The Fall Guy (2024) Poster


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Movie within a movie, stuntman within a stuntman
FeastMode2 May 2024
The Fall Guy is a movie about making a movie. Aaron Taylor-Johnson plays an action star who's stuntman is played by Ryan Gosling... who has a real stuntman doing his stunts. The Fall Guy is filled with this type of third-degree meta-ness. I found it amusing.

The intro to the early screening called it a love letter to stuntmen. This is an accurate statement. Everyone who loves movies, action fans specifically, owe so much of their enjoyment to stuntmen. The movie showcases so many beautiful stunts. It truly is a celebration of that profession.

This is also heavily a love story. I normally don't go for that, but this one hit me in all the right ways. I felt all of the emotions they wanted me to feel.

I think most people will enjoy The Fall Guy. But the ones who will love it the most are people who are fascinated by the artistry of in-camera action, or fans of romantic comedies. Also, we need an Oscar for stunt work asap.

(1 viewing, early screening EMX 5/1/2024)
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Don't think too hard about the plot. Really.
lord_orsum30 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this film. It was light-hearted fun, the action was good, the chemistry between Gosling and Blunt was believable and the humour was tongue in cheek.

The plot is suitably nonsense (as fitting given its 1980s TV origins). Don't think too hard about it. If you ponder questions such as: what about the other witnesses? Can you recover from a broken back to that extent in 18 months? Would he have reported a crime that he was being framed for? When he goes through real windscreens, falls long distances onto hard surfaces, etc., how does he not break any bones? And so on.... well, it will spoil your fun.

Kudos to Aaron Taylor-Johnson for playing an absolute arsehole so well. Gosling carries off the comedy better than I would have given him credit for, given his previous work that I have seen. Emily Blunt is always watchable.

So grab your popcorn and enjoy the ride.
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Thin plot strung over some excellent stunt work
timothywalton-3192425 April 2024
The Fall Guy acts best as a glorious ode to the art of stunt work. Perhaps never before have a film been focused so much on the unseen heroes behind many great films - the stunt doubles delivering shockingly realistic portrayals of the action. And in that respect The Fall Guys succeeds- it's action sequences are delivered flawlessly, and are breathtaking to behold. They climax to a crescendo at the ending, where a several vehicles crash, flip and explode, all in sync with action involving a helicopter in the sky with our main character. Praise should also be given to the films two charismatic leads. Emily Blunt and Ryan Gosling share palpable chemistry and are simply endearing to behold. They are affable, amiable, and funny. But ultimately my problem with this film is that it is unevenly paced, lacks enough humour, and has too thin a plot to retain an audiences full attention. The films firstly takes too long to get its plot started, resulting in a laborious introduction, a sped through mid section, and a bombastic but slightly rushed ending. The film also does not exert its full potential of comedy. The film does not make use of action comedy(as best exemplified by the Jackie Chan films) or a particularly witty script. Indeed the script is rather dull, sometimes trite, and altogether not very sharp or exciting. Then there is the films plot. I can comment not much other than that it is the recyclable convoluted B-grade plots which are common in movies. It is predictable, ludicrous, and quite inexcusable. So at the end of the day, The Fall Guys is a good comedy that acts as a wonderful tribute to the art of stunt work, bolstered by strong, effervescent performances between its two leads. But for movie watchers who do not care much for the films impressive stunts, The Fall Guys will prove to be a rather empty watch. Serviceable, but unexceptional.
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A Movie That Appreciates Hollywood Oldies.
eziukwuuprightness14 March 2024
In an era where blockbusters often demand homework, with their intricate universes and complex lore, "Barbie" emerges as a delightful outlier. Movies today, from the sprawling epics of "Dune" to the interconnected sagas of the MCU, seem to require a viewer's full dedication-and maybe even a notepad to keep up. This isn't to diminish their artistry, but it's clear that the pure joy of cinema, the sort of effortless fun Hollywood once peddled so well, has become a rare find. A film that welcomes you without prerequisites, "The Fall Guy," seeks to reignite that spark of unadulterated entertainment. It aims to dazzle with the sheer magnetism of its leads, thrust into a whirlwind of romance and adventure, harking back to the days when stunts were real and filmmaking was a team sport, offering a joyride that's as heartwarming as it is thrilling.

Hollywood's narrative-rich turn hasn't dulled the magic of star power, a fact "The Fall Guy" embraces wholeheartedly, reminiscent of a time when the charm of icons like Burt Reynolds was all the spectacle one needed. Ryan Gosling proves his mettle as a jack-of-all-trades, winning hearts even in the most casual settings, his performance in this film further cementing his versatile appeal.

"The Fall Guy" also champions the unsung heroes of cinema: the stunt performers. Through breathtaking feats and daredevil escapades, it pays homage to the risk-takers who've silently shaped cinematic history, although it's not without its critiques, especially in how it sidelines some of its stellar cast in the latter half.

Yet, beyond the adrenaline, there's a poignant commentary on the digital age's challenges to authenticity, making "The Fall Guy" a vibrant counterpoint to the prevailing trends of faceless, CGI-dominated blockbusters. It's a film that doesn't just want to entertain; it wants to remind us of the value of genuine connection, both on the screen and in the stunts that make us hold our breath. In doing so, it doesn't just invite audiences to have fun; it demands it, championing the kind of cinema that's been overshadowed by the gravitas of today's tentpoles.
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Not as great as one expects, but quite entertaining
giorgioglobe14 May 2024
Well, what can I say?! It's entertaining, but surely not as much as I expected. Ryan and Emily are excellent, what really can't be said about any among the rest of the cast. There is a bit of action, but surely not as much as one expects according to the title and the fact of the movie being based on the old series of the same name. There is also some comical romance, but nothing really too convincing. The last 15 minutes plus the credits showing the "making of" scenes to one side of the screen, are the most enjoyable, especially as there are some (somewhat expected) cameos for movie lovers. 6/10 points.
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Chaotic and messy
lunamercury2328 April 2024
The whole movie is like a lot is going on yet it's all very flat. Some scenes are just too cheesy. The pacing was somewhat weird but i guess it is very likely to happen when you try to blend chunks of romcom, action, and crime scenes altogether into a 2-hour movie.

Was kinda surprised by Aaron Taylor-Johnson though. Have always thought of him as a great actor but never realized he can be good at playing a silly cartoonish and very stereotypical character also. He was hilarious! !

Overall it's not to my personal taste at all but this is an okay movie. If you're looking for a no-brainer fun movie you can go for it but don't expect too much.
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More of these movies please
kobrasec3 May 2024
Just back from the cinema and can't remove the smile from my face. This genre of movie has been really lacking lately. Silly, cheesy, action packed movies that are just fun.

I'm a fan of the original television show and while this is it's own thing it definitely gives a nod here and there to the 80's. The casting is great, the stunts are brilliant, the plot is fairly thin but hey, it's a popcorn movie. Not everything has to be Oscar worthy.

I'd really love to see more movies like this released. Very little CGI, good stunts and just fun. The homage to the stuntmen at the end of the movie was a really nice touch too. Job well done.
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4/10 Frustratingly Underdeveloped
wheeelertron4 May 2024
I'd love to get behind this as a thrilling stunt showcase and worthy campaign for stunt-performance film-awards recognition, all tied together with a witty and self-aware central rom-com performance from two top quality actors with top on-screen chemistry, I did love the trailer, I did find the concept appealing. However for a project like this to work satisfactorily, regardless of the talent involved, it must be written well, it must be directed well. This is written badly and it doesn't hold together, and the direction is poor, it's a stupid story that doesn't work.

That accepted I enjoyed many elements, the stunts, some of the jokes, the sometimes ridiculous neon hair-shimmering slow-motion cinematography, the ultimate man-cave sequence, Ryan's jackets, Emily's catsuit-belt-combo (with invisible holster), the on-set movie-making exposition-demonstration-magic similar to HBO's Irma Vep...the behind-the-scenes stunt-reel over the end credits...until that last bit.

Look, I'm glad everyone is enjoying themselves, I just think it is also possible to make a good story out of a fun concept, so we can all enjoy it, and somehow that's not what happened here.
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Stuntmen injured so that Tom Cruise could shine
iamianiman19 April 2024
The Fall Guy acts as a homage to all the stuntmen and stuntwomen out there. This is a love letter to the stunt team, a film dedicated to showing the grittiness and the roughness of the industry and how the movie industry will fall apart without them. Not only that, this is also a film for anyone who loves films or filmmaking in general.

Just like how Barbie was meta for the toy industry, The Fall Guy is meta for the filmmaking industry. Plenty of subtle and hidden messages that were incorporated in the script. Ex: There was one scene that spontaneously mentioned on how the stunt team didn't get any recognition at the Oscars. There was even distinct mentions or references of Taylor Swift, Dune, Kill Bill and Miami Vice amongst many others. Plenty were about the movie industry that if you spotted those things, you would truly have a good time in the cinemas.

Marketed as an action rom-com, this film didn't fill its promise with the comedy. It's an element that's just lacking from beginning 'til the end. Of course, it wasn't empty, it had its moments but for a comedy film, it didn't achieve the bar it was supposed to. You might be smiling or left out a few chuckles, but they weren't anything that were just worth bursting out loud. Again, comedy is extremely subjective.

The Fall Guy did very well the first 30 minutes of the film. Everything you wanted it to be was conveyed really well. David Leitch opened the film about a film who's working for that film. It fully maximizes everything exciting regarding this subject. The main focus was about filmmaking and the stunt community. It shed light on these unsung heroes, showcasing their dedication and talent in bringing action-packed scenes to life. And damn, it is very good and entertaining.

When the second act came in, we started to lose a bit of interest in this movie. Mainly due to its shift of focus that it somehow turned into a murder mystery genre. First act was very good that it talked a lot on filmmaking, and almost every scene was located in a production set. The dialogues were also heavy on that. But the middle part focused more on the murder mystery and romance. While they still included a lot of the meta elements here but they turned its way into a more generic film when it could have been so much more.

Even most of the dialogues during the romance scenes were just not as good as the rest of the script. They just didn't maximize the stuff they were talking about. Some dialogues felt meaningless. Some were just flat out boring. Some have meanings but if only they could polish them, this movie would have been so much better.

Luckily, Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt sparked a good chemistry on set. Even with a moment of no dialogues, just when they're looking at each other, you'll know well enough their chemistry is just electrifyingly good. There were moments they weren't physically together, but the film showed them on a split screen and etc. But the palpable connection between them remained strong.

The movie redeems itself at the third act. It's a very epic ending and you rarely see this kind of ending in an action rom-com movie. The action and the scope were big and the messages were all very on-point with the whole theme of the film. It's bombastic but it's lovely at the same time. It's less on fighting or punching, but more on the performing of stunts. 2-3 scenes felt and looked like they came straight out from old classic films. There's just a certain way that the ending was shot that it gave a homage to old action movies. It's indeed a sight to behold.

Verdict: A love letter to the unsung heroes, The Fall Guy pays homage to the stunt community, exploring their hardships behind the scenes through the lens of both a director and a stuntman. While it falls short on delivering promised comedy, its first act shines with interesting filmmaking commentary. Despite a weak second act, strong chemistry between Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt along with an epic finale elevate the film, delivering a visually stunning tribute to classic cinema.

P. S: There's a mid-credit scene! Stay tuned!
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An ideal start to the 2024 summer movie season
masonsaul3 May 2024
Whatever problems The Fall Guy has really aren't an issue when the final product is this much fun. It's a loving tribute to the never ending selflessness of stunt people wrapped inside of an endearing romantic comedy and meta action film. If David Leitch and 87 North did all the action in cinema the world would be a better place.

Ryan Gosling achieves new levels of perfection by merging the reserved stunt man character of Drive with his natural Kenergy. His version of Colt is just so lovable, especially because he's completely unafraid to be open in his vulnerability which makes him more relatable whilst being really funny. His comedic timing continues to be faultless, proving he can make any joke land.

Emily Blunt thankfully also gets a lot to do. Any scene she shares with Gosling is effortlessly charming and she has her own brand of bona-fide movie star charisma. Winston Duke is a great movie referencing support to Gosling, Aaron Taylor-Johnson does a hilarious McConaughey impression and Hannah Waddingham's cartoonishly over the top producer really works.

David Leitch's direction plays squarely to his strengths and after the disappointment of The Gray Man, it's extra satisfying to see Gosling be given some actually good fight scenes. Stunt designer Chris O'Hara and the whole stunt team really accomplished some breathtaking feats that are only made more impressive by seeing how they shot them during the credits.
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lucas73922 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Watchable nonsense. Blunt seemed a little miscast as Colt's love interest, the chemistry wasn't great.

The use of a unicorn seemed dumb and obvious. Also the 'wrapped in bacon' waffle was unnecessary. The plot was garbage and the peripheral characters were instantly forgettable.

Some tighter editing resulting in a shorter film would have been beneficial.

On the plus side you get stunts, lots of them, but little else really. The irony is that the film that was being made as part of the story actually looked like it could have been a better watch.

In summary, not bad with a few oohs and ahhs but it won't stay long in your memory.
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Pure entertainment
chappy-691034 May 2024
While watching this movie, I found myself smiling nearly the entire time. If you are looking for pure, unfettered fun (in the form of romcom action of course), then this is the movie for you. The plot was fun, the acting was solid, the situations that the characters found themselves in were hysterical, the action was on point, the cinematography was nice, and the romance was entertaining. Upon leaving the theater, I couldn't think of any complaints. Again, I was just smiling. Sure, there may be some ambiguities about the context and background of the antagonist's intentions, but I was too involved in the fun to care. 10/10 film.
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Not quite satisfying
frizzardi8 July 2024
It's a run of the mill action comedy; I was expecting something more interesting.

Gosling's acting is better than Blunt's (usually she outshines her co-stars, it's apparent that she was here for the paycheck).

The karaoke scene is puzzling and could have been cut without altering the pacing (Blunt is a good singer, but this is not the Eurovision Song Contest).

Some characters make some dumb decisions just to keep the plot plodding along; the whole premise is a bit unbelievable. Aaron Taylor-Johnson was buch better in, say, Bullet Train; here he's as two-dimensional as it gets.

I appreciated some nice behind-the-scenes on how movies are made, and a few original ideas - even if these are few and far between.

The action scenes are top notch, at least.
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RIK-2225 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This film left much to be desired, as it seemed to be a collection of haphazard action scenes with a lack of coherent plot. A well-structured narrative could have significantly improved the viewing experience.

The plot had several implausible elements that were hard to overlook. For instance, a high-profile individual commits a crime in front of numerous witnesses, yet no one reports it to the authorities. Furthermore, the character Colt is implicated in the crime despite not being in the country at the time, which raises questions about the storyline's credibility.

Another puzzling aspect was the handling of crucial evidence. A bystander records the crime on their phone but inexplicably leaves the footage undeleted. Colt discovers this but neither shares it with others nor reports it to the police. The subsequent destruction and inexplicable recovery of the video further muddle the plot.

The film also seems to exist in a world devoid of law enforcement. High-speed car chases and crashes occur without any police intervention, and bystanders appear indifferent to these events, which detracts from the film's realism.

The dialogue was another weak point, coming across as uninspired and stilted. It lacked the spark that could have made the interactions between characters engaging.

Speaking of characters, the main protagonists lacked chemistry. Their interactions felt forced and lacked the emotional depth that could have made the audience invest in their journey.

Lastly, the presence of numerous perfect scores in the reviews section raises eyebrows. It would be beneficial if platforms like IMDB could implement measures to prevent the proliferation of such seemingly automated reviews.

In conclusion, this film was a disappointment. Despite its potential, it failed to deliver a compelling narrative or engaging characters. My rating for this film is a regrettable 0/10.
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Awful, No Story Line, Emily you are alot better than this.
stevewaggawilliams14 May 2024
This film is absolutely awful.

The worst film I have watched for a few years. The plot is awful, cheesy acting and guessed the bad guy/gal in the first few minutes.

Emily Is alot better than this. Why on earth she signed up to this drivel is beyond me.

I could have walked out after 30 mins. I hoped it got better. But it didn't!

The trailer made it looked bad. But this film was worse than all expectations.

I am not an amateur when it comes to movies. I do not leave too many reviews. However, this movie is so bad it needed one.

If you are needing a movie to show your acting class how not to act or how bad a film can be. Than being my guest. Otherwise, please stay away.
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Fall Guy? More like Fall Flat!
leobarrera15 June 2024
The movie would have been better if Emily Blunt's scenes were completely removed. It would have made the movie flow better and stay on topic - the character arch of the Fall Guy.

The sequences with Emily in the movie distracted from the action, the story, & the main character.

The female protagonist Also caused the pacing to be slowed. Not sure what else to say about this drivel.

And not too sure exactly why Emily's character was so angry at the Fall Guy. He injured his back & was incapacitated from a near death fall. It took him several months of rehabilitation & hard work to get back on his feet. All of that hard work to be chastised his "love".
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A disappointing spectacle
mishahaynie8 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Contrary to many of my previous movie reviews, "The Fall Guy" left me deeply disappointed, and I'm not inclined to jump on the bandwagon of praise. It's not to say that praise isn't warranted, but the film surprised me with its numerous shortcomings. While the stunts are undeniably impressive, perhaps the best in movie history, the glaring lack of well-scripted dialogue and a compelling plot significantly detract from its overall quality.

Moreover, it seemed that the movie prioritized showcasing Ryan Gosling's appearance over demonstrating any depth or range in character development. Yes, the chemistry between Gosling and Emily Blunt is believable, but ultimately, the film felt more like a drawn-out chick flick than a substantial cinematic experience.

While the ending may offer some satisfaction, it's not enough to redeem the film entirely. If your sole reason for watching "The Fall Guy" is to admire Gosling's good looks, I find it hard to believe, but even then, the movie leaves much to be desired.
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It's an action-comedy...
eeetim2 September 2024
I didn't see the original 80s TV show, but despite reading many bad reviews, I decided to give this movie a shot because of the actors and the trailer.

It's an action movie, and while there are different subcategories within the genre, I don't understand the hate. It's an action-comedy, so don't expect to think much. You watch it for the ACTION, which they delivered on from start to finish. The action sequences were creative and fresh.

The film did drag in places and felt forced at times, with some plot holes, but overall, it was still entertaining. The interactions between Ryan and Emily were fun, and they both performed well in their roles.

While some scenes were stronger than others, that's okay.

Big applause to the stunt crew, wardrobe and set designers, lighting crew, as well as the video editors, for the stunning visuals and colors too.
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The movie cinemaphiles needed and stuntmen deserve
Geekofriendly5 May 2024
Like with "Top Gun: Maverick", some witchcraftery was undoubtedly used to shift a thin, generic story into considerably more poignant, refreshing, even warranted territory.

I loved "The Fall Guy" for what it is! A fun, feel-good blockbuster that knows exactly what it wants to accomplish...and does so in tremendous style that feels as peak Hollywood as a movie can get.

Also, it's a much-needed and endearing homage to stunt performers and the tremendous(ly overlooked) value they bring.

The movie doesn't miss a beat, it looks gorgeous (the production value is top notch), Gosling's as charming as ever, and the ending felt so deserved and satisfactory that it brought a big grin on my face.

What more could I possibly want 😁
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armaanshaikh-665444 September 2024
"**Stunt Life**" starring Ryan Gosling is an adrenaline-packed ride that delivers on entertainment, even if the plot is predictable. This movie will really make you appreciate stuntmen even more, Gosling shines as always, bringing charm and intensity to the role. The action sequences are thrilling, and the stunts are jaw-dropping, making up for the formulaic storyline. While the plot twists are obvious, the film's energy and Gosling's performance keep you hooked. It's a fun watch if you're in the mood for high-octane entertainment without too many surprises. Oscars should give awards to stuntmen.
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Everything you needed and more!
nina-matzat13 March 2024
Just got out of the Austin premier at SXSW and the whole theatre went nuts for the movie! Emily and Ryan have crazy chemistry and obviously a freaking amazing time shooting this. What a ton of fun!! Its packed with incredible stunts - none of them CGI, its funny and charming and exciting in every second. The camera work is flawless, the cinematography beautiful, the casting perfect, the costumes cool af, they have a DOG!! As a fan of the original series, I loved the movie for its celebration of stund craft and its people. Its a beautiful reminiscence to the original. Defo watching it again when it officially launches. God, I love Ryan and Emily. And thank you so much, David Leitch for making this happen. Seriously. Whatever you touch is incredibly fun to watch. Cant wait for the next one!!!!
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All over the place and misses the mark
Kingslaay26 May 2024
I had some hopes for The Fall Guy but it felt like they decided on one storyline and changed their mind partway through and pursued another plot. This film is hugely disjointed and weakly put together to the point that it became almost a chore to finish it. While I do enjoy going to the movies, I also hope for some sort of plot and direction to string this together. The Fall Guy had none of this. Emily Blunt is under utlised in this film and her character is quite weak. Meanwhile Ryan Gosling also looks like he's trying to figure out what this film is about. I liked the tribute to Lee Majors and the original TV series. This could have been a decent film and there was potential here but it was poorly executed. A weak 6 out of 10.
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Absolute pure fun, you won't be disappointed
djbitz927 April 2024
The trend of 3 hour epics, with overly serious narrative, performances, and character development that require 100% attention has dominated cinema for the last decade across every genre.

The fun popcorn flick, that dominated the 80s and 90s that made you laugh, with great on screen chemistry between the leads, with a visual spectacle and banging soundtrack is a lost art.

Here's a throwback to that era - Blunt and Gosling are great on screen together, simple narrative with some fun (yet predictable) twists and turns and visually great with all bells and whistles of modern filmmaking. Never taking itself seriously with a wink to the audience - grab your popcorn, and your choc top and enjoy 2hrs of fun.
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melissamckoy30 May 2024
In my opinion, the trailers were better than the movie. I didn't laugh nearly as much as thought I would. I did wince a lot, though, out of sympathy. This looked physically painful to make. Also, it is kind of bonkers that a stuntman performs all of the stunts for the actor who is playing a stuntman.

Filmography was great. It was all very satisfingly colorful. Mr. Gosling made it look real. I like Mrs. Blunt in pretty much everything she does. Whoever wrote the "jokes" in this movie didn't appeal to my sense of humor. I spent most of the movie feeling bad for the people falling, crashing through things, getting hit by fists or cars or whatever.

Surprising twist at the end. Wait until the movie is available to rent, though, unless you can get a movie ticket for $7 or less (which I did). I have no desire whatsoever to watch this film again. You fooled me again, trailers.
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Lee majors flat tyre
What a waste. A waste of talented actors, a waste of my time, and a waste of a great nostalgic reboot opportunity. The plot was trite, the characters were under developed and made me not care what happened to any of them.

Is this the future of modern day film? Made for, and by people whose idea of entertainment is an endless string of 30 second Tic Tok videos? Have attention spans become so short that filmmakers have completely abandoned a cohesive story arc, and character development?

What utter rubbish. It began as a movie that didn't know what it was, with zero jeopardy in the first 45 minutes and a flabby intro sequence. The script was absent, the acting was like a sketch on Saturday Night Live where the celebrity cast just turned up and winged it. Eventually it limped towards a demonstration of stunts with a flimsy plot that absolutely no-one could have cared less about. There was never any genuine sense of danger, no character arcs and no even half decent humour to excuse this. I am flabbergasted anyone could write anything positive about this.

Save your time and money. A single photo of Heather Thomas in a pink bikini is more interesting than this entire film. The director should be ashamed.
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