Collateral Beauty (2016) Poster

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It doesn't get much love, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Sleepin_Dragon2 September 2019
This kept reminding me of A Christmas Carol, with the central figure visited by three ghosts, our central figure, namely Will Smith, is visited by three beings, all sent, to turn his life around.

I've not found a great deal of love for this film, and that surprises me, I very much enjoyed it. It had me moved to tears. The ending in particular hit hard.

A great story, with some terrific performances, a terrific cast, including Helen Mirren and Kate Winslet. Despite the names, I must give full credit to Will Smith, the best performance I've seen from him to date, he had me choked up.
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Every tragedy is accompanied with beauty...
wisal-albulushi21 December 2016
Every tragedy is accompanied by beauty. However, as we are steeped in grief and sorrow, we tend to overlook the beauty that is caused by the tragedy. The term "collateral" is often followed by the term "damage". It is so familiar to keep an eye on the collateral damage of anything we do. We don't tend to look for beauty. This movie is so deep, and it is one of those type of movies that make you think! It illustrates the three big why's that drives us; love, death, and time. These three constructs are not absolute; they are not fixed and they don't diminish. They are so sensitive to things, events, and people surrounding us. They change forms, and accordingly change our lives. In the midst of all the tragedies you face during your life, all the bitterness, keep an eye on the collateral beauty.
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waterwiccan18 December 2016
Look, it's obvious from the trailers-- this is a sad movie.

But anyone who watched the trailers knows that. You know what you are going into. It is very formulaic, but the acting is good. Even the little parts are good. I would say if you watched and liked "The Fault in Our Stars" this is a good movie for you. It focuses on interpersonal relationships and the raw emotions that come with tragedy. If you are looking to cry, but definitely feel something, this is the movie for you.

I feel like a lot of the negative hype may come from expecting more from the movie than was ever promised. Two of the main actors are known as taking action movie roles. This movie was never marketed as an action movie, though. It was advertised as a drama about a man who had lost his child. That is exactly what it is. Sure there are some unexpected turns, but at the end of the day, don't expect what was never advertised to be there.
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Great film
Emerenciano12 January 2020
This is a good film which attract our attention and that has some surpirses. Will Smith, once more, show how good actor he is. The plot in very interesting and emotional.
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Think this could be a Christmas Classic, someday.
subxerogravity21 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
So I read somewhere that Collateral Beauty does not have what it takes to be a Christmas Classic. I'm not sure about that, you be surprise how many Christmas Classic don't have what it takes to be Christmas Classics. It took a While for It's a Wonderful Life to become an X-mas Classic Smith plays a man who is shocked to the core with the lost of his daughter and can't do anything else, but in an attempt to wrap his head around it he starts writing letters to Time, Love, and Death and things get crazy when they respond to these letters. I think we were all expecting something more form big Willie and he did not deliver. They can't all be magical ones, but we were expecting pure magic. I got to admit though, this movie should have been magic not just because of the Fresh Prince. He lead a very stellar cast of fine as wine actors. With such power houses at Ed Norton, Kate Winslet and Helen Mirren leading the charge So it's not a bad movie at all, possibly not as good as the cast that's in it, you'd expect more but you never known sometime down the line this could be a new Christmas Classic. Let's see how many people stream it on Netflix.
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Cheesy & Quotable. Works For Me.
ASuiGeneris16 February 2017
Cheesy, cliché, contrived, overdone? Yes, yes, yes, and yes. I know it, but I still loved it. Liked the twist. Loved the quotable quotes. Serious matters addressed, but the comic relief was there. Without Will Smith, I probably would have given this an 8. A 7/10. To me, this is a great film that I would watch many times again. "I thought you couldn't afford therapy anymore." "I can't. It was my Uber driver." "Wait. They have a CSI Cleveland now?" "Be sure to notice the collateral beauty. It is the profound connection to everything." "You lived right, my friend. But you are not dying right." " I realized that I was not feeling love. I had become love." Fascinating to learn the actual statistic that 79% of couples divorce after losing a child. Makes sense. My favorite: "I am love. I am the fabric of life. I am the only 'why'... I was there in her laugh but I am also here now in your pain. Do not try to live without me."
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A beautiful film
dragoncherie29 June 2020
I wanted to see this movie And I finally did. I was outvoted to see it when it first came out due to it's bad reviews. I can say now with full certainty, that I can not fathom why those reviews even exist. This is not a perfect movie, but everything it does it does well and with grace. The personification of these abstract things, love, death and time show how sometimes we need to confront and see these things for what they are: a part of life. it is because of death that our time should be spent on love...yes I cried repeatedly.and please like I always say if you had it on your list watch it now and just decide for yourself.
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I do not understand the utter bad reviews for this movie
cadburypg14 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is about a parent (Will Smith) coping with the grief of losing a 6 yr old child. This was in no way as bad as the critics cried out to be.

Howard (will smith) used to be an advertising genius and entrepreneur before he became devastated with the loss of his daughter. Being the majority shareholder of his firm he became a ship which was pulling everyone to the bottom as it sank. So when his partners were unable to bring him back over a period of 2yrs they "gaslight" him. Howard in his own grief was completely detached with the world outside. His partners and employees were at the brink of joblessness and financial ruin. Whit (Edward Norton), Claire (Kate Winslet) and Simon (Michael Peña) are his long time partners and friends. They employ a PI to monitor his actions so that they could render him mentally unsound and thus incapable of using his majority shareholder voting rights in the decision to sell the business to another firm. In the meantime Whit whose mother is slightly mentally unsound has an idea to employ actors impersonating Love time and death , the 3 abstracts that Howard is obsessed with. HOWARD had written poignant letters to all 3 abstracts which the PI had was an attempt to step into Howards reality and help him recuperate or else use the evidence against him. The letters written by Howard were soul wrenching. This was a father whose career and marriage fell apart because he didn't know how to deal with his grief. The story shows different ways to cope like going to group therapy sessions. It also shows that there is a difference between how each parent of the same child copes and perceives the situation. There are sub plots revolving Whit,Claire and Simon too who think they have chosen actors but actually the 3 abstracts chose them one each to show what they were each missing out.

Helen Mirren as Death couldn't be more firm in her consolations or more sassy in her attitude reflecting the inevitability and finality that she represents. Its also ironical that death which should be the end of all pains is a woman as opposed to all cultures showing Death as a formidable man. Keira Knightley as Love was the cutest and smartest form Love could come in. She looks fuller,says clever and funny lines and yet reflects compassion and pain in her eyes just as love should be. Jacob Latimore as time is curt and impatient. He is smart and speaks in mysterious ways contradicting himself at times, rebukes and mocks Howard and Claire on how we waste its gifts. I liked the movie. It touched my heart although the plot could have been smarter. May be more depth and credibility could have been lent to the sub plots. Kate winslet was good but was wasted in a somewhat soppy character. I resented that. Edward Norton as Whit who was recently divorced due to his philandering, stayed with his sick mom and at the brink of financial ruin was aptly portrayed. He is the suave Newyorker who takes advices from uber driver (Try to step in their reality rather than force our own on them.Would love to take therapy from such an uber driver).Micheal Peña as Simon who way dying due to cancer, was mostly coughing through the movie which was slightly cliché. These are some holes i found but not worth panning the movie altogether.
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One of the most underrated movies of all time
williamalantz26 March 2020
Yes, the story can feel a little sappy, but I think the cast does really well with what they are given. The story is sweet and we watch it at home every Christmas time
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Don't get distracted by overall ratings, it's really a wonderful movie
Latifmmovies7 August 2020
I don't know why most Will Smith movies in the recent years are getting that harsh ratings especially from critics, but anyway my advice in general for any movie, watch the trailer, if you like it, then give the movie a go for 10 min tops and you will know if you want to continue watching or just turn it off. This movie is really good, I only gave it 7 as the writing has a number of significant loopholes that could have been avoided but the story in general is really touching and the acting from everyone is amazing.
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Hardly an ugly duckling, lacking in too many areas to be considered a beauty
TheLittleSongbird30 May 2017
'Collateral Beauty' is one of those films that was critically derided, critical reception was not kind to it, but has garnered a more polarising reaction from people commenting on this site.

Seeing 'Collateral Beauty' without any prejudice, despite having knowledge of its negative critical reception the cast is such a great one with plenty of talented names, to me it was nowhere near as bad as critics have made out. It is a hugely flawed film and many of the critics' criticisms are on point, but there are far worse films around and is not bad enough to be one of the year's worst, it is nowhere near either among the worst work of anybody in the cast (for example Will Smith has never done a worse film than 2013's 'After Earth'). There are some good points here, that can be recognised by me, but can people seriously start expressing their opinion without resorting to critic bashing, conspiracy theories or insulting anybody with a different opinion to theirs, it is getting incredibly annoying and has gotten way out of control in the past decade.

The best thing about 'Collateral Beauty' is the cast. Will Smith is understated and stoic, but also charismatic and affecting. Helen Mirren seems to be really enjoying herself and provides a few fun quotes, while Kate Winslet, Michael Pena, Keira Knightley and Edward Norton make much of little. 'Collateral Beauty' is beautifully filmed, atmospherically lit and crisply edited, and the soundtrack is not too intrusive, nor is it too low-key to be non-descript.

Some genuinely beautiful and touching moments too, though they don't come consistently and actually come too far and between.

Unfortunately, 'Collateral Beauty' is hugely flawed. It is very muddled tonally, with what it was trying to be raising some question marks (basically a drama but it seemed to try and do other things too that didn't mesh), as a result of trying to do too much and not doing much with most of it. There are pacing issues here, due to some scenes going on for too long and a few of them being little more than filler the film does have a tendency to drag.

It was very difficult to identity with the main character's plight properly, because the character is too mysterious to the extent that he is underdeveloped and one-note. Many of the other characters are also underwritten. The script is also unfocused and sees some horrendously stilted and forced dialogue with overdone emotional moments and jarring comedic touches. The ending leaves a sour taste in the mouth, it lays it on so thick with the platitudinous schmaltz that emotionally it feels manipulative, meanwhile the final twist is laughable.

Overall, not as bad as it has been made out but hugely flawed and not a particularly good, let alone great, film. It does feel like this is going to be an unpopular review, like one going out on a limb, judging from the defensive and condescending tone of many of the positive reviews. 5/10 Bethany Cox
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I'm glad I didn't listen to negative reviews....
easkeen19 December 2016
Because I really liked this movie. Its a drama...and it was slow to unfold but the message was beautiful. It makes you sad, angry, question...but in the end you learn that ALL those emotions are life and love and I thought the performances portrayed that perfectly. I think you either get that message or you don't. The acting was phenomenal including some real surprise performances. Don't go in expecting cheesy happy "Christmas miracle" endings. Don't expect a block-buster big bang edge of your seat thriller....expect a beautiful film that is taking a difficult topic(s) and turning it into a thing of beauty.
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Difficult subject, not a bad effort. Tear jerker, but meant to be.
ektwn-862-4484812 August 2017
I can't believe how vicious the professional critics were to this. If a film maker takes on an exceedingly difficult subject he shouldn't be torn to shreds even if it's a miss.

There was a lot of talent on this movie, good performances, a pretty fair script, nicely shot, a twist or two.

People lose their very young children sometimes and it's awful, arguably the worst possible thing that can happen to anyone. I don't know how you might delve into that real life devastation, but at least these people tried.
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Actually better than I expected
paulijcalderon13 January 2017
Not terrible. Just OK, but nothing special. I could see that there was a nice message in there somewhere, it just ends up being a bit mixed. It is kind of harmless for the most part though. So I can see this being an OK travel film or something like that.

Some scenes actually got some laughs out of me. I thought that Will Smith and company really tried hard, but the plot didn't convince me all the way through. There are things I'm very unsure about like some character motivations and a certain Key plan in the film was a little questionable.

It could have been worse since I watched it on Friday the 13th after all.
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A Collateral Cast Makes This Movie Emotional
rgkarim17 December 2016
We all know Charles Dickens' classic tale the Christmas Carol and all the lessons it teaches this time of season. It's a story that has been told through many mediums that continue to entertain the masses. This weekend, we get a similar tale to grace the theater entitled Collateral Beauty starring Will Smith and a slew of other characters. The question is though, does this twist work? Hi Robbie K here, privileged to share some thoughts on another movie. Shall we get started?

LIKES: • Fantastic Acting • Equal Screen Time • Good use of Music • Fantastic morals

With a star, studded cast that includes Will Smith, Kate Winslet, Hellen Mirren, and Edward Norton you expected good acting. Well good news, the acting met the expectations placed on the cast. Smith of course takes the lead, delivering another grand performance of someone suffering in life (7 pounds and pursuit of happiness). He sells the anger and hurt, while maintaining his emotional balance to prevent falling into overacting territory. Edward Norton, again delivers a sound performance and probably has the most diverse energy of the cast. Newcomer Jacob Lattimore surprised me with his performance, which although a little skewed, had the teenage angst and aggression representative of time. But the champion actor is Helen Mirren, who continues to prove that age brings experience. Mirren was the funniest of the group, but managed to sell the morals of the movie the most without going too far. She engages so well with the entire cast, and does a good job as the keystone of the movie…you know past Will Smith. The entire group again does a fantastic job altogether, and even better are all balanced through the movie, each member getting close to equal time (which is sometimes unheard of). While the acting certainly helps make the story come to life, the editing of the movie helped amplify the emotions of the film. The cinematography is beautifully executed, combining the enchanting scenery with the raw pain of our suffering characters. You'll get plenty of close ups on tear stricken faces and troubled stares as our characters face the ordeals at hand. But it's the background symphony music, that helps add that edge to get the tears flowing. Beautiful piano work helps sell the scene, subtle at times before unleashing its full power as the lessons are learned. The culmination of audio and visual are fantastic tools to seal the deal for the morals this film has to offer. And speaking of morals, the writers did a nice job twisting the tale to focus on dealing with life's problems. Aside from Will Smith's trial of accepting his daughter's death, the other characters each have their own trials to face that involve self- assessment, acceptance, and a willingness to try and make things better. Preachy as it can be, these important lessons are taught with the fantastic lines and strong acting premise.

DISLIKES: • Not as deep as I thought • Felt Incomplete • Lackluster • More spirit interventions would have been nice

Despite all the good I reported, Collateral Beauty still has some rough edges that need some smoothing out. For one thing, I felt there could have been more emotional punch to this film. I felt the lessons in my heart, but I wasn't borderline crying in this film. It felt like they held back on the emotional punch. Whether this is due to some production quirks, some shallower plots, or the fact that the trailer delivered much of the film could have diluted it. The movie also felt incomplete at parts, as if other scenes were needed or perhaps scenes deleted to take out the incomplete feeling. In addition, the movie is a bit lackluster from the various tellings of the Christmas Carol. This film doesn't have the terror or suspense that Dickens' three spirits contain, although they are much more entertaining. This movie, despite teaching values, was just not as unique as I think it wanted to be. There were no grandiose twists, no outstanding spirit designs, and no key features to help make this movie stand out from similar morale tales. I think I also wanted more spiritual interventions as well, another round to drive the point home to Howard.


Collateral Beauty is certainly an example of great acting, as our stars have incredible chemistry, integrate through most of the movie, and have the emotional balance we would want in such a cast. In addition, the morals are taught well thanks to the strong dialogue and wonderful audio/visual techniques to amplify the emotions. However, there was something missing that just didn't make this movie as emotionally deep as I expected. Still, this is a movie that will move many and a good, fun movie for the holiday season. Is it needed to be seen in the big screen? When looking at the technical qualities and the unique aspect of the film…no this movie is worth a Redbox rent. However, in regards to the moral lessons and heartfelt story, this one is worth a visit.

My scores are:

Drama: 7.5 Movie Overall: 6.5
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Don't expect too much and you'll be fine
watersprinkls23 December 2016
This movie has such a good and seemingly thought-provoking concept. Initially I definitely expected a lot, thinking the trailer was really good and being that Will Smith is one of my favorite actors. However, I was completely open minded to having the movie play out differently than what I expected.

I think the part I just really didn't like was how the movie was arranged. I'm not sure whether or not it was the way it was directed or the way it was written, but it seemed slow and boring to follow at first. Some scenes or story lines felt underwhelming, shallow, or just unnecessary (making it slow). On top of that, I wish they created more of a story, more background where we feel connected to the characters. As the story unfolds and you learn things, you might sort of feel connected based on where the characters are in their lives. So maybe based on your personal experiences you may feel different than I did, but yeah they didn't really reel me in.

At some point the scenes, dialogue, transitions, or general direction of the movie definitely did feel all over the place and scattered. I wish there would have been more depth, in some cases. The lack thereof may be due to them creating this sort of, light-humored comedic balance. It just felt surface level, as if they were trying to trigger your emotions with surface level things.

Interesting concept, the ending did amaze me, but sadly that was the best part for me.
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Critics need to get a life
jasonperronesr26 August 2017
Negative reviews kept me out of the theater. Thankfully my mom talked me into watching this. What a beautiful, heartbreaking, well written nearly perfect movie. And the soundtrack is gorgeous and rips your heart out. There is nothing negative to be said. The performances are splendid across the board.
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MB-reviewer18518 July 2020
This movie was pretty good and heartfelt. Critics should probably see it again and see what's good in it.
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A great film with a fantastic cast
michellesalter27 January 2017
Yet another occasion that I'm glad I didn't listen to the critics. This film had everything in it for me and Will Smith once again showed what a fantastic actor he truly is. It has a great cast of award nominees (including Dame Helen Mirren) who make this film a real roller-coaster of emotions. Each actor having their own unique part to play giving the film great depth. This is my first ever review on IMDb and it's because I enjoyed the film so much and I believe the critics got it so very wrong on this occasion! I felt I had to stand behind the film and great actors to prove this is not the underdog of films but can stand side by side with many great films.
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The best invention has been love, time and death
danielsanchezmendoza12 November 2019
The best invention has been love, time and death, it really is not easy, there are many situations and convictions that do not reveal the collateral movements that are caused by an event in our lives. Most of us strive to control the result without seeing that everything around us, everything that happens around us is part of living. Perhaps the death of a mother or a brother could be used to represent the loss, but the human being is harmed more when it comes to a child. There are many events that can cause sadness, madness, desolation, without emabargo as long as it is not from your circle of belonging, it does not matter and there is the big problem. The story focuses on the loss of the most loved of people, but the unplanned birth of a baby can also cause collateral beauty.
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Reliable Review
bilalgharib16 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I will summarize the pros and cons, and let the reader to decide. In short, I don't recommend this movie; it is a waste of time and money.


-Good story line. This is what made me watch the movie in the first place.

-Good acting specifically Will Smith. Will Smith is great, no doubt. The other actors are very good too.

-The last moments of the movie are good. They surprise you.


-It is boring; it spends a lot of time on unnecessary scenes and dialogues that are either marginal or not related to the main story.

-It is not deep. Drama is supposed to enter in depth in human emotions. The main issues in the movie "death", "time" and "love" are discussed very superficially, and the related dialogues are short. Even the main issue of the movie "Collateral Beauty" is very passive.

Summary: Although the movie had had all the requirements of a good movie like good acting and good story line, I will not recommend a boring superficial drama.
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Did I see the same Collateral Beauty movie?
Alanrad8 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
My wife and I really enjoyed this movie. Unlike some of the reviewers. I thought the acting was excellent, the story asked some questions, the theatre audience chuckled in the right places and people were carrying their tissues as they left the movie. So I guess for audiences (at least the audience I watched this with) - a success. Of course this more sensitive category of movie lays itself open for cynicism and I would not go to see this with a bunch of mates, but with this type of movie I try to sit back and let it gently flow. And it flowed nicely for my wife and I. And we were rewarded with what we thought was an excellent, satisfying ending. If Need For Speed is your favorite franchise this is not for you. But I would give it a chance if I were you, it's a better movie that some of the other reviewers claim but get the tissues ready.
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Not well executed
Kingslaay8 May 2020
Collateral Beauty is quite a deep film yet it lacked a good guiding hand. A better director and team could have transformed it into a powerful and meaningful film. Otherwise it falls flat and comes across as not strong enough. There is no emotional pay off and good set up to carry it all the way through. Despite strong performances it is not enough to save this film. The deeper themes could have been explained better, there could have been more symbolism present and yes a much stronger director and team at the helm.
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So much acting
gaijintendo13 March 2018
Everyone is acting so hard. Right in front of the cameras. They are doing all their acting tricks. They are saying all these lines. Someone put so much effort into every line. Too much effort?

It is all about emotion, but everything is so in-human. Nothing sounds like a human might have ever said it. Everyone speaks with such singular purpose: to do some acting. No small chat. No warming up for the big emotive message.

The ambient sounds feel oppressive. The music feels like it is trying to make you fall into a dream-state.

I don't understand why people love this movie, but I am happy for them.
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Such a beautifully moving film
Gordon-114 January 2017
This film tells the story of a high power advertising executive, who still could not come to terms with losing his daughter to illness two years ago. He lives his life like a zombie, not talking, not eating, and concentrates only on dominoes. Three of his friends and colleagues try to get him out of his zombie state by an unconventional method.

I honestly do not understand why people think "Collateral Beauty" is bad. I enjoyed it a lot and thought it was beautiful and moving. The story is beautifully crafted, as scenes towards the end of the film echo back to some parts of previous scenes. It is quite a touching thing to see who in the film really sees the collateral beauty in seemingly tragic chaos. Will Smith is great as usual, and actually the cast ensemble is great as well. The board room scene provides the emotional climax and makes me appreciate how lovely this film is. I enjoyed it.
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