Cult Killer (2024) Poster


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Not thrilling. Not suspenseful. Not original. It beats staring at the wallpaper though.
imseeg24 January 2024
I started watching this for Antonio Banderas. With such a title as CULT KILLER I expected a riveting thriller with lots of suspenseful plot turns and thrilling attacks. NONE of that.

The bad; this movie just toddles along. Gently like a stream. Completely void of any real thrill or drama. Antonio Banderas has only got a supporting role, in which he is mumbling all sorts of jibberish to the leading actress ( a "determined" cop) who supposedly is THE person to solve a crime.

What we get to see is not terribly bad, it's not a B-movie for sure, but folks expecting a thriller or crime drama better pass this one by.
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Terrible Titles, Watchable Film, Feels Like a TV Pilot
Ajjam196725 March 2024
Having seen the movie, these titles of "The Last Girl" or "Cult Killer" (having two is not a good sign) seem absurd and are no doubt part of the reason why some reviewers give such low ratings, as their expectations were not met by reading too much into them.

Something like "Revenge of the Abused" or "The Playhouse" would have been far more suitable.

Overall the movie held my attention as it had an unusual enough premise and I wanted to see how it concluded. It could have been more of a thriller, but lacked enough plot twists and reveals for that, which is not to say there were nonesuch.

There wasn't much by way of suspense, either, as you find out too much for that too soon, and the story becomes much more of a procedural. Indeed, it struck me that this could have been a feature-length pilot for a TV series about a female (English?) private investigator and recovering alcoholic, in Ireland, who sometimes works alongside the police (Garda). However I think the marketing may have screwed it up too much for anything like that. You certainly wouldn't expect Banderas or Eve in something like that. So it seems to have come across that way perhaps more by accident than design.

Alice Eve acquits herself fairly well, and you can certainly see how her character comes to identify with the killer she is pursuing (and vice-versa), but her 'badass' scenes and the character depth she provides are undone by the couple of scenes where she comes across as a genteel English Rose, especially at the end (Oh no!"), which stood out all the more in a movie with some brutal and bloody scenes, some of which her character was involved in. This left me wondering if she was not the first choice for the role, but they couldn't afford e.g. Kate Beckinsale. She just seems slightly miscast, or perhaps the best they could get for it and ultimately, despite some aspects of her performance, as not quite right for the role, at least in hindsight.

Hennig is very good in her role opposite Eve; her character was completely on-point, but the acting honours in this one go to Banderas, who is excellent as the mentor to Eve's character.

I was split between rating it 6/7 (13/20 perhaps?) and eventually decided to go down rather than up. Probably not a movie you would go out of your way for, but it's watchable if you do - so long as your expectations are not based on the appalingly given titles.
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Not great
nigelowen27 February 2024
I just does not work. You have solid actors which can definitely deliver and s script/story which seems ok adequate but the whole movie has the overall aesthetic of a lackluster filler episode from a bad television series.

The visuals, cinematography, and overall production design lack anything close to what I would expect in a film.

The character interactions are filmed so badly it feels like a documentary with people who really don't want to be there.

The most disheartening aspect is that I like all the main actors but felt that the film falls so short of its potential. The execution and overall presentation leave much to be desired.
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Mediocre in too many aspects
levromanov11 April 2024
The movie just looks poorly made. Odd extras that perform below amateur level. Some simply look like they have never done any acting in their life.

Character actions feel rushed and quite unnatural. Like picking the lock like no one ever would, or doing covert operation like a bunch of students who are lost in the mall. As mentioned beforehand, many things are done on amateur level.

Movie also gave me a feeling that it tries to be Ozark, whether its a camera work, or a background theme. A tall tree to climb.

To be fair, Eve and Banderas do their best, but it is a mystery to me who convinced them to participate in this endeavor.

It's not horrible, but I wouldn't pay to see it.
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What a disappointment...
aspartak18 February 2024
I thought Antonio Banderas would be the silver lining in this cinematic trainwreck, but oh boy, was I wrong! Cult Killer is so atrocious, even Banderas's dashing presence can't rescue it from the depths of awfulness. I mean, it's like watching a car crash in slow motion while being forced to listen to elevator music. "I swear, Cult Killer is like a bad joke that just won't end. The plot is more convoluted than a Gordian knot, the acting is wooden enough to build a forest, and don't even get me started on the dialogue - it's cringier than a teenager's first Instagram selfie. Even Banderas, bless his heart, looks like he's trying to escape the movie's clutches like a cat trying to flee a bathtub.

Save yourself, folks, and avoid this disaster at all costs! 🚫🎥 #CultKiller #BanderasBomb.
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Non Cult Filler
Tweetienator9 February 2024
I dare to say that Cult Killer will never be considered anything near the league of cult movies; instead, it will quickly be forgotten and fall into the void of total oblivion - and rightfully so. The production is okay, the cast is okayish too, but the story is, well, I can't put it better than a fellow reviewer did: it beats staring at the wallpaper. One could rightfully argue that there are more interesting and captivating wallpapers around that surpass Cult Killer's entertainment value, but I don't want to be too petty on the issue. What you get are super tough ladies (like in almost every movie these days) and a plot on auto-pilot. Verdict: only recommended if you have an ultra-boring wallpaper on your walls and not the ambition to change that fact and watch rather some redundant flick instead.
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Antonio's performance saves it
dangerfox-9011016 February 2024
Cult killer is a very different film to be honest and it left me kinda questioning some scenes and some characters also but this movie wasn't really as bad as people say , it had some good camera shots , above average soundtrack and THE BEST actor of all time and that is Antonio Banderas, Not only he saved the movie by his AMAZING performance but man he is such a good actor and this character reminds me of the other characters that he played in his past movies but Antonio's performance really made this movie to be a 7/10.

There are a lot of flaws on storytelling and the pacing and sometimes I don't really know what's happening but they really should've made the scenes appear clearer with a clear story but oh well at least the start was good.

Overall an OK film Antonio Banderas carried it 7/10.
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[5.1] Hurting them, hurting us
cjonesas23 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A fully uninteresting movie with just scenes and pictures passing by. The acting is good, the storyline plots are not. It is disjointed like tens and tens of sub-plots islands glued together.

The main problem of the production is the killing of Mikeal early on and after that even his "cameo" flashbacks, set in the minimal level don't save it.

As for the two young actresses, though talented, they truly don't know what to do with their lines, hence the "islands" and the violent outcome for Jamie in the end. The character of Dottie played well, as usual, but she too suffered heavily from the script.

  • Screenplay/storyline/plots: 3
  • Production value/impact: 4.5
  • Development: 6
  • Realism: 5.5
  • Entertainment: 5
  • Acting: 6
  • Filming/photography/cinematography: 6.5
  • VFX: 6
  • Music/score/sound: 6.5
  • Depth: 4.5
  • Logic: 4
  • Flow: 5.5
  • Action/crime/drama: 5.5
  • Ending: 3.5.
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A Tale of Vengeance and Missed Opportunities
iamoliversmith26 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
"Cult Killers" embarks on a gritty journey through the eyes of a seasoned detective, played with compelling gravitas by Antonio Banderas. The film opens in a dimly lit pub, setting the stage for a narrative rife with danger, deception, and personal demons. Banderas' character, a detective with a keen sense for justice, crosses paths with Alice Eve's character in a sequence that not only sets the tone for the movie but also lays the groundwork for a complex relationship driven by shared trauma and a quest for redemption.

Alice Eve delivers a riveting performance as a woman who, behind her facade of scamming drinks, harbors a dark past and a formidable spirit honed through years of suffering and self-defense training. The film cleverly uses flashbacks to unravel her history of abuse and her transformation into a survivor capable of exacting her own justice. This narrative choice, while effective in building her character, also introduces one of the movie's notable flaws: its reliance on exposition over subtler character development.

The plot thickens as we leap five years forward, finding Banderas' detective on a new, ominous case in Ireland, which ultimately leads to his untimely demise at the hands of Jamie, a character intricately linked to the cabal at the heart of the movie's conflict. Jamie's role as both an ally and an antagonist introduces a dynamic tension that propels the narrative forward, yet her character suffers from a lack of depth, her motivations spelled out rather than shown, especially when she says "I am a monster"

The movie's handling of its central theme-the impact of a sinister cabal on its victims-touches on harrowing issues but stops short of delving into the systemic horrors that enable such crimes. Jamie's plea for death at Alice's hands, coupled with her backstory of exploitation, hints at a rich vein of narrative potential left unexplored. The film's conclusion, with Alice avenging Banderas' death and contemplating what could have been at Jamie's graveside, feels like a missed opportunity for a deeper examination of vengeance, healing, and the possibility of redemption.

While "Cult Killers" excels in delivering gripping performances and a storyline that captivates with its twists and dark revelations, it falters in fully exploring the complexities of its characters and the world they inhabit. The relationship between Banderas and Eve's characters, punctuated by a legacy of detective work and a shared longing for justice, serves as the emotional core of the film, yet the narrative choices leave the viewer yearning for a resolution that offers more than simple retribution.

In essence, "Cult Killers" is a film that intrigues and engages, offering moments of brilliance in its portrayal of resilience and the human capacity for both darkness and light. However, its narrative shortcuts and the finality of its conclusion undermine the potential for a richer, more nuanced exploration of its themes. The groundwork laid for a sequel that never materializes leaves us contemplating what might have been-a narrative path that could have ventured deeper into the shadows to expose the full extent of the cabal's reach and the redemptive power of confronting one's demons.

In closing, "Cult Killers" is undoubtedly worth watching for its compelling performances and the haunting questions it raises about justice, survival, and the scars left by unseen battles. Yet, as the credits roll, we're left with a sense of unfinished business, a story that could have gone further in its pursuit of truth and transformation.
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itriatay9959 February 2024
I thought that Cult Killer could be a good one with Antonio Banderas and Alice Eve but it ended up that it is one of the worst movies of 2024. The scenario is a classic and you know the ending of this movie right before the start so there is nothing interesting about it. Another thing that I must talk is that there are unnecessary dialogues that lead to nothing and unnecessary scenes which mean nothing such as the fighting scene with so called guards. On the other hand, there is unnecessary violence that has no meaning as well since it is out of context. In short, this movie is a waste of time and it is almost a B-movie.
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I was surprised & impressed
balentwineranch-5700216 February 2024
I have never written a review before. At 65 and growing up watching movies all the time. I feel I needed to stand up for this movie. Yes, not for American tastes. More a European style acting and cinematography. It had a ton of flashbacks which were very well done. I am not usually in favor of short flashback scenes as they tend to ruin story lines confusing the viewer, not this movie. I felt story was well played and acted.

My only complaint would be the extra gore. I am not a fan of extra violence.

This may not be a true story, but I am fairly certain there are very accurate components. There is evil in the world.
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Thumbs Up 👍🏻
Brillfury20 January 2024
This is a thriller where a private investigator stalks a killer who is getting revenge. There are some heavy themes in this movie including lots of references to SA, so be warned. There is also a theme of s3x trafficking. I do think the movie treated these parts as delicately as they could, given its central focus to the plot. Meaning, it wasn't dismissive of it but it didn't make it extremely graphic.

I was already unsettled enough with what they did talk about and show.

Loved the "look" of the film and the music.

The acting was outstanding. When I realized it was Antonio Banderas at the beginning, it surprised me because to be honest, he is amazing in this movie, he brings his character to life and I did not know he could act on that level.

This is a dialogue heavy movie and even though I liked it, it does slow down the pace of the movie in several places.

Also, there were many instances where something didn't quite make sense or was not explained well and there is a computer hacking scene that is beyond ridiculous.

See this if you like dark murder/killer type movies and don't mind heavier themes.
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Utterly abysmal Irish serial-killer so-called thriller with no tension or atmosphere
danieljfarthing9 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
In utterly abysmal Irish serial-killer so-called thriller "Cult Killer" Alice Eve (dreadful - a career low even for her) is a novice private investigator with issues, probing (with cop Paul Reid) the brutal stabbing murder of her mentor Antonio Banderas (oh how the mighty have fallen) by Shelley Henning who's herself killing off an aging group of sadistic child abusers (including Matthew Tompkins, Olwen Fouéré & Nick Dunning) who kept her captured & tortured as a sex-toy for years. Director Jon Keeyes & debut writer Charles Burnley fail to build any tension or atmosphere, instead they just pile on cringe, implausibility and disappointment. Absolultely dire. A turd. Flush it away.
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Meh but could have been good
emmafarrell-0773825 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I got reeled in, only to be let down. I liked the idea of the story, and sided with the monster. It was interesting enough to finish but I still have no idea why Banderas was actually killed. What did he do???!!! I still want to know. I've even tried Google, but nothing.

The supporting cast acting was atrocious. The main cast were quite good, but the script let it down badly. If they'd have just told more of a story it could have been so much better.

I kept thinking, here's the twist, but it never came. I was worried Banderas had done something to Jamie, that would have ruined it for me, but thankfully he didn't, I don't think anyway.

If anyone can answer, why he got killed, I'd really appreciate it.

I'd have given more stars if it had actually been explained.
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seven-johnson8 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I suppose for a student film its not bad... oh, no this is actually supposed to be a "proper" film... I hope Antonio Banderas enjoyed his free holiday, it would probably be a better use of time and money to have Banderas doing a half hour travelogue. Instead we get some other "actors" trudge through some really bad dialogue and fall through plot holes. The dialogue's kind of incidental as even if it were good, the cast other than Banderas are dreadful. There's some girl that may have been from daytime soap opera Doctors, another one that may also have been from Doctors and a bloke that... aww, who cares? Not me, I don'tthink I'll remember anyone of these people long enough to even avoid the next "film" they might be in.

Spoiler alert - it was Prince Andrew.

See you on day time tv guys.
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It's the Trend to Fight Human Trafficking Cult of the Powerful
nightringer-7684011 February 2024
As soon as I found out from early scene that Banderas played Irish, I found it weird.

Overall, this film is very good. Not because of the story, but because of the actors. This film was acted very well by everyone in the cast.

Banderas was very convincing as Irish PI fatherly figure. I couldn't say anything else but he was abgood father and mentor to Alice Evecs character.

Alice Eve also played her character very well like a seasoned character actor. Her moody flashbacks dropped her down and up emotionally, and she did her just right, not too much, not too plain.

The villains was surprisingly scary, not because of the violence nor the insanity of human trafficking and torture, but because they played their characters like a regular town folks.

Overall, every actor in the cast played their role very well, a proof that the director was a good director.
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Tag - you're it
kosmasp11 August 2024
This is true for Alice Eve (her character), but also when it comes to the title of the movie. Cult Killer or Last Girl ... both sound horrible and really do not help the movie (in my humble opinion) ... you may have a different viewpoint of course. All that said and as always: no pun intended with what I wrote above and beyond this point.

Antonion Banderas and Alice Eve are quite the nice pairing - but not romantically speaking. More like mentor and pupil. If you know Alice for her looks, she has not changed, but this is more about a character who has gone through a lot and tries to be the best version of herself ... which includes being good and being against evil. The movie has flaws, but the action is alright and for a low budget movie this is more than decent.
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No Thrill Kill Cult for this Cult Killer. YAWN
scubaduude13 February 2024
"Cult Killer," a film that initially enticed viewers with the presence of Antonio Banderas, sadly fails to deliver on its promise of a thrilling and suspenseful experience.

The film's pacing is its most glaring flaw. Instead of gripping the audience's attention, it meanders leisurely, lacking real thrills or drama. A seasoned actor, Banderas is relegated to a supporting role, spending most of his screen time delivering incoherent lines.

The plot, which revolves around a private investigator and a cop investigating the murder of a mentor, has potential but is executed poorly. The antagonist's mission to eliminate child abusers feels forced and unrealistic.

Predictability is another major issue. The story follows a classic formula, leaving little room for surprises or twists. Viewers can easily guess the outcome from the beginning, resulting in a lack of excitement and intrigue.

Unnecessary dialogues and scenes further detract from the film's quality. The fight scene with guards feels out of place, and the excessive violence lacks context and meaning.

"Cult Killer" is a wasted opportunity. Its predictable plot, unnecessary dialogues, and out-of-context violence fail to captivate audiences. Despite a talented cast, their performances cannot salvage the lackluster execution. Save your time and consider watching Paint Peel.
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A Very Pleasant Surprise !
elizafan123 January 2024
I have a movie pass, so I see a lot of movies in the theater. Often I'll see many knowing little about them and it's not often I get genuinely surprised, but with Cult Killer I did.

This movie throws you a left turn from the beginning and doesn't stop. It's definitely not the typical serial killer thriller it looks like on the surface. It explores some dark themes and I would advise anyone with sexual trauma to consider skipping it as that is a major plot point.

But overall this is a movie that grabs you and has you pinned to your seat until the end. If you're bored and don't know what to watch at the movies and you like a suspenseful thriller, I highly recommend this movie.
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Banderas mumbling his way through pathetic
tearitdownner7 July 2024
Antonio Banderas is just a mumbling goofball trying to be a tough guy with his harsh whispering voice coming off like a mumbling old man and the main actress is weak. Also mumbles a lot. It's just no strength in her character. It could've been a good movie with the unknown actors and actresses doing a better job I guess if it's free it may be worth it but don't rent it. It's not worth it. There's no twist. It just goes on and on and makes no sense and a lot of places so it seems to be written by an immature person. Maybe a kid who wears those Bluetooth headsets in one ear anymore with a microphone , everybody wears those iPods now.
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By the numbers murder story - but Alice Eve is the surprise
codefool2 September 2024
So, I'm not a big fan of these straight-to-video productions. But I like Antonio Banderas (generally) so I watched the trailer. What was surprising is to see Alice Eve all covered up, which intrigued me. Of all the production I've seen Ms. Eve participate in, it's guaranteed that at some point she gets basically naked. This puts here firmly in the "sex kitten" bucket of actors, which means all the has to offer is basically her looks. A horrid example is Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) where she plays an important Trek character and does it quite well - but then hey had to get her naked. It's total fan service and insulting to the audience.

So, here's Cult Killer where she plays a leading role and no where in the trailer - in which she is featured prominently - does she expose anything but her head. Interesting, me thinks, they're going to let her act.

And the girl can actually act.

Aside from an introductory bit of flamboyance in the opening scene - in which she uses her womanly wiles and ample cleavage to shill drinks from eager oglers - she keeps buttoned up and covered in black turtlenecks and overcoats the rest of the film.

What follows is a type of coming-of-age story and a redemption arc for Eve's character, where she works a serial murder case (as a private investigator to the police) and find she has all too much in common with the killer and "their" motives.

I recommend this film to give Ms. Eve her belated due. Here is a film that's "okay" and "it's been done," but to see Ms. Eve allowed to showcase her acting chops is a delight.

I wish her all the success in the world.
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A nigh masterpiece modernizing the private detective movies.
pietroschek6 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I am more than usual opinionated here, as I have been a fan of Antonio 'Pendecho' Banderas for around two decades. I also had hobbies working with the sleuth aka private investigator character class.

Antonia Banderas & Alice Eve perform a less cliché way of nosy detectives, and bring in what the original NOIR genre never had: Modern technology, smart criminals, and egomaniac people on the jobs.

For good or for bad, the movie is unafraid to work through some tropes, clichés, and stereotypes of the movie private investigator genre.

What do we get? A private detective gets murdered on a case, and his female junior partner (or trainee) investigates that homicide without cuddling too many laws. ;-)

I rated high for the maturity and humor. I could not say that I would rate the story or movie 6 otherwise.

At 120% playback speed, the movie was OK to watch.

Note: The role of Antonio Banderas is a former Interpol veteran with more than 20 years of experience on that job. His less impressive achievements while going solo are one of the genre-revisions I consider overdue. Others MAY dislike such.

A focus on European cultures is considered 'triggering' by certain people, so don't watch, when more than one Caucasian on screen makes you get a nervous breakdown or similar 'freak-out', please!
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The performance of Antonio Banderas.
georgebig21 March 2024
The movie Cult killer is a kind of different film from the others to be honest . But this movie wasn't really as bad as people say , it had some good camera shots , great and awesome soundtrack and the best of the best actor which that is Antonio Banderas, Not only he saved the movie by his grade performance but he is also the best film actor and this character reminds me of the other characters that he played in his past movies but Antonio's performance really made this movie to be a 10/10.

There are a lot of suspense in the movie which will keep you glued to your TV.

So it is an okay for me and for Antonio Banderas carried it 10/10.
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Not bad
md-1956220 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie throws you a left turn from the beginning and doesn't stop. It's definitely not the typical serial killer thriller it looks like on the surface. It explores some dark themes and I would advise anyone with sexual trauma to consider skipping it as that is a major plot point.

But overall this is a movie that grabs you and has you pinned to your seat until the end. If you're bored and don't know what to watch at the movies and you like a suspenseful thriller, I highly recommend this movie.

Overall, this film is very good. Not because of the story, but because of the actors. This film was acted very well by everyone in the cast.
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