2kg tumour removed from 16-yr-old’s thigh in Delhi's Ganga Ram Hospital

Maya underwent an 8-hour surgery at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital to remove a 2kg tumour from her left thigh, facing a limb-saving challenge. Post-surgery, she experienced lower limb muscle weakness.
2kg tumour removed from 16-yr-old’s thigh in Delhi's Ganga Ram Hospital
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NEW DELHI: A 16-year-old girl from Najafgarh underwent surgery at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital for the removal of a tumour weighing 2kg in her left thigh.
The growth had encased her sciatic nerve, causing numbness, making her unable to walk.
The hospital medical team managed to not only remove the tumour but also save Maya's leg and, ultimately, her life.
Maya had lived with a swelling in her left thigh's posterior side for years.
Initially, the swelling was small, and both Maya and the doctors she consulted in the initial stages disregarded it. However, the swelling recently grew rapidly, limiting her ability to walk, run and jump. The swelling progressively became painful and started to cause numbness in the leg.
Dr Chintamani, chairman of the department of surgical oncology, said that to determine the nature of the growth, Maya underwent imaging tests and a core needle biopsy. The results showed there was a soft tissue tumour that had completely surrounded the left sciatic nerve.
The diagnosis posed a significant challenge as the tumour's location and extent of involvement with the nerve required careful consideration and planning for the best possible outcome.

“The sciatic nerve is a vital nerve that emerges from the lower back (lumbar and sacral spine) and runs through the gluteus maximus muscle (buttocks) on both sides. It then passes down the back of the thigh and leg, supplying muscles of the lower limbs. This particular nerve is critical for the functionality of the lower limbs,” Dr Chintamani said.
He added that to avoid future recurrence, the entire tumour had to be excised. Consequently, saving the limb posed a significant challenge, and there was a high likelihood that amputation would be necessary to ensure the patient's survival. After an 8-hour surgery, doctors were able to remove the entire tumour while saving the sciatic nerve.
Following her surgery, the patient experienced transient lower limb muscle weakness. With the help of physiotherapy and the passage of time, her condition has shown significant improvement, doctors said.
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