretty Good Horror/Slasher Comedy
gwnightscream10 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This 2020 horror comedy stars Vince Vaughn and Kathryn Newton. This tells about teenage girl, Millie (Newton) who becomes targeted by a serial killer, The Butcher (Vaughn), but when he tries stabbing her with an ancient, mystical dagger, they switch bodies. Millie tries to get back in her body within 24 hours or she'll be trapped in his forever. This is pretty good, it obviously pokes fun/pays tribute to "Friday the 13th" & "Scream" but mixes "Freaky Friday" as well. Vaughn is a bit amusing yet menacing and Newton does ok. Give this one a view if you like horror/slasher flicks or comedies.
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