Vector Search notebook tutorials

A list of Jupyter Notebook tutorials is provided to help you get started using Vector Search.

Create a Vector Search index

Tabular classification training introduction

In this notebook, you learn how to create an approximate nearest neighbor (ANN) index, query against the index, and validate its output performance.

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Create multimodal embeddings with the Vertex AI multimodal embeddings model and deploy to Vector Search

Tabular classification training introduction

This example demonstrates how to create text-to-image embeddings using the DiffusionDB dataset and the Vertex AI multimodal embeddings model. In this notebook, you learn how to encode custom text embeddings, create an approximate nearest neighbor (ANN) index, and query.

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Use Vector Search and Vertex AI text embeddings for StackOverflow Questions

Tabular classification training introduction

This example demonstrates how to encode text embeddings using the Vertex AI embeddings for text service and the StackOverflow dataset. These embeddings are uploaded to Vector Search. In this notebook, you learn how to encode text embeddings, create an Approximate Nearest Neighbor (ANN) index, and query against indexes.

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