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This page is a translated version of the page Help:Formatting and the translation is 24% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
PD Avisu: Al editar esta páxina, aceutes distribuir la to collaboración baxo llicencia CC0. Llei les Páxines d'ayuda de Dominiu públicu pa más información. PD

Puedes dar formatu al testu usando llinguaxe de marcáu de wiki. Esti ta formáu por caráuteres convencionales como asteriscos, apóstrofos o signos d'igualdá, que tienen una función especial na wiki, dacuando según la so posición. Por casu, p'aplicar l'estilu 'cursiva' a una palabra, ésta escríbese ente apóstrofos 'asina'.

Marques de formatu de testu

Descripción Lo qu'escribes Lo que llogres
Formatu (en llinia) de carácter – aplícase ondequiera
Testu en cursiva


Testu en negrina


Negrina y cursiva
'''''negrina y cursiva'''''

negrina y cursiva

Escapar el llinguaxe de marcáu wiki
<nowiki>ensin ''marcáu''</nowiki>

ensin ''marcáu''

Formatu de sección – sólo al principiu de la llinia
Cabeceres de distintos niveles
== Nivel 2 ==

=== Nivel 3 ===

==== Nivel 4 ====

===== Nivel 5 =====

====== Nivel 6 ======

  • Nun usar el nivel 1 porque ye'l nivel del nome de la páxina.
  • Do not put any text on the same line after the ending equal signs.
  • Un artículu con 4 o más encabezaos crea automáticamente un índiz.

Nivel 2

Nivel 3

Nivel 4

Nivel 5
Nivel 6
Llinia horizontal
Testu anterior
Testu posterior

Testu anterior

Testu posterior

Llista con viñetes
* Empieza cada llinia
* con un [[Wikipedia:asterisk|asteriscu]] (*).
** Más asteriscos apurren niveles más fondos
*** y más fondos entá.
* Los saltos de llinia <br />nun corten los niveles.
*** Pero saltase niveles crea espacios en blancu.
Cualquier otru empiezu, termina la llista.

* combinar la llista con viñetes
** con una definición 
::- definición
** crea un espaciu en blancu

* combinar la llista con viñetes
** con una definición 
*:- definición
** ensin espacios en blancu

* llista con viñetes
:- definición
:* llista secundaria que nun crea
:* espacios en blancu
:* después de la definición
  • Empieza cada llinia
  • con un asteriscu (*).
    • Más asteriscos apurren niveles más fondos
      • y más fondos entá.
  • Los saltos de llinia
    nun corten los niveles.
      • Pero saltase niveles crea espacios en blancu.

Cualquier otru empiezu, termina la llista.

  • combinar la llista con viñetes
    • con una definición
- definición
    • crea un espaciu en blancu
  • combinar la llista con viñetes
    • con una definición
    - definición
    • ensin espacios en blancu
  • llista con viñetes
- definición
  • llista secundaria que nun crea
  • espacios en blancu
  • después de la definición
Llista numberada
# Start each line
# with a [[Wikipedia:Number_sign|number sign]] (#).
## More number signs give deeper
### and deeper
### levels.
# Line breaks <br>don't break levels.
### But jumping levels creates empty space.
# Blank lines

# end the list and start another.
Any other start also
ends the list.

<nowiki>#</nowiki> use "nowiki" tags to display a literal (#) at the beginning of a line without interpreting it as a numbered list.
  1. Start each line
  2. with a number sign (#).
    1. More number signs give deeper
      1. and deeper
      2. levels.
  3. Line breaks
    don't break levels.
      1. But jumping levels creates empty space.
  4. Blank lines
  1. end the list and start another.

Any other start also ends the list.

# use "nowiki" tags to display a literal (#) at the beginning of a line without interpreting it as a numbered list.

Definition list
;item 1
: definition 1
;item 2
: definition 2-1
: definition 2-2
At the end of the line, if the line begins with a semicolon (;), any inserted colon (:) will not be displayed. If you want for the colon to be displayed, escape it by writing &#58;.
item 1
definition 1
item 2
definition 2-1
definition 2-2
Indent text
: Single indent
:: Double indent
::::: Multiple indent

This workaround may harm accessibility.
Single indent
Double indent
Multiple indent
Mixture of different types of list
# one
# two
#* two point one
#* two point two
# three
#; three item one
#: three def one
# four
#: four def one
#: this looks like a continuation
#: and is often used
#: instead <br> of <nowiki><br></nowiki>
# five
## five sub 1
### five sub 1 sub 1
## five sub 2

The usage of #: and *: for breaking a line within an item may also harm accessibility.
  1. one
  2. two
    • two point one
    • two point two
  3. three
    three item one
    three def one
  4. four
    four def one
    this looks like a continuation
    and is often used
    of <br>
  5. five
    1. five sub 1
      1. five sub 1 sub 1
    2. five sub 2
Preformatted text
 Start each line with a space.
 Text is '''preformatted''' and
 ''markups'' '''''can''''' be done.

This way of preformatting only applies to section formatting. Character formatting markups are still effective.
Start each line with a space.
Text is preformatted and
markups can be done.
Preformatted text blocks
 <nowiki>Start with a space in the first column,
(before the <nowiki>).

Then your block format will be

This is good for copying in code blocks:

def function():
    """documentation string"""

    if True:
        print True
        print False</nowiki>
Start with a space in the first column,
(before the <nowiki>).

Then your block format will be

This is good for copying in code blocks:

def function():
    """documentation string"""

    if True:
        print True
        print False


MediaWiki ignores single line breaks. To start a new paragraph, leave an empty line. You can force a line break within a paragraph with the HTML tag ‎<br />.

HTML tags

Some HTML tags are allowed in MediaWiki, for example ‎<code>, ‎<div>, and ‎<span>. These apply anywhere you insert them.

Description You type You get
(Displays as underline in most browsers)






(Displays as strike-through in most browsers)






Fixed width text
<code>Source code</code>
Source code
Text before
Text after
If the quote contains multiple paragraphs the tags need to be on separate lines to display properly, i.e.:
First paragraph.

Second paragraph.

Text before


Text after

<q>This is a quotation</q>
The q element must not be used in place of quotation marks that do not represent quotes; for example, it is inappropriate to use the q element for marking up sarcastic statements.[1]
This is a quotation
<!-- This is a comment -->
Comments are visible only 
in the edit zone.

Comments are visible only in the edit zone.

Completely preformatted text
Text is '''preformatted''' and 
''markups'' '''''cannot''''' be done

For marking up of preformatted text, check the "Preformatted text" entry at the end of the previous table.
Text is '''preformatted''' and 
''markups'' '''''cannot''''' be done
Customized preformatted text
<pre style="color: red">
Text is '''preformatted''' 
with a style and 
''markups'' '''''cannot''''' be done

A CSS style can be named within the style attribute.
Text is '''preformatted''' 
with a style and 
''markups'' '''''cannot''''' be done


Description You type You get
Default preformatted text has a CSS attribute (white-space: pre-wrap;) to wrap the text according to available width
This long sentence is used to demonstrate text wrapping. This additional sentence makes the text even longer. This additional sentence makes the text even longer.
This long sentence is used to demonstrate text wrapping. This additional sentence makes the text even longer. This additional sentence makes the text even longer.
Customized preformatted text with disabled text wrapping
<pre style="white-space: pre;">
This long sentence is used to demonstrate text wrapping. This additional sentence makes the text even longer. This additional sentence makes the text even longer.
This long sentence is used to demonstrate text wrapping. This additional sentence makes the text even longer. This additional sentence makes the text even longer.

The full list of recognized tags is given on Help:HTML in wikitext .

Inserting symbols

Symbols and other special characters not available on your keyboard can be inserted in a multitude of ways. Many operating systems and browsers allow to insert special characters through a menu option or operating system panel. Additionally, you can use the WikiEditor or VisualEditor to insert them into the edit screen.

As a last resort, you can use a special sequence of characters. Those sequences are called HTML character references. For example:

  • the rightwards arrow symbol () can be displayed using the &rarr; sequence
  • an em dash () can be displayed using &mdash;.

Hover over any symbol to reveal the entity that produces it. Some symbols not available in the current font will appear as empty squares.
HTML symbol entities
Á á Â â ´ Æ æ À à Α α & Å å Ã ã Ä ä Β β ¦ Ç ç ¸ ¢
Χ χ ˆ © ¤ ° Δ δ ÷ É é Ê ê È è Ε ε Η η
Ð ð Ë ë ƒ ½ ¼ ¾ Γ γ > Í í Î î ¡ Ì ì Ι ι
¿ Ï ï Κ κ Λ λ « < ¯ µ · Μ μ  
¬ Ñ ñ Ν ν Ó ó Ô ô Œ œ Ò ò Ω ω Ο ο ª º Ø ø Õ õ Ö
ö Φ φ Π π ϖ ± £ Ψ ψ " » ® Ρ ρ
Š š § ­ Σ σ ς ¹ ² ³ ß Τ τ Θ θ ϑ Þ þ ˜
× Ú ú Û û Ù ù ¨ ϒ Υ υ Ü ü Ξ ξ Ý ý ¥ ÿ Ÿ Ζ ζ
Description You type You get
Copyright symbol &copy;
Greek delta letter symbol &delta;
Euro currency symbol &euro;

See the list of all HTML entities on the Wikipedia article List of HTML entities. Additionally, MediaWiki supports two non-standard entity reference sequences: &רלמ; and &رلم; which are both considered equivalent to &rlm; which is a right-to-left mark. (Used when combining right to left languages with left to right languages in the same page.)

HTML tags and symbol entities displayed themselves (with and without interpreting them)

&amp;euro;  → &euro;
<span style="color: red; text-decoration: line-through;">Typo to be corrected</span>  → Typo to be corrected
&lt;span style="color: red; text-decoration: line-through;">Typo to be corrected</span>  → <span style="color: red; text-decoration: line-through;">Typo to be corrected</span>

Nowiki for HTML

‎<nowiki /> can prohibit (HTML) tags:

  • <<nowiki/>pre>  → <pre>

But not & symbol escapes:

  • &<nowiki/>amp;  → &

To print & symbol escapes as text, use "&amp;" to replace the "&" character (eg. type "&amp;nbsp;", which results in "&nbsp;").

Other formatting

Beyond the text formatting markup shown hereinbefore, here are some other formatting references:

You can find more references at Help:Conteníu .
