Alvinnn!!! And the Chipmunks (TV Series 2015–2024) Poster

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Very poor understanding of the source material.
davimaia-763034 January 2023
Don't understand why the 1983 series was such an amazing classic, even though original creators Ross Bagdasarian Jr. And Janaice Karman, has almost no connection to the original two cartoons, and almost no chipmunks singing.

The redesigns of the chipmunks are mediocre, moreover. Although they tried to make the chipmunks look like real children it looks more like a mix of their live-action and original designs fused into one design that creates Chipmunk Humans. And now, let's go to the flanderizations of the characters leaving their very generic personalities.

Alvin suffers the worst flanderization of them all in my opinion, he went from being selfish, rude, and mischievous, but innocent, relatable, and caring in the live-action franchise and the two 1961 and 1983 shows, respectively, to an idiot selfish, self-centered, irritating, sadistic and boring, making it very understandable for Dave to yell at him.

For example, "Liar Liar" where he lies to a child who has a brother in China and even says that Dave spread the lie.

In addition, he tortures and manipulates his brothers many times (mainly Theodore) 1. Talking Teddy.

Alvin gets tired of Talking Teddy and asks Simon to create a keyboard for him to edit what Talking Teddy says, but he goes too far, literally making Theodore do his chores and sell all his money!

In "Safety Third" he manipulates Simon into turning his bus project into a dangerous car that Dave won't buy for him.

In "The Great Snack Off when Theodore gets candy up his nose, (there are doctors) he tries to get the candy out in dangerous ways, which as Simon said, LITERALLY COULD HAVE EXPLODED THEODORE'S HEAD!

Simon has gone from a smart, likable character to a generic punching bag (yes, I know Simon has always been a Butt-Monkey, but here he's much more serious than he usually is) who is a jerk to Alvin (Although that could be justified, as he tortures Simon and Theodore most of the time), but remains pretty tolerable most of the time.

Theodore has been slightly flanderized as he is a large Butt-Monkey, and can sometimes be unsympathetic, for example he stole food in one episode (Allergic Reaction) The Chipettes have also been flanderized, into jerks who abuse their male counterparts in many episodes, especially in the first season. But, Jeanette is the least obnoxious and goofy one and remains pleasant most of the time.
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mixed reviews
daineyou4 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This show has made a teenager don't decision .I liked the Chipmunks as 8 year old kids, but please don't make us relive this show as teenagers .It was bad enough being a teenager ,nobody wants to relive it on a cartoon .Maybe the best change they have made to the show was Eleanor before she was  a miniature sized, loud mouth adult, now she is shown having some kid traits before you were looking for her childhood that she must have lost along the way as a baby,Theodore used  to have some abilities but is now he is shown to have none ,Simon is pretty much the same character ,Jeanette used to be a bit brighter tool in the shed but she mostly alright ,and Alvin and Brittany have lost there ability to fight with each so we have lost some of the magic from the original show plus I used to like Brittany's sarcastic mouth but she has lost it  .Some of the episodes are better than others so brace up for the ride if you choice to tune in .
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for older kids not younger ones
katieann-5137611 April 2017
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The show is not all that bad, but beware ,it's geared toward older children not younger ones.The Chipmunks are now teenagers .One example of this is in the baby whisper Alvin asks one of his brothers I can't remember which one is that her children ?Do you think she has kids  ?Or something to that effect when referring to a girl who is babysitting her twin baby brothers .I am not exactly sure how old they are suppose to be but I am guessing between 12 to 14 years old .As if he is asking without saying it has a girl his age had sexual intercourse already and has a set of twins .There are kids this age who have children so maybe not totally unrealistic and some who have had sex.I am hoping in this age range less than more but I don't think your 6 or 7 year old would get the joke or should be asking what it is suppose to make reference to .So you may not want the little ones watching it .It's different from the 80's cartoon .
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One of the best shows yet
mohdims-6410913 January 2019
It's mainly one of the best shows in the planet. Alvin may be a troublemaker but hes always loveable
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The Chipmanity!!!
ThunderKing626 September 2020
Why would they think this was a good idea?

Why make such a terrible animation and a terrible show overall? That makes no sense.

The show is hideous.

Verdict: "hey we are looking to make a terrible show with terrible animations and with terrible characters It will be nothing like the original since it was soo good. Do you want to join our production team?"
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Bland as old bread
benjamin_james-490153 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Warning: The following contains spoilers; if you haven't seen this show you might want to before reading this review. As a fan of Alvin and the Chipmunks, I was really disappointed by this show as it doesn't not live up to the standards of the Chipmunk franchise nor does it work as a show on its own. Let's talk about the two episodes I saw, Talking Teddy and Principle Interest. Talking Teddy is about Alvin and Simon reprogramming Theodore's talking stuffed teddy bear by using a keyboard to type in what the toy should say next. This was done to make Theodore learn to grow up, but Alvin takes advantage of this and makes Theodore do all his chores and other useless assignments. Simon then gets back at Alvin by making another keyboard and scares Alvin straight while at the same time, convincing Theodore via Talking Teddy to give the toy to some other kid that needs it. That scene was rendered pointless as Theodore buys another Talking Teddy from the store. The main problem with the episode is the writing; the episode starts out with trying to convey a message about growing up, but literally ignores it by the end of the episode. Theodore never accepts not having Talking Teddy around,let alone is he aware of Simon and Alvin reprogramming his toy in the first place. Also, Dave never notices Talking Teddy saying more words than it usually says even though he's probably heard it several times a day every since he bought it. The next episode, Principle Interest, is the "main character has a crush on someone out of his league and tries everything in his power to please her but it turns out she's already taken" plot. I mean that literally, that's the episode as a who; they don't do anything different with the plot nor do they even try to make fun of it. They take a plot that's been done to death before in other TV shows and movies and do nothing to make it unique or interesting except make it beyond creepy. Not only it Alvin a kid, he's a chipmunk; anthropomorphic, yes but he's still an animal and when he kissed her hand, I couldn't help but think that this is borderline beastiality. All in all, this show just really dull and unimaginative which is really not like the Chipmunks at all. The writing is bad,the animation feels really stiff and it not funny; not even the songs are memorable, and that's what makes the Chipmunks iconic. I'd also like to point out that for a show titled "ALVINNN!!!! And The Chipmunks," Dave doesn't yell the infamous scream of Alvin's name. The only positive thing that this show has going for is the voice acting; the Chipmunks and Chipettes have never sounded better and they sound as if they were still in the 8080s cartoon or the movies that I saw. Overall, this show really wasn't worth the wait; don't bother letting your kids watch it because they'll just get bored and even hard core fans of the Chipmunks won't find enjoyment in this show. It's best to stick to the original cartoon from the 80s than this mediocre and uninspired show.
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alvin and his weird animated cousins
paigeturcotte29 December 2015
I expected good from this show but it's a total nick nightmare ( my cousin says). The animation is terrible and the music is anything but good. My family who would watch this show (6 years-10 years) all dislike the show. It's gotten so bad my sisters have Stoped watching nick all together. Lastly the personality of all the chipmunks are seriously just annoying. It's too bad that a channel that used to be so great, but now shows this for 5 hours straight! I'm giving it two stars Because the voice acting is alright. The plots are very stiff and full of holes. The show means to teach lessons, but never does. Instead we get repetitive episodes with no point whatsoever. They are supposed to be teenagers, but have the personality of a first grader, and the intelligence of one too. The voices of all the people are really squeaky and annoying. The only good quality of the show is the Chipmunks have okay voices, but other wise this show is a Nightmare. I think the worst part is the animation, as the chipmunks look like mutant warthogs. My dad described them as a cross between a human and a chipmunk, except the human was ugly. All the other reviews for this show were from a adults point of view, but I have kid evidence that this show sucks hardcore. How does it get 10 stars?
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Michael-6356646 June 2021
There is so much wrong with this show. The voice acting, the storyline, the animation, and the humor is just plain awful. I much prefer you watch the 80's show then watch this nightmare.
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It's a good show
sandyuuu-7907415 August 2018
Honestly tell me this cartoon is liked more than the 80s version. . It perfectly shows the relationship between all the main characters, from the first view, you can understand their characters, see everyday situations, amazing animation, the characters are all cute, each has its own individual character and each episode is different in its song. In General, the cartoon is awesome.
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Episode List
demona_312 August 2015
The series is an animated comedy about a single father named David Seville, who is raising three Chipmunks. He can lose his patience sometimes, causing him to say "ALVINNN!!!". There is a song in every episode. The series takes place in modern times and discusses modern topics such as Dave's technology issues and school bullying. Others are parents embarrassing kids and parents needing dates.

There are 20 episodes in season 1.

1. Principal Interest/Talking Teddy 2. A is for Alien/Jeanette Enchanted 3. Sister Act/Lil' T 4. What a Gem/Family Spirit 5. The App/Don Juan Theodoro 6. Albrittina/Simon for President 7. To Serve and Protect/Kickin' It Old School 8. Clowning Around/Bully fir You 9. My Sister the Weirdo/ Turf War 10. Who's Your Daddy?/Good Luck Mr. Whiskers 11. Mystic Mountain/Candy Confessions 12. Mojo Missing/Who's the Animal 13. Slippin' Thru My Fingers/Driving Dave Crazy 14. Safety Third/Mister Manners 15. Tree House/Saving Simon 16. Back to School/Bromance 17. A Room of One's Own/Carts and Crafts 18. Going Green/Tattle Tail 19. Super Heroes/She's Got Style 20. Kiss Conspiracy/House Guest
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Principal interest
g_hoe18 December 2021
Why the hell are you guys promoting a child trying to date a principal. What are you trying to teach kids. Kids don't watch full episodes of shows to learn a lesson from the shows. They take the bits and pieces and go from there.
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awesome / my suggestion
amirizah15 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It and awesome animation cartoon for all age gender and suggestion to make it more fun try make some episode focus on the girls interest on the chipmunks just like secret admire but this time show how the girls like the chipmunks
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just awful
mobengafer17 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The show is just awful because the chipmunks are so annoying and there was an episode about Alvin farting on Simon how is that funny this is not comedy it should be called torcher instead because of the voices worst show ever i have more words garbage trash stupid and of course annoying who could enjoy something like this and something even worse they look like aliens Alvin is the most annoyingest person i have ever seen could it get any worse than that nickelodeon just try to make something better than this seriously it's so bad why did you have to renew it for a 3rd season please do not even think about renewing it for another season it also has low ratings a 5.1 and you renew it huh.
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Not as good as it could be
mandyher-2565610 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I miss the 80's version it was better than the new one .Like the episode sister act, the episode it is incredibly sexiest .Eleanor moves in with Alvin and his family in which Dave starts using this poor child as his little servant girl . This is sadly done .Dave is watching his poor girl down on her hands and knees scrubbing his kitchen waiting for her to make him tea ,high fiving her while she is vacuuming his living room ,and forcing her to get Alvin to do his homework .The interaction between the adult and the girl are mostly while she is cleaning his home .He makes some dumb comment to Jeanette that the house needs another woman's touch .Does Dave even remember he is even talking to a kid ?He probably wanted someone else to clean for him .Then when the girl's want to hang out with the adult he wants them gone now that they aren't scrubbing his kitchen, he no longer has interest in wanting them around .We could have seen him and the Eleanor enjoying watching a movie together or playing a board game instead of all these scrubbing and cleaning screens .The make_over part is cute but short lived .Does it even make sense that she would be getting Alvin to do his homework since she is younger than him or she forced to do it because she is a girl.It is like when she told Brittany not to wear an outfit to school in one of the episodes .Why would she be telling an older kid what to do?Plus ,kids shouldn't have to parent siblings .It's not their job they didn't have children .They should be allowed to be children .

The episodes don't always follow the plots and are sometimes rushed and the ending can be somewhat disappointing . There is an episode where they find a treasure map the story line is good at first but the ending is rushed so by the end your wishing you had just changed the channel .The writers could be doing a better job .
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bhirschhoab26 February 2021
Why has the show been on for five seasons??? The show is nothing like the movies or the old cartoons! They show no representation of a good version of Alvin and the Chipmunks! Do not watch the show at all!
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Who asked for this crap?
tonyum4 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
WARNING! If you haven't seen this show yet, i recommend you not watch this review, there are a few spoilers that involve the show. You have been WARNED!! Ugh!! Where do i begin whit this atrocity. Well, let's start with the characters. Alvin: My god! This guy is my least favorite character of all time! Wanna know why, because he's a bossy bitch to Theodore, a jerk for Simon, a cry baby who will never listen to Dave and an uncaring "friend" to the Chippets, and he's not even funny, and is not even close to how much i like Alvin in the live-action movies. Simon: He's the only good character in the show (in my opinion) because he's not annoying like the main character, however, i wish he wasn't tormented and humiliated by his brother. Theodore: I have nothing to say about him, except that he likes food and is a coward. Chippets: Again nothing to say about them, except that they are less annoying than the main character is, not to mention, they live in a tree dome that has everything a house has. Dave: He went from a caring dad who liked his kids, to a man that only cares about his job and girl named Judy (i don't know if she is he's girlfriend, or crush but he always hang out with her or helps her, so i think is supposed to her look like he's girlfriend). Anyway, continuing the review, let's move on to The Animation: Oh god, the animation in here is terrible, like compare this animation with the Miraculous Ladybug animation. Ladybug's animation: It has a decent character design, good color use and nice and detailed backgrounds for a superhero show. This animation: Character design that looks nothing like a chipmunk (not even another animal), huge eyes(chipmunk characters), bad colors and bad backgrounds. The plots: I don't have that much of problems with the stories the episodes tell, i just think they aren't strong, because a few plots of the episodes of this show have already been done by other shows, like having an episode were one of the characters feel that another character and this character have to spend time, so they go on a trip together, now where did you hear that plot before? In conclusion, i absolutely hate Alvinnn!!! And the chipmunks, is not worth watching and i prefer the Live-Action movies over this monstrosity, well, at least is not the worst cartoon i've ever seen, but it is the 2nd worst cartoon i've ever seen.
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it could be better
annafor-7159910 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the Chipmunks and Chipette's better when they were younger not as teens.Some of the episodes are confusing .Like the Super Girls one.They show Jeanette creating these Superboots .Which I thought was a really neat invention .Now they send the mixed message .They show Simon finishing them for Jeanette as she can't seem to figure out what she is doing wrong while telling her she can do this herself. I like that they are  being encouraging ,but at the same I am confused ,they are telling Jeanette she can do this while showing that she can't .So what are they trying to say and now Jeanette didn't  create them anymore now Simon did .I was really looking forward to seeing these being Jeanette's creation now they are Simon's.Maybe instead when she was ready to give up Simon could have encouraged her to keep going unit she got it right .So the ending is disappointing plus the fact they only show the girls daydreaming of being Superhero's they never actually used the suites they were making for anything .I liked the original show better than this one .
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Witty, Charming, Cute
reb-warrior5 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
OK, they don't look exactly like the chipmunks I remember from my youth. They are more humanoid-looking. It's jarring at first, but keep watching. Watch a few and you'll get used to it and see how great this new version is.

The dialogue is witty, and hip. Alvin, Simon, and Theodore are charming. When I was little I adored Theodore. Still do, but now I have a new appreciation for Simon. He's very witty and sarcastic. Love it. Of course, Alvin is the mischievous one as usual. Most importantly the stories are actually good.

As for the 3D animation, I say superb. I noticed the brilliant job they did with details such as shadows and texture, right down to the chipmunks' hair in close-ups. I swear to god the lip movement is so good that I think I can actually read their lips. I also tend to notice the background scenery. From the boys' room, the wall pictures, shelves, etc. Great job.

I'm an adult. I watched the cartoon series as a child. I caught this one day on TV and found myself utterly charmed by it. I think both kids and adults alike can watch this and enjoy it. 10/10

*edit October 4, 2023 - thought I'd do a small update. I'm laid up with a light back injury and have been watching this. Still love it. I have to say some of the reviews make me laugh. Complaints about how the 80s version was superior, and/or the acting and art were better. It's the same people!!! The same creators, the same family, and the same voice actors, that did the 80s version that are doing this version now. Lol. I want to add that I love the extra characters, Officer Dangus the school kids, and Miss Smith. I think they help give the show a more community and cozy feeling. And I love, love, love the Chipettes. The viewership must be pretty good given that they are on 6 seasons now. Ultimately, the viewers, which I assume are mainly kids, are enjoying and watching it, and it's really up to them, isn't it? As to what they like. Not a bunch of adults writing reviews on here. So bravo to them.
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Boring, just boring
dror9817 April 2017
Another series that does not have severe violence on the one hand, and on the other, regardless of that, is boring. First of all, the attempt to make fun of this series aspires to 0. There are a few individual episodes that are a little fun of them, but in most episodes the series is just boring and so childish and not original. The series dulls the boring story of Alvin in every chapter, his hobby of interest without insulting my balls. Why the hell do you care about him? Why is he such a prime figure? He's bored with madness! Alvin is really an arrogant kid who cares only about himself, why the hell is he a main character? Simon, I think, is a much more interesting character, the only character in the series who has managed to make me laugh a little. In any case, the series is very childish and it is not understood why it is broadcast on Nickelodeon, it is intended for children up to the age of 12. Childish boring and really not original, overall tells a story about an arrogant child and his hobbies that do not interest anyone. The other characters, Theodore is also a pretty boring figure, Simon a reasonable figure, Father Dave just a bad character. They repeat every episode of his slogan, Alvin, who is so predictable and not funny, the character is not really original, tells about an ordinary father who pays more attention to one son, even though he shows in most episodes a hatred of Alvin. The rest of the characters, the girls are all boring, regardless of feminism, there are female characters in other series that laugh more than males, but not in this case. Again, the main character there, Brittany, again lack of originality, tells about a arrogant and disgusting girl, and again her hobbies really do not interest. The rest of the girls, the little girl, is actually a reasonable figure, the one with the glasses, like most of the characters in the series, B-O-R-I-N-G Rating - 4.5
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Some of the better cartoons on Nickelodeon
bestjuly15 August 2018
This is a very good cartoon about an unusual trio of chipmunks: Simon, Alvin and Theodore. The result was a very musical cartoon, funny and funny. You can watch it with the whole family. Get a lot of positive emotions, from which you can be delighted. There are moments where you can laugh heartily. I liked everything in this cartoon. Beautiful story, great characters, songs and humor, unlike other cartoons on nickelodeon where there is fart jokes.
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Pure unfiltered hatred
giofilippo16 April 2020
Even listening to the theme song of this show gives me PTSD. Whenever it is referenced I suddenly fall ill with a fever and headache. Words cannot express my hate for this show and everything about it.
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Falls Flat!
Athomewithkym20 January 2016
The story lines are so-so; the characters themselves are cute, but the animation is super two-dimensional and flat. I know 3D is more costly, yet the quality would be so much better and more enjoyable to watch. I'm a teen and enjoyed the movies, so decided to give the TV version a try when I feel like vegging and pretending for five seconds that chipmunks can talk and live like people. My parents grew up with the original Alvin &the Chipmunks, but my mom actually finds this show painful to watch! With so many other cartoon series available, I'm surprised they don't either spend a few extra bucks on this one, or just cancel it altogether. I've been watching a lot of Boomerang cartoon reruns, and there's no comparison between the old-school hand-drawn cartoon cels, and the new and "improved" computer-generated animation. Nick beats Disney hands down when it comes to shows with live actors, but could learn a ton from Disney when it comes to animation!
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Not that bad
spongebobington4 April 2020
The show can be funny at times and compares well with other shows on nickelodeon. If you are a fan of the chipmunks you'll like it. If not, there are some things to enjoy. I am personally in the later group. I find the chipmunk songs awful, and they happen EVERY episode. However this is my own opinion, and the chipmunks franchise is centered on their songs so I suppose that the show does it's job well.

One thing I really hated was the animation, it's abysmal and a HUGE downgrade from the movies (and the animation wasn't the best in them either). Voice acting can fall flat too. I would have given it a 6 if it wasn't for these things. If you look past them (quite literally) you'll find an OK show which can be funny.
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AWFUL! JUST AWFUL. Because.................
rob_dierenvriend6 January 2017
Let me begin with what's positive about this show. It does make a attempt to be more like the Original Alvin and the Chipmunks, not like those awful GCI movies. And let's jump in what is not good about it, which is a lot. First of all, why call it ALVINNNNNNN and the Chipmunks. Why not call it Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Series. Cuz those extra N's are just weird for me. Even The Looney Tunes Show and that Emperor's New Groove spin off got that right. Even the Lilo and Stitch spin off got the title right. But let's not stay to long on one topic. Furthermore, the voices seem way more annoying than the movies. I seriously got a headache within 2 minutes. I mean, tone it down a notch. And that's another problem. They do not shut up. It would make more sense to hear them more than you would hear Dave, but i would like Dave to be the antagonist. He is a good character in this show, better than the movies. That is what they did get right. And now the biggest problem: NOTHING HAPPENS. In the original movies, even the CGI Chipmunk movies had some adventure in them. But these episodes are just mundane. It looks more like the life of a 8 year old instead of the Chipmunks. Like playing super hero, and finding the neighbors cat. It just feels so BORING! And the CGI looks worse than the CGI movies. It looks like a slightly better cereal commercial from the 80's. And then we get songs, which is in the same high ear penetration as everything. I can seriously imagine a 70 year old man's voice without the high pitch. It's just like a kid jumping on his bed. Loud, annoying and without any purpose. Go watch The Loud House or Gravity Falls or Star VS. the Forces of Evil. Because there has been put actual effort in all of those shows. Nothing of creativity here.
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bastizarate22 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
When I First saw This Piece of Trash. I thought it was GREAT! but I can't end this cartoon. It's Boring, Unfunny, and Uncomfortable for me. Please People Don't Watch this. It made me QUIT! of this TV Series
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