Delhi Police arrest rape accused after chase spanning 1,800km

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NEW DELHI: Delhi Police have arrested a 22-year-old man accused of rape from Andhra Pradesh, after a chase that spanned more than 1,800km.

On June 11, a 22-year-old woman informed police that a man had raped her and then threatened her by saying he had taken her photos and videos, which would be made viral. A case was registered under sections 376 (rape) and 354(C) (voyeurism) of IPC.

Using technical surveillance, police teams found that the suspect was constantly changing his location. "Sources informed us that he was hiding in some district of Andhra Pradesh. One of the teams was immediately sent to Andhra Pradesh," the officer said.


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After traveling 1,865 km, police nabbed the suspect, a resident of Rajasthan, from Gandhi Market in Ongole following a door-to-door search, the officer said, adding that he was brought to Delhi on transit remand and sent to judicial custody.

Inquiry revealed that the suspect and the complainant had met through social media five months ago and became friends.

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