The House in Between (2020) Poster

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Attempting to be real by being so mild.Ghosts exist, not in this movie
jackmeat15 June 2020
My quick rating - 2,8/10. This movie reminds me of the same thing "Guinea Pig" movies tried to do. They made the torture and violence look so real and pushed the envelope to make you think "Hey maybe this really is a snuff film". That was the whole point, try to get you to believe. This garbage is no different. Everyone knows today with a phone and a piece of glass, you can make things levitate, green screen nearly anything, etc. So this movie keeps it really simple, and boring I might add. Instead of ghosts being spotted or things flying around the room looking way past what most people would believe, the movie documents a house where the BIGGEST supernatural phenomenon that occurs is a bal rolling down the stairs. To watch these idiots try to play off such a MASSIVE breakthrough (if i put a ball on the very edge of a step everyday, I bet it rolls down sooner or later from all kinds of things, mainly gravity and vibration). This is just so plainly fake, yet done so mildly you may just go, "yeah maybe" but no, it isn't. I am hoping the makers of this read this. Go to Techny Towers, in Illinois. I saw ghosts there, they exist. If you have the balls, check it out. Reach out and I'll tell you the whole story of why it is haunted. Then use your money to find a real haunting and not fake this crap.
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clintchappell707 October 2020
Not a criticism, I thought it was particularly well made and researched. But ultimately this didn't deliver much... or any real WOW factor for me.
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jromeo-5286124 December 2020
I'm not big on paranormal stuff. Its covid time and I had nothing to watch so I gave it a shot. It's the 1st paranormal thing I fully watched ever. I was pretty into it weather real or fake, so I gave it 3 stars. Seemed like it was legit, if it was fake acting was good, cams and trickery were good as well. But thats only if you disbelieve. All and all legit decent watch, if enough friends do watch, you will all have sides to debate on too.
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berg-7453231 December 2020
This will be quick. This won't be a spoiler to anyone who has seen even a single ghost hunter show or doc they found nothing but a ball that rolled down the stairs once. While it would be easy to say "hey but while they were filming this something actually happened" that's true but something you hear almost at the beginning is they have had cameras hooked up to a dvr for NINE YEARS. That's right several cameras running nonstop for 78,000 HOURS straight and a ball rolling down a single stair is what they gathered in ghost proof. This is the point that should kill the production for attention hogs and the dubious science of this nonsense. How under any circumstance should people spend money on the creation of this documentary when they have more cumulative hours of nonstop surveillance to gather evidence and found a ball moving once. Turns out that one of the original Ghost Hunters from the SCI FI channel was behind this nonsense. They did go to real scientists, the most notable was the professor of Physics at Jackson State university but how they framed his answers to fit to what this scientific travesty got under the skin of this kind hearted professor to the point that he loudly stated "ghosts aren't real". When applying what he said to this what would happen in every instance of science to nonsense would be stated "is it possible for, insert item, to move with out any force behind making it move" he would say no, and that proves that the ball was moved by a supernatural entity. This had two mediums one "professional" one a crazy neighbor who started telling anyone who would listen that body's are buried all over the neighbors back yard since she was the creepiest little nine year old ever. With all the ghost nonsense I've seen I was not ready for the insertion of ET's thats all the crazy of ghost nonsense with a side of little green men. If you are so inclined a drinking game can be made from this, keep in mind the whole 9 years of recorded evidence a a single rolling ball, they say "thats the first time in all my years of, I've every seen that, that is nothing as is this doc. If tens of thousands of dollars and nine years of recording showed nothing then this should kill this form of entertainment and it should go away forever.
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Spoiler Alert - Nothing Happens
monkeyriderband13 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Lots of talk about paranormal activity but the only evidence consists of a door opening and a baseball rolling down a staircase. Do NOT spend money on this documentary. It is a ridiculous waste of time.
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House in between
gortizny27 June 2020
A movie that concentrates about a baseball and nothing else a waste of 1 hour and 20 minutes
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Intriguing docu...
nerona1320 July 2022
Not bad I like the documentary style of this one, similar to the others made. Also the house itself was creepyy. If you like paranormal investigations that are a little more realistic ( I know it's a movie) it's a compelling one to watch. 👻
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Hour and 28 minutes I can't get back
mshadowsj719 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
All that for one ball rolling down the steps? That's pretty bold claims that it's the most haunted house in America.
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These low ratings
shieldfire7 September 2023
This is a prime case of expectation vs reality. For anyone even remotely into "serious" paranormal research (as opposed movie ghosts) the content of this documentary is more interesting than movie ghosts.

The main problem with any and all documentaries or live shows of this kind is trust. You need to trust that the team is not producing the effects themselves somehow. Do you? If you accept what is happening on screen is real, then you need to explain it. People here complain that "nothing" is happening. But the point is - if it's not a hoax - WHY is it moving?

This makes the whole thing interesting. Why is the ball moving seemingly by itself (and only that and no other object on the stairs). WHY are doors opening and closing by themselves? Discrediting the whole film because you expected seeing blood thirsty ghosts, ghouls or other horrors, completely misses the point. And renders the "reviews" meaningless. As someone said a physical source of energy is needed to move a physical object - which moves "paranormal" happenings into physics.

I am convinced that much paranormal phenomena are so far unknown physics and are scientifically explainable. In this regards, and given it's not all a hoax, a *lot happens* in this documentary.
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Balls and doors
ShftyEyedGoat10 October 2020
That's all they got going in this movie. A stationary ball falling down some stairs and a few doors opening/closing. No sinister actions and a lack of anything else. This feels like it should have been filmed and released 20 years ago as recounts/documentaries/dramatizations since are far more interesting than this documentary.

They try to explore the history of the house, the land, add science to examine things, but really none of it leads anywhere. They speculate and 'wag the dog' more than anything that gives real substantial information. If you want to learn about this house in particular and it's underwhelming events this documentary is great for you. Otherwise I'd pass.
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Really interesting, great film!
catalanojesse19 October 2020
So baffled by the not so great reviews. I loved Steve on his other shows and thought he was equally as wonderful on this one. Super spooky happenings and found the last bit with the door shutting in the reflection really interesting. Loved it!
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Worth watching for the experts brought in
tracywho5 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Liked that the investigators included so many credible experts. Sincerely tried to Debunk most of the claims using electricians, contractors, etc. I found the physics professor point of view very interesting. I would have liked them to dig in the area the dog was interested in. The psychic could have elaborated. Would have also like to hear more about the limestone and various minerals that the property was built on. Hopefully they'll be a follow up to this initial investigation. The home owner was really personal and likable. I hope they're able to help her and that she finds peace in her house.
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LoverOfFilmsAndMusic17 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Talk about a snooze fest. All this, "film", is people TALKING, lights flinging, a door opening, and the same clip of a ball going down stairs with different angles. This was a complete waste of THEIR time & mine.
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noawareness24 July 2021
It's like they put all this money into this documentary, based on the absolute belief that they would capture some proof of ghosts but in the end, all they caught was a couple of doors opening and a ball rolling down the stairs. So they just had to make a huge deal out of nothing. They tell us they've heard voices, they tell us they've seen figure but there is no proof. Absolute waste of time.

Also, lol at all the 10/10 reviews posted within a few days of each other.
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A whole lot of nothing...
athyevan26 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
There just wasn't much to this documentary. The audience is shown a ball rolling down the stairs in the first 15-20 minutes of the movie. The climax of the movie...ball rolling down the stairs again. Don't bother with this.
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Nothing Happpens
elizabethwintersfritch13 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
No one tries eliminate possible tangible reasons. They're really hung up on doors and a ball bouncing down some stairs. It's just.. too eager, too gullible and too boring.
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juniouraqua24 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Litterally nothing happens. They don't even try digging around the property after the cadaver dog "catches" a scent.
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VIEWS ON FILM review of The House in Between
burlesonjesse57 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
"Do you believe in ghosts?" Yup. Sure I do. And that's why I sleep with a light or two on in my cozy abode.

In 2020's The House in Between (my latest review), said house is well-constructed from an architectural standpoint. "Between's" darkened movie poster shows you this right off the bat. The house was gutted when the new homeowner came in and it is located in Florence, Mississippi.

So yeah, The House in Between is a haunted house documentary that at times, feels hoary and dated. Otherwise heightened by eerie background music from Joseph Miller (Pink, Athena), "Between" suggests timeworn stuff like 2007's Paranormal Activity, a less scary version of Paranormal Witness, and TV's Ghost Adventures.

"Between" has directors Steve Gonsalves and Kendall Whelpton filming (and interviewing) various spook experts. We're talking investigators, EVP mongers, contractors, electricians, and even psychics. They try to uncover why baseballs roll inexplicably down stairs, lights turn on and off, and doors shut when no one is around. Oh and there might be a dead body in the backyard that was buried there over one hundred years ago.

At 81 minutes, The House in Between gets a little more dramatis personae as it barrels along. Other times it drags, flashes, and sort of oversells. And unless you suspend your disbelief, it could almost feel like the ghostly events might have been staged (I get that vibe a lot with various shows of the "unknown").

All in all, "Between" involves real-life people and supposedly true to life circumstances. There's hints of a solace note here. Unfortunately we as the audience member have seen this movie before (no pun intended). The House in Between has some tense moments where you'd be better off watching it during the daytime. However, it fails to not fully "get your ghost".
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People so SALTY!!
darbreef14 August 2020
I loved this Documentary. I am Paranormal Investigator in Fort Worth Texas. They did a GREAT job in showing what a TRUE, REALISTIC investigation is. I've read the some of the reviews, and some of you people probably have no clue what an investigation entails. It's long hours, of nothing...UNTIL that first piece of unexplained evidence pops up. This is a DOCUMENTARY, not a horror movie. BIG DIFFERENCE...I'm not sure what most of you were expecting, but you reviews show you ignorance!! I think they did a GREAT job n making this doc. It shows the PASSION, and the WILLINGNESS to help people who are having these things occur in their home. GOOD JOB to EVERYONE who had a part in making this Documentary!! I've seen it 3 times, and will watch again!!
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Not for me...
jmsutphen13 February 2021
I was never fan of Steve. He's not great on TV and comes off as smug a lot. But, recently I've started to like him more. That being said, this doc is a joke. I can't believe I sat through the whole thing. What a waste of resources. And the people giving this 10/10 are clearly plants. No way this is even remotely perfect. It's not even average. I was actually surprised how bad it was. And what's with the crying?
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You can do better, Steve!
zamboni-3663327 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
At the beginning of this film I noticed the name Steve Gonsalves. And I thought, Ghost Hunters Steve? Naw. Well, as it turns out, it is Ghost Hunters Steve. I do like him, but this movie and this investigation is boring as crap. We have a chandelier turning off and on and a BALL ROLLING. That's it. We see the footage of this ball moving over and over and over. You want to see stuff moving? Watch Most Haunted.
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I can relate with the neighbors experience but not the ladies experience in the home.
susanreneaharrington21 February 2021
When I was a young child around 12 years old my entire bedroom lit up like it was in the middle of the afternoon and it was about 2 in the morning when this happened. I had had a sleepover and everyone was asleep and when my whole room lit up I was too afraid to go to the window when the light went off I jumped up and ran to the window and looked outside and I didn't see anything nor did I hear anything at all through the entire experience. The only people I've talked to this about is my family. You can Google Terrell County Airport and Dryden Texas this where this happened to me. And see that it is in the middle of nowhere
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Wonderfully presented investigation!
ChristiV871316 August 2020
I absolutely loved this documentary. The crew was very thorough in backing up the evidence presented, by having people try their best to debunk happenings within the house. I also loved the sense of family that has been formed by them with Ms. Alice, while trying to explain what has happened there. For people to be dedicated to helped her is great, to do it for 10 years is nothing short of amazing. Thank you guys for letting us watch your work.
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One of the best haunting documentaries I've seen in a while
Mischa-4516613 August 2020
I am a huge fan of anything supernatural, my family home was also haunted so I know how it feels to have to endure in a home that is inhabited by uninvited guests. THIS IS WHAT A HAUNTING LOOKS LIKE. People are saying it's fake and all, I had the same thing happen in my moms home but it wasn't a ball, it was a statue of the Sto. Nino. I love how everything that was documented was shared and not overly exaggerated like most films. The creators of the film kept it real throughout the entire documentary. The film left me intrigued an wanting more, and that's what films should do!

All in all, I loved it! Great job to the creators! Excited to see more of your work in the future!
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The real deal!
sara-knight131213 August 2020
I've seen people saying that this was nothing special, lacked excitement, blah, blah, blah.. Let me tell you, this stuff is real. There's nothing "doctored" up about it, it's a wonderful documentary about a woman who truly knew she wasn't alone in her house and some guys who stepped in to help her better understand what was going on. These guys are passionate about what they do. They've spent thousands of hours, day and night collecting footage and checking stuff out in this house. There's so much more to be told. This is just the beginning of the story of this house. They aren't done. I, for one, truly enjoyed getting to know the house and the history behind it. I've personally witnessed things happen in this house, and I know it's real stuff. I'm so glad these guys decided to let us all peek in and see some of the things they've witnessed and experienced in the house. If you're expecting a film full of exaggerated incidents meant to make you "jump" or check over your shoulder, this isn't it. But if you want to check out a real-life, personal, genuine documentary with real footage about a truly "haunted" house, give them a chance. I definitely don't regret it.
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