After locals protest, UP restaurant owner detained for selling ‘beef burgers’

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BAREILLY: A restaurant owner was detained by police for allegedly selling beef burgers following a protest in Mughalpura area of Moradabad district on Wednesday.

The protest was triggered by objections to the menu at Afghan Café featuring “beef burgers”. The owner was booked under section 505 (2) of IPC and subsequently detained. Bajrang Dal’s Abhinav Bhatnagar said, “Despite knowing that slaughtering or transporting cow meat is banned in UP, the restaurant was selling beef burgers.

This seems to be a deliberate attempt to provoke us and hurt our religious sentiments. We will not tolerate such practices.” ASP Akhilesh Bhadauria said, “An FIR was registered against the restaurant owner. The owner claimed it was a mistake that ‘beef burger’ was printed on the menu. We are proceeding with action as per the law.”
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