National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Strong Storm Approaching Alaska; Record Heat for Portions of the West; Watching the Tropics

Increasing dangerous surf, strong winds and heavy precipitation will affect southern portions of Alaska and Aleutian over the next few days. A strong system will move ashore across the Pacific Northwest with winds and increasing fire weather concerns for the northern Great Basin and Rockies. Extreme heat lingers for the Southwest and parts of California. Closely monitoring the Gulf of Mexico. Read More >


Formal Publications


Barker, T. W., 2008: Catching Up To a Big Temperature Change. Western Region Technical Attachment Lites No. 08-19. [PDF] 

Barker, T. W., 2006: Warm Advection with Interesting Details On December 1st, 2005. Western Region Technical Attachment Lites No. 06-12. [PDF] 

Barker, T. W., 2005: Model View of Inversion Evolution. Western Region Technical Attachment Lites No. 05-07. [PDF] 

Barker, T. W., 2004: Precipitation Estimates at Long Range - A Western Region WES TA-Lite. Western Region Technical Attachment Lites No. 04-33. [PDF] 

Barker, T. W., 2004: Similar Storms - Different Results. Western Region Technical Attachment Lites No. 04-09. [PDF] 

Barker, T. W., 2003: The 20 January 2002 Winter Storm in the Treasure Valley - A Weather Event Simulation. Western Region Technical Attachment Lites No. 03-12. [PDF] 

Barker, T. W., 2003: Treasure Valley Idaho Severe Convection - A WES Study. Western Region Technical Attachment Lites No. 03-38. [PDF] 

Billingsley, D. R. B.*, 1998: Review of QG theory -- part III: A different approachNatl. Wea. Dig.22:3, 3-10. [PDF]

Billingsley, D. R. B.*, 1997: Review of QG theory -- part II: The omega equationNatl. Wea. Dig.21:2, 43-51. [PDF]

Billingsley, D. R. B.*, 1996: What does quasi-geostrophic really mean? Natl. Wea. Dig.21:1, 21-25. [PDF]

Borsum, D. L.*, 1995: Doppler Dilemma Delineates Danger from Dirt. Western Region Technical Attachment No. 95-07. [PDF] 

Colin, L. R., 2008: An Extremely Accurate MaxT Forecast Using the Analog Tool in GFE. Western Region Technical Attachment Lites No. 08-24. [PDF] 

Colin, L. R., 2007: Using BOI_Verify to Identify Model Preferences in Large Temperature Change Events. Preprints, AMS 22nd Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting/18th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, Park City, UT. [PDF] 

Colin, L. R., 2002: A GFE-Based Temperature Verification at WFO Boise. Western Region Technical Attachment No. 02-06. [PDF] 

Colin, L. R., 2002: GFE-Based Temperature Verification-One Approach. Preprints, AMS 19th Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting/15th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, Boston, MA, San Antonio, TX. [PDF] 

Colin, L. R., 2002: How Traditional NWS Verification Encourages "Hedging", and a Possible Remedy. Preprints, AMS 19th Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting/15th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, Boston, MA, San Antonio, TX. [PDF] 

Colin, L. R., 2002: Practical Applications of Extrapolated dProg/dt in AWIPS. Preprints, AMS 1st Interactive Symposium on AWIPS, Orlando, FL. [PDF] 

Colin, L. R., 1998: TAF verification results Idaho, Winter 1997-98. Western Region Technical Attachment No. 98-32. [PDF] 

Colin, L. R., 1995: Numerical Verification of Conditional Terms in NWS Terminal Forecasts. Preprints, AMS 6th Conference on Aviation Weather Systems, Dallas, TX. 

Colin, L. R., 1995: An Index for measuring the breakdown of surface-based inversions in the Intermountain West. Preprints, 5th AES/CMOS Workshop on Operational Meteorology, Edmonton, Alberta, Atmospheric Environment Service/Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, 74-77. [PDF] 

DeVoir, G. A.*, 1998: Conditional Symmetric Instability Methods of Operational Diagnosis and Case Study of 23-24 February 1994 Eastern Washington/Oregon Snowstorm. Western Region Technical Memorandum NWS WR-254. [PDF] 

DeVoir, G. A.*, 1998: GOES-10 provides high temporal resolution of Treasure Valley outflow boundaries. Western Region Technical Attachment No. 98-18. [PDF] 

Eggers, T.* and S. Vasiloff, 1998: High intensity short duration precipitation, flash flooding and the WSR-88D. Western Region Technical Attachment No. 98-30. [PDF]

Eggers, T.*, 1991: WeatherTools. Western Region Technical Memorandum NWS WR-215. [PDF]

Eggers, T.*, 1991: Hydrotools. Western Region Technical Memorandum NWS WR-210. [PDF]

Evenson, E. C.* and M. H. Strobin, 1998: Model Boundary layer problems and their impact on thunderstorm forecasting in the Western United States. Western Region Technical Attachment No. 98-20. [PDF]

Evenson, E. C.*, 1996: The 6 July 1995 Severe Weather Events in the Northwestern United States: Recent Examples of SSWEs. Western Region Technical Memorandum NWS WR-237. [PDF]

Evenson, E.C.* and J.R. Mecikalski, 1996: Preliminary Evaluation of a PCGRIDDS Macro in Forecasting Dry Microbursts over the Western United StatesPreprints, 18th Conf. Severe Local Storms, San Francisco, CA. [HTML]

Evenson, E. C.*, and R. H. Johns, 1995: Some climatological and synoptic aspects of severe weather development in the northwestern United StatesNatl. Wea. Dig.20:1, 34-50. [PDF]

Heffernan, R., 2012: New Advances for the Incident Meteorologist Program in 2011. Preprints, AMS 92nd Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA. [HTML] 

Heffernan, R., C. H. Jones and K. Lynott, 2011: Encouraging Community Wildfire Awareness. Preprints, AMS 9th Symposium on Fire and Forest Meteorology, Palm Springs, CA. [HTML] 

Heffernan, R., H. Hockenberry and L. Van Bussum, 2011: NWS Fire Weather Decision Support, Now and in the Future. Preprints, AMS 9th Symposium on Fire and Forest Meteorology, Palm Springs, CA. [HTML] 

Hill, J. J.*, 1998: The warning and verification team: A WCM pilot project at NWSFO Boise August 1996 to June 1997. Western Region Technical Attachment No. 98-06. [PDF] 

Hockenberry, H.*, R. Hicks and R. Ochoa, 2007: A journey down under: Operational fire weather forecasting exchange for the 2006-2007 fire season. Preprints, AMS 7th Symposium on Fire and Forest Meteorology, Bar Harbor, ME. [HTML]

Hurlbut, M. M.*, 2007: A Rare F-2 Tornado Event in Bear Idaho. Western Region Technical Attachment No. 07-07. [PDF] 

Hurlbut, M. M.* and S. S. Parker, 2006: Severe weather threat discrimination in southeast Oregon and southwest Idaho using pre-storm environmental data. Preprints, AMS 23rd Conf. Severe Local Storms, St. Louis, MO. [PDF]

Jannuzzi, J. A.*, 2002: Rapid Prototyping Grid-Based Forecasting. Preprints, AMS 1st Interactive Symposium on AWIPS, Orlando, FL. [PDF]

Jannuzzi, J. A.*, 1995: Summary of 1995 NWA Annual MeetingNatl. Wea. Dig.20:2, 40-41. [PDF]

Jewel, R. E. D.*, 2000: Using storm top divergence signatures as large hail indicators in the Boise CWA. Western Region Technical Attachment No. 00-14. [PDF] 

Mollner, M.*, 1991: Notes on a visit to NMC. Western Region Technical Attachment No. 91-29. [PDF]

Mollner, M.*, 1991: Idaho Zone Preformat, Temperature Guidance, and Verification. Western Region Technical Memorandum NWS WR-213. [PDF]

Parker, S. S., 2010: Classic and HP Mini-Supercells in Southeast Oregon and Southwest Idaho on 3 May 2009. Preprints, AMS 25th Conference on Severe Local Storms, Denver, CO. [PDF] 

Redman, C. F., 2009: Summer daytime down drainage winds in the Salmon River drainage. Preprints, AMS 8th Symposium on Fire and Forest Meteorology, Kalispell, MT. [HTML] 

St. Jean, D.*, 1997: Using varied enhancement curves to better evaluate fog and stratus with RAMSDIS. Western Region Technical Attachment No. 97-40. [PDF] 

Smith, J. D., 2017: The History of Weather Observations in Boise, Idaho. Western Region Technical Memorandum NWS WR-291. [PDF] 

Smith, J. D., 2010: Severe Hail Detection Technique using Reflectivity and Freezing Level Height for the Boise Weather Forecast Office County Warning Area. Western Region Technical Attachment Lites No. 10-06. [PDF] 

Strobin, M. H., R. Miler and E. C. Evenson*, 1998: An example of weak dynamic forcing in an unstable wintertime atmosphere. Western Region Technical Attachment No. 98-28. [PDF]

Van Bussum, L. and R. Lamoni, 2007: A review of 2006 fire weather support: A record year. Preprints, AMS 7th Symposium on Fire and Forest Meteorology, Bar Harbor, ME. [HTML] 

Walrod, L. E.*, 1994: WSR-88D Detection of LLWS. Western Region Technical Attachment No. 94-35. [PDF]


Informal Articles

Billingsley, D. R. B.*, 1995: A Splitting Storm in Southwest Idaho. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [PDF]

Braun, A.*, 2017: May 5, 2017 Non-Tornadic Example. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [HTML]

Braun, A.*, 2016: A one inch hail report on 12 July 2016. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [HTML]

Braun, A.*, 2016: The May 6, 2016 Event. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [HTML]

Braun, A.*, 2016: November 25, 2015 Winter Storm. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [HTML]

Braun, A.*, 2015: October 19, 2015 Heavy Rain Event. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [HTML]

Braun, A.*, 2015: August 26, 2015 Flash Flood Event. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [HTML]

Braun, A.*, 2015: September 16th Bright-Banding Example. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [HTML]

Braun, A.*, 2015: Boise CWA August 2015 Wind Events. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [HTML]

Braun, A.*, 2015: 7-8-15 Heavy Rain Event in Boise - Case Study. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [HTML]

DeVoir, G. A.*, 1997: Arctic Air in Boise: Climatologically Favorable Upper Air Patterns and Correlating Minimum Temperatures with 120 GMT Snow Depth. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [PDF]

Eggers, T.*, 1997: Severe Weather Episode in Idaho on May 31, 1997. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [PDF]

Fugazzi, M. J.*, 2002: A Study of the Treasure Valley Heavy Snow Event of January 20, 2002. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [PDF]

Fugazzi, M. J.*, 2001: Freezing Level vs. -20C level for large hail in the Boise CWA. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [PDF]

Fugazzi, M. J.*, 2001: The Harmless Supercell of July 12, 2001. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [PDF]

Fugazzi, M. J.*, 1998: A Comparison of Selected 500 mb Prognostic Charts with Actual 500 mb Features over the Northwestern United States. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [PDF]

Fugazzi, M. J.*, UNK: Snow vs. Rain at Boise Using 850 mb Temperatures and 850 mb - 700 mb Thickness. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [PDF]

Hurlbut, M. M.*, 2006: Post Mortem for June 4, 2006 F2 Tornado and Microburst. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [PDF]

Huston, D.*, UNK: Arctic Outbreaks at Boise. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [PDF]

Jannuzzi, J. A.*, 2004: High Wind Events - Boise and the Upper Treasure Valley. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [PDF]

Skari, G. J.*, 2006: Weiser River Flood of 28 February 2006. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [PDF]

Skari, G. J.*, 2000: Heavy Snow Climatology and Synoptic Patterns for the West Central Mountains - Idaho Zone 11. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [PDF]

Skari, G. J.*, 1999: Boise and Snake River Plain wind event of 08/30/1999. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [PDF]

Skari, G. J.* and D. Borsum*, 1997: Assessment of the April 20th 1997 Tornado/Gustnado in Southeast Boise. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [PDF]

Skari, G. J.*, 1996: The Southern Idaho snow and rain event of 12/05/1995. An important Idaho weather system well underforecast by the models. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [PDF]

Tannenholz, J., 1984: The Boise Tornado of 1984. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [PDF]


*Affiliated with WFO Boise at the time of the publication.