Getting started with the Consumer SDK for iOS

You can use the Consumer SDK to build and run a basic consumer app integrated with On-demand Rides and Deliveries Solution backend services. You can create a Trip and Order Progress app that can display an active trip, respond to trip updates, and handle trip errors.

Because the Consumer SDK has a modular architecture, you can use the parts of the API that you want to use for your particular app and integrate them with your own APIs, backend services provided by the Fleet Engine, and additional APIs of the Google Maps Platform.

Minimum system requirements

  • The mobile device must be running iOS 14 or later.
  • Xcode version 15 or later.
  • Project configuration

    Swift Package Manager

    The Consumer SDK can be installed via Swift Package Manager. To add the SDK, ensure you have removed any existing Consumer SDK dependencies.

    To add the SDK to a new or existing project, follow these steps:

    1. Open your Xcode project or workspace, then go to File > Add Package Dependencies.
    2. Enter as the URL, press Enter to pull in the package, and click "Add Package".
    3. To install a specific version, set the Dependency Rule field to one of the version-based options. For new projects, we recommend specifying the latest version and using the "Exact Version" option. Once complete, click "Add Package".
    4. From the Choose Package Products window, verify GoogleRidesharingConsumer will be added to your designated main target. Once complete, click "Add Package".
    5. To verify your installation, navigate to your target's General pane. In the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content you should see the installed packages. You can also view the "Package Dependencies" section of "Project Navigator" to verify the package and its version.

    To update the package for an existing project, follow these steps:

    1. If you are upgrading from a version earlier than 9.0.0, you must remove the following dependencies: GoogleMapsBase, GoogleMapsCore, and GoogleMapsM4B after upgrading. Do not remove the dependency for GoogleMaps. For more information, see the Version 9.0.0 Release Notes.

      From your Xcode project configuration settings, find Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content. Use the minus sign(-) to remove the following framework:

      • GoogleMapsBase (Only for upgrades from versions earlier than 9.0.0)
      • GoogleMapsCore (Only for upgrades from versions earlier than 9.0.0)
      • GoogleMapsM4B (Only for upgrades from versions earlier than 9.0.0)
    2. From Xcode, go to "File > Packages > Update To Latest Package Versions".
    3. To verify your installation, go to the Package Dependencies section of Project Navigator to verify the package and its version.

    To remove existing Consumer SDK dependencies added using CocoaPods, follow these steps:

    1. Close your Xcode workspace. Open terminal and execute the following command:
      sudo gem install cocoapods-deintegrate cocoapods-clean 
      pod deintegrate 
      pod cache clean --all
    2. Remove the Podfile, Podfile.resolved and the Xcode workspace if you are not using them for anything other than CocoaPods.

    To remove the existing Consumer SDK installed manually, follow these steps:

    1. From your Xcode project configuration settings, find Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content. Use the minus sign(-) to remove the following framework:

      • GoogleRidesharingConsumer.xcframework
    2. From the top level directory of your Xcode project, remove the GoogleRidesharingConsumer bundle.


    To configure the Consumer SDK using CocoaPods, you need the following items:

    • The CocoaPods tool: To install this tool, open the Terminal and run the following command.

      sudo gem install cocoapods

    Refer to the CocoaPods Getting Started guide for more details.

    1. Create a Podfile for the Consumer SDK and use it to install the API and its dependencies. First, create a file named Podfile in your project directory. This file defines your project's dependencies. Then edit the Podfile and add your dependencies. Here is an example which includes the dependencies:

        source ""
          pod 'GoogleRidesharingConsumer'
    2. Save the Podfile. Open a terminal and go to the directory containing the Podfile:

      cd <path-to-project>
    3. Run the pod install command. This will install the APIs specified in the Podfile, along with any dependencies they may have.

      pod install
    4. Close Xcode and then open (double-click) your project's .xcworkspace file to launch Xcode. To open the project later, use the .xcworkspace file.

    Manual installation

    An XCFramework is a binary package that you use to install the Consumer SDK. You can use this package on multiple platforms, including machines using the M1 chipset. This guide shows how to manually add the XCFramework containing the Consumer SDK to your project and configure your build settings in Xcode.

    Download the SDK binary and resources:

    1. Unpack the zipped files to access the XCFramework and resources.

    2. Start Xcode and either open an existing project, or create a new project. If you're new to iOS, create a new project and select the iOS App template.

    3. Create a Frameworks group under your project group if one does not exist already.

    4. To install the Consumer SDK, drag the GoogleRidesharingConsumer.xcframework file into your project under Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content. When prompted, select Copy items if needed.

    5. Drag the downloaded GoogleRidesharingConsumer.bundle into the top level directory of your Xcode project. When prompted, select Copy items if needed.

    6. Select your project from the Project Navigator, and choose your application's target.

    7. Open the Build Phases tab, and in Link Binary with Libraries, add the following frameworks and libraries if they are not already present:

      • Accelerate.framework
      • CoreData.framework
      • CoreGraphics.framework
      • CoreImage.framework
      • CoreLocation.framework
      • CoreTelephony.framework
      • CoreText.framework
      • GLKit.framework
      • ImageIO.framework
      • libc++.tbd
      • libz.tbd
      • Metal.framework
      • OpenGLES.framework
      • QuartzCore.framework
      • SystemConfiguration.framework
      • UIKit.framework
    8. Choose your project, rather than a specific target, and open the Build Settings tab. In the Other Linker Flags section, add -ObjC for both debug and release. If these settings are not visible, change the filter in the Build Settings bar from Basic to All.

    Inspect Apple Privacy Manifest file

    Apple requires app privacy details for apps on the App Store. Visit the Apple App Store Privacy Details page for updates and more information.

    The Apple Privacy Manifest file is included in the resources bundle for the SDK. To verify that the Privacy Manifest File has been included, and to inspect its contents, create an archive of your app and generate a privacy report from the archive.

    Application integration

    Provide authentication token

    When your Consumer app requests trip updates from Fleet Engine, the requests must include valid access tokens. To authorize and authenticate these requests, the Consumer SDK calls your object conforming to the GMTCAuthorization protocol. The object is responsible for providing the required access token.

    As the app developer, you choose how tokens are generated. Your implementation should provide the ability to do the following:

    • Fetch an access token, possibly in JSON format, from an HTTPS server.
    • Parse and cache the token.
    • Refresh the token when it expires.

    For details of the tokens expected by the Fleet Engine server, see Creating a JSON Web Token (JWT) for authorization.

    The provider ID is the same as Google Cloud Project ID. For more information, see Getting Started with Fleet Engine.

    The following example implements an access token provider:


        *   SampleAccessTokenProvider.swift
    import GoogleRidesharingConsumer
    private let providerURL = "INSERT_YOUR_TOKEN_PROVIDER_URL"
    class SampleAccessTokenProvider: NSObject, GMTCAuthorization {
      private struct AuthToken {
        // The cached trip token.
        let token: String
        // Keep track of when the token expires for caching.
        let expiration: TimeInterval
        // Keep track of the trip ID the cached token is for.
        let tripID: String
      enum AccessTokenError: Error {
        case missingAuthorizationContext
        case missingData
      private var authToken: AuthToken?
      func fetchToken(
        with authorizationContext: GMTCAuthorizationContext?,
        completion: @escaping GMTCAuthTokenFetchCompletionHandler
      ) {
        // Get the trip ID from the authorizationContext. This is set by the Consumer SDK.
        guard let authorizationContext = authorizationContext else {
          completion(nil, AccessTokenError.missingAuthorizationContext)
        let tripID = authorizationContext.tripID
        // If appropriate, use the cached token.
        if let authToken = authToken,
          authToken.expiration > && authToken.tripID == tripID
          completion(authToken.token, nil)
        // Otherwise, try to fetch a new token from your server.
        let request = URLRequest(url: URL(string: providerURL))
        let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { [weak self] data, _, error in
          guard let strongSelf = self else { return }
          guard error == nil else {
            completion(nil, error)
          // Replace the following key values with the appropriate keys based on your
          // server's expected response.
          let tripTokenKey = "TRIP_TOKEN_KEY"
          let tokenExpirationKey = "TOKEN_EXPIRATION"
          guard let data = data,
            let fetchData = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data) as? [String: Any],
            let token = fetchData[tripTokenKey] as? String,
            let expiration = fetchData[tokenExpirationKey] as? Double
          else {
            completion(nil, AccessTokenError.missingData)
          strongSelf.authToken = AuthToken(token: token, expiration: expiration, tripID: tripID)
          completion(token, nil)


        *   SampleAccessTokenProvider.h
    #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
    #import <GoogleRidesharingConsumer/GoogleRidesharingConsumer.h>
    @interface SampleAccessTokenProvider : NSObject <GMTCAuthorization>
        *   SampleAccessTokenProvider.m
    #import "SampleAccessTokenProvider.h"
    #import "GoogleRidesharingConsumer/GoogleRidesharingConsumer.h"
    // SampleAccessTokenProvider.m
    @implementation SampleAccessTokenProvider {
      // The cached token with claims to the current trip.
      NSString *_cachedTripToken;
      // Keep track of the Trip ID the cached token is for.
      NSString *_lastKnownTripID;
      // Keep track of when tokens expire for caching.
      NSTimeInterval _tokenExpiration;
    -   (void)fetchTokenWithContext:(nullable GMTCAuthorizationContext *)authorizationContext
                       completion:(nonnull GMTCAuthTokenFetchCompletionHandler)completion {
      // Get the trip ID from the authorizationContext. This is set by the Consumer SDK.
      NSString *tripID = authorizationContext.tripID;
      // Clear cached trip token if trip ID has changed.
      if (![_lastKnownTripID isEqual:tripID]) {
        _tokenExpiration = 0.0;
        _cachedTripToken = nil;
      _lastKnownTripID = tripID;
      // Clear cached tripToken if it has expired.
      if ([[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970] > _tokenExpiration) {
        _cachedTripToken = nil;
      // If appropriate, use the cached token.
      if (_cachedTripToken) {
        completion(_cachedTripToken, nil);
      // Otherwise, try to fetch a new token from your server.
      NSURL *requestURL = [NSURL URLWithString:PROVIDER_URL];
      NSMutableURLRequest *request =
          [[NSMutableURLRequest alloc] initWithURL:requestURL];
      request.HTTPMethod = @"GET";
      // Replace the following key values with the appropriate keys based on your
      // server's expected response.
      NSString *tripTokenKey = @"TRIP_TOKEN_KEY";
      NSString *tokenExpirationKey = @"TOKEN_EXPIRATION";
      __weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self;
      void (^handler)(NSData *_Nullable data, NSURLResponse *_Nullable response,
                      NSError *_Nullable error) =
          ^(NSData *_Nullable data, NSURLResponse *_Nullable response, NSError *_Nullable error) {
            typeof(self) strongSelf = weakSelf;
            if (error) {
              completion(nil, error);
            NSError *JSONError;
            NSMutableDictionary *JSONResponse =
                [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:data options:kNilOptions error:&JSONError];
            if (JSONError) {
              completion(nil, JSONError);
            } else {
              // Sample code only. No validation logic.
              id expirationData = JSONResponse[tokenExpirationKey];
              if ([expirationData isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) {
                NSTimeInterval expirationTime = ((NSNumber *)expirationData).doubleValue;
                strongSelf->_tokenExpiration = [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970] + expirationTime;
              strongSelf->_cachedTripToken = JSONResponse[tripTokenKey];
              completion(JSONResponse[tripTokenKey], nil);
      NSURLSessionConfiguration *config = [NSURLSessionConfiguration defaultSessionConfiguration];
      NSURLSession *mainQueueURLSession =
          [NSURLSession sessionWithConfiguration:config delegate:nil
                                   delegateQueue:[NSOperationQueue mainQueue]];
      NSURLSessionDataTask *task = [mainQueueURLSession dataTaskWithRequest:request completionHandler:handler];
      [task resume];

    Application initialization


        *   AppDelegate.swift
    import GoogleRidesharingConsumer
    import GoogleMaps
    class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
      func application(_ application: UIApplication,
          didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
        // Register your API key for GMSServices.
        // Set the instance of the SampleAccessTokenProvider.
        GMTCServices.setAccessTokenProvider(SampleAccessTokenProvider(), providerID: yourProviderID)
        // Other initialization code ...
        return true


        *   AppDelegate.m
    #import <GoogleMaps/GoogleMaps.h>
    #import <GoogleRidesharingConsumer/GoogleRidesharingConsumer.h>
    @implementation AppDelegate
    -   (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application
        didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
      //Register your API key for GMSServices.
      [GMSServices provideAPIKey:yourMapsAPIKey];
      //Set the instance of the AccessTokenFactory.
      [GMTCServices setAccessTokenProvider:[[SampleAccessTokenProvider alloc] init]
      // Other initialization code ...
      return YES;

    Map view integration

    Initialize the map view

    The following example shows how to initialize GMTCMapView.


        *   MapViewController.swift
    class ViewController: UIViewController, GMTCMapViewDelegate {
      private var rideSharingMap: GMTCMapView?
      override func viewDidLoad() {
        self.rideSharingMap = GMTCMapView(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds)
        self.rideSharingMap.delegate = self
        self.rideSharingMap?.settings.myLocationButton = true


        *   MapViewController.h
    @interface MapViewController : UIViewController<GMTCMapViewDelegate>
        *   MapViewController.m
    @implementation MapViewController
    -   (void)viewDidLoad {
      [super viewDidLoad];
      self.mapView = [[GMTCMapView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero];
      self.mapView.settings.myLocationButton = YES;
      self.mapView.delegate = self;

    Handle map view events

    The following example shows how to implement a delegate to handle customer state events.


    func mapViewDidInitialize(_ mapview: GMTCMapView) {
      // Handle the update to the state of the map view to browsing.
    func mapView(_ mapView: GMSMapView, didTapConsumerMarker mapMarker: GMSMarker, markerType: GMTCMapViewMarkerType) -> Bool {
      // Handle the mapView marker was tapped.


        *   MapViewController.m
    #pragma mark - GMTCMapViewDelegate implementation
    // Handle state update of map view.
    -   (void)mapViewDidInitializeCustomerState:(GMTCMapView *)mapview {
      // Handle the update to the state of the map view to browsing.
    -   (void)mapView:(GMSMapView *)mapView
        didTapConsumerMarker:(nonnull GMSMarker *)mapMarker
                  markerType:(GMTCMapViewMarkerType)markerType {
      // Handle the mapView marker was tapped.

    Journey sharing

    Start a new trip when view did load

    The following example shows how to start a journey sharing immediately after the view loads. You can gather all user inputs such as drop off and pickup locations from a ViewController, and then create a new ViewController to start the journey sharing directly.


        *   MapViewController.swift
    override func viewDidLoad() {
      self.mapView = GMTCMapView(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds)
      self.mapView.delegate = self
    func mapViewDidInitializeCustomerState(_: GMTCMapView) {
      self.mapView.pickupLocation = self.selectedPickupLocation
      self.mapView.dropoffLocation = self.selectedDropoffLocation
        pickupLocation: self.mapView.pickupLocation!,
        dropoffLocation: self.mapView.dropoffLocation!
      ) { [weak self] (tripName, error) in
        guard let strongSelf = self else { return }
        if error != nil {
          // print error message.
        let tripService = GMTCServices.shared().tripService
        // Create a tripModel instance for listening the update of the trip
        // specified by this trip name.
        let tripModel = tripService.tripModel(forTripName: tripName)
        // Create a journeySharingSession instance based on the tripModel
        let journeySharingSession = GMTCJourneySharingSession(tripModel: tripModel)
        // Add the journeySharingSession instance on the mapView for UI updating.
        // Register for the trip update events.
        strongSelf.currentTripModel = tripModel
        strongSelf.currentJourneySharingSession = journeySharingSession


        *   MapViewController.m
    -   (void)viewDidLoad {
      [super viewDidLoad];
      self.mapView = [[GMTCMapView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero];
      self.mapView.delegate = self;
      [self.view addSubview:self.mapView];
    // Handle the callback when the GMTCMapView did initialized.
    -   (void)mapViewDidInitializeCustomerState:(GMTCMapView *)mapview {
      self.mapView.pickupLocation = self.selectedPickupLocation;
      self.mapView.dropoffLocation = self.selectedDropoffLocation;
      __weak __typeof(self) weakSelf = self;
      [self startTripBookingWithPickupLocation:self.selectedPickupLocation
                                    completion:^(NSString *tripName, NSError *error) {
                                      __typeof(self) strongSelf = weakSelf;
                                      GMTCTripService *tripService = [GMTCServices sharedServices].tripService;
                                      // Create a tripModel instance for listening to updates to the trip specified by this trip name.
                                      GMTCTripModel *tripModel = [tripService tripModelForTripName:tripName];
                                      // Create a journeySharingSession instance based on the tripModel.
                                      GMTCJourneySharingSession *journeySharingSession =
                                        [[GMTCJourneySharingSession alloc] initWithTripModel:tripModel];
                                      // Add the journeySharingSession instance on the mapView for updating the UI.
                                      [strongSelf.mapView showMapViewSession:journeySharingSession];
                                      // Register for trip update events.
                                      [tripModel registerSubscriber:self];
                                      strongSelf.currentTripModel = tripModel;
                                      strongSelf.currentJourneySharingSession = journeySharingSession;
                                      [strongSelf hideLoadingView];
        [self showLoadingView];

    Cancel the active trip

    The following example shows how to reset the current active trip.


        *   MapViewController.swift
    func cancelCurrentActiveTrip() {
      // Stop the tripModel
      // Remove the journey sharing session from the mapView's UI stack.


        *   MapViewController.m
    -   (void)cancelCurrentActiveTrip {
      // Stop the tripModel
      [self.currentTripModel unregisterSubscriber:self];
      // Remove the journey sharing session from the mapView's UI stack.
      [self.mapView hideMapViewSession:journeySharingSession];

    Listen for trip updates

    The following example shows how to register the tripModel callback.


        *   MapViewController.swift
    override func viewDidLoad() {
      // Register for trip update events.


        *   MapViewController.m
    -   (void)viewDidLoad {
      [super viewDidLoad];
      // Register for trip update events.
      [self.currentTripModel registerSubscriber:self];

    The following example shows how to cancel registration of the tripModel callback.


        *   MapViewController.swift
    deinit {


        *   MapViewController.m
    -   (void)dealloc {
      [self.currentTripModel unregisterSubscriber:self];

    The following example shows how to implement the GMTCTripModelSubscriber protocol for handling callbacks when the trip state is updated.


        *   MapViewController.swift
    func tripModel(_: GMTCTripModel, didUpdate trip: GMTSTrip?, updatedPropertyFields: GMTSTripPropertyFields) {
      // Update the UI with the new `trip` data.
      self.updateUI(with: trip)
    func tripModel(_: GMTCTripModel, didUpdate tripStatus: GMTSTripStatus) {
      // Handle trip status did change.
    func tripModel(_: GMTCTripModel, didUpdateActiveRouteRemainingDistance activeRouteRemainingDistance: Int32) {
      // Handle remaining distance of active route did update.
    func tripModel(_: GMTCTripModel, didUpdateActiveRoute activeRoute: [GMTSLatLng]?) {
      // Handle trip active route did update.
    func tripModel(_: GMTCTripModel, didUpdate vehicleLocation: GMTSVehicleLocation?) {
      // Handle vehicle location did update.
    func tripModel(_: GMTCTripModel, didUpdatePickupLocation pickupLocation: GMTSTerminalLocation?) {
      // Handle pickup location did update.
    func tripModel(_: GMTCTripModel, didUpdateDropoffLocation dropoffLocation: GMTSTerminalLocation?) {
      // Handle drop off location did update.
    func tripModel(_: GMTCTripModel, didUpdatePickupETA pickupETA: TimeInterval) {
      // Handle the pickup ETA did update.
    func tripModel(_: GMTCTripModel, didUpdateDropoffETA dropoffETA: TimeInterval) {
      // Handle the drop off ETA did update.
    func tripModel(_: GMTCTripModel, didUpdateRemaining remainingWaypoints: [GMTSTripWaypoint]?) {
      // Handle updates to the pickup, dropoff or intermediate destinations of the trip.
    func tripModel(_: GMTCTripModel, didFailUpdateTripWithError error: Error?) {
      // Handle the error.
    func tripModel(_: GMTCTripModel, didUpdateIntermediateDestinations intermediateDestinations: [GMTSTerminalLocation]?) {
      // Handle the intermediate destinations being updated.
    func tripModel(_: GMTCTripModel, didUpdateActiveRouteTraffic activeRouteTraffic: GMTSTrafficData?) {
      // Handle trip active route traffic being updated.


        *   MapViewController.m
    #pragma mark - GMTCTripModelSubscriber implementation
    -   (void)tripModel:(GMTCTripModel *)tripModel
                didUpdateTrip:(nullable GMTSTrip *)trip
        updatedPropertyFields:(enum GMTSTripPropertyFields)updatedPropertyFields {
      // Update the UI with the new `trip` data.
      [self updateUIWithTrip:trip];
    -   (void)tripModel:(GMTCTripModel *)tripModel didUpdateTripStatus:(enum GMTSTripStatus)tripStatus {
      // Handle trip status did change.
    -   (void)tripModel:(GMTCTripModel *)tripModel
        didUpdateActiveRouteRemainingDistance:(int32_t)activeRouteRemainingDistance {
       // Handle remaining distance of active route did update.
    -   (void)tripModel:(GMTCTripModel *)tripModel
        didUpdateActiveRoute:(nullable NSArray<GMTSLatLng *> *)activeRoute {
      // Handle trip active route did update.
    -   (void)tripModel:(GMTCTripModel *)tripModel
        didUpdateVehicleLocation:(nullable GMTSVehicleLocation *)vehicleLocation {
      // Handle vehicle location did update.
    -   (void)tripModel:(GMTCTripModel *)tripModel
        didUpdatePickupLocation:(nullable GMTSTerminalLocation *)pickupLocation {
      // Handle pickup location did update.
    -   (void)tripModel:(GMTCTripModel *)tripModel
        didUpdateDropoffLocation:(nullable GMTSTerminalLocation *)dropoffLocation {
      // Handle drop off location did update.
    -   (void)tripModel:(GMTCTripModel *)tripModel didUpdatePickupETA:(NSTimeInterval)pickupETA {
      // Handle the pickup ETA did update.
    -   (void)tripModel:(GMTCTripModel *)tripModel
        didUpdateRemainingWaypoints:(nullable NSArray<GMTSTripWaypoint *> *)remainingWaypoints {
      // Handle updates to the pickup, dropoff or intermediate destinations of the trip.
    -   (void)tripModel:(GMTCTripModel *)tripModel didUpdateDropoffETA:(NSTimeInterval)dropoffETA {
      // Handle the drop off ETA did update.
    -   (void)tripModel:(GMTCTripModel *)tripModel didFailUpdateTripWithError:(nullable NSError *)error {
      // Handle the error.
    -   (void)tripModel:(GMTCTripModel *)tripModel
            (nullable NSArray<GMTSTerminalLocation *> *)intermediateDestinations {
      // Handle the intermediate destinations being updated.
    -   (void)tripModel:(GMTCTripModel *)tripModel
        didUpdateActiveRouteTraffic:(nullable GMTSTrafficData *)activeRouteTraffic {
      // Handle trip active route traffic being updated.

    Error handling

    If you subscribed the tripModel and an error occurs, you can get the callback of tripModel by implementing the delegate method tripModel(_:didFailUpdateTripWithError:). Fleet Engine generated the error message which follows the Google Cloud Error standard. For the detail error message definition and all the error codes refer to Google Cloud Errors documentation.

    Specifically, for trip monitoring, it requires providing a valid authentication token. 401 UNAUTHENTICATED will be raised if there is no valid authentication credentials, like token is expired.403 PERMISSION_DENIED will be raised if the caller has no permission to call a specific api (for example, user with consumer role tries to call updateTrip), or the request has no valid vehicle_id/trip_id in JWT token.

    For more information, see Consumer SDK Error Handling.

    UI Customization

    Get and set custom polyline UI options

    The following example shows how to set custom UI options for polylines.


    /** MapViewController.swift */
    func updatePolylineUIOptions() {
      // The polyline type that you would like to set custom UI options for.
      let customizablePolylineType = GMTCPolylineType.activeRoute
      let polylineStyleOptions = GMTCMutablePolylineStyleOptions()
      polylineStyleOptions.strokeWidth = 8.0
      polylineStyleOptions.strokeColor = .blue
      polylineStyleOptions.isVisible = true
      polylineStyleOptions.zIndex = 1000
      polylineStyleOptions.isGeodesic = true
      let coordinator = self.mapView.consumerMapStyleCoordinator
      coordinator.setPolylineStyleOptions(polylineStyleOptions, polylineType:customizablePolylineType)


    /** MapViewController.m */
    -   (void)updatePolylineUIOptions {
      // The polyline type that you would like to set custom UI options for.
      GMTCPolylineType customizablePolylineType = GMTCPolylineTypeActiveRoute;
      GMTCMutablePolylineStyleOptions *polylineStyleOptions =
          [[GMTCMutablePolylineStyleOptions alloc] init];
      polylineStyleOptions.strokeWidth = 8.0;
      polylineStyleOptions.strokeColor = [UIColor blueColor];
      polylineStyleOptions.isVisible = YES;
      polylineStyleOptions.zIndex = 1000;
      polylineStyleOptions.isGeodesic = YES;
      [[_mapView consumerMapStyleCoordinator] setPolylineStyleOptions:polylineStyleOptions

    Get and set custom marker UI options

    The following example shows how to set custom UI options for markers.


    /** MapViewController.swift */
    func updateMarkerUIOptions() {
      let customizableMarkerType = GMTCCustomizableMarkerType.tripVehicle
      let markerStyleOptions = GMTCMutableMarkerStyleOptions()
      markerStyleOptions.groundAnchor = groundAnchor
      markerStyleOptions.isVisible = true
      markerStyleOptions.icon = icon
      markerStyleOptions.zIndex = 100
      markerStyleOptions.isFlat = false
      let coordinator = self.mapView.consumerMapStyleCoordinator
      coordinator.setMarkerStyleOptions(markerStyleOptions, markerType: customizableMarkerType)


    /** MapViewController.m */
    -   (void)updateMarkerUIOptions {
      // The marker type that you would like to set custom UI options for.
      GMTCCustomizableMarkerType customizableMarkerType = GMTCCustomizableMarkerTypeTripVehicle;
      GMTCMutableMarkerStyleOptions *markerStyleOptions =
          [[GMTCMutableMarkerStyleOptions alloc] init];
      markerStyleOptions.groundAnchor = groundAnchor;
      markerStyleOptions.isVisible = YES;
      markerStyleOptions.icon = icon;
      markerStyleOptions.zIndex = 100;
      markerStyleOptions.isFlat = NO;
      [[_mapView consumerMapStyleCoordinator] setMarkerStyleOptions:markerStyleOptions markerType:customizableMarkerType];

    Adjusting the camera zoom

    The My Location button in the Maps SDK for iOS centers the camera on the device location.

    If there is an active Journey Sharing session, you can center the camera to focus on the journey instead of only on the device location.

    The Consumer SDK provides an auto camera feature that is enabled by default. The camera zooms to focus on the journey sharing route and the next trip waypoint.


    If you require more control of the camera behavior, you can disable or enable the auto camera feature using the isAllowCameraAutoUpdate property.

    For more camera customizations, see Maps SDK for iOS Moving the camera.