"Yellowjackets" Two Truths and a Lie (TV Episode 2023) Poster

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The Show is Coming Back
truss-7462330 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was an absolute great episode. Finally season 2 is getting good. R. I. P. Krystal. I personally think Misty pushed her off that cliff because why would they purposely not show her hands in that scene? I thought the scene where Nat is having those visions were really good as well. I'm a bit confused on why Krystal would even talk to Misty like that. One thing I've learned from this show, Never talk bad to Misty. Speaking of Misty, I thought her performance this episode was pretty funny when she acted out that one scene from that movie that I can't remember it's name. I'm getting hope for this show and I do think if they continue putting out episodes like this, season 2 can be pretty good.
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What a show!
MadKDog24 April 2023
What a show, funnier than anything on TV which is meant to be comedy, dark as anything, confusingly intreague and the best acting performances by rhe best in the business in Lewis and Ricci. Best show on TV. If th8s doesn't get awards and a 3rd season I don't know why amazing! As for this episode, Elijah uis a good add hos character bounces off Ricci with grace and believability. The story from the family is funny and a little sad and the Island story took a twist. People reading this probably already watch the show, but promote it.. its the best thing about today when it comes to drama, and ironically funnier than Ted Lasso 🤣
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Episode 205
bobcobb30126 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A throwback 90's video store is exactly the kind of thing you would love to see in real life and maybe there are some places somewhere out there like it.

I started to write the show off, but this was a strong episode that gave me hope. We finally got a glimpse of what is going on and that there are evil spirits of some kind that controlled the girls and maybe now as women too.

I hope this does not mean the adults returning to the woods, but who knows, maybe they'll find a way to do that thing right when all the other survivalist shows before it have tried and failed miserably in doing such a thing.
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lukeryan-3035021 April 2023
Yellowjackets has been an incredibly well done, and season 2 has surprised me. The sense of consistency (just look at the ratings of each episode) has been a highlight, but it's prevented us from recording an episode that deserves above a 9/10. We had not yet received that "pivotal" episode where a show really reveals itself as well as it's true nature as of yet. Season 2 episode 2 was close (the ending), but Episode 5 takes every plot arc that's been building throughout both episodes and just expands upon it in a crazy manner. I truly feel this was the first "amazing" episode of a great show. The drama and build up works better than ever, and the essence of finally leaning more into the supernatural was done so well. The last five minutes left me absolutely speechless... amazing episode.
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An update halfway through S2
dfloro22 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
At the halfway point of Season 2, we finally learn that Tai's beloved girlfriend Van (played as a teenager so well by Aussie actress Liv Hewson) did indeed survive to adulthood to be portrayed by fellow redhead, Lauren Ambrose. And Van knows that the unexplained "sleepwalking" by Tai that she had seen in the show's first season had continued and/or was continuing long after the ultimate escape from the mysterious forest. As were those vivid "visions" of Lottie's that the adult Natalie (Juliette Lewis) rediscovered, as well as the sudden, often unpredictable acts of violence that the normally nurturing adult Misty (Christina Ricci) was sometimes still committing. The series has gradually improved a bit since my initial review in S1, but also hasn't quite lost all of its occasionally over-the-top ridiculousness. Let's hope it keeps up its 8/10 stars rating pace as we race headlong towards a third season.
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The present and the past
dakjets27 April 2023
Yellowjacket's season two is in full swing. Expectations are high. I still think this series is very good, it still rises above many other options.

Season 1 was largely about getting to know the various characters, and not least the event that made them special. In season 1 it was therefore important that the action switched between the characters as youth and the present. It worked very well, especially because the events in the forest have left a mark on everyone involved.

This makes prehistory crucial for what happens in the present. Nevertheless, I think in season 2 these constant returns to the prehistory become too much, and derail. I notice to myself that I am more interested in what happens to them in the present, and annoys me that it is constantly broken and we are back in the forest and the events of prehistory.

It gets a bit tiring and choppy.

I would like the adult characters of these girls to be more in focus. I find them more interesting now, and kind of finished with the plane crash in Season 1.
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The show is losing it
hnt_dnl22 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Now at the halfway point of Season 2, I am the firm belief that it will not be as good as Season 1. There's a lot going on while at the same time nothing is really happening to move the plot forward. Each episode has had it's share of filler, but this one takes the cake! This episode might actually be worse than the mediocre S2 premiere. While the acting for the most part is still top notch, the storytelling is incredibly slow and random and a lot of this season has felt like filler. It used to be that the past subplot was the best and tightest storytelling, but now it's just as bad as the present day storylines.

First, there's this random, undercooked subplot between Misty and this magical new character Crystal, who didn't even exist in Season 1. There's no way that this girl was with the group all of Season 1 and no one ever called her out on her odd behavior. What was she doing, hiding in the woods or something? Misty and Crystal had all of like 1.5 scenes this season before the writers had Misty reveal her big secret about destroying the plane's black box to keep them stranded, Crystal turning on her, then Misty going psycho and forcing Crystal off the cliff and killing her. Why should anyone care about this random girl that literally only had significant scenes with Misty? And they only ever had ONE real scene together. After an entire season of building up and developing Jackie and Laura Lee as characters for them to have tragic, impactful deaths, the writers create this annoying Crystal character with no depth, then just kill her off halfway through the season with the cliche of her backing away while on the edge of a cliff. Incredibly lazy writing. Their whole exchanging secrets interaction right before Misty's big reveal was cringe, talking about stuff that sounds more like how writers THINK teens interact with each other than how they actually do, trying hard to ingratiate these 2 already weird characters with cheap toilet humor. It felt like I was watching 2 teens from a Nickelodeon show. Also, what was all that kissing each other's hands after revealing secrets nonsense, especially since they were doing it while dumping excrement?

To the other past stuff, what did Shauna think she was going to accomplish running off into the frozen woods by herself? Did she think she and her baby had a better chance in the middle of nowhere with no food of shelter? How was she going to deliver her baby by herself? Then there's Lottie with all this "feel the wind, feel the trees" nonsense. And after almost an entire episode of being silent, Javi finally decides to talk by throwing out some vague reply to Ben about some mystery woman telling him what to do. The show is being purposefully obtuse just to drag everything out and make it more mysterious than it really is. Something else I've noticed about the show this season is it's "meta'" commentary on itself, like that background girl jokingly saying that Javi is a ghost, which mimics all the outlandish online fan theories about this series. It's like these writers have started breaking the 4th wall and slowly turning this show into some parody of itself. And while I've noticed a lot more profanity this season, this episode took it to a whole new level! Every other word out of the characters' mouths was swearing. It reminded me of Season 1 of The Leftovers where half the dialogue felt like profanity. It's like modern writers think swearing somehow makes dialogue sound more realistic. Speaking of, the 90s dialogue is starting to sound suspiciously modern. They are adopting 2020s slang for the 90s timeline which is making it not feel like the 90s anymore. All of the incredibly naturalistic and era-appropriate dialogue from Season 1 has all but disappeared in Season 2 in favor of constant profanity and obnoxiously self-aware humor.

Second, to the adults. What is going on with Adult Tai's sleepwalking/split personality subplot? Every episode this season, she just walks around in a daze, looks in a mirror, then her alter ego tells her to go to the next pit stop. Hardly compelling storytelling. And after a season and a half of anticipation of Tai's reunion with Adult Van (admirably played by the talented Lauren Ambrose from Six Feet Under fame), I was underwhelmed by their interactions in this episode. A couple of episodes ago, Tai's alter says "go see Van" then in this one it's "go see Lottie". Then there was that weird scene of Lottie hypnotizing Nat and the latter revealing something about the darkness following them back to civilization. THIS is what the writers are resorting to for their storytelling, some supernatural force bringing all these women together? They've just completely abandoned their grounded, gritty plot of these adults suffering from the PTSD of their traumatic wilderness experience in favor of the supernatural. Are we supposed to believe that at the same time that Misty is conducting her search for Nat using her smarts and concrete investigative techniques that this mysterious force is just telling Tai where to find Nat using voodoo? And that the incredibly pragmatic Nat is now a believer in the supernatural? The show is going full supernatural and it feels forced.

And to cap off the adult stuff, Shauna's subplot with Callie and this annoying undercover detective (who looks like he belongs on a 70s TV cop show) is the worst writing of the adult storylines. Callie just conveniently finds out he's really a cop seeing his credit card bill at the bowling alley. Why would he use a card under his real name? Why not just pay cash for everything? Then she goes to her parents revealing she's been dating said cop, they concoct some dumb plan to make him think Shauna is really having an affair with Randy and not Adam, which shouldn't matter since there's already proof she'd been seeing Adam a ton during Season 1. I don't know, maybe she has MULTIPLE lovers! Lol And to cap it all off, the cops do exactly everything Shauna thinks they will do by breaking in to their room and checking for proof they had sex. It's like this subplot was written for a CW show.

And the episode as a whole was just too many subplots packed into an hour, with not a single one of them amounting to anything important. To make things worse, I think this episode had the worst ending of the entire show so far. At the halfway point of Season 2, I can safely say that this show is nowhere near as good as it was in the first season. The acting is the only thing saving it and that's not good enough. It needs an actual coherent plot and good writing (which the show had in Season 1). And the showrunners are supposedly going to stretch this story out to 5 seasons. Not only can I not see 5 seasons, but I can barely tell where they are going with Season 2.
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A missed opportunity for the plot
deniseryan-895716 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Did anyone else suspect that Crystal was just an imaginary friend for Misty? We didn't see her in Season 1 that I remember. She forms an oddly close bond with Misty just now, whike they clearly have so much in common. Both are disliked by the others, and with nothing else to do and both craving companionship, they never became close until now? Plus when it's time to pick a card for chores, only Crystal chooses. And would the coaches have just gone along with pretending they didn't know her real name, when obviously there would have been parental permission forms and a sports physical with her name on it? When Misty returns without her, the other girls only seem concerned with finding Tai and Shauna. Everything points to Crystal being a figment of Misty's imagination. And honestly, after watching the rest of the season, that would have been more interesting and also better for Misty's character. And when the other girls refer to Crystal in a later episode as "your friend" (to Misty) as if they barely knew her... how does a team work together well enough to become state champions but somehow not even know some of the other members? And how does this group live together in the wild for months and somehow still not seem to know everyone, despite having to rely on each other for survival? This was the most implausible part of the series in my opinion.
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Uninspiring teen drama
repo13610 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Season 1 was pretty poor and went downhill as it went on. Season 2 therefore didn't have a lot to live up to and began on an equally lazy tone.

I'm at a loss to see just what others are seeing in this show. The writing is laughably bad and at times seems like an experiment within the writers' room to come up with the most ludicrous storylines, for instance, a character (Crystal/Kristen) who was conspicuously absent from the entirety of S1 suddenly turns up and becomes Misty's "bestie" (incidentally a term not popularised until the late 2000s) only to meet her end during a completely cringeworthy and clichéd scene.

The show has now turned into nothing more than an annoying teen drama without one redeeming character to root for. The only reason I'm continuing is that I'm in awe at how bad this is and have a morbid curiosity to see what further levels it will sink to.
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