Order a new customer account

Before you create a new customer account, consider the following:

Create a customer account

  1. To create a customer account, use the following POST request and include the authorization token:

    POST https://reseller.googleapis.com/apps/reseller/v1/customers
  2. Within the new customer's account, create a user. If the response returns an HTTP 409 Conflict status code, the customerId already exists. Before registering the customer account, you must transfer the customer's subscriptions.

  3. If applicable, change the customer's default launguage.

  4. Promote the user to the super administrator role. When creating the administrator account, you can either generate a temporary random password or prompt the customer to provide a password.

  5. Notify the customer that they must sign-in to the Admin console and sign the Google Workspace via Reseller agreement in order to activate their account. Resellers are prohibited from signing the Terms of Service on the customer's behalf.

Types of customers

You can create two kinds of customers on Google Workspace:

  • Domain-verified customers. These customers need Gmail and need full administrator access. When you create this type of customer, set the customerType to domain.
  • Email-verified customers. These customers don't own or manage their domain. When you create this type of customer, set the customerType to team. These type of customers can purchase the Essentials and Enterprise Essentials editions of Google Workspace.

The following JSON request body is an example of a domain-verified customer:

  "customerDomain": "DOMAIN_NAME",
  "customerType": "domain",
  "postalAddress": {
    "contactName": "NAME",
    "organizationName": "ORGANIZATION_NAME",
    "postalCode": "POSTAL_CODE",
    "countryCode": "COUNTRY_CODE"
  "alternateEmail": "EMAIL_ADDRESS"

Replace the following:

  • DOMAIN_NAME: your customer's domain—for example, example.com
  • NAME: your customer's name—for example, Alex Cruz.
  • ORGANIZATION_NAME: your customer's organization name—for example, Example Organization.
  • POSTAL_CODE: your customer's ZIP or postal code—for example, 94043.
  • COUNTRY_CODE: your customer's 2 character ISO country code.
  • EMAIL_ADDRESS: your customer's email address—for example, [email protected].

A successful response returns an HTTP 200 status code and the new customer's information:

  "kind": "reseller#customer",
  "customerId": "CUSTOMER_ID",
  "customerDomain": "DOMAIN_NAME",
  "customerType": "domain",
  "postalAddress": {
    "kind": "customers#address",
    "contactName": "NAME",
    "organizationName": "ORGANIZATION_NAME",
    "postalCode": "POSTAL_CODE",
    "countryCode": "COUNTRY_CODE",
  "alternateEmail": "EMAIL_ADDRESS"

The following JSON request body is an example of an email-verified customer:

  "customerDomain": "DOMAIN_NAME",
  "customerType": "team",
  "primaryAdmin": {
    "primaryEmail": "EMAIL_ADDRESS"
  "postalAddress": {
    "contactName": "NAME",
    "organizationName": "ORGANIZATION_NAME",
    "postalCode": "POSTAL_CODE",
    "countryCode": "COUNTRY_CODE"
 "alternateEmail": "EMAIL_ADDRESS"

A successful response returns an HTTP 200 status code and the new customer's information:

  "kind": "reseller#customer",
  "customerId": "CUSTOMER_ID",
  "customerDomain": "DOMAIN_NAME,
  "customerType": "team",
  "primaryAdmin": {
    "primaryEmail": "EMAIL_ADDRESS"
  "postalAddress": {
    "kind": "customers#address",
    "contactName": "NAME",
    "organizationName": "ORGANIZATION_NAME",
    "postalCode": "POSTAL_CODE",
    "countryCode": "COUNTRY_CODE",
  "alternateEmail": "EMAIL_ADDRESS"

Change a customer's default language

A customer's default language is only applied to new users when they're created. Existing users retain their current language even after you update the default language. Therefore, you must set the customer default language before you create any users.

A newly created customer has a default language of English. To change the default language, use the PATCH or UPDATE calls from the Directory API Customers endpoint.

Use the Directory API to update the default language value for a customer:

PATCH https://reseller.googleapis.com/admin/directory/v1/customers/CUSTOMER_ID

Include the following JSON request body:


Replace the following:

  • CUSTOMER_ID: a unique identifier for your customer—for example, C0123456
  • LANGUAGE_CODE: an accepted language code —for example, es for Spanish.

A successful JSON response returns an HTTP 200 status code and the updated customer resource:

  "alternateEmail": "EMAIL_ADDRESS",
  "customerCreationTime": "2022-12-12T23:04:10.620Z",
  "customerDomain": "DOMAIN_NAME",
  "id": "CUSTOMER_ID",
  "kind": "admin#directory#customer",
  "language": "LANGUAGE_CODE",
  "postalAddress": {
    "contactName": "NAME",
    "countryCode": "COUNTRY_CODE",
    "organizationName": "ORGANIZATION_NAME",
    "postalCode": "POSTAL_CODE"

Next steps