Bee and PuppyCat (TV Series 2013–2018) Poster


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Piece of art
lilliangordiana6 October 2018
This was just amazing. I really really liked it. Fascinating and brilliant.
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So cute and lovely.
zushini-346-3594120 March 2019
Such a lovely cute show, gives me the same feels as playing stardew valley. Like it's just pure bliss to watch. So happy this show exists, cuteness in film form.
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A relaxing and unique show
amybana1110 September 2022
I've first watched the YouTube version some years ago and really liked it.

Netflix's version has a different art style, softer and very unique which I found more fitting to the story and characters.

This show is very different since it goes with the flow in a way that is very relaxing, I feel like everyone who watches it has a choice to whether just enjoy the cuteness of the characters and the art style or/and dive deeper in the story with all its details of the plot.

The feeling I get from the show is that sometimes things happen in life, but at the end everything will somehow go well.

I really recommend it to all those who seek something calming and original that would brighten their day.
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The single most underrated piece of animation I've ever seen
rolfesam6 January 2017
Bee and Puppycat is an utterly fantastic independent animated show that, simply put, does not have the audience that its quality deserves.

The plot of the show follows a small cast of characters in various small adventures on temp jobs to get the cash they need to pay rent, buy food, and generally just survive another day of adulthood, but where the stories may make you think that the show is a simple 'plot of the day' type cartoon the characters, symbolism, and animation along with the voice acting and direction are all top notch for a cartoon, independent or big budget.

The animation of the show goes through some artistic changes as the episodes progress, showing the time difference that would happen between episodes (the first season lasted three years) but remained beautiful in a way that only hand drawn animation can. You can tell in each frame of animation that love and care was put into them, there are no shots that are done by cutting corners and that is something to hold in very high regard.

The characters are also a joy to watch. Bee is someone that any young viewer can relate to. She is naturally caring but lazy, goofy but determined, a fun person while holding onto her problems just under the surface of her character. Puppycat is a great foil to this as he slowly becomes more open to Bee and caring of her but is much different to her. Puppycat is brash and rude and wears his emotions on his shoulder. This makes for some great banter between the two (despite puppycat never speaking a word of English in the entire series)

I really cannot recommend this series enough. If you enjoyed cartoons like Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, and Adventure Time then this may just be the show to steal your heart. It's currently free to stream on VRV on Iphones so please, go support it.
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Absolutely Charming and Emotional
kut_u_up-122 April 2019
I came into it expecting a bit of an off the wall bit of cartoon goodness. What I got was a hugely playful and utterly charming flight of fancy with some very colourful and emotive characters I got really attached to.

It's a very dreamlike, wholesome story with some disarmingly moving and emotional moments, and I was definitely sniffling at some points, while laughing out loud or thoroughly endeared by others.

I really just wish there was more, as I really fell in love with the characters, writing, and artwork.

There is a colossal amount of heart and charm on show, and I would love to see the series continued so we can find out where these characters go.

Overall, a truly enamouring piece of animation with playful innocence in its presentation, but an emotive depth that draws you in to the characters and world in a very touching way. Absolute brilliance, and something I hope will become a timeless classic.
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Cute, Simple, and Colorful!
milusym221 February 2021
A story about a girl and her questionable companion. Each episode is about a small adventure they go on with small elements of romance and mystery.

There's not too much going on in season 1. It's a calming and relaxing.
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Hot damn if this isn't a good show!
volcanicow6 March 2020
Even if it's got what, 10? 12? Episodes, I still love the series and it's weirdness. Bee is possibly one of the most unrelatably relatable characters in an animated show. Mind you, this isn't for kids but it's not really for adults either. Anybody can enjoy Bee and Puppycat, whether it be your child or your parents, it's a very enjoyable (and odd) experience. Beside Hazbin, I'd say it's one of the best animated series in the past few years.
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Amazing series, sadly netflix now has it
paulholt018 September 2022
Bee and puppycat is a wonderful cartoon. It's brilliant for all ages. The storyline has so many twists and turns, like when you find out about bee, its a bit of a shock but not a bad shock. Also theres the scenes with puppycat telling bee slcertain stuff which breaksnin to song and its brilliant. The songs are entertaining, well sung, and everyone joins in. Each episode isnt on too long, shirt enough so kids dnt lose attention but long enough to be to watch. It is so well animated, and it's brilliantly voice acted. I hope they make another series, sadly its unlikely now as its now on netflix, which has remade the episodes and changes certain stuff and altered a stuff including using different voices.
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Fun, full of adventure jokes, and dark. My favorite!
giuliobalsamo21 September 2022
As a non long time fan of this series from when it was a web series. I'll admit that i really enjoyed this one! It has the same theme as the web series, but with the improvement of the animation, and stories. It might begin a little slow, but it quickly starts it's engines to give you a really fun adventure, but not without it's mysteries. I laughed a lot in many of the episodes as many of the jokes, ( while some are a little inmature), still made me laugh a lot, as you don't expect them. I also loved at the mysteries that they put in some of the episodes specially final ones, to then give you with one of the most bombastic and unexpect endings ever. I'm not saying anything about nor the series, except that it's hilarious, you'll enjoy a lot of the creativity that it has, and the ending is something that left me ( and will), leave me ( you ), on the edge of my ( your ) seats!
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It's different than the original
leanderclaire11 September 2022
Animation style is a big player for me when it comes to animated shows, and the animation in the Netflix show isn't as good when compared to the original one. It's like they took the original and said "more chibi!" and then it just devolved from there. I've been waiting for a sequel to bee and puppy cat for yearssss and for it to look not as good as the original animation, which definitely had a lower budget than a Netflix show is...upsetting. I'll stick with it in the hopes that it retains its charm, intrigue, and hints at more adventure time-esque, adult concepts, but initial looks are not great.
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Netflix Needed This
tommypezmaster19 September 2022
Based on the web series of the same name, the Netflix series seem to be an improvement of the original webseries.

Bee's deadpan expression and expressive tone give me huge laughs throughout my experience of the series, especially when she discover Puppycat spends her money on Pretty Patrick and flashes her shorts on screen. Feels like the ending of each episode is very satiating.

Despite what's currently happening w/ Netflix, they are a go to w/ animation overall. There are shows in cable channels that look a whole lot worst than this. I'm looking at you My Gym Partner's a Monkey, The Mighty B! And Boyster.
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A Mediocre Mix of Quirkiness and Confusion
lipnusis22 June 2023
Bee and PuppyCat is an animated series that strives to be quirky and endearing, but unfortunately falls short of its potential. While it has its moments of charm and creativity, the overall execution leaves much to be desired, resulting in a somewhat confusing viewing experience.

One of the show's strengths lies in its unique art style, which combines cute character designs with vibrant colors. The animation itself is fluid and visually appealing, adding a layer of liveliness to the world of Bee and PuppyCat. The imaginative settings and imaginative creatures also contribute to the show's whimsical atmosphere.

At its core, Bee and PuppyCat aims to explore the everyday struggles of its protagonist, Bee, as she navigates a world filled with bizarre situations. The premise holds promise, but the storytelling often lacks coherence and structure. Episodes jump from one scenario to another without clear connections or a solid narrative thread, leaving viewers scratching their heads and longing for more depth.

Character development is another aspect that falls short in Bee and PuppyCat. While the main characters, Bee and PuppyCat, have their moments of endearment, they often lack depth and consistency. Bee is portrayed as a lovable yet somewhat clueless individual, but her personality traits can feel exaggerated and repetitive. PuppyCat, the mysterious and magical creature, has the potential for intriguing character development but ultimately feels underutilized.

The humor in Bee and PuppyCat is hit-or-miss. Some comedic moments land well, eliciting genuine laughter with clever jokes or situational comedy. However, the show often relies on randomness and absurdity, which can be off-putting for some viewers. The comedic timing and pacing also vary, leading to inconsistent delivery of jokes throughout the series.

Despite its flaws, Bee and PuppyCat manages to evoke a certain charm and nostalgia, reminiscent of classic animated shows. The episodic structure allows for standalone stories that explore different themes, adding some variety to the viewing experience. The show's soundtrack is also worth mentioning, as it complements the quirky visuals and contributes to the overall ambiance.

In conclusion, Bee and PuppyCat is a mixed bag. While it has its moments of creativity and charm, the inconsistent storytelling, lackluster character development, and hit-or-miss humor prevent it from reaching its full potential. It may appeal to fans of unconventional and whimsical animation, but those seeking a more coherent and engaging narrative might be left wanting more.
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It's really not that deep
kyz989820 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Excellent animation and voice acting for Bee. Otherwise boring, full of nonhappenings, and a false start to S1 where audience is led to believe the show is about Bee and Puppycat's adventures in Fishbowl Space. Like another reviewer said, the chore/assignment segments become barely relevant to the remainder of each episode.

Apart from Deckard and probably Cardamon (although I personally find nothing about his character interesting or purposeful, other than to exist as a sorry child, tragic and austere and nothing else) there is zero dimension to the rest of the cast. I can't care about a character if the creators don't put proper thought into developing them.

Don't see why the genuine reviews comparing this to Steven Universe etc are downvoted to oblivion. High ratings are either left by people familiar with the production team or weebs simmering in pretension.

Perhaps the whole thing (particularly the soundtrack) could do better as a cult indie video game?

Give it a go if you enjoy watching colours and hearing noises.
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I feel seen
bluedream-8494818 February 2023
I would recommend this show for every adult who wants to reconnect with their childhood. Tiring days are so much better with this art piece. It's a light entertainment, so it calms you and feels you with real joy. The characters are relatable, they have relationships which are not usually presented in TV shows and movies. The plot is easily loveable. I love the creative character designs and the beautifully drawn pastel-neon world. I'm sure millennials who loved the old cartoon network shows will love this cute animation too. We need more calming and happy shows like this! I truly believe the world would be a happier place.
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Unique and amazing
angasvan16 October 2022
Just wanted to give props to the creators. I never write reviews but I love this show , I had no idea that this was created years ago and that apparently the one on Netflix is a sequel? I'm not sure but I'll definitely have to check it out. This show is something I watch while eating a plate full of pie with chocolate milk lol. Very creative and wonderful.

So apparently my review is too short I need 200 more characters so anyways the show I'm reviewing is the one that's on Netflix. And yeah it's a good show and like I said I didn't know that this was created in 2013? Then apparently in 2016 but then they didn't have an episode until 2022? I'm not sure.
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BEE AND PUPPYCAT: ~A Chill & Lofi Experience~
Jinxxa_Wolf2 December 2023
BEE AND PUPPYCAT (2013-2018) was a profoundly unique, lovely experience. In my opinion, it is an adorable story of a one-of-a-kind friendship between an oddball woman named Bee (old lady?) and a fiesty space creature called PuppyCat, who "looks like a cat but smells like a puppy". This retro-esque series gives off high levels of quirk. Charming, quaint, poignant and kinda bizarre--this show really has a lot of heart and soul. And it's difficult to explain this show really. It is wholly original and fresh, with beautifully designed world, vividly imagined characters, pastel colored aesthetics and honestly--something extremely and extraordinarily calming about it.

While there is much emotional and nostalgic depth here, and plenty of cute everyday stories going on, it's also quite surreal and metaphysical, at times even mind-bending and nearing on trippy, sci-fi psychedelic. It's a great series to watch and rewatch, and the slow, peaceful vibes make it a great bedtime show as well. It might just chill you to sleep. ; ) That may sound bad, but it's not in actuallity.

I really love this series, the artwork, the world, the characters and its incredibly moving atmosphere...oh, did I mention music? The retro mellow OST is really amazing, beautiful and memorable. I hope to see more like it in the future. Definitely worth the watch and rewatches. Completely far out there and filled with such random bizarre cuteness! Such a uber sweet, perfect series. A creative work of genius. Loved it!
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Surprisingly Good
Njibrza18 April 2023
This 10 episode web series proves that adult animation can be done without being gratuitously raunchy, violent or profane. I was expecting the usual dynamic of an optimistic protagonist being constantly foiled by their cynical sidekick/deuteragonist, but was surprised when the characters actually showed emotional vulnerability instead of being psychopaths with no redeeming qualities (i.e. Family Guy). The animation is very well, especially when considering the budget. It is also very aesthetically pleasing, reminding me of Studio Ghibli, Steven Universe and maybe Adventure Time. All in all, it was an interesting experience and definitely worth the watch.
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Quick laugh
lukerox17 May 2022
Cute art style and good laughs. Don't expect too much though, it's on YouTube and it's worth the watch for a animation enthusiast. Adventure time like comedy but not the depth.
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coles_notes23 January 2023
Created by Natasha Allegri, art director on the previous Adventure Time, and originally uploaded to YouTube by Pendleton Ward's digital production studio Cartoon Hangover, Bee and Puppycat is a fun, comforting, and sometimes a bit mellow form of ideal escapism. Following Bee and her new friend PuppyCat, a strange creature that looks like a cat but smells like a dog, and their adventures around town, with friends, and most often doing "temp" work for an interdimensional temp agency. For anyone looking to just shut of their brain for a bit and relax, the music is superb, and of course the animation style is lovely. A very surreal watch, with 10 short episodes uploaded for free on YouTube, Netflix signed on for a second season, and there includes a "remake" of sorts of the online content into 3 condensed episodes, with the "true" season two starting at episode 4 on netflix. For those who haven't watched I'd highly recommend checking out the original youtube season first, its quite short and great, following up with what's on netflix. Short, but wrapping itself up decently well for what it was, the show has a surprising amount of depth just below its very silly surface and is definitely something I look forward to watching again on a calm rainy afternoon. If you were a fan of Pendleton's previous work (Adventure Time / Bravest Warriors) this show has similar vibes, but also certainly stands on its own as some great television. Would very much recommend.
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Amazing cozy, trippy goodness
trine-standerholen19 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I love this show.

I think it's the kind of show you either appreciate for the cuteness/weirdness/humour/warmth/philosophical trippy quality, or you just won't..

It made me think of both adventure time and the midnight gospel, both of which I really love.

Also, this show manages to capture the feeling of everyday magic. And that's in the midst of all the spacey adventures they go on. Quite amazing if you ask me.

Puppycat is basically like grumpycat and so irrational and cute.

Bee is easygoing and warm hearted; always loving and accepting toward puppycat no matter what he does.

If the midnight gospel and adventure time is your thing, I'd guess you might just enjoy this too!
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Reminds me of Adventure time, very relaxing & colorful
LancelotSB12 October 2022
Review for 1st season, still waiting for S2 on Netflix.

My first impression on this was WEIRD. Weird flow, explosive colors but big fan of the retro mellow sound scores. For me, the voice castings doesnt match the animation style, the tone nor the characters. Not a fan of the weird off putting voice choice especially on puppycat. Big fan of the music and soundtracks; soothing, relaxing and feel magical. Very minimalistic animation style (some may call it as cheap production) and but love it. Interesting plot/storyline, very original and big fan of the magical yet scifi-ish world. Big twist starting on episode 3, gets weirder afterwards. This bizzare choice of voice casts, animation style and sound scores in together doesnt work for me. This reminds me of cartoon network's 2010's era vibe, like the adventure time, steven universe, etc. Packed with actions, amazing adventures and full with comedic punch.
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Seriously, don't waste your time.
wtc09110110 September 2022
I'm going to keep this review simple because, honestly, there isn't much to this show to discuss. After binge watching through a season an accurate description of Bee & Puppycat would be comparing it to a fever-dream slurry of Adventure Time mixed with Steven Universe with 50% less charm and 80% less plot. Then strip away the audio and have it ad-libbed by thirteen year-olds with the voice over talent of a first time Snapchatter.

The premise and first episode are misleading. We thought it was going to be centered around Bee's misadventures as she tries to perform a different job each episode: kind of like Working Girl meets Rick and Morty. Instead, the bulk of each episode teeters on painfully slow and underdeveloped awkward scenarios that feature vocal pauses that appear to be the voice actors trying to think of a line to say.

While Bee does indeed perform a different job each episode, it's usually at the end of the episodes and is only a small part.

The audience in our home is: 55M, 45F, 20F, and 9F. Only The 20F seemed to enjoy it somewhat and stuck with every episode. Mom, 45F, quit after 1.5 episodes, dad, 55M half heartedly watched most episodes because he was in the same room gaming and didn't care for it, and the 9f fell asleep early on it after four episodes (take note, parents of restless children! ).

Considering how Netflix has been giving the axe to some really good shows recently (to the dismay of many of their subscribers, it's included) it's baffling how they decided on a show like this. One would expect to see Bee & Puppycat on Toonami, Crunchyroll, or even Adult Swim. I can only think this move was done sort of way to try to appease all those people that Netflix alienated by having Dave Chapelle. I suppose it appeals to those with easy access to another person's ADHD medication. That's the only way I can understand any adult giving this a rating about l above 4/10.
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If you are not high then you are not watching this show how it was designed
aftermidnight0411 October 2022
Couple of things: the soundtrack is a very mellow synth retro dreamscape, for every decision that Bee or cat makes it is always, ALWAYS not what you expect, every character is a mess, and all characters will do something wierd and the most random time. For plot points finding out the stories of the characters is awesome for revels and in ways you wouldn't expect their plot growth is always a good start does some off topic adventure and then comes back to right after you for&gotten about it, without a doubt the creators and writing staff know what are doing and what the kids like. Very Steven universe with the filler episodes, and adventure time with the non-plot ones, but that is the point with this show. Random silly randomness that looks, and sounds cool. If you are not high you will not like this show to the level that it deserves. Which it is brilliant at. (Typed on POS phone after bingeing 1st season)
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Evokes Japanese Anime Art Style
ymbdata3 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I work as an animator and school instructor for animation in Japan. Recently, my student recommended this anime to me, so I decided to give it a watch. The animation style felt reminiscent of Japanese anime, but there was a distinct Western touch in terms of color schemes and design sensibility. It's a nice hybrid blend of styles. The humor was also quite enjoyable. It's refreshing to see such anime being created internationally. Puppy Cat resembles closely the stuffed toy I've had since childhood, and I was pleasantly surprised. I wish I could share my thoughts with my students, but unfortunately, I won't be able to meet him again:'-(
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Good but too many side quests for my liking
lilianaelise6 August 2024
This show is great! I love the animation, the characters, the story, nearly everything! My only problem is every time the show explored something I was interested in regarding the lore, it then went: Nah, here's some shenanigans that add absolutely nothing to the plot. I mean, I have so many questions like: Is Bee a robot?, What was Puppycat's life like when he was human?, What happened to Cardamon's mom?, Who are the weird guys with the horror game monster ahh hands? And many more. I only watched the Netflix show so that's probably it. Also, because the review is so far too short, I am going to rant about episode 3 and how much I love it, never mind I met the character limit.
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