Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures (TV Series 2013–2016) Poster

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This show is bad, simple as that
luckhance20 November 2015
Terribly cheesy voice-acting, cliché villain, horribly written characters, and humor that relies on fart jokes all combine to make this lame show.

Honestly I don't understand that love for this whatsoever and the fact that someone here actually compared it to a masterpiece such as Courage the Cowardly Dog is ridiculous.

Everything apart from the animation is terrible in this show.

It's basically the Sonic Boom for Disney, relying on crap humor, a cliché terribly written plot, and flat characters that they constantly try to add depth to but honestly the characters are irredeemable. The show pretty much relies solely on the edgy teenager cliché for the characters.

Basically everything that's been done in this show was done about 10 years ago but was done far better back then.
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Half good, half bad
lupesandoval7 July 2021
I love this show for the clean animation and Erin Matthews' performance as PAC-MAN is amazing. Also, the stories are well written. The Ghost Gang (Blinky, Pinky, Inky, and Clyde) are my favorite characters. Betrayus is also a lot of fun. Pinky and Pac-Man are one of the best couples. The only things I didn't like were two: First, Cylindria and Spiral. They are torture to me. They both interfere with the story. I really don't like them and wanted them to be taken out the story. And finally, the cruelty that sometimes appears against the Ghost Gang. Eaten or crushed. Well, my conclusion about the program is: half good, half bad.
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Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures
zerohead13319 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, I was rather interested into seeing where this would go. Upon seeing the trailer, I felt it would be another unlikely hero/chosen one story. Don't get me wrong, it definitely is, but I find out animation writers Paul Rugg and Tom Ruegger wrote for this show, the same guys who wrote for Animaniacs. Upon that, this peaked my interest.

The story is that Pac-Man, a resident of Pac-World accidentally unlocks the sealed door to the Netherworld where the ghosts reside and run uppity. Pac-Man finds out he is the only one who can stop the ghosts from regaining their bodies and taking over the world (OF COURSE!) because...he's yellow. Along with the help of his friends, Spiral whom I assume is the muscle, Cylindria, whom I assume is the brains, the professor, Sir Cumference (...ugh), and the Tree of Life which is the source of their superpowers, they must protect Pac-World from the ghost take over.

Honestly, this new adaptation to the world-famous game character is...okay. It's not god awful, but it's not great. The animation is fun to watch, the Netherworld looks pretty cool, although I have not seen this show in stereoscopic 3D, I love the idea of the four main ghosts being double agents for the Pac-World, they kinda steal the show and that Pinky has a crush on Pac-Man (Yes, it happened in the games) and the show makes a few winks to the video game (Maze 256, ha ha ha) Although, it's too soon to tell as the show was just released. The jokes are hit-and-miss, nothing about the show is especially memorable, it all seems to be the standard "chosen one"/"unlikely hero" story, and in high school, no less. I'll give the show some future watches and see where it goes from there. There seems to be some creativity from this even though Pac-Man has turned into Kirby with his ravenous appetite and acquiring his powers by eating berries. But I suggest giving it a shot. Your interest in the source material is irrelevant.

(So far, 7.4 outta 10)
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Should've made it more like Pac-Man World games and models.
cmswen-976862 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Minor Spoilers. This show is a crappy redo of Pac-Man. Pac-Man is a gaming icon. They messed him up so bad in this. First of all wheres Ms. Pac-Man? Did they have to replace it with a Purple loser? Also they made Pac-Man a teenager. HE'S A MAN HES CALLED Pac-*Man*. Oh and in this show hes callled Pacster or Pac. Bad show.
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How dare they..?
AceSAMM23 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So this is a bad show... I would've given this a 4/10 if they HADN'T MESSED UP ON ONE IMPORTANT THING... The fact that they mentioned the father of Pac-Man in a show where there is GROSS OUT HUMOR; Masaya Nakamura. Also they were LYING. Nakamura is NOT the father of Pac-Man. He is the founder of Namco. Toru Iwatani is the ACTUAL father of Pac-Man. How could they mess something important up THAT MUCH? I can KINDA understand it for the first episode, since it's probably a Pilot, but each episode mentions Nakamura every time! Not that it matters anyway, as each episode has some stereotypes, like the bully, the teenage hero, and a few more of them. And then like I said, there is gross out humor. Remember when a character farts in a BAD show and it would be invisible or GREEN!? What if I told you colorful versions of those and burps (in some moments) are EVEN WORSE? Just. I know it sounds like I'm nitpicking about the creators, but you will be insulted by it if you care so deeply about the yellow round orb, and they try to insult Iwatani's creation by doing generic or sometimes gross stuff in episodes. The show is boring as well. 22 minutes was probably not the best idea also considering how rushed episodes are, making it long. And the 2 part episodes are pretty much the opposite. They drag on for FAR TOO LONG. I'm honestly shocked that the best episode is the last episode (even though there are ZERO user reviews of it, but I forgot that you can rate without review so moving on.) OH YEAH. And just to SLAP us in the face, they cancelled the series AT THE WORST POSSIBLE TIME!!! SPOILER ALERT: it ends with Pac's 'girlfriend' whispering to him where his parents are and he's excited. AND THAT'S IT!!! Just when some or few people watching are probably WONDERING where or what will happen to Pac's parents, WILL NEVER KNOW!!! I have no words. I don't care about talking about the episodes. Don't let children watch this unless THEY ARE ABSOLUTELY sure that they won't have a bad sense of humor or bad taste in cartoons, and will ONLY watch just to see what could possibly go wrong with the show. Side note: I played the 3DS game before the show. And it was better than the show. It gets DUMBLY hard at the final stage, by the way. And hard to 100%. If people like me enjoy this game MORE than the show or console games OR EVEN THE SEQUEL of these games, then you have SUCCESSFULLY failed. It's KINDA SATISFYING to eat ghosts rather than watching Pac-Man doing so in this show. So that is my review(?) of PMatGA. I'm sorry if this review was confusing. But it seriously has to be seen to believe or even looking at the cover/title.
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They massacerred my boy
ThunderKing624 September 2020
How could they do this to Pac. They laid him out so lame. And lift him on the program to collect dust.

This was not a good site. To watch how they butchered and turned Pac into an annoying wreck is sad.

Never watch this. It's not cool. Its nothing like the game to say the least. Its too kiddie and like I said Lame. The Character all of them are uninteresting.
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Not as bad as I think.
zombiemiraculer29 January 2023
I forgot about this show for the past years, but it never failed me to laugh to its most scenes. I understand about people somewhat disliking this since it differs from where they think about this show like the animation and voice acting, but for me, it wasn't too bad. I actually like the design of the ghosts, like I would imagine the ghosts from the NES game that what if they have personalities and new appearances.

The protagonists are also cute and adorable to be honest. Especially Pac-man, its decent animation tops it all off and make a great contribution to Pac-man's personality. The concept of new power pellets was also interesting like giving new abilities and powers which is very helpful in the battlefield.

Overall, it's greatly decent show, I can recommend this to the kids out there or for some who love Pac-man the most.
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Terrible but my kids loves it
smithdroid1 November 2021
This might be one of the worst shows I've ever seen. Nothing clever, or unique about it. First episode, is tolerable but after that, everything goes downhill. The storytelling, the animation, voice acting and your brain cells all begin to get worse after the first episode.

My preschooler loves it and that makes sense because it appears to have been created by preschoolers.
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I Understand Opinions
sallianmanyi-449977 May 2021
I understand the lip syncing, may be bad, and the show relies on character cliche, but focus on the good things about this show, such as: The voice acting is at least passable.

Some hilarious moments here and there.

The characters aren't always clichéd.

There is also a bit of a great grasp of the source material, particularly Pac-Man eating the ghosts.

The computer animation is decent, although really weird at times.
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pumpkinseed-0207220 June 2016
My kids are addicted to this cartoon and it is absolute torture for my husband and I. I love certain cartoons (Adventure Time, Regular Show) and I find others to be pleasant tolerances (Ninja Turtles, Mystery Incorporated, Star Wars Rebels). But this cartoon makes me cringe every time it is on.

Pacman and the Ghostly Adventures centers on the daily struggle between Pac World and the lame, unfunny, annoyingly voiced ghosts from the netherworld. In fact, on the topic of voices, every voice in this cartoon is like nails on a chalkboard.

I understand that this cartoon is aimed at 7-9 old kids, but why on earth is the writing so, so terrible and preschoolish? I feel like my kids are tuned into Disney Jr., which is aimed at preschool aged kiddos. There is potential in terms of interesting story arches, but the writers entirely miss the mark. Pacman lost his parents shortly after a massive civil war that happened on Pacworld, the entire division of Pacpeople and ghosts is a result of the outcome of the war, and there are multiple backstories that are potentially dark and mysterious. The writers barely explore these subplots and it is a shame, because kids can follow sophisticated story lines. Honestly. Oh, the fart, pimple, and burping jokes are nonstop as well. Yay. fun.

Good luck staying sane if your kids run across this tripe. It is painful.
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Fun and enjoyable animated series
jaredmora11 July 2015
I saw the fist episode in 2014 and I like it so I want to see more episodes of this Pac Man TV Series so much that I started to see all the episodes in Netflix and I loved the TV series is fun, catchy and pretty. I recommend this series to every Pac-Man fan (specially Kids from 7-12). From what is this TV show, well Pac a teenager student and his friends Cylindra and Spiral have adventures saving Pac-World from the evil ghost Betrayus and his army of ghost of the Underworld but secretly there are 4 ghosts (Blinky, Inky, Pinky and Clyde) allies of Pac and his friends that tell Pac the evil plans of Betrayus. The only problem I found to the TV series is that I really want soon a season 3 or finally Pac find his parents
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Great new Disney XD show for the star of Kid vs. Kat!
adampkalb19 August 2017
Erin Matthews hasn't really been in much before Kid vs. Kat, but I feel that she gradually became a popular VA icon with Disney XD for both that show and this one, Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures. Like Samurai Jack, the writers of this show are smart enough to keep up the good work more than half the time and almost always have good episodes, which makes it worth while for The Mysterious Mr. Enter to review the 10 best of all 52 of them in Admirable Animations.

Like My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, this is a new show in a new generation of a toy/video game franchise that's a lot more interesting than what came before it because you can assume that original fans of Pac-Man or My Little Pony that were kids in the 1980s or 1990s grew up to make this newer version with more substance and better characters. I can even recognize Cylindria, Pinky, Inky and Skeebo as the voices of Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Snips and Soarin because I know they are the same VAs. I'm glad they found a new show after 3 seasons of MLP so they're not stuck with the same show forever and have time to voice act in another one.

Pac-Man is the Samurai Jack of the show, the noble hero who can fight almost anything, but still has his flaws and limitations. Betrayus is Aku, the hard-to-defeat villain who's very hammy. After 52 episodes, you wonder how the overall premise of the series is going to conclude and you want to see how Samurai Pac-Man eventually finally permanently removes Aku/Betrayus from existence. Let's just hope that if such a revival does come up that ties up all the loose ends from the beginning, it's not an adult audience revival like Samurai Jack, because that will really ruin what made the original kids show great and turn our hero into something really cruel and awful that even the villain would be scared to see.
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Thank you Andrea Libman for getting better.
tommypezmaster29 October 2013
Seems that the wrong shows gets a lot a hate. Seriously, it's not even that bad. If you want truly De Niro-awful shows, then go check out The CatDog, The Mighty B, Pearlie, Sidekick, Scaredy Squirrel and The Goode Family. Sure, it may have some taste like debate situations, but that isn't going to stop it from being a terrible show. Anyways, to start the review: TPac-Man and The Ghostly Adventures is an excellent show. The acting and animation is so grand, the premise is awesome, the jokes are very funny, the action scenes are awesome and everything about this show is good. I've never seen any show that could pull of the combination of humor and action that good, but this show did it like a master. I find Andrea Libman very interesting before this show even existed. My most favorite character from the series is the awesome female buttkicker Cylindria because she is soooooo adorable. Anyways, the show deserves more love love. I hope this just as memorable as Courage the Cowardly Dog!
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onlyusedforspamthings16 June 2022


Pac-Man yellow, Pac extreme He's a chowing down machine Ghosts, monsters, ghouls, and only one can stop them

#PacManSweep #GetThemFries.
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seth_gasson17 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I watched it when it was made I LOVE it pinky and pac liking each over is weird but better than the other one i love this I'm still watching it even though it was sadly cancelled
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This Show is a masterpiece
jamesloveland200012 July 2019
This show is by far the Greatest Cartoon i've ever seen.

This show is that good people. It has Great characters, A good and rather intimidating villain, and a great plot to the series.

Although i DO have some problems with people saying that this show is really bad. It's not bad at all.

People say that the characters are the worst and are really stupid. NO, No they're not. The characters are the best. Cylindria is the smartest, she helps Pac and Spiral with whatever they need, Spiral is the strongest (and tallest) of the three. he is always there to put up a fight. The Ghost Gang are the funniest and most amazing parts of the show itself.

And the villain of the show is amazing, he may act like a child at times, but that's what makes him funny. He's also one of the most Intimidating villain characters i've ever seen.

But what bugs me the that People out there say...that this show doesn't go along with the Plot of the original game. and you know what? I would agree with that. The Show doesn't follow along with the game's plot, and I'll agree with that...If not for one small tiny detail, and that is the fact that THE ORIGINAL PAC-MAN GAME HAS NO PLOT!!!!

The game is just Pac-Man chasing four ghosts inside a maze and eating dots. And that's it. No Plot, or Story, to conceive of that. i mean sure it has characters, and is a well known game, but still...the game has no plot. and yet it's still successful.

The original Pac-Man Game has no plot, and don't argue with me and say "yes it does." NO IT DOESN'T!!! and I'm right, it's a plot-less, and really successful game. So saying that a cartoon doesn't go along with a video game's plot, ONE THAT HAS NO PLOT, is Completely Pointless.

I LOVE this show. I will always love this show. It's a masterpiece and i think it should continue with either another season or a movie. I recommend this show to others, and i suggest that people give this show a chance.

I really love this show, and I really do wish that the show had another season, or a theatrical Movie. It's that good people, it's that good.

I suggest you give this show a chance. I give this show a 10/10 Rating. It's the Best Show i've ever seen
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pretty good show
JustAObjectShowFan19 September 2022
I understand namco wanted to make the new pacman show for the new generation, which is understandable because pac-man was starting to be forgotten about. I've watched some episodes, and i will say this: The animation is good (S1 ep 1 part 1 and 2's are pretty good, the rest of the series is kinda mediocre but still good) the ghosts (Inky,Blinky,Pinky,Clyde) have somewhat a personality (same with pac man's friends) One problem is that the fart jokes are VERY unfunny. Especially since pac man is the one who holds that gimmick, it's gross and annoying. But overall i recommend this show if you like pac-man, it's on Netflix (it also used to air on Disney XD from 2013-2016) : )
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Rewatched it a few times and I still like it!
d-6682722 October 2022
Maybe the show's not perfect but I enjoyed the lore/worldbuilding, especially the Netherworld/ghosts! (I think the antaghostnists are the most memorable thing in the cartoon in general) The animation is pretty good too (for example Betrayus has very dynamic movements/expressions), some of the character designs are really nice and the show has quite a big cast of episodic/background characters. The visual style is pretty vibrant, colorful and recognizable. Each episode has its own plot but there's also a global storyline. If you want to give it a try, I suggest watching Episode 1 & 2, it's a bit like a 40-minute-long movie (they're connected).
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Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures
gabrieldcecy10 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures is a Japanese/Canadian/American computer-animated comedy-adventure television series featuring Namco's classic video game character Pac-Man. It is produced by 41 Entertainment, Arad Productions Inc. and Bandai Namco Entertainment for Tokyo MX (stereo version), BS11 (stereo version) and Disney XD (bilingual version).

The series first aired on June 15, 2013 on Disney XD in the US, on March 17, 2014 on Family Chrgd (as Disney XD) in Canada and premiered on April 5, 2014 on Tokyo MX and BS11 in Japan, and is being produced by Avi Arad.[6] On October 5, 2015, the series premiered on Discovery Kids in Latin America. A video game based on the series was released on October 29, 2013.
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Watch it/don't watch it
holdulv-4111831 July 2024
To all haters of this serie.

If you don't like the serie then don't watch, same goes for videos on YouTube, if you don't like the content of the video then don't watch the video.

Commenting on the video does nothing, most of the time, the creator would just ignore it.

Also don't listen to the haters they are the evil just cuz something new happens it doesn't. Mean it's bad if you don't like something then don't do it, why would you Even do something you don't like

To all non haters, This serie was great. And I wish for a new season or maybe 2 or 3 more, who knows what happens in the future. Best regards Holdulv.
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Eat It
rbnlrk8 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Pac-Man and his friends are back now with CGI animation and on streaming. No deep story just Pac-Man chomping down his foes. Nice animation for early 2010s TV standard, and you get the cast from Friendship is Magic. Mostly made for little kids new to Pac-Man, 80s kids like us and sells tons of toys and games.
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