Jody’s Platform

Fighting to bring our federal tax dollars back to Idaho

Protecting our right to safe healthcare

Valuing local control & Practicing fiscal responsibility

Fully Funding Public Education

I’m Jody Keeler, and I’m running to be your next State Representative. Allow me to share a moment that lead to my decision to run for office. I recently worked at a deli store. One day, a mother and her 2 kids came in, She ordered a small chicken dinner. When I rang her up, I was witnessing a mother struggling to pay for a simple meal, memories of my own family's hardships flooded back.

That moment fueled my decision to run for office. How many of us have endured hardships and sought support? The struggles in Idaho communities motivate me to earn your vote.

The majority party's decision to return $16 million of Federal funds, denying many children summer lunches, speaks volumes. One senator was quoted saying, 'We all need to work for what we get.' But no child deserves to go hungry. Yet, their continued pursuit for the passage of school voucher tax schemes, diverting public funds to private schools, only exacerbates the issue. By failing to fully fund public education, they directly contradict their legislative responsibilities. This neglect extends beyond education. There's a lack of clarity on the total abortion ban, resulting in six pregnant mothers being airlifted out of Idaho for complications. Consequently, the legal climate has seen doctors fleeing the state, with three maternal clinics shutting down. Recruitment of new doctors is non-existent, pushing Idaho to the brink of a healthcare desert. Even libraries face lawsuits, and basic human dignity is being legislated away for all individuals. This is just the tip of the iceberg...

The dominant party has disappointed us with a destructive legislative session focused on passing bills aligned with their party's agenda, neglecting kitchen table issues crucial to all Idahoans well being. We need dedicated, hardworking legislators prioritizing Idaho families' well-being.

As your State Representative, I pledge to prioritize our district's needs. I'll enhance constituent services and amplify community voices with proactive town hall meetings. Your concerns are paramount! I am the ideal candidate to serve and advocate for you. I ask for your vote and support. Can I count on your assistance through volunteering and contributing to my campaign?


  • I aim to oppose bills such as HB 743, which divert public funds from education to private schools. Support for Low-Income Children: I am committed to tackling food insecurities among low-income children by advocating for federal funding that the majority party has rejected. Advocacy for Women's Reproductive Health Rights: I am committed to advocating for clearer legislation to protect women's reproductive health rights, particularly concerning pregnancy complications, and clarity for Doctors to practice medicine without fear of criminal felony. Agriculture: I acknowledge Idaho's farming community as vital to our economy and rural well-being, supporting and promoting policies that strengthen and empower our farmer's prosperity.

  • With 48 years as a blue-collar worker, I've navigated the challenges faced by working-class individuals, from flipping burgers to driving dump trucks. My volunteer work as an EMT and with the Red Cross has shown me the importance of healthcare access and community resilience. Active in the Washington County Democratic Party, I've advocated for policies uplifting working families. As a caregiver for my mother and brother, I've learned compassion and responsibility firsthand. With this diverse background, I'm qualified to represent our community. If elected, I'll address pressing issues for working families, improve access to services, and fight for equity.

  • As a candidate for the House of Representatives, I am deeply committed to protecting public education funding in Idaho. Despite repeated rejections from citizens, bills like HB 743, which seeks to divert $60 million of public tax money to fund private schools continue to threaten our K-12 education system. Rural schools, already facing challenges, would be disproportionately affected by these schemes. I am dedicated to opposing such bills and ensuring that our education system receives the support it needs to thrive.

  • Removing criminal liability is essential to empower medical professionals and families to make decisions based on individual circumstances, without the looming threat of legal repercussions. It's imperative to ensure the safety and autonomy of pregnant women by providing access to medical care without undue legal burdens. I advocate for codifying Roe v. Wade to protect women's reproductive rights and guarantee access to safe and legal healthcare options. Implementing clear legislation will provide certainty and support to healthcare providers and pregnant women, ultimately improving maternal healthcare outcomes in Idaho.

  • The majority party rejected $16 million in federal funding to support low-income children's meals this summer, despite the pressing need. This decision contradicts the kindness and generosity of our communities and exacerbates food insecurities in rural areas. At present, a significant number of children finish their last meal at school on Friday and then go without eating until they arrive back on Monday. This summer program is designed to ensure children have proper nutrition, as children don't choose to go hungry. We must address these food insecurities and prioritize the well-being of our children.