Textbooks and Monographs

Please refer to the textbook and monograph authors web page for details about the role of reviewers and editors in that process.


ScholarOne Manuscripts is used for submission of manuscripts and the journal peer review process. See the ScholarOne Editor User Guide for assistance. Note that if you are traveling outside the US and want to be able to access ScholarOne, you may need access to your email to authenticate the login. If you cannot access your email due to your company or government restrictions, change the ScholarOne primary email to an address that you will be able to access.

Our Community Editors and Associate Editors manage the peer-review process. You can obtain peer-review training online from Web of Science.

The ScholarOne Manuscripts website also has an extensive help section including email and phone support. Just click on the "Get Help Now" link in the upper right corner. If you need assistance, please email [email protected].


Best Practices

The P-511 Journal Editorial Board adopted a Best Practices For Editors strategy to facilitate timely reviews. This document provides guidance on dealing with delays in the review cycle. Your continued input is welcome.

Reviewer Search

We now use the new Web of Science Reviewer Locator within ScholarOne. It use the manuscript title and abstract to identify potential reviewers.

Pages 25 and 26 of the latest ScholarOne release notes discuss the reviewer search. This PDF also mentions ORCID and Ringgold which may be of interest to you.

Training and User Guide

See the quick links for editor, reviewer, and ScholarOne training and user guides.

Reviewer Recognition in Publons

Publons lets you effortlessly track, verify, and showcase your peer-review activity without compromising reviewer anonymity or infringing upon journal policies. The content of the review will not be publicly displayed, and reviewers will only be associated with the journal and not the article they have reviewed.

ASABE has partnered with Publons to give you official recognition for your expert peer-review efforts. You can choose to have your reviews automatically added to your Publons profile, showcasing how often we rely on your expertise to ensure the research we publish is of the highest quality.

In ScholarOne Manuscripts, look for the question Do you want to get credit for reviewing this manuscript on Publons?

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