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Basic facts
Location:Washington, D.C.
Year founded:1984
Website:Official website
FreedomWorks for America

FreedomWorks described itself as a "community of Americans devoted to promoting lower taxes, less government, and more freedom."[1] The organization is associated with the super PAC FreedomWorks for America.

In May 2020, the organization's website said, "For over a quarter century, FreedomWorks has identified, educated, and actuated citizens who are enthused about showing up to support free enterprise and constitutionally limited government."[2]

FreedomWorks was originally led by former U.S. House Majority Leader Dick Armey, who resigned from the position in 2012.[3]

On May 7, 2024, the FreedomWorks' board of directors voted to dissolve the organization effective immediately.[4]


FreedomWorks originated from a conservative political group established in 1984, Citizens for a Sound Economy, which split in 2004. Part of the organization merged with Empower America in 2004 and was renamed FreedomWorks, while the other part went on to form Americans for Prosperity.[5][6]

The FreedomWorks name was derived from a common saying by Richard "Dick" Armey: “Freedom works. Freedom is good policy and good politics.”[7]

On November 30, 2012, Dick Armey resigned as chairman of FreedomWorks. Armey said, "The top management team of FreedomWorks was taking a direction I thought was unproductive, and I thought it was time to move on with my life." Armey stipulated that FreedomWorks was to immediately remove his name, image, or signature "from all its letters, print media, postings, web sites, videos, testimonials, endorsements, fund raising materials, and social media."[8][9]

On May 7, 2024, the FreedomWorks' board of directors voted to dissolve the organization effective immediately.[10]


Coronavirus response

According to Politico, FreedomWorks was involved in facilitating protests of government responses to the coronavirus pandemic and provided resources such as a #ReOpenAmerica Rally Planning Guide.[11]

Along with other conservative groups, FreedomWorks launched "Save Our Country Coalition" in April 2020 with the following five principles:[12]

  • Immediately reopen the economy, while implementing the best workplace practices to protect the health of our citizens.
  • Restore the essential principles of limited government and fiscal responsibility by stopping the trillions of dollars of federal spending that is imperiling America’s economic future and dangerously escalating our national debt.
  • Incentivize the rapid rebuilding of our economy through proven formulas: tax cuts, deregulation, and lawsuit reform
  • Preserve federalism within the rule of law and respect the rights of the states in dealing with crises like the coronavirus
  • Protect the individual liberties of our citizens from unconstitutional power grabs by the federal, state and local governments.[13]

Syria response

See also: United States involvement in Syria

In a statement released September 6, 2013, FreedomWorks urged lawmakers to vote against a congressional resolution authorizing the use of military force in Syria and said it would use lawmakers’ positions as a key vote in its congressional scorecards.[14]

The group said it would also use its "organizational muscle to rally activists to jam congressional phone lines to demand that lawmakers focus on the U.S. economy and debt rather than an overseas conflict."[14]

President Matt Kibbe said his organization had been “overwhelmed” with requests for help getting the word out in opposition to a strike on Syria and that many Americans had “already roundly rejected the Obama Administration’s rationale for bombing Syria.” Kibbe said that even limited military action in Syria could have dire long-term consequences for the U.S. economy.[14]

“The costs of brinksmanship in an ongoing civil war are steep, and a collapse of state would fall in our laps. In other words, if we break it, we buy it,” Kibbe said. “Americans can agree that the strength of our country ultimately depends upon our fiscal stability. While our nation is capable of summoning its superpower, it would be reckless for Congress to bankrupt us in the process.”[14]

Ballot measures


2009 ballot measures

Oregon Tax Increase Vote, Measures 66 and 67

2014 Elections

Endorsed candidates

Kentucky's U.S. Senate race
See also: United States Senate elections in Kentucky, 2014

FreedomWorks endorsed Matt Bevin on January 22, 2014. In the endorsement, it embraced Bevin as the more fiscally sound choice and criticized incumbent Mitch McConnell for “helping the Democrats” fund Obamacare in 2013.[19]

“He orchestrated the McConnell-Reid sellout bargain to increase the debt limit and fully fund a broken health care law, getting a $1.2 billion ‘special project kickback’ in the process,” said FreedomWorks President Matt Kibbe. “Kentucky deserves better, and looking at the dropping poll numbers for McConnell, there’s no reason to settle."[19]

Nebraska's U.S. Senate race
See also: United States Senate elections in Nebraska, 2014

President Matt Kibbe said, "The Senate does not need more smart people with generally nice sounding ideas; it needs heroes. The time for giant voices and strong principles is now. Shane Osborn has proven himself to be all these things and more. Nebraska and the country will be proud of the work Shane Osborn does in the Senate."[20]

Georgia's 11th Congressional District
See also: Georgia's 11th Congressional District elections, 2014

FreedomWorks announced its endorsement of Barry Loudermilk on November 6, 2013.[21]

In the endorsement, FreedomWorks President Matt Kibbe said, “Barry Loudermilk is a rare commodity in politics today. As a legislator he has proven time and time again a willingness to stand on principle over party and fight for conservative values even when it meant taking on Republican leadership and a Republican governor. As a small business owner he has survived the onslaught of federal overreach and understands firsthand what needs to be done to get our economy rolling...Some candidates run for Congress because of the lure of the title, while others run for a chance to earn redemption in the spotlight. This race has those candidates in spades. This race also has Barry Loudermilk, who cares more about fixing our fiscal problems and returning our nation to sound constitutional principles than the pomp and fame a congressional office holds. The choice is clear. Barry Loudermilk will be a clear voice for common sense fiscal policies and a return to limited government in Congress.”[21]

Idaho's 2nd Congressional District
See also: Idaho's 2nd Congressional District elections, 2014

FreedomWorks endorsed challenger Bryan Smith (R) in Idaho's 2nd District race against eight-term Republican Congressman Mike Simpson on September 24, 2013.[22]

FreedomWorks PAC President Matt Kibbe called Simpson an “insider” who supports House Speaker John Boehner and “the Washington establishment class.”[22]

“For the past 14 years, Congressman Mike Simpson has had a chance to stand up for common sense fiscal policies and constitutionally limited government,” Kibbe said in a news release. “But instead of fighting for these things he has led the charge for the insider priorities of Speaker John Boehner and the Washington establishment class. Whether it’s supporting the Wall Street bailouts, extending the nation’s debt, or creating large entitlement programs like Medicare Part D, Congressman Simpson has been on the wrong side of all the major fiscal issues.”[22]

Maine's 2nd Congressional District
See also: Maine's 2nd Congressional District elections, 2014

At the end of September 2013 FreedomWorks announced its endorsement of Bruce Poliquin in Maine's 2nd Congressional District.[23][24]

President Matt Kibbe stated in the endorsement, “Bruce Poliquin, a successful businessman and proven conservative leader, is just the kind of man we need in Congress. With an education in economics and more than 30 years in the financial industry, his insights into how to fix a failing economy will be an asset from day one. Poliquin has a track record of putting his common sense fiscal principles to work. As State Treasurer for Maine, he took on the debt-ridden pension system that was wasting money and hurting its pensioners and turned it around. He saved the state 1.7 billion dollars and put the system on solid footing. Results matter and Bruce Poliquin is a leader that can deliver, and has delivered. The voters have an easy choice. Bruce Poliquin is the only candidate in this race who will lead the charge and help fix our fiscal house in Washington, D.C.”[24]

2012 elections


According to, FreedomWorks spent $2,661,992 on the 2012 election cycle.[25]

Of this $2,661,992, FreedomWorks spent:[25]

  • $8,800 in contributions to candidates
  • $250 in contributions to parties
  • $2,652,942 in contributions to satellite spending groups
Top recipients
Top 6 largest FreedomWorks recipients in 2012[25]
Recipient Total
FreedomWorks for America (satellite spending group) $2,652,942
Rand Paul $5,000
Thomas Massie $2,500
Ted Cruz $1,000
Sam Roher $300
Republican Federal Committee of Pennsylvania $250

FreedomWorks for America (Super PAC) and FreedomWorks (PAC)

See also: FreedomWorks for America

FreedomWorks for America and FreedomWorks are affiliated political action committees. Here is their 2012 election cycle information.

According to, FreedomWorks for America and FreedomWorks spent a total of $19,638,968 in the 2012 election cycle.[26]

Of this $19,638,968, FreedomWorks for America and FreedomWorks spent:

  • $42,870 for Democrats
  • $7,079,203 against Democrats
  • $11,306,234 for Republicans
  • $1,210,661 against Republicans

According to the Sunlight Foundation, the FreedomWorks for America PAC spent $19,234,074 on the 2012 elections. Of those funds, 24.59 percent achieved the desired result, based on Sunlight Foundation analysis.[27] Open Secrets also analyzed the success of 2012 general election cycle spending:[28]

The success rate of FreedomWorks for America's 2012 spending


FreedomWorks for America endorsed nearly 600 candidates for U.S. House, Senate and presidency for the 2012 election.[29]

The PAC financed efforts to support some of these candidates, but only Jeff Flake and Ted Cruz were successful in their elections.[25]

Candidate Party State Office Expenditures
Connie Mack Ends.png Republican Florida Senate $1,874,246
Richard Mourdock Ends.png Republican Indiana Senate $1,665,105
Josh Mandel Ends.png Republican Ohio Senate $1,534,975
Jeff Flake Ends.png Republican Arizona Senate $1,087,627
Tom Smith Ends.png Republican Pennsylvania Senate $722,048
Jeff Landry Ends.png Republican Louisiana House $691,151
George Allen Ends.png Republican Virginia Senate $522,683
Ted Cruz Ends.png Republican Texas Senate $481,322
Joe Walsh Ends.png Republican Illinois House $357,164
Ann Marie Buerkle Ends.png Republican New York House $293,448


FreedomWorks for America targeted certain politicians for defeat in 2012.[25] All were successfully elected in 2012 except Richard Lugar, who lost in the Republican primary.

Incumbent Party State Office Expenditures
Orrin Hatch Ends.png Republican Utah Senate $945,373
Bob Casey Electiondot.png Democratic Pennsylvania Senate $759,473
Joe Donnelly Electiondot.png Democratic Ohio Senate $755,545
Barack Obama Electiondot.png Democratic President $621,913
Richard Lugar Ends.png Republican Indiana Senate $335,099
Dan Maffei Electiondot.png Democratic New York House $115,060
Jim Matheson Electiondot.png Democratic Louisiana House $110,273
Charles Boustany Jr. Ends.png Republican New York House $103,769
Lois Frankel Electiondot.png Democratic Florida House $80,625
Jon Tester Electiondot.png Democratic Montana Senate $71,204


FreedomWorks for America spent a grand total of $19,636,548 in the 2012 election. Of that money, $42,870 was spent for Democrats, $7,079,203 was against Democrats, $11,096,487 was for Republicans, and $1,417,988 was used against Republicans. [25]

Top 10 largest FreedomWorks for America expenditures in 2012[25]
Candidate State Office Total For Against Desired Result
Tammy Duckworth IL House $1,866,787 $30,510 $1,836,277
Connie Mack FL Senate $1,862,846 $1,874,246 $11,400
Richard Mourdock IN Senate $1,646,652 $1,665,105 $18,453
Josh Mandel OH Senate $1,523,865 $1,534,975 $11,110
Jeff Flake AZ Senate $1,050,301 $1,087,627 $37,326
Bill Nelson FL Senate $1,022,863 $2,750 $1,020,113
Orrin Hatch UT Senate $945,373 $0 $945,373
Bob Casey PA Senate $759,473 $0 $759,473
Joe Donnelly IN Senate $755,545 $0 $755,545
Sherrod Brown OH Senate $745,670 $201 $745,469



As of April 21, 2012, the top five donors to the FreedomWorks for America PAC were[26]:

Top 5 Donors to FreedomWorks for America, 2012[26]
Occupation/Employer Total From Individuals From Organizations
FreedomWorks $1,631,082 $0 $1,631,082
Crow Holdings $250,000 $0 $250,000
Uline Inc $250,000 $250,000 $0
Entertrainment Junction $150,000 $150,000 $0
Friess Assoc $100,000 $100,000 $0

As of April 21, 2012, the top five industries donating to the FreedomWorks for America PAC were[30]:

Top 5 Donors to FreedomWorks for America, 2012[30]
Industry Total From Individuals From Organizations
Republican/Conservative $1,631,082 $0 $1,631,082
Retired $424,318 $424,318 $0
Real Estate $254,050 $4,050 $250,000
Retail Sales $250,000 $250,000 $0
Recreation/Live Entertainment $150,000 $150,000 $0

Board of directors

In 2013, the FreedomWorks board of directors included the following members:[31]

  • FreedomWorks Board
    • Robert T.E. Lansing, Chairman (The Westminster Funds)
    • Matt Kibbe, President and CEO
    • Thomas Knudsen (Thomas Publishing Company)
    • Richard J. Stephenson (Cancer Treatment Centers of America)
    • Mary E. Albaugh
    • Former members[32]
      • Richard Armey
      • C. Boyden Gray
      • James Burnley IV
  • FreedomWorks Foundation Board
    • Steve Forbes, Vice-Chairman (Forbes, Inc.)
    • Matt Kibbe
    • Ted Abram (American Institute for Full Employment)
    • Frank M. Sands Sr. (Sands Capital Management)
  • FreedomWorks Emeritus Board
    • Bill Jaeger (Jaeger Vineyards)

Noteworthy events

Dissolution of the organization (2024)

On May 7, 2024, the FreedomWorks' board of directors voted to dissolve the organization. The president, Adam Brandon, reported that the organization had been losing revenue since 2022. He also explained that it came as the result of what he identified as an ideology gap between the FreedomWorks leadership and members that accompanied the political career of former president Donald Trump. Brandon stated, "A lot of our base aged, and so the new activists that have come in [with] Trump, they tend to be much more populist." The dissolution went into effect on May 8.[33][34]

Recent news

The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for "FreedomWorks"

All stories may not be relevant to this organization due to the nature of the search engine.

See also

External links


  1. Facebook, "FreedomWorks," accessed May 27, 2020
  2. FreedomWorks, "About FreedomWorks," accessed May 27, 2020
  3. Washington Post, "Dick Armey quits FreedomWorks," accessed July 18, 2013
  4. The Washington Post, "FreedomWorks, an organization that mobilized tea party conservatives, dissolves," May 9, 3024
  5. FreedomWorks, "About FreedomWorks," accessed July 18, 2013
  6. The Guardian, "Republicans steal Barack Obama's internet campaigning tricks," accessed July 18, 2013
  7. Wall Street Journal, "Citizen Arney," January 2003
  8. MotherJones, "Exclusive: Dick Armey Quits Tea Party Group in Split Over Direction (UPDATED)," accessed July 18, 2013
  9. Washingtonian, "Armey in Exile," accessed July 18, 2013
  10. The Washington Post, "FreedomWorks, an organization that mobilized tea party conservatives, dissolves," May 9, 3024
  11. Politico, "Trump allies have their fingerprints on lockdown protests," April 21, 2020
  12. Save Our Country, "Five Principles," accessed May 27, 2020
  13. Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Any inconsistencies are attributable to the original source.
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 Politico, "FreedomWorks to fight Syria resolution," accessed September 6, 2013
  15. Portland Business Journals, "Kulongoski signs tax bills," July 20, 2009
  16. Register-Guard, "Legislative tax plans could go to voters," May 30, 2009
  17. FreedomWorks, "Help us protect the integrity of the referendum process in Oregon," June 25, 2009
  18. The Oregonian, "Do tax increases 'target the middle class?'," November 17, 2009
  19. 19.0 19.1 Politico, "FreedomWorks backs Mitch McConnell challenger Matt Bevin," accessed January 22, 2014
  20., "FreedomWorks endorses Osborn for Senate," accessed November 13, 2013
  21. 21.0 21.1 Peach Pundit, "FreedomWorks PAC Endorses Loudermilk," accessed November 12, 2013
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 Idaho Statesman, "Idaho’s Smith wins support of PAC that backed Sens. Paul and Lee," accessed September 25, 2013
  23. Bruce Poloquin for Congress Facebook Page, "Photos," accessed October 1, 2013
  24. 24.0 24.1 As Maine Goes, "FreedomWorks Endorses Poliquin," accessed October 1, 2013
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 25.4 25.5 25.6 OpenSecrets, "FreedomWorks," accessed December 3, 2013 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "os" defined multiple times with different content Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "os" defined multiple times with different content
  26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 OpenSecrets, "FreedomWorks," accessed December 3, 2013 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "os2" defined multiple times with different content
  27. Sunlight Foundation, "Outside spenders' return on investment," November 14, 2012
  28. OpenSecrets, "FreedomWorks for America," accessed July 15, 2013
  29. FreedomWorks for America, "Candidates," accessed April 25,2013
  30. 30.0 30.1 Open Secrets, "Contributions to FreedomWorks for America Industry Breakdown, 2012," accessed May 10, 2012
  31. FreedomWorks, "Board of Directors," accessed July 18, 2013
  32. Mother Jones, "FreedomWorks Fallout Continues: 2 Prominent Conservatives Resign," June 4, 2013
  33. Politico, "FreedomWorks Is Closing — And Blaming Trump," May 8, 2024
  34. The Washington Post, "FreedomWorks, an organization that mobilized tea party conservatives, dissolves," May 9, 3024