Hurricane Warnings in Effect
Atlantic:  High SeasPacific:  High Seas EP1 and EPI

Product Archive

Receiving Past Graphic Products

There are several methods of getting previous graphics from the Ocean Prediction Center.

  • Loops are available for the past 14 days for most of the analysis and forecast products. If you need to print a particular chart then use the "show" button.

  • A short-term (14-day) archive of graphical products is available on the OPC FTP server

  • Archived charts available online from National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI, which was the National Climatic Data Center [NCDC]).

  • NCEI for official certified copies of the latest and past products.

If you would like to obtain Ocean Prediction Center graphic products from the National Climatic Data Center at Asheville, NC, contact the Surface Records Retention System at (828) 271-4800 extension 3164. They will provide an official certified copy of the analysis and forecast products. When requesting past products then use the official NCDC chart titles to determine what is needed. For example, the chart title for the West Atlantic Surface Analysis from 00 UTC July 9, 2004 is: atlw_sfcanal_00.2004070900.gif.

Receiving Past Text Products

The National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) Service Records Retention System (SRRS) Text Products web page is the only known official source for archived OPC text products.

Another source of archive information is the Iowa State University Department of Agronomy, available at