


The Hague, South Holland 4.039 volgers

Perceive Possibility.

Over ons

Envision enables blind and low vision people to live more independent lives. With our AI technology, users can shop in supermarkets, use public transport, read restaurant menus, recognize people around them, find their belongings and much more, all independently. Envision technology is available on the Envision App for iOS and Android and the Envision Glasses. Smartglasses, which allow for seamless recognition of anything around you. We believe that moving forward there will be increasingly more visual information in a world that is not accessible to everyone. We develop software to process and interpret this information and make the lives of millions more independent. Would you like to join the team or get in touch about reseller opportunities? Reach out to us!

11 - 50 medewerkers
The Hague, South Holland
Particuliere onderneming
Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Accessibility, Inclusive Design, Product Design, User Experience Design, Software Development, Accessibility en Inclusion



Medewerkers van Envision


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    4.039 volgers

    Discover how Ben, a dedicated software engineer from Germany and long time beta tester at Envision, transforms his daily life with the AI assistant on his Envision Glasses ✨ Without the right tools, daily challenges can be overwhelming for people who are blind or have low vision. His story showcases the incredible impact of Envision Glasses on his independence and quality of life. Whether commuting, working, or socializing, Envision Glasses make every moment accessible and enjoyable. Inspired by Ben's journey? Book a demo today to experience this groundbreaking technology for yourself 👓 Envision Glasses are AI-powered smart glasses that enable people who are blind or have low vision to access information for themselves. #LetsEnvision #Accessibility #AssistiveTechnology #PerceivePossibility #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #AI4Good #Tech #Wearables #Technology Benjamin Hofer

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Envision , afbeelding

    4.039 volgers

    Thank you Antonio Meza for this wonderful illustration about Envision. Antonio's illustration showcases a true celebration of AI for accessibility in the simplest of ways: grabbing a bite as a blind person. Both the Envision App and the Envision Glasses empower people who are blind or have low vision to access and interact with visual information by themselves. It all started when our founders visited a blind school in India and fast-forward five years later, Envision gathered a global community of people achieving greater independence and seizing endless possibilities. #LetsEnvision #Illustration #PerceivePossibilities #Accessibility #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #AssistiveTechnology #Blind #LowVision

    •  colorful cartoon titled "What if we could use A.I. to guide blind people?" depicts a scene where AI-powered smart glasses assist a blind woman. The text "Meet Envision" is at the top left. Below this, Karthik Mahadevan, CEO of Envision, stands next to the blind woman who is wearing the smart glasses. A text box near Karthik reads, "Describe scene..."

Three fast food stalls are in front of the woman. The stalls are labeled "Chickie" (yellow stall with a chicken logo), "Veggie Cool" (green stall with a broccoli logo), and "Pizza" (red stall with a pizza slice logo). Above the woman, a text box from the glasses says, "You are in front of three fast food options: Chickie, Veggie Cool, and Pizza." The woman responds with a speech bubble saying, "What do they have in Veggie Cool?"

A text box from the glasses replies, "Today's special is broccoli gratin for $8. They also have spinach quiche and beetroot soup. It could be a good option for your diet."

At the bottom left, another text box r
  • Envision heeft dit gerepost

    Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Envision , afbeelding

    4.039 volgers

    New Envision Glasses Update Alert 🕶 We are thrilled to introduce a groundbreaking update to Envision Glasses: Instant Results. Available in version 2.6, this feature is set to redefine your experience with scene descriptions and text scanning. This new update ensures that your Envision Glasses operate at lightning speed, enhancing both functionality and user satisfaction. What is Instant Results? ⚡ Instant Results is a significant upgrade that enhances the speed of two key features on Envision Glasses 👀 - Lightning-Fast Scene Descriptions: Quickly and accurately understand your surroundings with near-instantaneous feedback. - Faster AI Assistance: Get faster replies with Ask Envision inside the reader and when asking follow-up questions. Learn more about this update in the blog in the comments. Be sure to update your Envision Glasses or book a free demo. #LetsEnvision #PerceivePossibility #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #Accessibility #ArtificialIntelligence

    • A fluffy brown rabbit is depicted wearing Envision Glasses, running energetically across a sunlit grassy field. The Envision Glasses boast a sleek design featuring a small display over one eye and a thin frame. The rabbit's large, expressive eyes are wide open, and its ears are perked up, adding to its alert and focused appearance. One of its paws is outstretched, holding a piece of white paper with visible text, suggesting the rabbit is delivering or carrying the document. The background shows a clear blue sky with a few fluffy clouds, enhancing the vibrant and lively scene.
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    Profiel weergeven voor Caspar Thykier, afbeelding

    Co-Founder & CEO at Zappar

    If you’re a CPG brand and don’t have a scalable QR code on your product packaging, you need to act NOW. Here’s why... 22 leaders from the world's biggest companies like Mondelēz International, L'Oréal, Nestlé and Alibaba Group have just signed a joint statement calling for the transition to QR codes from 1D UPC codes in support of GS1’s Sunrise 2027 initiative. Sunrise 2027 has been worked on for many years now, so in that sense on its own, this is not new news. But this sort of support is a significant milestone and signals to the world that the move from barcode to QR code is well underway. 2027 may sound like a lifetime away. But in the world of retail and product packaging, operationally this is right around the corner. Put simply, if you don’t have a scalable QR code playbook and connected pack strategy within your organisation already, you need to start now. Not only are QR codes a far better way of storing product information but you can also right a global wrong in product packaging and QR codes to date and make them accessible to the 100s of millions of people around the world who are blind or partially sighted that struggle every day to access information on packaging and lead independent lives. With our Accessible QR codes (AQRs), which are GS1-approved in the UK, we can ensure that we offer access to this information as a basic human right to everyone, everywhere. AQRs can be read by POS readers and smartphones already and are being used at scale by the likes of Unilever globally and Bayer through apps used by the visually impaired community like Microsoft SeeingAI, Be My Eyes and Envision . So get yourself GS1 digital link QR ready and make it an AQR. #QR #AQR #GS1 #Sunrise2027

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Envision , afbeelding

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    Celebrating Our Feature in Google for Developers's Latest Blog 🚀 We are excited to share some incredible news with our community! Envision has been featured in Google's latest blog, highlighting how we leverage the powerful capabilities of Gemini 1.5 Flash to enhance the lives of people who are blind or have low vision. Harnessing Cutting-Edge AI 🗣 At Envision, our mission is to empower individuals with low vision to navigate their surroundings with confidence and independence. By integrating Gemini 1.5 Flash into our app and smart glasses, we provide users with real-time descriptions of their environment. This instant, accurate information is critical for our users as they move through their daily lives, helping them to better understand and interact with the world around them. Join Us on This Journey 🌐 We are committed to continuing our innovation and improving the lives of people with low vision. Our feature in Google's blog is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team, and we are excited about the future possibilities this technology holds. Shoutout to the awesome companies also showcasing powerful use-cases Zapier, Dot and Plural. If you are interested in learning more about how Envision is using Gemini 1.5 Flash to transform lives, we invite you to read the full blog post on Google's site. Please find the link in the comments 🔽

    • Gemini 1.5 Flash in production
Gemini 1.5 Flash was built to address developers’ top request for speed and affordability. We continue to be excited by how developers are innovating with Gemini 1.5 Flash and using the model in production:

Envision empowers people with low vision to better understand their immediate environment through an app or smart glasses and ask specific questions. Leveraging the speed of Gemini 1.5 Flash, Envision’s users are able to get real time descriptions of their surroundings, which is critical to their experience navigating the world.
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    Organisatiepagina weergeven voor ElevenLabs, afbeelding

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    We launched the ElevenLabs Grants program 6 months ago to help startups build human-like voices into their applications without having to worry about costs. So far, we have awarded +1,280 Grants to a wide variety of projects. Envision Sensay SellMeThisPen Lirvana Labs, Maker of Yeti Confetti Kids AudioOne FYI Persona Studios are just a few of the exciting companies from our batch one grants. We’re looking for more startups who want to build with AI Audio. Apply now for 11M characters per month for 3 months: https://lnkd.in/eZN7KGQB

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Envision , afbeelding

    4.039 volgers

    New Envision Glasses Update Alert 🕶 We are thrilled to introduce a groundbreaking update to Envision Glasses: Instant Results. Available in version 2.6, this feature is set to redefine your experience with scene descriptions and text scanning. This new update ensures that your Envision Glasses operate at lightning speed, enhancing both functionality and user satisfaction. What is Instant Results? ⚡ Instant Results is a significant upgrade that enhances the speed of two key features on Envision Glasses 👀 - Lightning-Fast Scene Descriptions: Quickly and accurately understand your surroundings with near-instantaneous feedback. - Faster AI Assistance: Get faster replies with Ask Envision inside the reader and when asking follow-up questions. Learn more about this update in the blog in the comments. Be sure to update your Envision Glasses or book a free demo. #LetsEnvision #PerceivePossibility #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #Accessibility #ArtificialIntelligence

    • A fluffy brown rabbit is depicted wearing Envision Glasses, running energetically across a sunlit grassy field. The Envision Glasses boast a sleek design featuring a small display over one eye and a thin frame. The rabbit's large, expressive eyes are wide open, and its ears are perked up, adding to its alert and focused appearance. One of its paws is outstretched, holding a piece of white paper with visible text, suggesting the rabbit is delivering or carrying the document. The background shows a clear blue sky with a few fluffy clouds, enhancing the vibrant and lively scene.
  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Envision , afbeelding

    4.039 volgers

    Bridging forcing to create a more accessible future is key 🤝 

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Envision , afbeelding

    4.039 volgers

    Meet Shawn Keen from Envision, who lives with blindness and his life transformed after mastering generative AI through Vanderbilt's courses on Coursera, leading to a job with us. 🌟 We are honored to be featured in this Vanderbilt University video shared last week. Our team is at the heart of what we do and Shawn plays an integral role in shaping our technology and future innovations. His experiences help us refine and finetune our Envision Glasses and App everyday. Watch the inspiring story below and discover how generative AI can open new doors! #AskEnvision #AI4Good #BlindCommunity #Accessibility #Technology #Lowvision #Tech #Wearables #AI #PerceivePossibilities #GAAD #Educational #Inclusion #LetsEnvision #PerceivePossibility

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    Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Envision , afbeelding

    4.039 volgers

    Discover how Ben, a dedicated software engineer from Germany and long time beta tester at Envision, transforms his daily life with the AI assistant on his Envision Glasses ✨ Without the right tools, daily challenges can be overwhelming for people who are blind or have low vision. His story showcases the incredible impact of Envision Glasses on his independence and quality of life. Whether commuting, working, or socializing, Envision Glasses make every moment accessible and enjoyable. Inspired by Ben's journey? Book a demo today to experience this groundbreaking technology for yourself 👓 Envision Glasses are AI-powered smart glasses that enable people who are blind or have low vision to access information for themselves. #LetsEnvision #Accessibility #AssistiveTechnology #PerceivePossibility #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #AI4Good #Tech #Wearables #Technology Benjamin Hofer

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