The Eight Workshop on Fine-Grained Visual Categorization

Workshop Overview

FGVC8 will be held virtually. All the talks will be pre-recorded and there will be live interactive sessions including two panel discussions (on Zoom), and a poster and competition session (on GatherTown). Click on the video icons below to view the pre-recorded talks. A full playlist of the invited talks is available here.

Links to the interactive sessions (Zoom and GatherTown) will be available on the official CVPR 2021 workshop page for FGVC here (requires you to be registered to attend CVPR 2021 to get access).

Sign up for the FGVC slack page to ask questions during the workshop.

Early Morning Session

8am PT, 11am ET, 16pm BST, 23pm China

Live Q&A with presenters on Zoom - URL (CVPR login required).

Poster Session

9am PT, 12pm ET, 17pm BST, 00am China

Live poster session with paper authors on GatherTown - URL (CVPR login required).

Mid Morning Session

11am PT, 14pm ET, 19pm BST, 2am China

Live Q&A with presenters on Zoom - URL (CVPR login required).

Pearse Keane - Institute of Ophthalmology, University College London

Transforming Healthcare with AI, Lessons from Ophthalmology

Tim Robertson - Global Biodiversity Information Facility

Integrating Species Occurrence Data

Competition Session

13:30pm PT, 16:30pm ET, 21:30pm BST, 4:30am China

Live discussion session with competition organizers on GatherTown - URL (CVPR login required).

Detailed Schedule

FGVC8 June 25th Public Program