Artikkelit kirjoittajalta Harri Vasander

Aira Kokko, Paavo Ojanen, Kaisu Aapala, Juha-Pekka Hotanen, Jarmo Laitinen, Pekka Punttila, Sakari Rehell, Juha Tiainen, Harri Vasander. Suoluontotyyppien uhanalaisuus.
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Suoluonnon muutosten takia monet soiden luontotyypit ovat uhanalaistuneet. Vuonna 2018 valmistuneessa Suomen luontotyyppien uhanalaisuuden arvioinnissa suoluontoa tarkasteltiin ja arvioitiin kahdella hierarkiatasolla. Yhtäältä tarkasteltiin suokasviyhteisöjä, joita voidaan luokitella suotyypeiksi. Toisaalta tarkasteltiin useiden suotyyppien muodostamia laajempia suokokonaisuuksia eli suoyhdistymiä sekä useista erillisistä suolaikuista muodostuvia maankohoamisrannikon soiden kehityssarjoja (Kaakinen ym. 2018a, b). Soiden luokiteltuja kasviyhteisöjä kutsutaan suotyypeiksi (Eurola ym. 2015, Kaakinen ym. 2018b, Laine ym. 2018). Yhdellä suolla on yleensä useiden, jopa kymmenien eri suotyyppien kasvillisuutta. Suokasviyhteisöjen pääryhmiksi katsotaan kasvitieteellisessä suoluokittelussa korvet, rämeet, nevat ja letot, mutta myös luhtaja lähdekasvillisuus (Eurola & Kaakinen 1978, Eurola ym. 2015, ks. Soiden kasvillisuus). Luhdat ja lähteiköt vaihettuvat ilman selvää rajaa vesiluontotyyppeihin. Luontotyyppien uhanalaisuusarvioinnissa lähteikköluontotyypit on käsitelty ja arvioitu sisävesiluontotyyppien yhteydessä (Lammi ym. 2018). Luhdat ja lähdekasvillisuus mainitaan myös uusimmissa metsätieteellisissä suotyyppioppaissa (esim. Laine ym. 2018). Eri päätyyppiryhmiin kuuluva suokasvillisuus muodostaa myös yhdistelmätyyppejä: neva- ja lettokorpia sekä neva- ja lettorämeitä. Suoyhdistymä on yhtenäinen suoalue, jossa on eri suotyypeistä koostuvia osia (Ruuhijärvi 1960, Eurola 1962, Kaakinen ym. 2018b). Suoyhdistymätyypit jakautuvat ilmastollisiin ja paikallisiin tyyppeihin. Ilmastollisista suoyhdistymätyypeistä keidassoiden eli kohosoiden esiintyminen painottuu eteläisen Suomen muuta Suomea kuivempaan ja lämpimämpään ilmastoon, kun taas aapasoiden esiintyminen painottuu pohjoisen Suomen kosteaan ja viileään ilmastoon (Ruuhijärvi 1960, Eurola 1962). Myös rinnesuot vaativat viileän ja kostean ilmaston (Havas 1961), ja palsasoita esiintyy vain pohjoisimmassa Lapissa, missä on tarpeeksi kylmää paikallisen ikiroudan syntymiselle (Kaakinen ym. 2018b). Paikallisia suoyhdistymätyyppejä ovat rannikkosuot, boreaaliset piensuot ja tunturisuot, joiden ominaispiirteet ja esiintyminen riippuvat enemmän paikallisista olosuhteista kuin ilmastosta (Kaakinen ym. 2018b). Maankohoamisrannikon soiden kehityssarjoja syntyy, kun maata kohoaa Pohjanlahden rannikolla vähitellen merenpinnan yläpuolelle (Rehell ym. 2012, Laitinen 2013). Sarjan nuorimmat suot lähinnä meren rantaa ovat tyypillisesti luhtia ja vanhimmat suot ovat kehittyneet aapa- tai keidassoiksi (Kaakinen ym. 2018b).

Jarmo Laitinen, Paavo Ojanen, Kaisu Aapala, Juha-Pekka Hotanen, Aira Kokko, Pekka Punttila, Sakari Rehell, Juha Tiainen, Harri Vasander. Soiden eliölajit ja niiden uhanalaisuus.
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Suot ovat hyvin monimuotoisia elinympäristöjä (ks. Soiden kasvillisuus, s. 141). Niillä vaihtelevat sekä märkyys että ravinteisuus ja niiden seurauksena myös avoimuus ja puustoisuus. Lisäksi suurilmastollisten erojen vuoksi suot ovat erilaisia Etelä- ja Pohjois-Suomessa. Ojitus hävittää useimmat luonnontilaisten soiden piirteet hyvin tehokkaasti, mutta jopa korostaa joitain piirteitä. Ojitus on myös keskittynyt erityisesti reheville sekä puustoisille soille ja toisaalta Etelä- ja Keski- Suomeen (ks. Soiden käyttö Suomessa, s. 115, ja Suoluontotyyppien uhanalaisuus, s. 149). Kun vielä erilaisille eliölajiryhmille hyvin erilaiset elinympäristön ominaisuudet ovat tärkeitä, soiden ja niiden ojituksen merkitys eliölajeille ja niiden uhanalaisuudelle riippuu voimakkaasti tarkasteltavasta lajiryhmästä (Aapala 2001b). Ojituksen yleinen vaikutus on, että se samankaltaistaa soita ja siksi hävittää suoluonnolle ominaista monimuotoisuutta.

Tapio Lindholm, Raimo Heikkilä, Harri Vasander. Suoluonnon tutkimista suomalais-venäläisenä yhteistyönä.
English title: Mire ecosystem studies in Finland and in Russia as cooperation.
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Raija Laiho, Timo Penttilä, Harri Vasander, Jukka Laine. Fosforin ainekierto rämemännikön puustossa ja pintakasvillisuudessa ojituksen jälkeen.
English title: Post-drainage dynamics of P uptake by trees and ground vegetation in Scots pine dominated peatlands.
Avainsanat: mire; secondary succession; ecosystem functioning; drainage for forestry; nutrient cycling; nutrient upatake; Pinus sylvstris
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We investigated long-term dynamics of phosphorus (P) in ground vegetation, tree stand biomass and litterf all in two undrained and four drained oligotrophic pine fens in southern Finland. The study sites, which encompassed observation periods up to six decades after drainage, were chosen to form a chronosequcncc of sites initially similar floristically, showing different stages of the forest succession induced by drainage. The pattern of P allocation to above- and below-ground plant biomass followed the changes in growth form dominance from mosses, graminoids and shrubs to trees. Overall, net vascular plant uptake of P increased after drainage and remained on a higher level compared to that in the pristine fen. The amount of P in the drained ecosystem seems to remain high enough to support the uptake and continuing forest succession.
Harri Vasander. Millennium Wetland Event - The biggest ever organized congress of mires and peat in Québec.
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Summary: Organized by The International Peat Society (IPS), The International Asociation of Ecologists (INTECOL ), The International Mire Conservation Group (IMCG), and The Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS), The Millennium Wetland Event held in Québec City, Canada, on 6–12 August 2000 was the biggest ever organized congress devoted to mires and peat. Almost 1900 delegates (with accompanying persons almost 2100 participants) from 75 countries all over the world guaranteed that the programme and sessions were versatile and informative. The 12th IPS congress “Wise use of peatlands” will be organised in Tampere, Finland, between 6th and 11th August 2004 and that is why the Finnish candidate (Markku Mäkelä from Geological Survey of Finland) was elected as the first vice-president of IPS. Gerry Hood from Canada was elected as the president of IPS and Jack Rieley from Nottingham, UK, as the second vice-president for the next four years. In this review some Finnish specialists write about the themes they followed in Québec (Harri Vasander — general, Raimo Heikkilä and Leila Korpela — mire conservation and biodiversity of peatlands, Markku Mäkilä — peat geology, Sanna Saarnio — gas exchange studies, Juhani Päivänen and Sakari Sarkkola — ecology and management of forested peatlands, Arvo Leinonen and Pirkko Vesterinen — peat technology, Olli Reinikainen — horticulture, Juhani Päivänen — wise use of peatlands, Lasse Aro — restoration of peatlands and the post-congress excursion). The Millennium Wetland Event was considered to be a unique opportunity to visit, meet collegues and to update knowledge about mire and peat science. A great thank you for all the organisers of this magnificant occasion. Un grand merçi pour tous les organisateurs du congrès: "Évènement du millénaire sur les terres humides". C’était une occasion inoubliable et un excellent début pour le nouveau millénaire.
Tapani Sallantaus, Harri Vasander, Jukka Laine. Metsätalouden vesistöhaittojen torjuminen ojitetuista soista muodostettujen puskurivyöhykkeiden avulla.
English title: Prevention of detrimental impacts of forestry operations on water bodies using buffer zones created from drained peatlands.
Avainsanat: peatland drainage; load; restoration; water pollution
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Before large-scale drainage, the outflowing water from forests was naturally filtered through peatlands. The even topography, dense moss cover and the favourable physical, chemical and biological properties of surface peat facilitate versatile buffering functions in these systems. In addition to retaining suspended solids, peatlands may act as traps for nutrients or harmful metals. Major part of these buffering systems have been lost as a result of forestry drainage. Restoring drained peatlands, being potentially well suited to act as a buffer zone between forestry land and a watercourse, is the major reason for rewetting outside nature reserves. Potentially each drainage area should include a restored part through which waters both from the drainage area itself and from the surrounding upland forest catchment would be filtered. Preliminary results from three experimental catchments show that buffer zones restored from drained peatlands may be succesfully used in decreasing the detrimental impacts forestry operations may have on adjacent water courses. Long-term monitoring is, however, required for the quantitative assessment of the buffer efficiency.
Harri Vasander, Jussi Kuusipalo, Tapio Lindholm. Kasvillisuuden muutokset rämeillä ojituksen ja lannoituksen jalkeen.
English title: Vegetation changes after drainage and fertilization in pine mires.
Avainsanat: peatland forestry; Biomass; Apatite; biodiversity; biotite; urea
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The effects of drainage and fertilization (both slowly and readily soluble fertilizers were included) on the above-ground biomass and cover of understorey vegetation were studied in two mires situated at Lammi, southern Finland, and at Ilomantsi, northern Karelia. Urea and especially micronutrients decreased the cover of Sphagnum species. Slowly soluble nitrogen also decreased the cover of Sphagnum, but not as efficiently. In fen site types the cover and biomass of Vaccinium oxycoccos and Andromeda polifolia increased strongly after fertilization. The greatest change in vegetation was caused by micronutrients given together with macronutrients. The cover and biomass of Eriophorum vaginatum and Rubus chamaemorus increased on all the fertilization plots probably because phosphorus was included in all the treatments. Calluna vulgaris and Empetrum nigrum benefited from the NPK fertilization on hummock sites. Keywords: Apatite, biodiversity, biomass, biotite, peatland forestry, urea
Kimmo Tolonen, Harri Vasander, Antoni H. Damman, R. S. Clymo. Preliminary estimate of long-term carbon accumulation and loss in 25 boreal peatlands.
Avainsanat: Climatic change; organic matter; stratigraphy
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The rate of carbon accumulation (RCA) was studied stratigraphically in individual vertical cores representing 25 mires in Finland, Estonia and Maine, USA. Carbon 14-datings (325 in total) were used for dating long cores encompassing all or most of the Holocene. The apparent long-term RCA (g m-2 a-1) in Finnish raised bogs and fens ranged from 13 to 41 and from 8 to 25, respectively, and in Maine bogs from 20 to 26 and in a single fen 27. Between and within core variations were great. In Finnish mires the true RCA, as derived from Clymo's peat accumulation model for long cores, was usually about 2/3 of the apparent long-term RCA. A change from intensive decay in the surface layers to very slow decay in deeper peat layers was dated to between some 300-500 years ago. Key words: Climatic change, organic matter, stratigraphy
Timo Saarinen, Kimmo Tolonen, Harri Vasander. Use of 14C labelling to measure below-ground biomass of mire plants.
Avainsanat: production; peatlands; root biomass
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Below-ground biomass of dominating vascular plants on a mesotrophic fen and Sphagnum fuscum pine bog was estimated using 14C labelling techniques. Preliminary results show that up to 90% of living biomass of Carex rostrata growing on the fen may be located below ground. Fine roots form the majority of below-ground biomass. Keywords: Peatlands, production, root biomass
Jukka Laine, Harri Vasander, Antti Puhalainen. A method to estimate the effect of forest drainage on the carbon store of a mire.
Avainsanat: peatland forestry; Carbon stores; Boreal zone
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Mires are sinks for carbon. Drainage enhances the aerobic microbial decomposition of the surface peat, which may transform mires into net sources of carbon to the atmosphere. However, the increase in the growth of the tree stand and consequent fixation of carbon after drainage may be expected to have a compensating effect. The effects of drainage on the carbon stores of a mire are not easy to establish. This paper discusses a method that can be used to assess the changes in cases where part of the mire has been left in the virgin condition. The method is based on bulk density and carbon content profiles measured along a transect running from the undrained part to the drained part of the mire. The carbon store of the peat in each case is calculated for the peat depth in which drainage is considered to have caused changes. The subsidence at each measuring point on the drained side is subtracted from the original peat depth before carbon store calculations. Keywords: Boreal zone, carbon stores, peatland forestry
Jyrki Jauhiainen, Harri Vasander, Jouko Silvola. Differences in response of two Sphagnum species to elevated CO2 and nitrogen input.
Avainsanat: production; peatlands; climate change; Bryophyte ecology
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Cushions of Sphagnum fuscum and S. angustifolium were grown in the laboratory in four different C02 concentrations (350, 700, 1 000, and 2 000 ppm) and N deposition levels (0, 10, 30, and 100 kg ha-1 a-1). The same N deposition levels were also applied in the field. C02 concentration increased both the shoot density and dry mass of S. fuscum but decreased the length increment. There was no net effect on production. For S. angustifolium, shoot density did not alter with elevated C02 con-centration but the C02 induced increment in dry mass and length caused increased production. S. angustifolium suffered from nutrient deficiency on the 0 kg N ha-1a-1 treatment and S. fuscum had difficulties to survive at the heaviest N load. No clear trends in length increment or cover was noticed in the field study during the first year. Keywords: Bryophyte ecology, climate change, peatlands, production
Jukka Alm, Kimmo Tolonen, Harri Vasander. Determination of recent apparent carbon accumulation in peat using dated fire horizons.
Avainsanat: dating; fire; Carbon accumulation; charcoal; dendrochronology
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Two charcoal layers, originating from two forest fires, were found at between 7 and 58 cm in the peat of Lakkasuo mire. Using dendro-chronological techniques and fire scars on Scots pine {Pinus sylvestris L.) stumps, the date when these two layers was deposited could be estimated. The earlier fire swept over the mire about 1780 A.D. and the later fire, which seems to have been limited to the eastern part of Lakkasuo, occurred in 1845 A.D. Knowing the thickness of the peat layer above the dated charcoal layers, its bulk density and carbon content, the rate of carbon accumulation during the last 212-147 years could therefore be calculated for different site types in the Lakkasuo mire complex. These values ranging from 39.8 to 80.7 g C m-2 a-1. can be compared to those (28.5-42.8 g C m-2 a-1 ) 0f the peat layer down to a still older fire horizon dated using the AMS radiocarbon "wiggle matching" technique at 1040 ± 90 B.P. Keywords: Carbon accumulation, charcoal, dating, dendrochronology, fire
Juha-Pekka Hotanen, Harri Vasander. Eteläsuomalaisten metsaojitettujen turvemaiden kasvillisuuden numeerinen ryhmittely.
English title: Post-drainage development of vegetation in southern Finnish peatlands studied by numerical analysis.
Avainsanat: succession; Classification; ordination
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The vegetation data from virgin and corresponding drained mire site types collected by Juhani Sarasto in the 1950's were reanalyzed using DCA and TWINSPAN. The main gradient in the material was a complex gradient called the mire margin-mire expanse -effect. During secondary succession, after forest drainage, the variation of mire site types diminished as the importance of hydrology decreased. The difference between the vegetation of treeless plus composite and forested mire site types could still be detected after the site types had reached the drained peatland forest type phase in their post-drainage succession. Keywords: Classification, ordination, succession
  • Hotanen, The Finnish Forest Research Institute, Joensuu Research Station, P.O. Box 68, SF-80101 Joensuu, Finland Sähköposti: [email protected] (sähköposti)
  • Vasander, Sähköposti: [email protected]
Eero Kaakkinen, Pekka Salminen, Harri Vasander. Skotlannin peittosuot ja niiden suojelu.
English title: Scottish blanket mires and their conservation.
Avainsanat: peatlands; afforestation; preservation; Scodand
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Controversy between the conservation and utilization of Scottish peadands is discussed on the basis of the authors' experience from the excursion of the International Mire Conservation Group (IMCG) to Scotland in September 1986 (EK & PS) and the participation in the international symposium "Peatland Ecosystems and Man: An Impact Assessment" in Dundee, Scotland in September 1989 (HV). Many blanket mires, especially in north-central Scotland, have an international conservation value. At the same time almost one fifth of this mire area has been afforested. The purpose of the Nature Conservancy Council is to conserve as large watershed areas as possible and to guide afforestation to those areas which have already lost their naturalness. There is now an urgent need of mire conservation in Scotland in order to save distinguished areas of Scottish blanket mires. Key words: afforestation, peatlands, preservation, Scodand
Harri Vasander, Tapio Lindholm. Suonviljely ja soiden luonnonkasvien hyödyntäminen Neuvosto-Karjalassa.
English title: Use of mires for agricultural, berry and medical plant production in Soviet Karelia.
Avainsanat: agriculture; peatland utilization; berry production; medical plants; Soviet Union
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The utilization of mires and some recent research results carried out in Soviet Karelia (ASSR), USSR are discussed. There are 3.5 million ha of peatlands and 1.7 million ha of paludified forests. Some 78 000 ha of drained peatlands are used for cultivation of forage and vegetable crops and there are plans to increase this amount. Some 38 000 ha of virgin peatlands have been preserved for berry production (Vaccinium oxycoc-cos, Rubus chamaemorus). The cultivation of cranberry has also been studied. Karelian peatlands are also used as resources of medicinally important plants: e.g. Me-nyanthes trifoliata, Ledum palustre, Potentilla palustris, Droseraspp., Vaccinium vitis-idaea. Key words: peatland utilization, agriculture, berry production, medical plants, Soviet Union.
  • Vasander, University of Helsinki, Department of Peatland Forestry, Unioninkatu 40 B, SF-00I70 Helsinki, Finland Sähköposti: [email protected] (sähköposti)
  • Lindholm, Sähköposti: [email protected]
Harri Vasander, Jorma Mikkola. Sammalpallomenetelmä lyijysulaton päästöjen tutkimuksessa.
English title: Monitoring lead emissions with moss bags near a lead smelter in southern Finland.
Avainsanat: air pollution; lead; monitoring; moss bags; Sphagnum
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Moss (Sphagnum) bags were used to study the deposition of lead near a lead smelter in Vantaa, southern Finland, during 1983—1986. Pit-furnace and refining smelting were carried out. However, in March 1984 pit-furnace smelting ceased. The content of lead in moss bags increased clearly with decreasing distance from the source. The values were clearly smaller after the change in smelting process. Besides the moss bag method we also compared moss bags with other methods (deposition, suspended particles, snow sampling). There existed highly significant correlations between moss bag and other methods. The moss bag method enables a dense monitoring net and was found to be a rapid, easy and inexpensive way of monitoring the intensity and distribution of lead pollution. Key words: lead, air pollution, monitoring, moss bags, Sphagnum.
  • Vasander, University of Helsinki, Department of Peatland Forestry, Unioninkatu 40 B, SF-00170 Helsinki, Finland Sähköposti: [email protected] (sähköposti)
  • Mikkola, Sähköposti: [email protected]
Harri Vasander, Tapio Lindholm. Männynversosyöpätuhot Laaviosuon jat-kolannoituskoealueella.
English title: Damage caused by Pine die-back (Ascocalyx abietina) on refertilization trial plots on Laaviosuo, Lammi, southern Finland.
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Damage caused by the pathogenic fungus Ascocalyx abietina (Lagerb.) Schläpfer was more common and severe on the trial plots which had been refertilized with NPK or NPK + trace elements than on control or those plots which had been refertilized with wood ash or only some of the macro-nutrients. The incidence of damage was also positively correlated with the density and the mean height growth. It was hypothesized that delayed hardening of shoots in the autumn and frost damage combined with the increased growth and possible micronutrient deficiencies could explain these differences.
Tapio Lindholm, Harri Vasander. Soista, soiden käytöstä ja suoekologisesta tutkimuksesta Karjalan ASNT:ssa.
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The utilization of mires and some recent research results carried out in Soviet Karelia (ASSR), USSR are reviewed. Information concerning the utilization of mires for forestry and agricultural purposes, their value as a natural plant resource, and mire concervation are presented. The aims and results or the sturdies mostly carried out at the Kidasovo Field Station, are rewieved. Included are studies on medical plants, berry plants, primary production, peat microbiology, decomposition and forestry.
Harri Vasander. Esimerkki keidassoiden ojitus- ja lannoitustoiminnan heikosta kannattavuudesta.
English title: The low profitability of draining and fertilizing sparsely tree covered ombrotrophic bogs for forestry purposes: a case study.
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The ombrotrophic raised bog Laaviosuo at Lammi, southern Finland, was studied to access the economics of draining and fertilizing sparsely tree covered bogs. Input and output were calculated using both real short-term values and hypothetical long-term values. The profitability was found to be low in both cases. Amelioration of this kind of bog may therefore be considered an uneconomic proposition.
Harri Vasander. Otanta vähäpuustoisten rämeiden biomassa- ja tuotostutkimuksissa.
English title: Sampling of low volume peatland pine stands for biomass and production studies.
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The above-ground biomass and production of two pine stands in the bog Laaviosuo Lammi, Southern Finland, were determined (c.f. Lindholm & Vasander 1979; Fig. 5). One stand was in the virgin ombrotrophic kermi pine bog (KeR, o.b. volume of the stand 1.7 m3/ha) and the other in the drained and fertilized part of the bog (KeRmu, o.b. volume 12.1 m3/ha). Biomass and production values considered to be absolute were obtained by the total tally of the stands. This was done by studying an average of three sample trees in every size class measured by the DBH (1.3 m) with the interval of 1 cm and summing these values. The following average tree methods were compared to these results: 1) tree of mean DBH, 2) tree of mean basal area, 3) tree of mean volume, 4) median tree, 5) median tree by basal area, 6) in KeRmu where three tree classes could be distinguished, sample trees were taken in every tree class (DBHs 2,7 and 13 cm), 7) in KeR where the tree histogram was continuous (see Lindholm & Vasander 1979; Fig. 5), several sets of two or three tree classes were tried: 7a) 2,6 cm, 7b) 2,7 cm, 7c) 3,6 cm, 7d) 3,8 cm, 7e) 2, 6, 10 cm (the numbers of the methods are the same as in Figs. 1, 2). Usually the average tree approach gave crude results compared to those of the total tally. In KeRmu the tree of the mean volume was the most accurate of the individual average tree methods (c.f. Ovington & Madgwick 1959, Baskerwille 1965). Here this method overestimated the total biomass by 5.9 % and the total production by 7.9 %. Regarding the different tree components the errors obtained were greater as were also the total values in KeR where method 2 gave a little more accurate results (Figs. 1, 2). If the stand was stratified into three tree layers in KeRmu, almost similar total biomass and production values were obtained as the total tally (Fig. 2, method 6). In KeR total values with the accuracy of appr. ± 10 % were obtained with two tree classes. The other tree class had to be selected amongst those small trees which formed the majority of the tree histogram (DBHs 2 or 3 cm) and the other amongst the trees in the middle of the histogram (DBHs 6, 7 or 8 cm). The values of the individual tree components were in this case, however, more inaccurate than the total values (Fig. 1).
Harri Vasander. Luonnontilaisen keidasrämeen sekä lannoitetun ojikon ja muuttuman ravinnevarat.
English title: Nutrients in an ombrotrophic bog ecosystem in the virgin state and after forest-improvements.
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The study was carried out in three ombrotrophic bog sites, a virgin pine bog (Kaurastensuo), a site with NPK-fertilization in 1970 and a site with NPK-fertilization in 1978 (plot no. 8 in Reinikainen & Lindholm 1980; Fig. 1). Samples for nutrient analysis were taken in October 1979, and the following total nutrients were determined: N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Cu, B. The amount of plant biomass and production was calculated according to Vasander (1981). The surface peat (0—20 cm) was very poor in nutrients compared to earlier observations in pine bog sites. In the site NPK -1978 there were probably still hails of slow-soluble fertilizers as the amounts of P and Ca were high in the ground layer (Fig. 1). The amounts of nutrients were usually proportionally higher in the field layer vegetation and the needles than were their proportions of biomass and production (Fig. 1, Table 2). However, there was little B and Cu in the needles except for in the site NPK-1978 (Fig. 1). According to the estimated nutrient budget (Table 3), 23.7 kg/ha K corresponding to 43 % of the added potassium was found neither in the surface peat nor in the vegetation. If it all had leached, the annual loss would evenly distributed be 2,63 kg/ha. This loss is of the same magnitude as leaching found in earlier studies of fertilized bogs, but appr. twice the value of virgin bogs. The budget was positive for phosphorus and nitrogen mainly because of the compression and increasing bulk density of the peat in NPK-1970. In the last years the supply of N and P has not been sufficient to maintain post-fertilization pine growth level.
Hannu Solmari, Harri Vasander. Neljän korpiyhdyskunnan kasvibiomassa ja -tuotos.
English title: Plant biomass and production in LhK, MK, MkK and MrK spruce/hardwood swamp sites.
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The total aboveground biomass and production of four mire site types (English names, see Ruuhijärvi & Reinikainen 1981) with rather stout tree stands were studied in Lammi, southern Finland. The o.b. volume of the stands was as follows: MK 251, MkK 167, LhK 120, MrK 83 m3/ha. The tree layer was proportionally the most significant component of the total biomass composing correspondingly 99,3, 98,3, 98,2 and 96,6 % of it. Among the spruce swamp sites the proportion of the ground layer increased as the shading of the tree layer decreased and the moistness of the site increased. At the same time the significance of the field and shrub layers decreased. The proportional annual production was highest in LhK (20,4 % of the biomass) where the tree stand consisted of hardwood species and the field layer of herbs. For this reason the absolute production also was higher there than in the spruce swamp sites where the production percentage of the communities was 3,4—5,8 %.
Harri Vasander. Keidasrämeen kasvibiomassa ja tuotos.
English title: Plant biomass and production in an ombrotrophic raised bog.
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The total plant biomass and production was studied in the eccentric raised bog Laaviosuo, Lammi, southern Finland in 1977 and 1978. For the study of field and ground layers the surface of the bog was divided into different plant communities: high hummocks, low hummocks, upper hollows, moist hollows and wet hollows with the proportions of 56.9, 17.3, 8.5, 10.5 and 6.8 % of the studied area (21 ha). For the material and methods see Lindholm & Vasander 1979, 1981, Vasander 1981 a, b. The total biomass of the bog was 1170.5 g/m2 and the total annual production 381.8 g/m2. The proportions of aboveground parts were 61 and 62 % respectively. Biomass proportions were: trees and seedlings 41 %, field layer 39 % and ground layer 20 %. Corresponding values for the total annual production were 10, 55 and 35 % (Fig. 1). In the hummocks the dominating species were dwarf shrubs and in the hollows, different Sphagnum species (Table 1). The total production of the studied bog was of similar magnitude as measured earlier in ombrot-rophic mire site types (Bacilevich 1967, Kosonen 1981) or somewhat smaller (P'yavchenko 1967, Kozlovskaya et al. 1978) due mainly to the differences in the ground layer values.
Tapio Lindholm, Harri Vasander. Männyn kasvu ja uudistuminen luonnontilaisella ja ojitetulla sekä lannoitetulla keidasrämeellä.
English title: Growth and regeneration of scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) on virgin, drained and fertilized raised bog sites in Lammi, Southern Finland.
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The effect of draining and fertilization on the radial and height growth of Scots pine has been studied on an ombrotrophic bog Laaviosuo in the vicinity of Lammi Biological Station. The study site represents a southern Finnish raised bog with Calluna vulgaris — Empetrum nigrum — Sphagnum fuscum -hummocks and Eriophorum vagi-natum — Sphagnum angustifolium or Sphagnum majus — S. balticum -hollows. Total thickness of the peat layer is 5—7 m with a 2—3 m of Sphagnum peat on the surface. Part of the bog (6 ha) was drained in 1966 and fertilized in 1970 (N as urea 100 kg/ha plus PK fertilizer 400 kg/ha). This study is part of a project concerning the comparative analysis of virgin and forest-improved mire ecosystems (Ruuhijärvi et al. 1979). Height growth of pines during 15 last years was measured with the accuracy of 1 cm from 37 trees in the virgin site, 23 trees in the site with only drainage and 27 trees in the drained and fertilized site during the autumns 1978 and 1979. In addition seven trees from a virgin dwarf shrub pine bog near the marginal slope of Laaviosuo were measured for comparison in the autumn 1978. Radial growth was measured in 1979 from 17, 10, 10 and 7 trees, respectively, with the accuracy of 0.01 mm. All the measured trees were selected randomly. At the same time we counted all the trees and seedlings from a sample area both in the virgin and fertilized sites. In the virgin bog the size of the sample area was 1.92 ha and in the fertilized area 1.60 ha for trees and 0.88 ha for seedlings. Height of all seedlings was measured with the accuracy of 10 cm and breast height diameter (d1.3) of trees with the accuracy of 1 cm. Growth of trees in the virgin bog site was very low: height growth about 3 cm and radial growth: 0.2 mm annually (Fig. 1, 2). In dwarf shrub pine bog the corresponding values were about 9 cm and 0.6 mm. Mere draining had very little effect (about 1 cm) on the height growth (Fig. 1.). Radial growth increased more clearly (Fig. 2). However, the figures exaggerate the situation because the trees have been measured very near the ditches (about 1—8 m). Trees which have grown at a distance of less than about 3 m from the ditches have incresed their radial growth, but others growing further away have not. This increases the variation as seen in Fig. 2. In practise, if this kind of ombrotrophic bog is drained fertilization with all macro-nutrient (N, P, K) is needed. Effect of fertilization is very similar on radial and height growth with the difference that height growth always reacts one year later (Fig. 1, 2). Maximum growth (about 35 cm and 3.2 mm) was reached in 1973 and 1974, respectively, after which the growth decreased almost as quickly as it had increased. In ombrotrophic sites the effect of fertilization is known to last less than ten years (Huikari & Paavilainen 1972 and Ipatiev & Paavilainen 1975). Only refertilization could possibly secure the continuing of tree growth. Fertilizing has changed also the size-classes of trees and seedlings (Fig. 5,6). Number of trees has increased from 470 per ha in the virgin area to 1390 per ha in the drained and fertilized area. The tree volume increment has been six-fold (from 1.3 to 8 m3/ha). Number of pine seedlings increased from 7100 per ha to 15300 per ha. There were also 2060 birch seedlings per ha in the fertilized area. Especially hollows have become stocked with seedlings. All these seedlings must compete with dense shrub layer for the nutrients but its effect on the mortality of seedlings can not yet be known. Mere draining seemed to have no effect on the population structure of seedlings. The present volume of the pine stand in the fertilized area, 8 m3/ha on average, is of the same magnitude as Heikurainens (1971) average values for virgin cottongrass pine bogs. However, drainage of cotton-grass pine bogs and Sphagnum fuscum pine bogs with so scarce pine stands seems to be economically questionable (Heikurainen 1973). Thus according to our results, even after the drainage and NPK fertilization the tree stand of this site type is still so low that the drainage and fertilization of such ombrotrophic pine bogs is probably unprofitable.
Harri Vasander, Kari Minkkinen, Hlynur Oskarsson. Rahkasammal- ja kasvimaantieteen kenttäkurssi Islannissa.
English title: Field course on peat mosses and plant biogeography in Iceland.
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Leila Korpela, Sakari Sarkkola, Tapio Lindholm, Harri Vasander. Suoseuran ja metsäylioppilaiden retkeily Pohjois- Saksan kosteikkoviljelykohteille 15.–20.9.2019.
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Liisa Elo, Tapio Lindholm, Juha Ovaskainen, Harri Vasander. Suoseura Virossa 2016 – keidassoita, lähdelettoja, tulvametsiä ja turveteollisuutta.
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Harri Vasander, Tuula Larmola, Sakari Sarkkola. Suoseuran opiskelijatyöpaja soiden kestävän käytön tulevaisuudesta.
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Harri Vasander, Pekka Salminen, Jukka Ruuhijärvi. In Memoriam: Suoseuran kunniajäsen, professori Rauno Ruuhijärvi 1930–2022.
English title: In Memoriam: Suoseuran kunniajäsen, professori Rauno Ruuhijärvi 1930–2022.
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Harri Vasander, Raimo Heikkilä, Rauno Ruuhijärvi. In Memoriam: Tapio Lindholm 1953–2021.
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Paavo Ojanen, Kaisu Aapala, Juha-Pekka Hotanen, Aira Kokko, Pirkko Kortelainen, Hannu Marttila, Mika Nieminen, Tiina M. Nieminen, Pekka Punttila, Sakari Rehell, Tapani Sallantaus, Sakari Sarkkola, Juha Tiainen, Jukka Turunen, Samu Valpola, Harri Vasander, Tuija Vähäkuopus, Kari Minkkinen. Ojituksen vaikutus luonnon monimuotoisuuteen, ilmastoon ja vesistöihin – yhteenveto.
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Jarmo Laitinen, Paavo Ojanen, Kaisu Aapala, Juha-Pekka Hotanen, Aira Kokko, Pekka Punttila, Sakari Rehell, Juha Tiainen, Harri Vasander. Soiden kasvillisuus.
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Suoluonto on hyvin vaihtelevaa, koska suolla vaihtelevat märkyys ja ravinteisuus ja niiden seurauksena myös puustoisuus. Suoluonnon tärkein säätelijä on märkyys – lähellä maanpintaa oleva vedenpinta. Vaikka kaikki suot ovat märkiä, suon märkyys myös vaihtelee paljon. Kuivimmillaan suo muistuttaa kivennäismaan metsää, ja usein suo vaihettuukin saumattomasti ympäröiväksi metsäksi. Märimmillään suo muistuttaa jo matalaa vesistöä ja vaihettuu rantakosteikoihin ja vesistöihin. Suo voi olla ravinteisuudeltaan rehevä tai karu. Rehevässä ääripäässä suolle valuu ravinteikasta vettä ympäristöstä tai kasvillisuus saa ohuen turvekerroksen läpi ravinteita ravinteikkaasta kivennäismaasta. Karussa ääripäässä turvetta on kertynyt niin paksu kerros, että kasvien juuret eivät yllä ottamaan ravinteita alla olevasta kivennäismaasta. Myöskään ympäristöstä ei valu ravinteikasta vettä suon reunaa korkeammaksi kohonneelle suon keskiosalle, ja kasvillisuus on sadeveden mukana tulevien ravinteiden varassa. Lisäksi turpeen kertyminen ja suon läpi virtaavan veden väheneminen happamoittavat turvetta, mikä vaikeuttaa kasvien ravinteiden ottoa. Ravinteisuuden ja märkyyden lisäksi aluskasvillisuuden kasvuoloihin vaikuttaa valon määrä, jota säätelee puuston varjostus. Runsaspuustoisimmat suot ovat varjoisia ja reheviä kuusi- ja lehtipuuvaltaisia korpia tai karumpia mäntyvaltaisia rämeitä. Mitä märempi ja karumpi suo on, sitä vähäisempää puusto on. Märimmät suot ovat ravinteisuudesta riippumatta puuttomia lettoja ja nevoja. Karuimmilla puustoisilla soilla kasvaa niin kitukasvuinen ja harva männikkö, ettei se käytännössä varjosta aluskasvillisuutta. Ojitus vähentää suoluonnon vaihtelua. Kun suo ojitetaan metsätaloutta varten, märkyyden vaihtelu vähenee ja jäljelle jää ravinteisuuden vaihtelu. Tällöin suo alkaa kehittyä aluskasvillisuudeltaan kivennäismaan metsää muistuttavaksi turvekankaaksi. Myös metsänhoito ja hakkuut muuttavat kasvillisuutta. Jos suo raivataan maataloutta varten, kuivatuksen lisäksi suo muokataan viljelyyn sopivaksi kalkituksin ja lannoituksin ja suokasvillisuus raivataan viljelykasvien tieltä. Turpeennostoa varten suo raivataan kasvittomaksi turvekentäksi.

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