Narvik: Hitler's First Defeat (2022) Poster

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A pretty decent WW2 movie which kept me interested from start to "The End"...
Erik_Surewaard24 January 2023
If I read quite some of the other user reviews, I see many complaints about the movie being too focussed on the story of one family. This instead of on the battle itself. And I can partially agree with those comments. But to use this as the main argument for giving this movie an IMDd rating of only somewhere between 1 to 4 stars, is totally unjustified. This is like saying that "Titanic" is a bad movie because it focusses to much on a love story between two people...

I personally think that "Narvik" succeeded pretty well considering its relative meagre production budget of 'only' 63.2 million Norwegian Kroner, equalling around 6.4 million US$. So before drawing conclusions, let's first take a look at a comparable... For instance "Das Boot" - a WW2 movie that was made in germany over 40 years ago - had a budget of 15 million US$. And mind you, those are 1981 dollars! So it seems that a budget of 6.4 million is peanuts if you want to make a WW2 movie.

So it is only logical that one needs to make difficult decisions with such a budget. And the first thing that needs to be realized, is that expensive battle scenes are very much out of the question. So I am pretty impressed that "Narvik" still contained some pretty good action scenes! A good example are the ground battle scenes that start at 50 minutes into the movie.

I think it was pretty clever to base the storyline on a family relationship between a husband, wife and her kid that live in Narvik. The husband - whom is a soldier that fights for the Norwegian Army - gives us thereby a good idea of the situation that the defending army was facing. And the wife - whom has to translate for the germans - provides us with a view on the considerations on the german side.

I have to say that the storyline could have been more focussed on at least the consequences that the battle had on citizens and the village of Narvik. At least they could have involved more families or people. I think it is indeed a bit to focussed on just the husband and wife.

What is very well done is to make the movie period authentic. The vehicles, uniforms, weapons and other props look all period-true. Combined with filming locations that provide us with excellent scenery, it really gave me the idea that it was World War 2 that I was looking at. And the CGI - where it was used - was also good. Large fires, bombed out areas, planes, ships... for me they all looked genuine. With regards to the planes and ships, it surely helped that they didn't give the viewer a close-up view. The large fires and bombed buildings - whom we could see way clearer - all looked very real.

Combined with some pretty decent acting, I therefore have to disagree with the users that give this movie an IMDb rating of 4 stars or lower. Taking into account all the above - and emphasizing that at no moment I was bored whilst watching the movie - I think that this movie deserves a score of 6.6/10. Just barely making a 7-star IMDb rating.

Seeing what is already possible on the meagre budget it had to work work with, I personally wonder what Narvik would have looked like with a budget of 3 to 4 times more. If I read that the initial idea was to make a mini-series, I think that we have here a big missed opportunity. Because all elements are available to create a mini-series that not only portrays events that are important to Norway and WW2, but that are also a must-see in any persons life...
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A competent war drama
grahamf-5554213 February 2023
While looking at what others said on here I found one outstanding and very comprehensive review. I completely agree with everything said by Erik_Surewaard and hope he won't mind me quoting part of his to make up the word count. I strongly recommend reading Erik's comments in full.

If I read quite some of the other user reviews, I see many complaints about the movie being too focussed on the story of one family. This instead of on the battle itself. And I can partially agree with those comments. But to use this as the main argument for giving this movie an IMDd rating of only somewhere between 1 to 4 stars, is totally unjustified. This is like saying that "Titanic" is a bad movie because it focusses to much on a love story between two people...

I personally think that "Narvik" succeeded pretty well considering its relative meagre production budget of 'only' 63.2 million Norwegian Kroner, equalling around 6.4 million US$. So before drawing conclusions, let's first take a look at a comparable... For instance "Das Boot" - a WW2 movie that was made in germany over 40 years ago - had a budget of 15 million US$. And mind you, those are 1981 dollars! So it seems that a budget of 6.4 million is peanuts if you want to make a WW2 movie.
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Engaging family drama and battle scenes despite lack of historical accuracy
Turfseer29 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I knew nothing about the city of Narvik or the battle that took place there in northern Norway at the beginning of World War II in 1940. So as a basic primer I learned something new.

Germany attacked Narvik because it was a transit hub for iron ore that came from Sweden. Briefly the Norwegians were aided by the French and the British resulting in the first defeat of the war for Germany. But the victory was short-lived after the allies were forced to withdraw following Germany's subsequent victories on the European continent.

A fair number of internet posters criticized the film for its unrealistic depictions of the battle itself and focusing on a fictional story about two young parents and their five-year-old son caught up in the fog of war.

Given obvious budget limitations, the focus is on one troop of intrepid Norwegian soldiers. The conflict however was huge, and the complaint was that the battle (which lasted a few months) was reduced to a limited and rather unimpressive engagement.

Nonetheless, despite the limited nature of these action scenes, I found myself wanting to see what happens next. The protagonist, Corporal Gunnar Tofte (Carl Martin Eggsbe), is tasked with blowing up a strategic bridge which proved gripping at the beginning of the second act.

Meanwhile, wife Ingrid (Kristine Hartgen) is trying to protect her son Ole (Christoph Gelfert) from British air raids while ministering to the occupying German forces as their interpreter.

Particularly interesting are Ingrid's dealings with the German counsul Fritz Wussow (Christoph Bach) who is bent on finding a couple of British diplomats hidden by Ingrid up in the mountains. She brings them the locations of German artillery positions which they radio to British ships which have entered the harbor at Narvik.

After Gunnar Is captured by the Germans with the knowledge that he was instrumental in blowing up the bridge Ingrid asks Wussow to intercede on Gunnar's behalf with the German commander. I assume the intervention was successful as Gunnar is not executed right away but condemned to work at hard labor lugging supplies through the snow.

Gunnar's subsequent escape and successful assault on a German position in which a huge cannon is destroyed proves to be another exciting action sequence.

The most dramatic moment in the film occurs when Ingrid decides to tell the Germans about the hidden Brits so that a doctor can treat little Ole after he sustains a shrapnel wound that becomes infected following a British air raid.

There are some "holier than thou" people here who condemned Ingrid for allegedly betraying her country in order to save her son but it's not the same as (for example) when the neighbors of Anne Frank turned her into the Nazis later during the war.

It's also understandable that initially Gunnar saw Ingrid as a traitor after all the sacrifices he made during his encounters with the Germans. But he came to his senses and realized that as a mother Ingrid's only concern was for the life of her child.

The family story here was the right way to go despite disagreements from those who were looking for more historical accuracy. Had the focus just been on the battle scenes, this would have then become more of a docudrama or even a full-blown documentary.

Narvik understandably doesn't have much time for character development but there's enough action to keep action aficionados satisfied. The performances are all top-notch with additional praise for Kristine Hartgen as the beleaguered mom.
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Enjoyable WWII movie from a Norwegian perspective
paul-allaer3 February 2023
As "Narvik" (2022 release from Norway; 108 min; original title: "Kampen om Narvik" or "The Battle for Norvik") opens, we are introduced to the historical background as to why Norway declares itself neutral at the beginning of WWII, and yet Germany invades it. We then get to know Gunnar Tofte, a soldier in the Norwegian army, and his wife Ingrid, who runs a hotel and becomes an interpreter for the head of the German occupying force. At this point we are 10 minutes into the movie.

Couple of comments: this WWII movie is a nice change of pace. Did you know that Norway was officially neutral when WWII broke out? Me neither. And why the Nazis invaded Norway anyway? I'm not going to spoil any of the plot, you'll just have to see for yourself how it all plays out. I wasn't familiar with any of the cast, and it didn't bother me in the least. I really enjoyed the photography, done on location in Norway. Please note that the listing of this here on IMDb as "Narvik: Hitler's First Defeat" is inaccurate and never appears as such anywhere in the movie. Last but not least: I read that "Narvik" sold more movie theater tickets in Norway than any other movie released there in theaters in 2022.

"Narvik" bypassed US theaters, and started streaming on Netflix about a week ago. Netflix recommended it to me based on my viewing habits. Glad I checked it out. If you are in the mood for a decent WWII movie from a Norwegian perspective, I'd readily suggest you check it out, and draw your own conclusion.
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Interesting war movie
Luigi Di Pilla27 January 2023
Here comes another important and interesting movie about the Hitlerian occupation in Norway during the Second World War. It shows accurately how the Nazi and the Norwegian opposition wanted to defend their territory.

The locations were beautiful and the costumes created with authentically.

It's a touching story and I don't want to spoil any details here. I just recommend to check it out on Netflix. The main actors did a good job and the director too. The combat scenes are well executed with good special effects.

The Norwegian locations are beautiful and they are just perfect to turn there this documentary.

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Not about the Battle of Narvik
Karl Aksel14 February 2023
Ok, first of all: this is a good movie on its own merits. It's got good writing, good pacing and is engaging for what it is. But odds are you're not going to like it if you know your history, and if you don't, this movie isn't going to teach you anything.

The problem, however, is that it tries to deal with two different subject matters at once. It tries to be about the Battle of Narvik, but it also tries to be about the fate of civilians - in particular it tries to show how people could be pushed to collaboration, even though there's only the one example. And this seems to be the main focus of the movie. Had the title been more honest, this would have been a better movie. We are only offered a couple of skirmishes to represent the actual battles, and these skirmishes lack any sense of scale. The landing at Bjerkvik, for example, is represented by a small handful of Norwegians along with 4-5 French and 2-3 Polish soldiers, fighting against 5-10 Germans defending a single railway gun which looked to be no heftier than an 88. And this was the biggest engagement shown.

I don't think I saw a single British soldier in any of the skirmishes - there were a total of three - and the entire Allied operation seemed to hinge on the ability of a single woman to gather intelligence for two British consuls hiding in a shack. If that sounds silly it's because it is.

In the end, I give it a 6/10 because it's an engaging movie - but also quite the disappointment. Had they ommitted all the "battle" scenes, focused entirely on the female protagonist and her struggle between doing right by her family or right by her country, and not pretended this was a movie about the Battle of Narvik, this would have been a better movie.
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Good but not what I hoped and thought it would be
pirvar7429 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is absolutely a good movie.

However, I did not like that the biggest battle in the campaign and war on Norwegian soil was left out, the battle of Gratangen. I feel that the "whole" of this war history was overlooked. Even the large sea battles was not shown. In the trailer it looked like that at least would be shown in detail. This is not an epic war movie showing the Battle(s) of Narvik - It is a story of a family trying to survive the war seen from the angles of the mother and father of a young boy, showing the civilian cost, and it is fictional in that sense. Also, Bjerkvik, where 10% of the civilians died is not shown.

The scope of this battle was a lot higher. It was alot bigger than Pearl Harbor for example. It does not show. At all. Almost 10k people died and 60-70 ships was sunk.

However, if you disregard that, and had no wish for a movie that gives a more accurate description of the history of the battle of Narvik like me, this IS a good movie. Just not a movie doing justice to the history of this military history, more focus on drama.
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An Engaging Nordic War Movie
albertval-6956029 January 2023
This is a war movie but also a movie about relationships in wartime.

It's good to know about the circumstances that lead to the Battle of Narvik in 1940. Truth is, this film has a similar vibe to "All Quiet on the Eastern Front," the German movie that deals with war in the trenches in World War I.

What makes this film engaging is the performance of the main character Ingrid. She portrays a Norwegian hotel staff who's fluent both in German and English, and is tapped to interpret both sides during their meetings prior to the outbreak of hostilities, and who remains as interpreter for the Germans when the conflict begins. She has to deal with the consequences of this role. She's convincing in here, and the viewer avidly waits for the outcome of her choice.

Kristine Hartgen is a competent actor. She's able to bring to the screen the angst that Ingrid feels as she struggles with her situation. The viewer empathizes with what she has to do for the sake of a loved one.

Carl Martin Eggesbo and Henrik Mestad whom we saw in Occupied (Okkupert) lend strong support to a great story.

The fight scenes are credible. Cinematography is excellent.

Again, this film like other worthwhile war movies before it, clearly brings to the fore the ugliness of war. Man has yet to find a better way to settle differences and to rein in his impulse to dominate and subjugate others.
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Solid war film, but lacks punch when it comes to the complex issues it raises.
rdolan900724 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Narvik is one of those battles you might just have heard about but maybe like me have overlooked. I imagine that in Norway where the battle of Narvik took place, it probably has a significantly higher profile. It is often seen as 'Hitler's first defeat' although in reality it only temporarily delayed the defeat of the allies in Norway. It is a complicated battle as well, with naval, air and ground battles taking place in a relatively short space of time during 1940. It also has a mixture of French, Polish, British, and of course the Norwegians themselves involved in bitter fighting with the Germans.

Therefore any film on this subject has to be assured in its handling of such complex material. The success of this film also depends on how it relates the nature of the battle to another key story in the film. It is that of a personal one, a mother who does a deal with the Nazi Germans, to treat her dangerously ill child, injured by ironically enough, British shelling. The mother's story is also complicated by the fact her husband is a respected fighter in the Norwegian army. This is the setting of a story which also deals with collaboration, and the potential fall out because of it. She betrays two English agents to secure the treatment of her child, which makes her actions treacherous. This she justifies as a way to save her child. The film does pose complicated questions about what you would do to save your child, or whether you should have looked at the wider implications of those actions. You are actually serving a ruthless enemy by that treachery, and that enemy after all has invaded your country. Shouldn't sacrificing your child be part of the greater good?

Naturally, these are not easy questions, and prick what you might assume we consider to be normal moral certainties. It is obviously better not to be unwillingly placed in that position, and Hitler's invasion of Norway means that she has become a complicated victim of the war. She has been placed in that invidious position by the health of her son, and yet we tend to judge people most when they are under extreme pressure. In what we perhaps might unfairly consider to be their 'true nature' There are therefore definitely interesting undercurrents in this film, but I'm not sure the film is entirely successful. It doesn't quite work for me, and what should be a searing experience, doesn't quite land any real emotional punches. It feels like it circles the difficult subjects raised in this film, but doesn't quite have the scalpel's edge to cut through to the centre of them.

It may also suffer from a lack of focus, due to exploring many different aspects raised by the film. The film I should say however is well made, and the plotting, pacing, and narrative arc are easy to follow, which certainly should not be considered a given. The lack of focus is one of an emotional clarity, about the film perhaps not taking a firm moral position itself on the issue it raises. It doesn't evoke enough sympathy for the mother, or enough anger from those aware of her collaboration. It doesn't follow the fate of the English spies, even though we know they were most likely tortured and then shot. The film attempts a complex portrayal of twisting loyalties, but doesn't really show the true cost of what the decisions undertaken by the mother actually mean.

Kristine Hartgen does do excellent work as the mother of the young boy and Carl Martin Eggesbø is good in the role of her husband Gunnar Tofte. So the problems I think lie more with the script rather than the acting. I feel the moments of emotional power are softened too much. The end scene where the husband and wife are reconciled after the husbands initial anger feels like a pat one. It doesn't feel convincing because there seems to be such a short space of time between his first reaction to her treachery and that final scene. The anger directed at the mother by Narvik's population seem to take the form of just standard insults; that appear to lack any of the expected venom. I imagine in Norway collaboration, whatever your feelings about the mother's decision, is still a subject still requiring considerable sensitivity. It feels like the film is quite nervous about what the attitudes to the mother might be; perhaps due to most of the population, not knowing the exigencies of her situation. It comes across as milder, perhaps more distant film because of the emotional softening; deliberate or otherwise. I also detected a faint trace of anti-British sentiment in it, which was perhaps in danger of equalising the illegal invasion of Nazi Germany, with the British involvement in Narvik.

It is a shame this film doesn't quite handle some of the more complicated material as well as it could have done. The war scenes themselves are well done and are tense. An attack on a bridge is very well handled; as is the landing of Norwegian and French troops as a prelude to capturing a mountain top containing a hidden cannon. There is a cliché but nearly always a useful one where a Norwegian soldier looks at the picture of girlfriend of the young soldier he has just shot, and is shocked at the youth of the man he has killed. Any war film at this moment is tempered by the horrible contemporary truth of Russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine. It is always important to be reminded that war or the threat of it never seems to quite ever go away. There will be the inevitable matters arising of who have been seen to collaborate in Ukraine with the Russians. Those issues will probably have to await years before they are properly explored and resolved. Narvik does provide a reminder of the cost of war; one which of course is never not worth remembering. The film is ambitious, and just about works well enough. My difficulty with it comes with its lack of emotional clarity, and a softening of the issues it explores. There is not enough of that jolting, cold, angry, bitter, callous indifference of war. Narvik does slightly fluff its lines: not enough to stop it being a film well worth watching, but one that of promise that is not quite fulfilled or overly satisfactory.
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A poor mash up of fine cinematography
andrewrx-2218528 January 2023
This movie deserves 5 stars. It is watchable from beginning to end, but won't bring you anything more and forgettable with little to no value to talk about with those who have watched it too.

The battle for Norway of course was a note worthy, but seldom spoken of part of history as far as the timeline during the Second World War. This movie did little justice to bring any change to that.

The acting was fine from many of the main charactures, namely Kristine Hartgen, who played Ingrid Tofte. On an equal note, some of the acting seemed to be done by members taken from an after work/school acting club i.e. At least they knew not to look directly at the camera.

I can also say the cinematography was beautiful and location settings were superb. Unfortunately, where so many movies with great effects and stunning shots fall short, the story. The plot is the same as so many films which have come before, it is almost a clichè; likely so that they have something to begin filming with as quickly as possible and quite frankly, with a story line so unoriginal, you would think they might be able to get it right, or at least create it in such a way you can admire the finer details they put in. Not here though.

On a plus, which does deserve credit, the Germans were German, the Norweigens were Norweigen, the British were British and the French were French.

So, if you have found yourself scrolling for an eternity, mindlessly trying to find something to watch and about to give up, consider giving this movie a go... or don't, you will have missed nothing.
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The last 30 minutes are really worth it
JoeBuck66625 January 2023
Yes, it could have done so much more and gone way beyond. But I don't know if that would mean "better". There were plenty of spaces for more facts, arcs, narratives and things to be explored. But I think the fact that they weren't there was by design. Actually the movie made me cry and care about the characters in the end. So I think this is "mission accomplished" isn't it. It has that straightforward cold hearted but yet gentle and beautiful touch of morality and love that Nordic war movies always seem to have. The last 30 minutes are really worth it. And pay attention to the kid, the protagonist couple's kid.
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Not a war movie but a story set during war and well worth viewing.
patcal17 February 2023
With all the nonsensical and puerile movies coming out of Hollywood I rely on the Europeans to provide a steady supply of high standard and interesting productions and nobody does it better than the Norwegians.

I didn't know anything about wartime Narvik but, as a bonus for viewing it, this movie is an open invitation to the viewer to go look it up and discover what actually happened there during WW2 and it is a truly shocking but fascinating story.

The movie itself never lets up in its intensity. Never a dull moment I was thoroughly engaged right up to the last frame.

Now that I know the true story of Narvik I could nitpick but, in doing so, it would not detract one iota from the fact that this was a film that I would highly recommend.

Excellent acting, cinematography and music.

Dubbed dialogue, to me, is unreal so I always watch such features with subtitles..
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Too many story lines, not very realistic
bjornerikpedersen20 January 2023
I read somewhere that the budget of this movie was big, but it didn't show. There were some remote CGI ships on fire, but most of the battle scenes had surprisingly few people. The French saviours was a group of three soldiers, and a battle was simply won by taking out one, single machine gun station.

Also, this 110 minute long minute movie had way too many story lines, many felt a little "spur of the moment" thinking on the set, "just to make it a little more interesting".

My main take about this movie going out of the movie theatre was probably that I didn't really believe the main take of it. Sure, I have read about the real events of Narvik in 1940, which must have been terrible for the people living there. Plenty of drama to be had without making up one.
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Attempt to display Emotional prospective to the war story of Narvik
mohitjagtap2 April 2023
I see many reviews commenting on the historical accuracy of the film. Rather I will be reviewing the film on its quality and technical standards which are found to very good. The plot of the film is what I liked the most. In fact, there are short mini stories in the same timeline and movie often switches brilliantly between them. Background score could have been better. Movie succeeds in maintaing the tension between the events. This films qualifies the genre of being war action,drama, bit of a thriller and pinch of romanticism in it. I too feel that maybe due to budget limitations, the films scope was limited to very limited locations which could have been a slight better.
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A semi confused piece of fine storytelling.
garbagecaller28 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Well, about time a movie came out with some information about what happened to women who had willing or unwilling relationships with the Germans in Norway! NO, this is not it. The plot is split in two, yet only one gets an ending. The story about betraying ones country to save a child is very catching, moving, realistic but the ending is unsuccessfull at portraying the truth. Many of the women who slept/cooperated with the germans were actually relocated TO Germany after the war. Thrown out from their own country. And the other story, about a brave soldier got it's happy ending. What I gathered from this is that as long as you kill the bad guys or save your son by killing the good guys you live happily ever after. In reality this was not the case. Both husband and wife would most likely have suffered a tragic faith, one killed by the Germans and the other sent away to Germany or being made an outcast for the rest of her life. Her son would suffer the same faith as countless Norwegians still hold these stupid grudges till this day.
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hitler's first defeat
ksf-224 January 2023
A port on the northern coast of norway is the source of strong european iron. Up until now, norway has tried to remain neutral, but that will no longer be possible. The allies are moving to block germany from obtaining the iron from narvik harbor. So the germans arrive in force to protect their source of iron. But there's a troop of norwegian soldiers holding out, trying to protect the city. It's up to them and the townspeople to stop the germans from a complete takeover. The details of the battles are well laid out in wikipedia dot org. This film is described as a "historic drama", so clearly it's someone's vision of what might have happened. And a lot of it is told in captions, rather than action. This story focuses on one family, where the wife must make decisions about how far she will go to help her own family. What's more important is that it was the first military loss for hitler in a foreign country. And some of the english dubbing is a bit strange; obviously, it was wartime, but some of language and tone are a bit over the top. It's okay. The drama of this one family was probably pretty common, in the fight against invaders. Directed by erik skjoldbjærg. It is good to see a norwegian film about a piece of history that I did not previously know.
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A comfy Netflix evening learning history and seeing Hitler defeated.
JohnDeSando25 January 2023
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him." G K Chesterton

The Netflix WWII film, Narvik: Hitler's First Defeat, captures the essence of conflict through the eyes of a tiny Norwegian town that, in 1940, faced the difficult choice between saving their town (what is behind them) through collaboration with Nazis (what is in front of him) or fighting a covert battle with them till the allies arrived to help take the town back. The decision and the fight are not easy, and it is, as they say, hell.

The hellacious circumstance in this quiet, thoughtful war drama, comes not from the bullets, which are many and from both sides; it is rather the choices that must be made, such as Ingrid's (Christine Hartgen) about saving her little boy's life by disclosing English soldiers' hideout. Like the oppressed Mennonite women of Women Talking, the choices can bring calamity no matter the side that's chosen.

Although this is the first battle Hitler loses to determined freedom fighters, he has plenty of victories before his ultimate loss. The title has a touch of black comedy, little of which is there in the screenplay. Yet, Narvik: Hitler's First Defeat discloses in a most serious way, the small dramas within that are the heart of the strife.

Besides Ingrid's dilemma, the Nazi Konsul Fritz Wussow (Christopher Bach) is torn by his attraction to Ingrid and her value as informant who can betray Norway. Major Sigurd Omdal (Henrik Mestad) sends his boys against formidable odds. However, this town's iron ore is the object of both allies and Nazis and worth fighting for.

And so on, it seems, as no one is immune from responsibility for tragedies. The value of this unassuming war film is its ability to universalize the experiences of war, especially when they are confined to your town with small hope of deliverance. Good war films (Think All Quiet on the Western Front and Saving Private Ryan, for instance) demand thoughtful consideration of mankind's evil and its good, as Narvik does.
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fight or surrender
dromasca7 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Different versions of movie titles in different languages sometimes say interesting things about a movie, but also about the markets in which it is shown. This is also the case with the film that has been at the top of Netflix's international charts these weeks, and which in the Norwegian language of the original version has the title 'Narvik: Kampem om Narvik' meaning 'Battle for Narvik' (2022 - directed by Erik Skjoldbjærg). A neutral title, as if borrowed from a history book. In Romania, where I saw the film, the title was simply shortened to 'Narvik'. Instead, the title of the English (international?) version is 'Narvik: Hitler's First Defeat'. Probably the distributors considered it to be a more commercial title, even if the statement is somewhat questionable historically. This film, beyond its belonging to the category of 'war films' includes a story - fictional, but more interesting than the military scenes that abound and which asks a question related to a human dilemma to which it is difficult to give a firm answer: are there situations in which giving up fighting or even collaborating with the enemy would be justified?

The story takes place in May 1940 in the Norwegian port of Narvik, which became a strategic point due to the deliveries of ores from Sweden to the 3rd Reich. At the same time as the defeat of France and the fall of Paris, an important battle took place here in this first phase of WWII. Violating Norway's neutrality, the German army occupied the port only to be temporarily driven out by Allied forces and the Norwegian army. This first defeat of a hitherto invincible army was short-lived, as the Germans returned, occupying the port and all of Norway and installing a collaborationist government for most of the rest of the war. These are the events against which the drama of the Tofte family takes place, told in two parallel narrative threads. Corporal Gunnar Tofte, built up of the material of heroes ready to risk his life for his country, is in the army and fights against the occupiers. His wife, Ingrid, works at a local hotel and her knowledge of German and English puts her in a position to meet both with the military of the occupation forces and with the English diplomats who had become Allied since the invasion. When the life of the couple's little boy injured in an English bombing is in danger, Ingrid is faced with a terrible dilemma in order to save him.

'Narvik' has many of the qualities of a good Netflix production. The action scenes are very well filmed. Cinematography is beautiful and filming on location added to the feeling of authenticity. The characters are well fleshed out and the acting is good. It's a war movie where the human dimension is the most interesting part. And yet, it was here that I felt a huge missed opportunity. In most of the film we witness heroic resistance with clear motivation - ethical and nationalistic. The ending reverses the situation, and seems to forgive the film's heroes for an act that, seen from a different perspective, could be categorized as treason. In a way, the Tofte family's decision is a replica, on a personal scale, of a situation in which the entire country found itself during the WWII. I don't know to what extent these aspects have been discussed in the Norwegian society or reflected in books and films. In any case, in 'Narvik', my feeling was that debate has been avoided.
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Better than most
sharptowntiny24 January 2023
I see "decent" reviews, but I feel like I just watched a 9/10 war movie that can almost reach Saving Private Ryan in its scope and production. The lighting and cinematography were top shelf, the acting wasn't Oscar-worthy, but confident, restrained and noteworthy. It contains the best foreign language dubbing I've ever experienced, you practically don't even notice it, the CGI transparent, the writing and editing exemplifies how to move along with a balanced pace of slow and fast, with story easy to follow and enough tears at the end to stir the heartstrings. Enjoyable and riveting.

Well done.
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What would you do?
keikoyoshikawa20 May 2023
"Kampen om Narik" or Battle for Narvik is about difficult choices made under duress. It is about making decisions that you know will get someone killed vs saving the lives of others. It is about choosing loyalties - but not between political ideologies but between family and everyone else.

Essentially, it is not so much a war movie as it is a drama with war as its setting. The wonderful thing about this movie is that it puts you right in the shoes of the main characters making these difficult decisions. It doesn't judge its characters or their choices, and neither should the audience.

Unless, of course, you've been in similar situations. The actors are ok to good, with Kristine Hartgen a particular standout as Ingrid Tofte. It is through her eyes that we see most of the story played out. Carl Martin Eggsbo, who plays her solider husband, is good, too.
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kenntha31 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Beeing from Narvik myself we grew up with the history around the battle of Narvik but this movie uses 90% of the time only to tell the personal stories of a couple with Hollywood cliche after Hollywood cliche instead of telling the real story.

We got 6 seconds of the huge naval battles! Absolutely awful movie! Some small plus for scenery and recreation but this movie should have been a TV series as it was originally planned and not a movie that is way too short to tell the whole tale about the Battles of Narvik!

I will give it some small plus for the recreation of the landscapes and surroundings which are quite true, however this was a huge disappointment.
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Hitler's first defeat
OJT27 December 2022
"Kampen om Narvik - Hitler's første nederlag" (in English: The Battle of Narvik - Hitler's first defeat") directed by Erik Skjoldbjærg had a hard time reaching the cinemas, two years after first planned premiere,due to covid and then the eruption of the Ukraine war, but when it finally did it does to full houses across Norway.

The plot follows a soldier, Gunnar, and his family during the outbreak of the war, and the freeing of Narvik, a battle which kept going for 40 days, and we can feel the difficulties of war, with his wife obliged to help as a German translator.

The film is superbly filmed in locations Narvik, Drammen and Rjukan, and the sound is awesome.. the story manages to grip on several levels, and I found it both interesting and good, telling me history I didn't know about from before.

Another good Norwegian war movie, well worth a view.
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Disjointed and maddeningly misleading
ryangatto19 February 2023
Overall, this was a fine movie in parts.

However, as a whole, it was lacking. It needed to either be much longer (a 4 part soap) or much narrower in scope and tighter in plot. Instead, we got a movie that painted with broad, sloppy brush strokes - perhaps a student copy of Guernica put on film - and cut with dull scissors - think trying to express emotion through length rather than quality. Perhaps the budget was too big for the producers so the director got greedy with time or perhaps the script was simply too long. The end result is too much but too little of everything - from battle, to character development, to scenery, to acting, to emotion, to historical accuracy, to story. Not exactly a curate's egg, but close (and probably depends on your mood at the time of watching). Not a bad showing, but see the Heavy Water War for a much better format and movie/show.

A quick note on the historical accuracy part, the whole narrative arc seemed quite unfair to our British friends - almost painting them as the bad guys due to their failure to perform in the movie (and when they do assist, people die because the English cannot make naval bombardment perfectly hit only the Germans). Much is said about the English not coming to our aid and "why don't the British come" or "why don't they protect us". This continues to the final throwaway end pre-credits crawl where Norway is abandoned by the British and French and, wait for it,... without being told. While there is a slim nugget of truth in this, it vastly ignores, well, the stark reality of the whole campaign (see, if nothing else, the death rolls). I'm all for telling one side of the story, but why so vicious in criticism of our brothers? And why call it "true"? The purpose of all this inaccuracy is lost on this viewer.
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Not So Good
thunderchild-6618931 January 2023
I was really looking forward to watching this film, and was hoping for something more historical. The British played a big role at sea and on land, and sadly this was completely missed out, it focused instead, mainly on the French and Polish armies, for some strange reason, sadly.

But this was more based on a Norwegian family A shame really, especially if you're looking for something more true to history.

So for those looking for the usual heart wrenching family type films, then this is for you. I watched the dubbed, subtitled version, which was okay. In my opinion, don't bother watching it.
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Not much fighting but a fun watch
jimengels23 January 2023
Narvik is not an typical war movie like midway, saving private ryan or fury. The fighting scenes are not as heavy as i expected from a movie made about Narvik. The fighting scenes were bad because there wasn't much gunpower the only heavy fire in the movie is when a ship shoots at something on the land (no spoiler)

Nevertheless Narvik is a fun watch if you want to watch a romantic war movie. As it is about a married couple with a son and a father who all have different roles in the battle of narvik.

I rate it a 6/10 because the visuals were very good compared to other war movies that came out the last decade.
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