A.S. Committees

Associated Students committees are the driving force behind impactful policies and initiatives within student government. Each committee works in conjunction with the Board of Directors and are open to all SJSU students. Whether you're a graduate student, transfer student, commuter student, or freshman, we have a seat waiting for you at the A.S. committee table.

An informational flyer containing the application link to join an A.S. committee.

As a student-at-large committee member, you have the opportunity to create and vote on policies and initiatives that impact the campus, local community, and even the CSU system. This is a fantastic opportunity to get involved with student government, and may serve as practical experience if you plan on running for a position on the A.S. Board of Directors.

A.S Committee Application Form 2024-2025: tinyurl.com/AS-joincommittee

An informational flyer containing the application link to join a University committee in the Academic Senate.

Use your student voice to serve the Spartan community through University committees! These include Academic Senate committees and non-Academic university committees. APPLY NOW: University Senate Committee Application If you have any questions, please contact Ariana Lacson, A.S. President, at [email protected]. Spartan Up!

You will find descriptions, the amount of Student-at-Large spots offerred, meeting dates and meeting times of each committee below.

2022-2023 Committee Meeting Minutes 

2023-2024 Committee Meeting Minutes

A.S. Academic Affairs Committee

Meets the first and third Wednesday of each month at 3:00 pm in the Student Union Meeting Room 5 during the fall semester.

This committee is purposed with cultivating the academic needs and growth of SJSU students through inclusive representation.  They will review University policies related to academic needs; implement programming in regards to students' academic needs and nurture positive interactions amongst faculty and students.

Any questions? Contact the Academic Affairs Committee Chair: Director of Academic Affairs, Sehtej Khehra at [email protected]

Meeting Dates

September 4, 2024 [pdf] February 5, 2025                             
September 18, 2024 [pdf] February 19, 2025    
October 2, 2024 [pdf] March 5, 2025    
October 16, 2024 March 19, 2025    
November 6, 2024 April 2, 2025    
November 20, 2024 April 16, 2025    
December 4, 2024 May 7, 2025    

A.S. Finance Committee

Meets the first and third Wednesday of each month from 3:00pm-4:30pm in the Student Union Meeting Room 1A during the fall semester.

Associated Students, SJSU (A.S.) has set aside $150,000 for 2023-2024 to be available for eligible student organizations* of San Jose State University. This unique opportunity is available to student organizations for funding events, conferences and more**.  The A.S. Finance Committee is tasked to review each request over $1,000 up to the maximum $3,000 submitted then determine the amount of financial support. This committee seeks eight (8) Students-at-Large to become part of the voting membership.

The committee is specifically responsible for the following:

  • Ensuring money is available.***
  • Determine that an organization has correctly requested funding, as stipulated by A.S. Budget Policies.
  • Adhering to funding guidelines and policies approved by the A.S. Board.
  • Be responsible for reviewing all requests over $1,000 for eligibility of A.S. funds.
  • To recommend to the Board of Directors any changes proposed by the A.S. Finance Committee on the Budget.

* For further details and areas of funding by A.S., please review the A.S. Budget Policies.
** Funding is provided on a first come basis and is not guaranteed. If all funding set aside has been used, funding requests will cease until the following academic year.

Any Questions? Contact the Finance Committee Chair: A.S. Controller, Sidhant Sadawarti at [email protected].

Meeting Dates

September 4, 2024 [pdf] February 5, 2025
September 18, 2024 [pdf] February 19, 2025
October 2, 2024 [pdf] March 5, 2025
October 16, 2024 March 19, 2025
November 6, 2024 April 2, 2025
November 20, 2024 April 16, 2025
December 4, 2024 May 7, 2025

A.S. Internal Affairs Committee

Meets the first and third Wednesday of each month from 4:30pm-6:00pm in the A.S. Government Office Conference Room (S.U. 2300).

The Internal Affairs Committee of Associated Students, SJSU (A.S.) is charged to ensure documentation is accurate and that effectively proposed changes to the A.S. Bylaws, (aka the Constitution) are recorded, published and accessible to all SJSU students. Additional duties include meeting and reviewing the Bylaws, and to make recommendations to the A.S. Board of Directors on revisions to them, as well as any proposed changes in the University Governance Structure. This committee seeks three (3) Students-at-Large to be apart of the voting membership. 

Any Questions? Contact the Internal Affairs Committee chair: Director of Internal Affairs, Anushka Joshi at [email protected].

Meeting Dates

September 4, 2024 [pdf] February 5, 2025                            
September 18, 2024 [pdf] February 19, 2025
October 2, 2024 [pdf] March 5, 2025
October 16, 2024 March 19, 2025
November 6, 2023 April 2, 2025
November 20, 2023 April 16, 2025
December 4, 2023 May 7, 2025

A.S. Lobby Corps

Meets the first and third Wednesday of each month from 4:30pm-6:00pm in the Student Union Meeting Room 5 during the fall semester.

The Lobby Corps of Associated Students, SJSU (A.S.) is tasked to make recommendations to the A.S. President and the A.S. Board of Directors concerning the impact of pending legislation in the state legislature and the U.S. Congress concerning San José State University, the California State University system, education in general and higher education in particular, and the legislation’s impact on individual San José State University students. The committee is specifically responsible for the following, but not limited to: Rallies, letter-writing campaigns, and legislative office visits. This committee seeks nine (9) Students-at-Large to be a part of the voting membership.

Any Questions? Contact the Lobby Corps Committee chair: Director of Legislative Affairs, Katelyn Gambarin at [email protected]

Meeting Dates

September 4, 2024 [pdf] February 5, 2025
September 18, 2024 [pdf] February 19, 2025
October 2, 2024 [pdf] March 5, 2025
October 16, 2024 March 19, 2025
November 6, 2024 April 2, 2025
November 20, 2024 April 16, 2025
December 4, 2024 May 7, 2025

A.S. Operations Committee

Operations Committee will meet the first Friday of every month from 11:30am-12:30pm in the A.S Government Conference Room, Student Union Suite 2300.

The purpose of the A.S. Operations Committee is to assess A.S. programs and services, along with the A.S. Strategic Plan, as an evaluation of the organization’s needs and effectiveness. This committee seeks two (2) Students-at-Large to be a part of the voting membership.
The duties of the A.S. Operations Committee:

  • Review the Strategic Plan to evaluate its alignment with A.S. goals, mission statement, and projects.
  • Analyze and evaluate results of assessment tools used.
  • Provide input to conduct a needs assessment of the student population.

Any questions? Contact the A.S. Operations Committee chair: Director of Business Affairs, Riya Dhami at [email protected]

Meeting Dates

September 6, 2024 [pdf] February 7, 2025
October 4, 2024 [pdf] March 7, 2025
November 1, 2024 April 4, 2025
December 6, 2024 May 2, 2025

A.S. Programming Board

The Programming Board meets every Thursday from 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm in the A.S. Government Office Conference Room (S.U. 2300).

The Programming Board of Associated Students, SJSU (A.S.) is tasked to create, organize, facilitate and execute programs that spark the desire in students to get involved with campus community; such programs shall be inclusive of all students and many events target specific interests. The A.S. Programming Board has a collaborative and supportive relationship with the A.S. Marketing and A.S. Events Departments. This committee seeks a maximum of 20 Students-at-Large to be a part of the voting membership.

Any Questions? Contact the Programming Board Chair: Director of Co-Curricular Affairs, Sahithya Swaminathan at [email protected]

Meeting Dates

August 29, 2024 - Cancelled

October 31, 2024

September 5, 2024 - Cancelled

November 7, 2024
Septmeber 12, 2024 - Cancelled November 14, 2024
September 19, 2024 - Cancelled November 21, 2024
September 26, 2024 [pdf] December 5, 2024
October 3, 2024 [pdf] December 12, 2024
October 10, 2024  
October 17, 2024  
October 24, 2024  

A.S. Campus Life Affairs Committee

The Campus Life Affairs Committee meets every Monday from 9:00 am to 10:00 am in the A.S. Government Office Conference Room, Student Union Suite 2300.

The purpose of the Campus Life Affairs Committee is to address concerns in student life and to improve the out-of-classroom experience.  The duties are to collaborate with respective University areas to foster a positive campus climate and to create initiatives to enhance and bring awareness to the out-of-classroom experience.

Any Questions? Contact the chair of the A.S. Campus Life Affairs Committee: Director of Student Resource Affairs, Teairra Brown at [email protected]

Meeting Dates

September 9, 2024 [pdf] November 18, 2024
September 16, 2024 - Cancelled November 25, 2024
September 23, 2024 [pdf] December 2, 2024
September 30, 2024 [pdf] December 9, 2024
October 7, 2024 [pdf] December 16, 2024
October 14, 2024  
October 21, 2024  
October 28, 2024  
November 4, 2024  

A.S. Multicultural Advisory Committee

Meetings To Be Determined.

The purpose of the Multicultural Advisory Committee is to serve as a space where students from different centers on campus could address cross-cultural concerns, mitigate existing gaps in space and representation for the student voice in conversations surrounding diversity, equity and inclusion as it relates to Associated Students as well as University & Academic practices, policies, and procedures. The Multicultural Advisory Committee shall serve as an advisory council to inform the president and other senior levels accountable on the cabinet level. 

Any questions? Contact the A.S. Multicultural Advisory Committee chair: Director of Intercultural Affairs, Srishti Sinha at [email protected]

Meeting Dates


Students' Election Commission

Meetings To Be Determined.

This committee oversees the A.S. Elections held each year in the spring.  The SEC Officers are appointed in the fall semester so they are ready to go in the spring.  They schedule manadatory orientations for students wishing to run for a position on the A.S. Board as well as plan events leading up to the elections such as the Kick-off and the debates.  Each officer of the SEC must commit to spending two hours in their office located in the Student Union on the 2nd Floor in case someone has a question.  They also have weekly meetings and the calendar is list below.


Special Committees

Personnel Committee
The Personnel Committee of Associated Students, SJSU (A.S.) is tasked to assist the A.S. President in completing periodic evaluations of the A.S. Executive Director, in accordance with the provisions of the A.S. Bylaws and the employment contract. Additionally, further duties include: recommending to the A.S. Executive Director any operational improvements and employee benefits, recommend personnel policy for the A.S. professional and contractual employees to the A.S. Board, adopt all rules and procedures necessary for the establishment of a Personnel Manual governing the personnel affairs of A.S., and provide documentation and support when called upon in a grievance matter brought to the attention of the Personnel Committee pursuant to the Employee Handbook. The voting membership of this committee is set forth by the A.S. Bylaws.
*There are no Student-at-Large appointed to this committee.

More information on the Personnel Committee is available by contacting the A.S. President or stopping by the A.S. Government Office.

Meeting Dates





Executive Committee
The functions of the Executive Committee shall be to administer the affairs of Associated Students and implement all legislation passed by the A.S. Board of Directors. It shall coordinate relations with other student associations and with the University administration.

*There are no Student-at-Large appointed to this committee.

Meeting Dates


 Spartan Community Fund
This committee approves funding for certain departments within the University to help with programs that benefit students.

Spartan Community Fund meets one Friday a month at 9:00AM.

Meeting Dates:

September 20, 2024 [pdf] October 11, 2024
November 15, 2024 February 21, 2025
March 21, 2025 April 18, 2025

 Audit Committee
The purpose of the Audit Committee is to review the audit conducted by the outside auditing firm.

Meeting Dates

August 7,2024 [pdf]  
September 5, 2024 [pdf]  

Elections Appeal Board

This committee reviews all appeals following the decisions of the Students' Election Commission for grievances. 

Meeting Dates