Steven Universe (TV Series 2013–2019) Poster


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A very overlooked series. Give it a try.
lord-pigeon21 November 2013
Steven Universe has high potential as an animated series. We have an interesting cast of core characters, with the Gems and Steven being the main focus so far. Rebecca Sugar's art really stands out in its excellence and is one of the best I've seen, rivaling anything else thus far that Cartoon Network has released. It's also really nice to see more female-oriented animation that isn't always centered around "girly" themes.

I wouldn't say this is what I would call a "laugh-out-loud" cartoon, but the humor delivers through visual gags and dialogue that are definitely worth a crack or two. I think this is good because I think a lot of shows nowadays try too hard to be funny, but fail miserably. The main purpose of this show seems to be more centered around adventure than anything else, so it seems somewhat refreshing.

Is it worth the watch? Definitely. I have to say, I have never really been too big of a fan of the newer Cartoon Network, but Steven Universe has really kind of captivated me. Sad it isn't as successful as I anticipated, though. Hoping it does better in the long run.
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A mature exploration of social themes and personal growth disguised as a children's adventure show.
KADC18 April 2020
The depth and originality of Steven Universe makes it one of the greatest series ever produced, ultimately coming to a conclusion that leaves the audience feeling satisfied that a well-told story has ended properly -- a true rarity in North American television.
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Fantastic piece of art,Go Steven Universe
molly-johnson9814 January 2014
The author "natebridgeman" evidently don't know what he's/she is talking about.These Character designs are very sharp and original,the gems are based on actual gems and their skin color match.I actually miss shows with sharp geometric figures and I'm glad Rebecca Sugar brought this to her show,and ironically the show was nominated for a Annie awards for it's completely original character designs (A great accomplishment).

The dialogue is like "Plan 9 from Outer Space"? Yeah because that makes sense,not once (So far) in the show have they said anything about aliens or Zombies.The show is about a kid name Steven Universe who is half gem (Mother side) and half human (Father side),who goes on "fun" and magical adventures with a female fighting team called The Crystal Gems or for short "The Gems".Each gem is name after a gem except Steven who has a Rose-quart gem,anyway they go on magical adventures and Steven sing songs, like come on, a 8 years old can understand the concept well enough to enjoy the show.

A pilot episode is a trial episode that's aired before the first series to gauge audience response. They had 10 minutes and he/she was expecting a back story? No it doesn't work like that,even Adventure Time pilot (The show you praise)had no back story, but like the Steven Universe pilot it gave us the sense to what show is about, and what we can expect.

The quote you questioned "If every pork chop was perfect, we wouldn't have hot dogs" is such a great quote,and I love it.It means if everyone was perfect (Pork chop) then we wouldn't be different or have originality (Hot dog) it has nothing to do with meat message wise.The show actually embrace not being perfect which is why I love it,and also why the character designs are so different from each other (Various body shapes,hair style,etc.) notice how Steven mess up constantly but they never get mad,no they embrace him for learning of experience.

Usually I would ignore stupidity from such a person but I couldn't let him/her go around the internet bashing something he admits to not knowing.My only problem about the show is that it's a musical but I've only heard one song, like come on more music,I love your songs Rebecca Sugar but other than that great show,and the background music is just amazing.
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Surprisingly Good
marcos-evans91 February 2014
When I first saw the commercial for this show I thought it was going to be something completely rotten. However, I was surprisingly proved wrong after falling in love with the witty characters and exceptional storyline. The animation is spot-on, voice actors are phenomenal, and the theme song is actually very catchy. There is a deep connection you feel with the "crystal gems" and I hope in the future they reveal more about their backgrounds as the series progresses. There are many morals and truths in story, like the quote that Steven always says "If every pork chop was perfect, we wouldn't have any hot dogs!" It's very true since if everyone was perfect, there would be no one special. It's great and so far I can't find anything wrong with it.
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Really Impressive
herbertseabra111 April 2014
Steven Universe is just one of the best cartoons i've ever watched in all my life.

Perfect characters, perfect soundtrack and perfect animation. The Cartoon Network is REALLY COMING BACK ! Like the cartoons of the beginning of 21s century, Steven Universe it's a masterpiece.

Good Soundtrack, good voice acting, charismatics characters and a perfect introduction.

Just like The Amazing World of Gumball, Regular Show and Adventure Time, Steven Universe is one of the best cartoons that CN has ever made in all his existence.

Now it's my favorite Cartoon.
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Overall excellent show! Many good qualities to consider:
amoos9914 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Let's start with the visuals. The backgrounds are simple yet beautiful and unique. The animation is fluid and the character's expressions are always on the dot and emotional or comical when need be for either. The characters' designs and color palettes are pretty and fitting for each individual. Using that as a segue, I'd like to talk about the characters. The characters develop well over time, adding to the plot of the show. Since the characters are pretty realistic compared to other television programs, the likablility of a character depends on who is judging. For example, Steven Universe is not the brightest kid, and his excitement can be a bit much to handle, but he has moments where he can calm down and empathize with people. Some viewers love him, some viewers hate him; it depends on the viewer. Also, when a certain character has a sudden outburst when remembering a lost loved one, the viewers can feel pity for the character, but also see the nitty- gritty selfishness and jealousy come out of said character. For some, this is an accurate reaction for trying to cope with the lost for a loved one. The background music fits perfectly for the mood; whether it be sad, emotional scenes such as what was previously mentioned, the funny and peaceful scenes, or the exciting battle scenes. The songs that the characters sing, which isn't that often for those of you aren't into that, are cute and well-written. One of my favorite parts of this show is the story and lore. Since the show, for the most part, is seen from Steven's perspective, we learn more as the show goes on. We learn about why the Crystal Gems are there in the first place, and more of what they are. It's hard to explain without spoiling too much, so you should just watch it! As serious as the show could be, though, it has plenty of humor to balance it out. Even more to add, the show sends many good messages to the children that watch the show. They teach kids that even when something doesn't turn out the way you want it to, it just gives opportunities for other good things to happen (If every pork chop were perfect, we wouldn't have hot dogs!); others are still people, and deserve to be given a chance because no one is truly evil (This is seen in basically every moment Steven has to figure out how to solve an problem that someone else is causing); etc. There is so much more, but I can only hold someone's attention for so long.

TL;DR: The music, visuals, plot, characters, and messages in the show are all worth a chance, and will likely capture your heart.
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I went into this with ambivalence
FiRE01028 May 2021
I've been enamored by several western animated shows from the last decade, but Steven Universe is my favorite.

Anyway, despite losing interest rather quickly when it was first airing, I gave it a legitimate shot back in 2019. And while the show starts as a rather banal episodic adventure fantasy show, and I don't blame my past self for losing interest, it promptly evolves into a captivating fantasy character drama. And I quickly found myself so bowled over by the show that I honestly didn't know how to respond; they say you shouldn't give in to astonishment, but the show grabbed me like little else.

When it comes to television shows, I usually take quite a while to get through them because they're a significant time investment and often are long-winded. I'm against the idea of binge-watching shows on principle and usually watch multiple at once, each at a slow pace. But, in rare instances, shows take center stage; this was one of those. And after a few existential crises, I finished the show. What I was left with was an experience so overwhelmingly remarkable, bizarre, yet eloquently simple that initially, I had to concede regarding any hopes of making a coherent evaluation. So, immediately after finishing it, I began rewatching it, and I rarely rewatch shows at all.

Now, everything I've said up to this point has been unabashed praise, and praise which is weirdly personal in tone, a tone that will not subside. But I do have issues with the show, and there's an entire sub-community that's formed to be critical of this show; I was aware of that when first watching, but I decided not to engage with it until I had watched the show twice. And my first engagement with it was an incredibly transphobic video essay that I found wholly uninsightful, not off to a great start, and unfortunately, the rest wasn't much better. Again, I have issues with the show; want a list of my least favorite episodes? Here you go:

Gem Glow, Together Breakfast, Frybo, Cat Fingers, Arcade Mania, Onion Trade, House Guest, Fusion Cuisine, Say Uncle, Shirt Club, Love Letters, Drop Beat Dad, Restaurant Wars, Future Boy Zoltron, Onion Gang, Rocknaldo, Dewey Wins, Blue Bird, A Very Special Episode.

But for me, the insightful complaints on the show are entirely submerged in a sea of moralistic cynicism directed at a show I view as a celebration of imperfection and one that argues for individualism. And this negative response has only increased my desire to talk about the show; however, whenever I've attempted to write about the show, I admittedly end up deep in the weeds.

So, I'm currently rewatching the show as part of a now-yearly revisit, and one day, I will create a coherent and organized analysis, just not on here. For now, my efforts with this writing are mainly to provide a relatively concise and spoiler-free pitch on why you should watch the show.

So, one enthralling thing about the show is its moral ambiguity and consistent subversion of your initial perceptions of characters. Steven Universe is framed directly from Steven's perspective; you're placed in a status quo. While characters actively evolve and change, much of the show is focused on unraveling that status quo. But admittedly, that status quo hardly begins to unravel until the second half of the First Season, and the truth about early Season One is that, again, it's banal, but later parts of the show wouldn't work as well without it. Now, would I shorten early Season One? Yes, it could stand to lose ~5 episodes, and early Season One spends time in an unpleasant and dysfunctional status quo. However, subsequently, we learn the deeper causes of that dysfunction and witness the characters' attempts at overcoming it. Those changes wouldn't ring nearly as true if the show didn't spend time reveling in dysfunction. For example, Amethyst and Pearl fight a lot early in the show. Generally, their fighting is dull and melodramatic; fights arise from stuff like Pearl getting unreasonably mad at Amethyst for little gags. It's annoying; however, when we begin to learn why Pearl and Amethyst behave the way they do, and they attempt to resolve their differences, it wouldn't be nearly as compelling if the show hadn't spent time on the unpleasant melodrama between the two.

But if you're wondering what type of fantasy story Steven Universe is, not the escapist kind. It's a show where the villains always have more to them, and it's a show where selfless compassion has consequences. To me, it falls under the category of fantasy, which utilizes concepts for unique conflicts and explores deeper themes of the human condition. For example, there's a character whose ability causes them to be nihilistic. And the show explores their struggle with the effects their nihilism has on others and their desperate attempts at dulling those powers. Anyway, if the idea I just mentioned, or anything else I've said, sounds interesting or like something you'd enjoy, I'd recommend giving the show a fair shot.
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On track to be one of the greatest, and most underrated, cartoon series of all time.
caregiverpdm19 June 2015
It's impossible for me to give this show all of the praise it deserves in writing. Steven Universe has made one of the most real, thought provoking, progressive, and honest cartoon environments I've ever seen. The life lessons taught by characters are meaningful and honest, always trying to encourage learning by trying rather than not taking risks. Steven as a main character still blows me away in his accuracy in portraying a young child's innocence and immaturity, while still making him a good role model and someone who you believe could be real. In fact, despite a sci fi context, all of the show's characters are so meticulously developed and realistic that it can almost feel at times like they're truly real individuals, with real issues that you not only recognize, but feel as if you want to help them with, and that you yourself care about. That in itself is very difficult for a show to pull off, especially an animated show, and ESPECIALLY a show oriented at kids! I literally have no idea how Rebecca Sugar can make so many things possible at once, from songs to life lessons to representations of different sexual orientations, everything is there and it all works just beautifully. Steven Universe deserves much more attention than it has currently, because it is truly on track to be a series in the ranks with greats like Avatar: The Last Airbender.

10/10, my highest marks to this show. Bravo.
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Highly recommended (no spoilers)
StevenUniverses19 August 2015
This show is highly addictive and entertaining. I never expected it to be this great. A friend recommended it to me since I am cartoon fan. I only wish I had seen it sooner.

It's sometimes hard to believe this is kids show. The writing is top quality. The humor is subtle and intelligent. If you have kids, you should definitely watch this with them. The themes are great. There are so many lessons to learn.

It's entertaining for the whole family. Best of all, the episodes are pretty short so you can binge watch easily.

Really worth watching! Check it out.
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Very good!
ryan-q2112 November 2013
Funny, cool, this is the best Cartoon Network show I've ever seen! All I have to say is, people, rate it a 10 out of 10!! Keep the show going!The first show is actually kind of inspiring at the end... It made me feel happy and also I hope it has a lot more episode! I thought it was going to be dumb before it came on but it was actually awesome! So cool I T I S C O O L Watch it! ! Steven! I hope you like the Show! We are the crystal gems we always save the day and if you think we can we Always find a way that's what the people of this world believe in Garmet amethyst and pearl And STEVEN! That's the theme song I watched all episodes I really want people to watch this show and now I'm just writing stuff down to make 10 lines! BYE WATCH THIS SHOW!
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Steven Universe Review
cprclsn22 January 2019
As a whole, this series is by far, the single greatest animated cartoon in recent years if not ever. it has amazing character development, a good sturdy animation style and an absolutely BEAUTIFUL soundtrack. don't be turned away due to it being a cartoon, for it is more than just that, it is a story! i highly doubt anybody will find/read this small review but if you do happen upon this, please listen to me and watch this TV show

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Saintbeacon Steven Universe Review
saintbeacon17 September 2014
Yet another instance of cartoon network finding a strong personality again, and giving us more laid-back, imaginative shows. This is also their first show with a female creator. The show was made by Rebecca Sugar, who was a former writer and musician for Adventure Time, and an all-around likable person. This is all evident within the series. There seems to be an idea going around that this show is "Adventure Time Lite", and while I understand that there are similarities between the two, they are still more different from one another than most non-serious cartoons are. By that logic, "The Fairly Oddparents", "Johnny Bravo", "My Life as a Teenage Robot", "Samurai Jack", and "The Powerpuff Girls" are all "Dexter's Lab Lite". Anyway, this is a great show with good subtle moral lessons and unique characters. Honestly, this is yet another sign that some cartoonists actually have a solid understanding and implementation of what makes this generation of entertainment good, rather than what makes it bad.

Visuals: I really like the style of this show, probably more than any other cartoon network show at the moment. The background designs by Kevin Dart follow a really unique, dreamy, immersing style that's a joy to look at. Much like Samurai Jack or Adventure Time, this show finds a style that looks really good without needing a huge budget for each episode. In addition, the character designs are really strong here. They come in all shapes, colors, and sizes, and none of them feel as though they were designed to look perfect or super-appealing. The character movements here are similar to what you might see in "Adventure Time" or "Clarence", but they can be a bit more sophisticated sometimes, such as when Pearl duels her holographic counterpart in "Steven the Sword-Fighter".

Characters: I'm really fond of the characters in this show. Not only are they all fairly realistic, but they all have very distinct personalities without ever feeling like anything close to a stereotype. Steven, for instance, is a kid who can be annoying at times, but only for realistic reasons. There is more to him than that, and his relationship with the adults is downright heartwarming. Every character here has both positive and negative traits, and that is what separates good characters from bad ones. You can be annoyed with them sometimes, and other times, they will make you smile. This show takes an interesting turn on the usual main-team structure. The main character is a young boy, but the rest of the team are women.

Storytelling: The plots in this show aren't anything complex or crazy, but they are tasteful and delivered well enough. I feel that the show draws influence from fantasy-games and RPGs. The tone is relaxing, calming, and atmospheric. You might expect this show to be in the vein of "Xiaolin Showdown", where the characters constantly have to fight villains and go on quests, but it's surprisingly more subdued than that. There are very few "villains" to speak of. The show has touching moments, but I haven't seen a moment where they hit it out of the park with one yet. I also like how the stories are very organic, and don't use overly-predictable cartoon formulas. They don't go as far with the experimentation as Adventure Time, but it's present. The humor here, though not usually laugh-out-loud funny, is quirky and interesting.

Audio: The music in this show really stands out. Not only are the musical numbers and theme song done in the classic Rebecca-Sugar style that we know and love, but the background music is really enjoyable, adding a lot to the atmosphere. The theme music that plays when Pearl goes into action is akin to something you might here in a JRPG. The voice acting also does the trick, characterizing everyone pretty well. I am glad that they were able to find Steven a child voice-actor who actually sounds really distinct.

In conclusion, this is a great show for families. I think that children need shows like this here and there, and this series does not have as many dirty themes as Adventure Time, so I can mostly recommend it to all ages. It's just a lovable bite of candy. I also like how this show, in a very subtle way, contains messages about friendship, and the imperfection of the world we live in. "If every porkchop were perfect, we wouldn't have hotdogs", as they remind us in the premier episode. This show really surprised me, as I wasn't expecting it to be as good as it turned out. It let me know that CN is really learning, and "Adventure Time" and "Regular Show" were not flukes.
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A very special show
doomedmac28 September 2020
Steven Universe is one of the most unique and popular cartoons ever made. It's emotional, flawed, and very special.
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Very underrated cartoon
POIguy4 April 2020
Steven Universe is incredibly underrated and such a great cartoon. I am a man in his 20s and even I found this such a great viewing experience despite this show being meant for kids. It has really deep themes and complex characters. There's some bad episodes in the bunch but the episodes that tell the overarching story are amazing. Steven Universe also has an amazing cast of characters and setting. Gem fusion is also a great metaphor for relationships. One thing I didn't understand and was never explained is why there were no male gems besides Steven. This kind of frustrated me but is a very minor issue compared to all the good the show has. Just watch it and you'll be very happy you gave it a chance.
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Simply incredible
azulcasaco21 October 2022
The way Rebecca mixes music with drawing and feelings in this drawing is amazing, the way Steven manages to help each enemy in the drawing, the characters' history, it's beautiful to watch.

The incredible music, the drawing line, the colors, everything combines so well here that it seems like it's not even a drawing, dear story and problem that Steven solves is unbelievable but at the same time exciting.

The series manages not to be boring in each episode it creates in an insane way, making a marathon seem to last an hour at least, I highly recommend it to watch as an adult or child, it's worth it.
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jonatanbris1 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is the best cartoon network show for me and the thing that makes me love it so much because of the fantasy in it and I know there is a better fantasy than this for me it's special Because I watched it since I was little and the thing that I like more is the songs that are very easy to memorize and the unique thing that I like is fusion and that's really cool for me Yeah I know maybe this technique already exists in other cartoons maybe I don't know but yeah I watched it when I was little so I don't know so yeah I still enjoy it The latest film is also very interesting and it's very easy for me to like new characters and good songs make it more interesting.
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One of The Best, Most Original Cartoons to Come into Existence
caidenw-370507 December 2016
This show has everything! It has character development, originality, terrific music, terrific writing, easter eggs, action, adventure, science fiction, fantasy, terrific art, all stuffed to the brim with originality, charm, self-awareness, innovation, and charisma! This show is a BEAUTIFUL piece of work!

Season 1 isn't the best season. In fact, it's probably the worst; but even THEN, it's still good! Since the season 1 finale, everything just skyrocketed with excellence! The music is SOARING with originality! The show is just EXPLODING with character, EXPLODING with emotion! There's not even 1 character that I found unlikable in this show! I haven't found a single thing I don't like about this show!

The music is just FILLED with SO much emotion, originality, and charisma! The show's concept and storytelling are FLOODED with originality and talent! It's FILLED to the brim with innovation, talent, self-awareness, charisma, charm, talent, and originality!

Instead of feeling like you're watching a simple cartoon, you feel like you're watching a high-quality original movie SCREAMING with pure emotion, SCREAMING with originality, that was released in theaters!

In conclusion, the sheer beauty of this show is enough to melt you away! This is the kind of stuff Cartoon Network and others NEED!
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A celebration of Earth and what's on it
SpookyUser12 February 2020
To me, Steven Universe is all the good things people have said, and further it is a celebration of earth.

Being a sci-fi fan, when I first started watching Steven Universe I wanted them to activate the galaxy warp so bad, so the gems could explore the galaxy, and we could find out more about what space is like and so that the Gems could explore other planets! A little while after the galaxy warp is first introduced, I suddenly didn't want them to leave the earth at all, they showed, maybe something we all know to be true, the earth is special - even in a galaxy teaming with life.

This is something I have never seen in Sci-Fi books and films, usually its the aliens which interest me. IN Steven Universe - it's us!
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Starts with great ambition and ended on an awkward pause...
julianmarku20 February 2022
There are few shows I can say were so plague by studio intervention and the general creatives beating themselves over the head for new story ideas.

This animated series had initially some of the most mysterious and attractive images and mysteries on Television (before the streaming wars). This led to a whole cobweb of a fanbase who made theories and thoughtful theories that eventually proved to be much better then the overall conclusion. When your fanbase makes much better theories then your own writing staff maybe it was a mistake to be so vague about your plot. Maybe it's okay to tell your audience that a small cloud in a piece of art painting is just a small cloud and not: aliens, a meteor, or a portal to a interdimensional parallel world.

The second thing that this show did was bad artwork. If you had a critical eye for size and volume then this series is not one for you. Often things are just drawn of different sizes and shapes. This would be alright in an independent comic book on paper but this is digital art and there is no excuse for it.

Thirdly, the episodes and screenwriting. If you find someone who can make you a list of episodes that you really need to watch to know the story then trust that person and do it. So many episodes just go on different segways. Watching a season of this series is like watching a podcast, you start strong with your questions and then somewhere along the line it gets lost into situations and funny skits and everyone forgets about the stories.

Lastly, and this is the main reason why it's a 6. The main character is... meh. Steven is just there, he could be anywhere in the background... the kid has power and a (descent?) talk-no-jutsu but there is just no resolution to his character. He is written as the perfect anti-protagonist. Which is alright but you have to give your audience something else.

The ending, I won't reveal, but it was honestly the best ending it could have had... the best... ending... (trying not to be sarcastic).
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Very likely one of the best cartoons of all time, in my opinion
aaaronhamilton18 January 2018
Wow, just, wow. I have no idea why I have dismissed this show for so long. After watching the entire series up to this point, I have to say that this is my favorite show. I'm not sure if I can explain this show in a way that will do it justice, but I will try my best...

-Let's get the big thing out of the way first: the characters. In my opinion, the characters in this show are the most realistic-feeling, relatable, lovable, layered, and imperfect characters in all of television. If you asked me to pick a favorite character, I wouldn't be able to. Almost the entire cast is so good! Even the characters I don't like have their great moments, and they are well-written, so I can't say I hate them. Even the villains are likable, because I understand their intentions and because they are well-written and vastly humanized. Almost every character is given extensive development throughout the series. For example, lets look at the title character, Steven. After the first few episodes, I would say that Steven was a kind-hearted, naive, and, to be honest, annoying kid that was struggling to control his powers, but was enthusiastic and wanting to help anyways. Now, I would say that he is a mature young teen (though still a kid at heart sometimes) that knows bad things are happening, and even though he doesn't always understand them he is willing to fight for the greater good, though he would rather use violence as a last resort. Not only that, but no character is perfect, or a "Mary Sue", in any way, shape or form. The character's imperfections are what make them more realistic, layered and likable, and it shows that nobody is perfect, but we can still try to improve. I've rambled on for a while now, so let's talk about another aspect.

-The animation is wonderful. While it is a little ugly during some early episodes, it grows to become more consistent and good. Now, I would say that the animation ranges from simple and cute, to absolutely stunning. Just look at the backgrounds in most episodes! They're beautiful! The movements are realistic-looking and, just, the animation is all around great. Though, one of the bigger problems with the series is that it sometimes goes off-model, but that isn't a deal breaker for me at all.

-The voice acting is exceptionally good. The VA's seriously have a lot of emotional range. Many of the VA's are singers or Broadway stars, so they have a lot of musical talent as well. Speaking of music...

-THE MUSIC IN THIS SHOW IS AMAZING. The background music ranges from catchy chiptune style music, to intense battle themes, to absolutely beautiful piano arrangements. There are also many lyrical songs in the series, and I love them all. Some songs are awesome and/or insanely catchy, some songs are sweet, and some songs are tear-jerkingly emotional.

-The plot is intriguing, exiting, immensely original and creative, and for the most part, well paced. During major story arcs I am always on the edge of my seat, exited for what's to come. There is rarely any tropes either. This show instead takes tropes, flips them on their heads, and builds skyscrapers of development and plot off of them. It also tends to keep many things mysterious and secretive, and it likes to foreshadow many things in advance, so expect to be theorizing many things. This show does have a lot of quote-on-quote "filler", but a) They still deal with character development, world building, and minor issues almost every time, and b) I have never minded most filler episodes of shows anyways. That's where the second of the shows biggest issues comes in. As the stakes get higher, these "filler" episodes feel more and more out of place, though not by a very large margin IMO. This would barely be an issue, IF CARTOON NETWORK ACTUALLY AIRED MORE THEN 2 NEW EPISODES EVERY 3 MONTHS! If you can deal with that, then you'll be perfectly fine.

-It's one of the most progressive shows of this generation. Yeah there's the obvious stuff, like Steven's non-nuclear "family", the wide range of body types represented, the abundance of strong female characters, and even many openly gay characters. Steven Universe has even more up it's sleeve though. It deals with issues and problems such as loosing a loved one, dealing with anxiety and PTSD, abusive relationships, asking for consent, and many, MANY others. Cartoons from just 10 years ago wouldn't touch things like this with a 20 ft. pole, much less integrate them into the plot in such clever, respectable, and mature ways.

-Finally, Steven Universe spans over many different genres and themes. It can be a very lighthearted and comedic cartoon at times. Episodes like this are cute and give me a chance to escape reality, even if only for eleven minutes. Some episodes are plot-heavy and exiting, and as stated earlier, always have me on the edge of my seat. Some episodes are very dark and disturbing. Yes, this is a very lighthearted show, but when it wants to get dark, it gets darker than some adult shows I have seen. No matter how dark the series gets, though, it still manages to go back to being lighthearted. Lastly, some episodes may be intriguing, deep, and heartbreakingly emotional. Don't be surprised if you find yourself shedding a tear or two. I'm not a very emotional person and I am unashamed to admit that I cried multiple times while watching this show.

If you read my wall of text up until this point, then congratulations! You are almost done! Now for the third of the biggest things wrong with the series: the beginning is a little weak, slow moving, and childish. I didn't mind the beginning at all, but I can see that it is definitely NOT everybody's cup of tea. If you can make it to about episode 25, then trust me, you will love it. The episodes are only 11 minutes each, so it's easy to watch like, two a night until you get to the really good stuff.

All in all, this series is a masterpiece. It is not flawless, but it's flaws are almost nonexistent when compared to everything Steven Universe does right. It isn't as consistently good as something like Gravity Falls, but it very often reaches high points that are even higher than Gravity Falls' high points (in my opinion, of course). If you take the time to stick with it, then I promise you will NOT regret it. If you want a good episode to watch before the rest of the series, to see if it's right for you, then I suggest Sworn to the Sword.
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It pains me how much potential this has
darian1114 June 2019
The show has SOOO much potential, or at least it did, kind of too late to change stuff in the past. One word to describe this show perfectly would be inconsistent. Inconsistent in, story, lore, and the animation. Now in terms of animation, it is not the animation studio's fault, it's the storyboarders, if they drew on model to how the characters were supposed to be it would look a lot better. The story just has some many things wrong with it, it would take me forever to express how I would change it and just my problems with it in general. Actually yeah, just watch this video. It practically sums up all my thoughts and opinions on the show, in a respectful way.
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Review of Reunited Episode 23-24 Season 5 (warning SPOILERS!!!!)
tophshulkin27 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Reunited Season 5 episode 23 + 24

Episodes 23 and 24 of Steven Universe Season 5 dubbed "Reunited" are probably the most revolutionary episodes of any kids show ever created. Starting off with a song about love, lies, and tragedy, these episodes are already set up for success. The song encompasses all of the events prior to these episodes and how they affected the characters. Following the song, a wedding takes place. This is revolutionary because it marks the first ever same-sex marriage in history included in a kids show, as well as other same-sex relationships. The wedding marks the reunion of gems Ruby and Sapphire. Ruby is a hot tempered common gem soldier, and Sapphire is a cold, "rare gem with the power to see into the future" (Season 2, Episode 21). The two gems coincide in perfect harmony together and "establish lifelong, room temperature happiness" (Season 5, Episode 23). The fusion of these two gems is Garnet, "She is their love, given form" (Season 5, Episode 23).

Following the wedding, there is a dance. Garnet throws a large bouquet of roses in the air for someone else to catch, but it flies so high up into the air that it can no longer be seen. The dance continues with many gems creating friendships with humans, something that will be important later in the show, especially in the episode "Bismuth Casual" from Steven Universe Future. In the frames following these events, the viewer sees Bismuth catch the Bouquet. She looks at Pearl and blushes. This also provides information about their relationship that is explained in "Bismuth Casual". Soon after, Garnet is seen talking to Steven, when suddenly, Steven starts to cry. The thing is, he isn't even sad. Upon wiping his tears away, more begin to fall. Garnet looks into her Future Vision, a trait inherited from Sapphire, and sees none other than Blue and Yellow Diamond.

The Diamonds show up in their ships. They had two identical ships that resembled arms, one being blue, and the other yellow. The Diamonds fly over the Crystal Gems. "We're over here you clods!" Peridot screams. This was when the crystal gems realized that the Diamonds were not here for them, but they were here for the Cluster, an earth destroying geo-weapon.

The Diamonds navigate themselves towards the cluster, reaching their hands into the earth. The cluster emerges and forms a large, muscle-like hand, and gives the Crystal gems a thumbs up; It's on their side. The diamonds arm wrestle with the cluster, finally, their ships explode and are destroyed. Blue and Yellow Diamond emerge from their ships. A brawl emerges from this mess, and eventually ends up with the gems fighting each other, not physically, but in their thoughts. Steven travels from head to head, giving words of encouragement to each of his friends. Finally, he reaches the Diamonds. He swims through their strong thoughts, and they sense his presence. They launch an attack towards him, causing Steven to radiate an aura of pink.

In my opinion, this episode is very well done and is an important asset to the entire show's storyline. These episodes provide information on the relationship between gems and humans, the Diamond's perception of the planet Earth, and the side that the Cluster is on. One thing that I would change about this episode is how the humans react to the fusion of Garnet between Ruby and Sapphire. Prior to these episodes, humans had no idea what fusion was or how it worked. After the two gems fuse, everyone at the wedding claps. It is unclear whether the humans are confused or not by this sudden mix of two beings. I believe that the human's reactions and opinions on fusion are important to the story because the can help the viewer understand the reasons why or why not the humans are gem allies.
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This is probably the show that will stick with me for the rest of my life!
ComicalWorlds28 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Steven Universe is probably the best cartoon and TV show I have ever watched. The emotions, the action, the characters, all just get to you and you feel what they feel in the story. I love this cartoon, and I have loved it ever since it came out. It is such an underrated show and I believe this is suitable for any age group around the whole world. I used to get excited when Regular Show and Amazing World of Gumball releases new episodes, but now Regular Show has ended and I have to admit it turned in to a show that I disliked. My favourite character in Steven Universe, has to Amethyst, because this girl (*CONTAINS SPOILERS NOW!*) has gone through so much from being a crystal gem. When she was born, she was born deformed and she was different from her own kind, and she has hated this about herself ever since and Pearl just reminds her of these dreadful moments in Amethyst's life. And this brings me to my least favourite character: Pearl. (*SPOILER*) She is just so annoying at times and when she talks about Rose, I just get so annoyed that Steven never got to see his own mother and she is just crying about how Rose never kept secrets from her. Don't get me wrong she is very caring and very sweet but she is my least favourite because she is very attached to Rose and I feel and I think many people feel she needs to move on, because even Greg has moved on!

I recommend this show to anyone out there who is bored and needs a new show and caution, your gonna get attached and your gonna want to watch this for the rest of your life.
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Great but not...that great?
ericstevenson12 May 2016
I really bad for not giving this the full 10. I guess it's because I just find the characters annoying some of the times. The thing is, this is still a great series that people should check out. It's notable in being the first Cartoon Network show done entirely done by a woman. I couldn't help but think of Lauren Faust's influence when thinking of Rebecca Sugar. The main characters are in fact all female, except for the main character, Steven. That's pretty clever if you think about it. What's great is that the series originally seemed to be mostly just these superpowered gems doing mundane things. I really like it how they got more of a story and introduced more gems.

For me, the best episode is a very recent one where Peridot contacts Yellow Diamond and actually tells her off! I guess you could call me a fan of the show even if I don't love it THAT much. I'm so glad we're in such a great age of animation. My favorite character used to be Ameythest, but now I think I like Peridot more. She's just so funny and goes through real character development. While the show is definitely good, I wouldn't put it on the same level as "Adventure Time" as Doug Walker's Vlogs would. It helps that the animation is really good. Pearl is probably the best drawn character with how gracefully she moves. The voices are all very funny and have tons of emotion put into them.

Cartoon Network is actually still pretty hit and miss with other bad shows like "Teen Titans Go!" and the now hated new "Powerpuff Girls" cartoon. I believe this is one of their best, even if it's not in my personal Top 5. Steven is likable enough and the theme song is absolutely cheerful and so much fun to listen to, especially the second one. It's weird because I think it was originally said the gems had no concept of sexuality, even though one had a son. It really is heartwarming for Rose Quartz to give her life to have a son and quite adult. Again, Ruby and Sapphire are more or less confirmed to be lesbians, yet they don't understand sex? I have no problem with this and am glad a kid's show is able to take this on. Thanks for legalizing gay marriage! ***1/2 out of ****.
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Feel Good Cartoon Incarnate!
I LOVE STEVEN UNIVERSE! I think this series shows that Cartoon Network DOES take some of its creative staff seriously in introducing new concepts to kids shows. LGBT aliens raising a human-alien hybrid? By alien, I mean 'Crystal Gem'. This show has some of the finest aliens to grace television: Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl: AND STEVEN! This show is about that boy and his three aunt-like mother figures who raise him and let him join their zany adventures across the universe. Steven Universe is gorgeous to watch, behold and leaves feel great! It makes you happy, makes you think about the innocence of childhood, and the fantasy element is just that more delicious for the mix. It's funny, blissful, and stress-free pass time.

Are there any faults that I can say about this show? No. Not really. Besides, maybe... It's a shame that Russian censors will probably NEVER let this go to air as family entertainment.

P.S. Garnet is my absolute favourite character on the show! She's badass; and oddly gorgeous.
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