Disquiet (2023) Poster


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It Would Be Impossible To Spoil This Film
wildernessbarbie18 March 2023
The plot is so transparent and derivative that nothing I write here could possibly come as a surprise when it happens on screen.

I used to do SFX makeup for haunted houses where we had like 15 minutes per person and had to do a dozen each a night. Even though it was only (barely) seen in a dark, poorly lit room by kids and/or drunk adults, it all STILL looked better than what's shown here.

I swear, the brunette looks like her "stitches" are some kids temporary tattoos they're so bad. The "creepy" nails on the old man literally look like they're just cut out of old yellow tape and stuck it on. I am gobsmacked that anyone thought ANY of that was good enough for film, and I'm not even watching on an HD set!

Not worth renting, not worth watching. At all.
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Choose Your Own Adventure
robinlynn-2264431 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I think the creators were going for something cerebral but overshot. Obviously, if you made it through high school Language Arts, you can recognize Dante, so that sets the stage for a moderately educated audience. There's much confusion and the ending doesn't solve anything. I'm starting to think that was intentional. I think they decided to leave it to the audience to discuss and dissect over cigars and drinks. But, it misses the mark to make it satisfying to the masses.

While Virgil keeps assuring Sam he is NOT dead, the ending kind of leaves you with that impression. While some reviewers suggest maybe MAYBE after the camera clicks off, he comes to, that's really pushing it to forsee a scene not there. But, "going up," "going into the light," the whole good v. Evil theme throughout, and his clear flatline on the monitor lead to the conclusion that he's dead. I mean, I expected the little girl to move or something and her parents to get excited, but they just sat crying. Now, Virgil did urge him to hurry, so maybe he needed to get to the roof before his body died? But, when LILLITH said that Monica and the cop had chosen, by going downstairs, I guess, they were clearly pronounced dead. So, it led you to think down = dead, up = life. But if that were the case, why do you need "the light" and the flatline? And why would death = evil and life = good? I mean, yeah, death sucks, but I wouldn't equate dying to evil. I feel like they needed to make a choice here: is this about good verses evil or life verses death, because making it both makes it convoluted.

One reviewer wrote that if you die in "the game", you die in real life, but that wasn't my understanding. I'm pretty sure Virgil said if you die, you come back but more confused and lashing out at everyone, which explains the old coma patient and Carter. If you die in there meant you died in real life, then Carter would have been done after the cop shot him in the head.

The other thing that wouldn't make sense if going to the roof into the light meant dying is how the main character Sam is learning and bettering himself along the way. What would be the point in him learning to think about others if he were just going to die at the end? That part makes you think he's going to come back to his life a new man and ready to focus on his wife and baby and be a good husband and father.

Bottom line: if they'd just lost "the light" and let you hear a heart monitor register life during the credits, I think a lot of people would have been happier and given better reviews.
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After a promising opening scenario, it falls apart at the seams.
Sleepin_Dragon3 December 2023
Sam wakes up from a coma to a nightmarish scenario, he's in a hospital, and everyone seems to want to kill him, he encounters some people, seemingly in the same situation that he's in.

Can someone please explain to me, why is an actor with the looks and talent of Jonathan Rhys Meyers doing trash like this, he's such a good actor, he's genuinely wasted here.

The plot is wafer thin, it's pretty obvious to even the most casual of viewers exactly what is going on here, it's s truly frustrating affair.

I had high hopes after that initial opening sequence, it out me in mind of the very first episode of The Walking Dead, it was creepy and surreal, after that it just nosedives.

If you've watched Inside no.9, it feels like they've nicked the plot of its greatest episode, The Twelve Days of Christine, and tried to rework it into a supposed horror film.

This really just didn't work at all.

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canyonsolo16 July 2023
This is quite possibly one of the worst movies I have ever seen.

I for the life of me cannot understand why JRM would do this, he must have been in need of some quick cash.

The simplistic religious undertones are obvious as soon as one of the characters claims she is Dr. Lily and does not like to be called Lilith.

The whole thing is just really bad. It skips all over the place, uses illogical flashbacks within flashbacks yet tries so hard to be taken seriously by heaping on some childish heavy-handed morality play.

I can only recommend this movie if you want to see an example of what really bad filmmaking is.

I find it hard to believe one adult wrote this, another adult directed it, and another adult produced it, as it seems like something out of the mind of a 13-year-old hopped up after a Sunday school sermon.
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Everybody's dead
bnyrs6 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I just finished watching this and I had to go back and watch the ending a few times to formulate my opinion.... As soon as "Dr Lily" says she hates the name Lilith it became pretty obvious that this was a heaven/hell/limbo situation. I suspected as much in the stairwell scene with the "bright light" above and the inferno below, but definitely confirmed shortly after.

The ending confused me soo much (hence the multiple re-watches) but I have come to the conclusion that everybody that makes a decision dies.

We saw that the ones that got sucked/dragged into hell got time of deaths on their charts, but the "bright light" ending was less obvious. I did however notice that; when the father puts his hand on the mother's shoulder, the rise and fall of the girls chest ceases, and with Sam you see the observation machine showing signs of life and hear the steady beep of the heart rate on the monitor right up until he steps through the door.

In the final scene, as it pans over to the "I love you, too." message, you an clearly see that he is now flat lining and there are no signs of life left on the monitor.

All this leads me to believe that it is a very basic heaven or hell scenario and the hospital staff are just doing their best to keep you "alive" (and in bed).

You hear the "Nurse Ratchet" character say "Comatose. Brain-dead. Life support. There is no up or down. You must stay in bed" as she drags Sam back to bed, leading us to believe that this summary is Sam's current state of "health". This is reinforced with the Code red as she gets to the doorway to his room, crash cart, defib, etc I think this sheds a light on the expectations on hospital staff. I worked as a nurse for a while and have spent a bit of time in and around people that are kept "alive" by machines, most of which are brain-dead, barring a miracle there is no coming back from that. Yet hospital staff are expected to keep prolonging "life" well past it's viable stage.

Everything I have read says that he woke up when he walked into the light, but there are clear signs to the contrary.

Everybody dies....eventually.
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Why, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, just...why?
vanessarredmond4 March 2023
I love JRM movies and have seen/enjoyed nearly all. That being said, this movie is so horrible (stupid) I turned it off after like 20 mins even though I paid $6 to rent it. For someone who is such a good actor, I was surprised to see him in it. This is one of those movies I can see porn stars who want to go legit starring in.

He's in a bad car accident, wakes up in a creepy hospital, and starts fighting off a weird old guy with bad nails and a bad comb-over. Then the scene randomly cuts to a chick getting plastic surgery and she wakes up to botched plastic surgery ghosts and he/she randomly fight them. That is when I turned it off. JRM learned German for the 12th Man...only to star in this steaming pile?

Save your money and skip this junk.
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Feels like a film made by 10 year olds
cheezeywotsits4 December 2023
The plot (or lack thereof) and wooden, sometimes cliche dialogue and makes this feel almost like a parody of cheap horror films. It switches from trying to be somewhat realistic, but then there are stylised shots that are done in a cheesy way, like the 3 shots of the 3 demon women shrieking at the camera in purple lighting. It deserves at least 2 stars instead of 1 because some of the cinematography is decent. The story is about as deep as a puddle, it would probably seem like an epic horror film to a 10 year old, it feels like it was made by one because of how derivative and predictable it is.
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dnbaeb1 August 2023
Not really sure what they were going for here. Was it to get you to think about your current life and what could happen in the afterlife (if that's your belief)? Is it that people are caught in this never ending pit of purgatory or that if you've lived your life, well, there is that bright light that you can walk into. Not sure what the goal was but it makes for a goodnight of margaritas and a room of friends for a good philosophical discussion.

And on the other hand it could just be a very, very awful film that missed all intended objectives and goals. I'm thinking it's a mix of all things noted, that resulted in a bad movie.
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Nothing outstanding here...
paul_haakonsen17 July 2023
Well, this movie certainly was in a league of its own.

I had not heard about this 2023 thriller titled "Disquiet" from writer and director Michael Winnick prior to stumbling upon it by random chance. And seeing that the movie had Jonathan Rhys Meyers in the leading role, I figured that chances were that it might be a watchable enough movie.

However, I opted to scroll through some reviews of the movie prior to watching it, and those weren't painting the movie in a good light. Yet, I still opted to give "Disquiet" the benefit of the doubt. Though, I ended up turning off the movie with just about 20 minutes left to watch. But I have to admit that I was bored senseless by that point, and just couldn't take more of the torment that is "Disquiet".

Writer and director Michael Winnick put together a very, very bland script for the movie. And there wasn't much of anything that really made much of any coherent sense throughout the course of the movie. It felt, for the most parts, just like the writer and director made things up as the shooting of the movie progressed.

The acting performances in "Disquiet" were fair enough. Not Jonathan Rhys Meyers finest work by any means, but watchable nonetheless. There were three familiar faces on the cast list here for me, that being Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Lochlyn Munro and Garry Chalk.

Visually then "Disquiet" was an okay movie. The special effects were fair enough, but nothing that had me impressed or anything. But it was just lacking that particular ingredient to make it outstanding.

For a thriller then "Disquiet" was a rather strange one. I am sure that there is an audience out there for a movie such as "Disquiet", I just happened not to find much of any enjoyment in the movie.

My rating of "Disquiet" lands on a very generous three out of ten stars.
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A Pseudo Intellectual Film About A Coma World
meddlecore19 July 2023
Disquiet is a pseudo intellectual film, in the same way that M. Night Shyamalan films are pseudo intellectual.

You can tell they were going for a The Sixth Sense type of model here.

Though, it doesn't quite work as well.

The whole thing is effectively the same film as Wristcutters: A Love Story, just with people in comas, instead of people who have committed suicide.

However...it's just not very entertaining.

You strain to keep track of everything, knowing a big revelation is on it's way.

But it just doesn't hit like it should.

They got something akin to A Field In England going on- with angels and demons in play, to give it a bit of nuance.

Alongside a sort of Wizard Of Oz angle, where those trapped in this world must "learn their lesson" in order to escape.

But most don't.

And if you die in the game...you die in real life.

To be fair...there's definitely something to the concept.

It's actually a pretty cool idea (which likely isn't far off from the "real life" state of things - think, like The Matrix).

However, the story- and execution of the idea behind it- need to be improved.

I chock up it's failure to impress, to it's pseudo intellectual nature.

As it's just outside of that sweet spot in the middle ground.

Not being intellectual enough to please the cinerati...and too complex for your average Netflix viewer.

Meaning that it's not likely to please anyone.

3 out of 10 (for trying).
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I really liked it.
Rdz91619 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
No it's not a movie you'll watch more than once, but it made me think a lot about life. Do we go to purgatory and then have to figure out where we belong? Do people go into something similar during a coma?

The acting was on par with all the recent super hero movies. The special effects were basic yet believable. The plot was easy to figure out, but the ending could have gone 50/50 which I guessed wrong. Rachelle Goulding is stunning and fit her part very well. You always have to watch out for the pretty ones LOL.

I understand people want to rebel against religion nowadays more than ever. However, it doesn't mean you can't watch something about religion.
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Dante's Inferno Lives
rmeade-7827923 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
In Dante's Inferno, the Dante character is led by the poet Virgil down into and back out of Hell. Sam's fate in this movie is not so clear. When he is finally led to the light by his own aptly-named guide Virgil, is he returning to the real world and his pregnant wife or is he passing over into Eternity?

In the real world, Sam is in a coma in the hospital, and his waking up and subsequent struggle to leave the hospital seem to be something going on in his head. The final shots of Sam's wife holding her husband's hand while the monitor is flatlined suggest Sam dies. Yet, he is able to send a text message from his coma-induced hallucination saying "I love you too," indicated by the closing close-up of the grieving wife's cell phone. Then it is The End.

So the film is a bit of a mess. Is the director playing around with The End and implying that Sam dies? Or, if the cameras kept rolling would the wife see the text and would Sam emerge, Dante-like, from his coma and private Hell and return to the real world?

We do not know. Sam's struggles deserve a better reward. The characters state more than once that Sam's ultimate fate is his choice. But it's pretty clear that Sam wants to return to his wife, not pass over to Eternity.
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When you order Silent Hill off wish
mos_200015 December 2023
What was a good feeling in the first 5 mins of the movie, then quickly deteriorates as the acting and script kicks in. It is so frustrating obvious to see what was trying to be done here, but sadly, the concept misses the mark completely. What could have been a horror masterpiece concludes with a plink plonk piano soundtrack to a lame finish as you hit that realisation that you should have just watched Silent Hill again, and then again.

Special effects can be decent. Make up is not. Boob job zombies are decent. Blurred shot of what looks a cracking pair of boobs is frustratingly not.

D- must try harder.
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Paramount minus
gamecocks15 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a C class movie that I don't know how it ever made it on Paramount plus, I mean minus. Thought it was going to be a thriller but it turned out to be a laugher that was absolutely ridiculous. I got through 30 minutes of it. Really don't know the end and have no desire to know. Don't know if these were zombies or ghosts, or zombie ghosts, but the whole premise was done almost like a tongue in cheek type movie. I would hate to think they thought anyone watching would take this as a serious drama/ thriller. Like I always say...I watched it so you won't have to. To think they charge extra for Paramount plus is really disappointing.
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It was 10/10 bad
ashgdman1 March 2024
I am not really sure what I expected, I just wanted to stop scrolling through movies and I recognised the actors and clicked it. I don't know much about movie production but the SFX in this were the worst I've ever seen in any movie. I almost couldn't believe it was on Netflix at all, I thought surely they'd have movies that actually had some kind of budget.

It was just like, stitches drawn on with vivid, and Halloween blood painted on. There was a shot of boobs that I didn't really understand as well. The cop was the worst.

I don't even mind bad movies but this was embarassingly bad to be honest.
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It's Sooooo Bad
Wow. I though this could have been a really interesting horror movie.

Turns out, it's not. It's just really, really, really, really, really bad.

First of all it's really cheaply made. The budget must have been next to nothing.

Secondly, if you're going to make a cheap movie at least TRY to find a main character who can actually act. The main dude in this movie is dismal.

He has zero charisma, speaks in a monotone and quite simply, cannot act his way out of a paper bag. And his voice over narration is cringe worthy.

I was bored silly. The nurse who pops up now and again makes you think this is supposed to be a burlesque comedy, not a horror drama.
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Adamanthe18 July 2023
The premise is as basic as could be. Man gets into an accident and suddenly wakes up in a dimly-lit hospital confused out of his mind as he pulls out various tubes that were attached to his body, include a feeding tube.

I wish there was one good thing about this movie, but there's nothing. The dialogue is bad. The random Nurse Ratchet-type nurse was comically hilarious. I do not even know how movies like these keep being made if the dialogue is poor and the plot and ending is predictable. The whole point of a movie is to keep someone entertained. Even poorly-made ones make up for it through unintentional laughs. This had nothing. It was a complete disappointing time wasting mess.
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Not too bad
LetsReviewThat263 December 2023
Disquiet to me was not a terrible movie. I just think the low budget look paired with some not so great acting made the direction of this film not work. Johnathan Myers is a pretty decent actor and I enjoy films his in. Sure his acting at times is not Oscar worthy but it's better than what's in this. He plays a man injured in a car crash. He wakes up in a hospital with no one around and only a psychotic old patient for company. A long the way there's also a woman withlastic surgery. A cop that shot the wrong person and the guy he shot. Nothing is too clear whats going on but I do like that we can have our own interpretation of it. Overall not terrible but this movie is not anything too great but still good fo watch.
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Noone knows what this story is about.
kokorikos10 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this last night.. The story was promising and I I am a fan of the supernatural and metaphysical themes.. But this one, I can't put it in any specific category, I really don't know what it was.. There were times I was interested and times I wanted to laugh... All the signs were indicating that he was in some kind of purgatory, but no, because he was still alive although in coma.. So, he was dreaming? Possibly, but why his dream had to become a film? 7 billion people on earth are dreaming every night, I am not interested in anybody's dreams...and after the dream, he obviously, dies watching a light.. So what? This is the story... Now let's talk about acting.. The main character was flat, the rest were like cartoons except Virgil who was the only one with some logic in this mess... The special effects were 50 years behind, especially the 3 demon girls who reminded me the old Dracula films of the 70ies... Anyway, I will not say that the movie is absolutely trash, it has its good moments, but in general it was a poor try...
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Yeah nah
julesyork28 October 2023
So bored watching this peace of rubbish, however I kept watching because I always wait for the plot to improve. Ordinary to really bad acting. Terrible makeup and the plot is not logical.

It doesn't really make a lot of sense and is quite silly. It could have been a whole lot better. I think that if the acting was better and the make up wasn't so ridiculous it may of passed as a watchable movie. The storyline didn't really flow. Quite amateurish.

Don't waste your time on this movie. Slightly entertaining but not well done at all. In fact I could barley pay attention to it.

Yeah nah I do not recommend watching this movie at all.
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gianmarcoronconi3 May 2024
This is not a real review, it should be understood more as a collection of impressions on the film.

In my opinion, such a low rating of this film is truly merciless because we should reward the idea that even if banal it is still really very beautiful and from the middle onwards it is also managed quite well, the thing that matters most about this film is the initial part which it's really badly made and it's a terrible shame, it seems that unlike many other films here they didn't want to make the beginning and so they dragged it out and then gained passion and desire in the rest of the film. So I believe that the film is underrated and deserves a little more consideration because in the end it is entertaining and fully sufficient.
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When you take away someone's peace and tranquility . . .
pixrox11 February 2023
. . . you could be said to have relegated them to a state of DISQUIET. This is NOT the same as sending them to A QUIET PLACE. The latter film is a big budget picture, with loads of special effects and a sequel. DISQUIET, on the other hand, is the sort of movie you can make when you find a deserted high-rise building about to be imploded, and you rent a camera, recruit two dozen friends, shell out a hundred bucks for some smoke effects and a gallon of fake blood, while trying to appeal to the sort of viewer who will watch puppies trying to bite their tales for hours at a time. Toss in a little mayhem to go with the fake blood, sprinkle in some curse words and topless dames for an "R" rating and perhaps you can double your budget to become a thousand-air.
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It's not the zombie apocalypse
nogodnomasters31 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Sam (Jonathan Rhys Meyers) has a start-up company and is married to Sarah (Anita Brown) who is expecting. We understand this is the new and improved Sam, although is character build-up is poor before he has a coma accident. Sam awakens in a hospital and discovers it is deserted except for a few other individuals in the same boat as him and those people who are trying to kill him. He meets Virgil (Garry Chalk) who is in a wheel chair and Lilith (Rachelle Goulding) who is a doctor. Lily wants to lead Sam out through the basement door while Virgil tries to get him to the roof in what is clearly an existential situation that even Sam is able to figure out.

It wasn't hard to figure out what was going on, In fact it was a little too easy. The subplots were not well developed either. The film was Sam running around a hospital attempting to figure things out.

Guide: F-word. Nudity (Elyse Levesque) No sex.
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WHAT happened to JRM?
Her-Excellency22 February 2024
WHAT happened to JRM?

Jonathan Rhys Meyers was one of the most adorable and really good actors (or so I thought), just a few years back. I thought he would pave his way to superstar status after seeing him opposite Tom Cruise in one of the MI movies. So ... what happened that led him to hit the rock-bottom that is Disquiet?

This is the type of film you see as a first outing, when someone is just trying to break into the acting game, and which they later regret and never mention again. So, HOW could it have come after some genuinely good parts he has played?

It's a mystery ... and a disappointment.
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Captured the feeling of not being able to trust your mind very well!
Stormycinder11 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Captured the feeling of not being able to trust your mind very well!

Spoiler: With the actors and the concept, I think this movie could have been much better with a few tweaks. I gave it a higher rating than most other reviewers did because I thought it did a very good job of capturing the weirdness of being in a coma and the semi-lucidity I felt when I was in mine.

I distinctly remember feeling both great fear and peaceful calm at different times. But the most overwhelming and powerful feeling was a great and desperate drive to escape! I felt like I was fighting, clawing, scratching, doing everything I could to escape. This movie captured that very well.

But I can see why someone who hasn't experienced a being in a coma might not find this movie very compelling.
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