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2017 ballot measures

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In 2017, twenty-seven (27) statewide ballot measures were certified for the ballot in nine states. Of those, 22 were on the ballot for the election on November 7, 2017.

Click here for an overview of election results for all 22 statewide ballot measures on the ballot on November 7, 2017. In November 2017, voters approved 16 measures, defeated three, and voted to advise repealing three tax bills in Washington.

Besides the 22 measures on the ballot in November, one measure was on the ballot in Maine on June 13, 2017; one measure was on the ballot in West Virginia for the election on October 7, 2017; and three measures were on the ballot in Louisiana for the election on October 14, 2017. Overall, 21 measures were approved, and six were defeated—counting the advisory votes in Washington in which a majority of voters advised repealing the three tax bills presented to them.

This was the lowest number of statewide measures to go before voters in any year between 1947 and 2017.

  • Four citizen initiatives were on the ballot; two in Ohio and two in Maine; the other measures were put on the ballot by legislatures or automatically triggered by state law.
  • Ohioans rejected Issue 2, an initiative to tie drug prices paid by state agencies to those paid by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. The support and opposition campaigns raised $18,287,880.67 and $59,125,540.98, respectively; Issue 2 was similar to California's 2016 Proposition 61.
  • New York voters decided against holding a constitutional convention, defeating a question that is automatically referred to the ballot every 20 years. Approval would have led to a delegate election in 2018 and a vote on proposed constitutional changes in 2019. Supporters of a convention included the New York state and city bar associations, the state League of Women Voters, Citizens Union, and Forward March NY; opponents included the NY State AFL-CIO, the United Federation of Teachers, Planned Parenthood Empire State Acts, Right to Life, and the NY State Rifle and Pistol Association.
  • In November, Maine voters approved Question 2—an initiative to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, along with deciding three other measures.
  • Types of measures

    The chart below breaks out the statewide ballot measures certified for the ballot in 2017 by type and compares these numbers to data from previous odd-numbered years.

    Type of ballot measure 2017 2015 2013 2011 2009
    Legislatively referred constitutional amendments 16 16 17 21 20
    Initiatives 4 5 3 10 6
    Veto referendums 0 0 0 2 3
    Legislatively referred state statutes 0 1 6 1 3
    Legislatively referred bond questions 3 2 0 0 0
    Automatic ballot referrals 1 0 0 0 0
    Commission-referred ballot measures 0 0 0 0 0
    Advisory questions 3 4 5 0 0
    Total 27 28 31 34 32

    Context of the 2017 elections

    Low number of measures

    In 2017, a seven-decade record for the lowest number of statewide ballot measure certifications was set. This continued a general trend toward fewer statewide measures. The last year in which there were fewer than 27 statewide measures was 1947. The year's certifications amounted to just one fewer than in 2015, when voters decided 28 statewide measures.

    From 1987 through 2015, the average number of measures on the ballot in odd-numbered years was 51, with an average of 11 states in which measures appeared on the ballot. In the last decade, however, the average dropped to 34 measures in eight states. Since 2001, the average was 41 measures in 10 states. The number of measures on the ballot in odd-numbered years since 1990 peaked in 1999 at 72. In 1989 and 1987, there were 77 and 78 measures, respectively.

    Year States Measures
    2021 9 39
    2019 8 36
    2017 9 27
    2015 9 28
    2013 6 31
    2011 9 34
    2009 7 32
    2007 10 45
    2005 13 47
    2003 15 68
    2001 9 39
    1999 16 72
    1997 8 44
    1995 11 61
    1993 15 62
    1991 9 48
    1989 13 77
    1987 13 78
    Averages: 11 48

    Analyses and reports

    Campaign finance

    See also: Ballot measure campaign finance, 2017

    Over $100 million was contributed to the campaign supporting and opposing ballot measures in 2017. The most expensive ballot measure battle—Ohio Issue 2, Drug Price Standards—was responsible for three-quarters of that, with opponents outspending supporters three-to-one. The four citizen initiatives on the ballot—two in Ohio and two in Maine—were responsible for 95 percent of campaign contributions. The only other measure to spur six-figure campaigns was New York Proposal 1, the constitutional convention question. Opponents raised over $3 million, and supporters raised about $900,000.

    Click here to read Ballotpedia's full campaign finance report for 2017 ballot measures.

    Signature costs

    See also: Ballot measure signature costs, 2017

    A total of $7.87 million was spent on the signature petition drives for the four citizen initiatives that made the ballot in 2017. On average, proponents spent $15.4 for every required signature used to put the initiatives before voters. At $2.69 million for 61,123 required signatures—a CPRS of $43.97—the most expensive 2017 initiative petition drive was for Maine Question 1, the casino authorization initiative. The average CPRS across the 76 successful signature petition drives in 2016 was $5.63. The average CPRS in 2015 was $6.49.

    Click here to read Ballotpedia's full initiative signature petition costs report for 2017 ballot measures.

    By date

    June 11

    June 13

    October 7

    October 14

    November 7

    By state


    See also: Louisiana 2017 ballot measures

    October 14:

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRCA Amendment 1 Taxes Exempts properties under construction from property taxes until completion
    LRCA Amendment 2 Taxes Creates property tax exemption for surviving spouses of emergency responders killed performing duties
    LRCA Amendment 3 Budget Dedicates revenue from new taxes to transportation projects


    See also: Maine 2017 ballot measures

    June 13:

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    BI Question 1 Bonds $50 million in bonds for investment in tech sectors and businesses

    November 7:

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    IndISS Question 1 Gambling Casino or slot machines in York County
    IndISS Question 2 Healthcare Expand Medicaid under the ACA
    BI Question 3 Bonds $105 million in bonds for highways, bridges, ports, railroads, aviation, transit, and trails
    LRCA Question 4 Pension Time to pay off unfunded liabilities from experience losses

    New Jersey

    See also: New Jersey 2017 ballot measures
    Type Title Subject Description Result
    BI Question 1 Bonds $125 million in bonds for library grants
    LRCA Question 2 Environment Revenue from environmental lawsuits to environmental projects

    New York

    See also: New York 2017 ballot measures
    Type Title Subject Description Result
    ConCon Proposal 1 ConCon Holds a constitutional convention
    LRCA Proposal 2 Gov't Acc Allows judges to revoke the state pension of a public officer convicted of a felony related to officer's duties
    LRCA Proposal 3 Forests and Parks Creates a 250-acre land bank to provide forest preserve land for local projects


    See also: Ohio 2017 ballot measures
    Type Title Subject Description Result
    CICA Issue 1 Law Enforcement Constitution rights of crime victims
    IndISS Issue 2 Healthcare State to purchase drugs at prices no more than what the VA pays


    See also: Pennsylvania 2017 ballot measures
    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRCA Allow Local Taxing Authorities to Exempt Full Value of Homestead Amendment Taxes Authorizes local taxing authorities to exempt the full value of homesteads from property taxes


    See also: Texas 2017 ballot measures
    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRCA Proposition 1 Taxes Authorizes tax exemption for property of partially disabled veterans received as donations
    LRCA Proposition 2 Housing Makes changes to home equity loan provision of constitution
    LRCA Proposition 3 State Exec Provides for how long an appointed officer may serve after his or her term expires
    LRCA Proposition 4 State Exec Requires a court to provide notice to the attorney general of a challenge to a statute
    LRCA Proposition 5 Gambling Defines professional sports team in charitable raffles
    LRCA Proposition 6 Taxes Authorizes property tax exemption for surviving spouses of first responders killed in line of duty
    LRCA Proposition 7 Banking Authorizes financial institutions to offer prizes to promote savings


    See also: Washington 2017 ballot measures
    Type Title Subject Description Result
    AQ Advisory Vote 16 Taxes Status of HB 1597, which increased commercial fishing fees
    AQ Advisory Vote 17 Taxes Status of HB 2163, which made changes to sales and use tax and business and occupation tax
    AQ Advisory Vote 18 Taxes Status of HB 2242, which increased the state property tax

    West Virginia

    See also: West Virginia 2017 ballot measures

    October 7:

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRCA Amendment 1 Bonds Authorizes $1.6 billion in bonds for highways, roads, and bridges

    See also
