Adapt these habits if you are feeling low

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    Exercise regularly

    Exercise regularly

    Regular exercise is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your mental health. It raises your body temperature, which can help to calm your central nervous system. It causes the release of chemicals such as endorphins, which can improve mood.

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    Balance a healthy weight

    Balance a healthy weight

    Low self-esteem can result from obesity, especially once you factor in the opinions and remarks of others. Maintaining a healthy weight should be easy if you're exercising frequently, getting enough sleep, and eating well.

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     Have some healthy snack

    Have some healthy snack

    When you're in a hurry, it's all too easy to eat a bag of chips. Set aside a few minutes each day to prepare a healthy snack to help your mental health. A study of over 70,000 women found that eating heavily processed foods high in sugar and refined carbs can cause the release of stress hormones, mood swings and fatigue, and an increased risk of sadness.

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    Take some time off social media

    Take some time off social media

    Constantly reading about other people's lives can lead to self-comparison and the development of low self-worth, both of which heighten anxiety. Try to keep your phone out of your bedroom or in a drawer while you sleep to limit the amount of time you spend on social media. jot down a list of alternatives to your usual scrolling activities that are more worthwhile. Disable notifications or remove social media applications from your phone.

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    Get some sunlight

    Get some sunlight

    Vitamin D is abundant in the sun, and studies have shown that it can elevate mood and attitude. You don't even need to spend a lot of time outside. A few minutes of clear skies can really help your mind and heart.

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     Get good amount of rest and sleep

    Get good amount of rest and sleep

    A good night's sleep is essential for both mental and physical health. You can improve your sleep by not looking at any screens for two hours before bed (including your phone!). Also, meditating before bedtime promotes restful sleep.

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    The Economic Times