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Finn Wolfhard Takes a Lie Detector Test

"Stranger Things" star Finn Wolfhard takes Vanity Fair's infamous lie detector test. Does he prefer Canadians or Americans? Are the new "Ghostbusters" films better than the original? Does he think directing is better than acting?


Released on 03/28/2024


You guys could use this for like pure evil,

like let's get a bunch of actors on a polygraph test.

All the debaucherous stories, the gossip,

what you guys could find out.

Now I'm trying to get into your guys' heads.

Is it working?

Hands up high, lean forward, nothing hurts.

You're gonna feel a little pressure in your arm.

There'll be no pain.

I would hope not.

[Interviewer] To begin, I'm gonna ask you a few questions

to calibrate the machine.

Is your full name Finn Michael Wolfhard?


[Interviewer] Are you worried about failing this test?


[Interviewer] Do you feel like you have something to hide?


He's telling the truth.

[Interviewer] Starting with your personal life.

You were born in Vancouver, Canada,

but have spent much of your time in the United States.


[Interviewer] Do you prefer Canadians or Americans?

Canadians, I think there's like

a general politeness in Canada

that you don't get sometimes in the states.

Like you don't get someone being like, hey, fuck you,

or whatever it is,

which I've gotten in New York, I think at least three times.

[Interviewer] So you hate New York?


He's telling the truth.

You hear that.

That's my boy right there.

[Interviewer] Do you think you're a nice person?


[Interviewer] Would any of your co-stars agree?

I think so, yes.

What about waiters?

Yeah, I think so.

I would hope so.

I'm gonna get a comment that's like he did not tip enough.

I'm sure, but I make sure that I tip.

I'm sure in my life I've messed up.

I've made mistakes in the past.

Telling the truth.

[Interviewer] You said you got your first acting job

off of Craigslist.

Is Craigslist a good platform for children

to find employment?

No, I got lucky.

[Interviewer] So it's only okay if you do it?

At that, yes.

Yeah, it is only okay if I do it.

I feel like I'm the guinea pig.

He's telling the truth.

[Interviewer] You're in a band called the Aubreys.

Are you a better Aubrey than Aubrey Graham?

No, look at this man.

He's had a lot of hits.

You can't argue with the hits.

[Interviewer] Would you ever wanna collaborate

on a song with him?

I don't think so.

I really like Drake, but we make such different music.

Maybe if he wanted to do like an indie rock song,

then great, yeah, it'd be awesome.

[Interviewer] Is it also because you've been

on Twitter recently?

No, what's on Twitter?

What's going on on Twitter?

Is there something going on with me and Drake on Twitter?

I'm gonna have to go on X and Twitter.

Am I telling the truth?

[Interviewer] You've talked about getting a tattoo

of your brother Nick's name.

Oh yeah, no, it's not my brother's name.

Here's the thing, my brother, I was getting a tattoo

and it's two sheep.

It's like a John Lennon painting.

Someone asked me like, are you getting the tattoo?

Like does it represent anything?

And I was like, I guess if it represented anything,

I guess it would be my brother,

but that's not really the reason why I got a tattoo

and my brother took that and ran.

Now it's true,

but at the time when I got it, it was not for my brother.

Do you want me to show it?

It's a little line drawing.

[Interviewer] It's very good.

Thank you.

[Interviewer] Does he plan on getting the same tattoo

or a tattoo dedicated to you?

You know, I would hope so.

Now that I have one, I think he should get like...

You know how some people have like a caricature

of their child's face on their chest?

I would hope that he would get one of those.

He's lying.

Oh, come on.

These things are inconclusive.

Keep going.

[Interviewer] Is it true that you've worn the same pair

of pants for a month before?


[Interviewer] Do you not wash your clothes?

I do, jeans though,

I feel like you can get away with for a long time, right?

[Interviewer] Do you believe in personal hygiene?


He's telling the truth.

I just said that

because it's been like two days since I've showered.

That's why I said that.

Was that bad, like two days not bad?

[Interviewer] Moving on to your career.

You starred two recent Ghostbuster films.


[Interviewer] Are they better than the originals?


He's telling the truth.

[Interviewer] Are they better

than the Star Wars sequel trilogy?

There was like a big discourse

around Ryan Johnson's movie I guess.

I loved that movie.

I think that movie is so good and underrated.

At least there was like a thing like let's take a swing

and try some new ideas.

Sorry, that's not an answer.

Do I find the Ghostbusters movies

better than like the new trilogy?

[Interviewer] Your Ghostbusters movie.

My Ghostbusters movie, yeah.

He's telling the truth.

[Interviewer] Ghostbusters are known

for not being afraid of no ghosts.

Have you ever had a paranormal experience?

I did have a paranormal experience.

That's a lie.

Well I did, let me finish Judd,

what I thought was a paranormal experience

ended up being my dishwasher.

Like just the noise of my dishwasher.

It was a windy day.

Like in my head I was like,

doesn't wind mean like a lot of spirits are flying around.

And then I heard like a long guttural noise from my kitchen

that I thought was a ghost

but it ended up being my dishwasher.

[Interviewer] Do you believe in ghosts?

Not yet, no.

I haven't seen one.

He's telling the truth.

[Interviewer] Do you have to see to believe?

I think so, yeah.

Dan Aykroyd has had many paranormal experience

and I fully believe him that he has seen these.

Telling the truth.

[Interviewer] You've been frequently cast in roles

set in the eighties.

Do you think it was the best decade?

[Interviewer] No, Cold War, no thank you, right Judd?

He is telling the truth 100%.

I was there in the eighties.

I mean it was more free time I'm sure.

I wasn't there,

but I think it was like you could ride your bike around

without your parents thinking that like you'd go missing

or get murdered or anything like that.

[Interviewer] You directed and starred

in the film Hell of a Summer.

Are you a better director/actor than Bradley Cooper?

Bradley Cooper has much more experience than I,

so I think he's a better director.

He's telling the truth.

[Interviewer] Are you a better director/actor

than John Krasinski?

Again, like he's done like these big movies

so I don't think so.

He's telling the truth.

[Interviewer] Are you a better director/actor

than Orson Wells?

Oh, come on.

He's like the greatest of all time, absolutely not.

Imagine if I said yes,

that would be the most unlikeable thing

I think that's ever been said on the show.

He's telling the truth.

Open book.

[Interviewer] So a number of your Stranger Things co-stars

have said more characters should have died

by the end of season four.

Do you agree with that?

Not by season four, I don't think.

[Interviewer] Do you not believe

in consequences for characters?

I do, I really do believe in consequences for characters.

There's been like family that have died,

like Max's brother and all that stuff,

but no like main character has died yet except for Eddie

and Barb and Bob and Mason.

Yeah, a lot more than one.

[Interviewer] Does anyone else die in season five?

I truly dunno.

He's telling the truth.

[Interviewer] Moving on--

Are you put off by my answers?

[Interviewer] I'm not on the spot here.

I'm on the spot here, you're right.

[Interviewer] I think I should stick to asking questions.

Okay, okay, okay, I should stop being so insecure.

[Interviewer] Do you think you're an insecure person?


He's lying.

Interesting, I guess like I'm an anxious person.

I feel insecure in that way.

He's telling the truth there.

[Interviewer] Moving on to pop culture.

In 2020, you posted a picture

of your younger self playing football

and told the Seattle Seahawks you were available

if they needed you.

Did they ever call you?

Not for playing.

I think I would die.

I think I would actually die if I went on that field.

He's telling the truth.

[Interviewer] Do you normally send public thirst traps

to NFL teams?

Normally, I guess, yeah, I did it then.

Inconclusive on that one. Inconclusive.

[Interviewer] Who else would you like to reach out to?

Football-wise, the Chiefs had a dynasty.

That's pretty cool,

but I'm a Seahawks fan through and through.

He's telling the truth.

[Interviewer] You've expressed interest

in being in a Marvel film?

Yes, in the past, yes.

[Interviewer] Have you asked

your Ghostbusters co-star Paul Rudd

to put in a good word for you with the head of Marvel?


[Interviewer] Is that because MCU films

have been mid recently?


Telling the truth.

[Interviewer] Do you believe the only way to fix it

is to cast you in their next film?

Do I believe that I would save the Marvel franchise

alone as an actor, no.

He's telling the truth.

[Interviewer] In 2023, you beat

your Stranger Things co-stars for the Kids' Choice Award

for favorite male TV star.

Do you think you were the correct choice to win?


[Interviewer] Do you brag about it to them?

No, I would if I got slimed.

It's an iconic thing to get slimed.

[Interviewer] Do you think you'd beat them

in any category?

Like running, is that a category?

[Interviewer] Is that the category you want to choose?

Yes, running, I would choose running.

I think that I have an edge.

I think that I could beat Gaten or Caleb.

Caleb on set in the last few months

has asked to race at least five times

and I've said yes twice and I've almost beat him twice

and I think soon I will.

[Interviewer] Is this officially a moment

you would like to challenge Caleb?

Caleb, I will beat you.

You're gonna see this and you're gonna text me

and I'll have to commit now.

[Interviewer] You were once advised

that the minute acting is no longer fun, you have to stop.


[Interviewer] Are you still having fun acting?

I am, yeah.

[Interviewer] What would be the thing to make you stop?

If I was like truly unhappy acting,

I think that would be the thing that would make me stop.

Or if like directing really picked up

and I got to like direct all the time,

then that would be amazing.

[Interviewer] Do you think directing

is better than acting?

Yeah, I do.

[Judd] He's telling the truth.

[Interviewer] Do you wanna be an EGOT?

That's Emmy, Grammy.

What's the O, Oscar, fuck.

That was really dumb.

And the T, what the hell is the T?

The Tony, I guess not

if I forgot like the name of the Oscars.

It'd be cool to win an Oscar.

I don't know if I should win the EGOT.

I don't think I should win the EGOT.

He's telling the truth.

[Interviewer] Final question, at any point did you lie

during this interview and we didn't catch you?


He's telling the truth.

[Interviewer] All right, thank you very much, Finn.


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