Burger king shooting: Delhi Police makes first arrest

NEW DELHI: Delhi Police have made their first arrest on Friday in connection with the murder of Aman Joon at a food outlet in West Delhi's Rajouri Garden.
The accused is alleged to have transported the shooters to the scene in his vehicle.
Joon, hailing from Haryana, was shot dead on June 18 while sitting with a woman inside a Burger King outlet. According to the police, the victim sustained 38 gunshot wounds.


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The murder is believed to be the result of a gang war between jailed gangsters Neeraj Bawana and Ashok Pradhan.

A senior police officer said, "The arrested accused is the one who allegedly brought the two shooters in his vehicle at the spot to commit the murder."

The officer added that the accused is being further interrogated.

Authorities continue to search for three other suspects: the woman who was with Joon at the time of the shooting and the two shooters involved in the incident.

The investigation is ongoing as police work to understand the full scope of the gang rivalry and apprehend all individuals involved in the crime.
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