This story is from August 29, 2017

Will strengthen neglected party block in Panaji: Chodankar

Will strengthen neglected party block in Panaji: Chodankar
Times News Network
Panaji: Taking his defeat in the Panaji byelections in his stride, Congress candidate and AICC secretary Girish Chodankar said the outcome has motivated him to work for Panaji and strengthen the block that the party had neglected for decades.
Striking a positive note despite his 4,083-vote defeat at the hands of chief minister Manohar Parrikar, Chodankar said, “Looking at the votes I got after campaigning for a short time and the kind of mature campaign we conducted, I feel we have given the people a good option,” Chodankar said.
He polled 5,059 votes compared to Parrikar’s 9,862.
“I connected with the voters, but while voting, the people might have opted for a chief minister over me,” he said.
The defeat has not deterred the Congressman from remaining active in Panaji’s political battlefield. “We have to rebuild the organisation in Panaji and I will work to strengthen it. You need foot soldiers at the booth-level and we have neglected the block,” Chodankar said.
Voicing the same opinion, Congress state party president Shantaram Naik said the party had asked Chodankar to work in Panaji to help reorganise the block.

“Girish Chodankar will continue to work in Panaji. That I assure you. Yes, he will work. He has given certain promises as a simple Congressman and he will keep them. As the president also, as the constituency is nearby I will take up Panaji’s issues,” Naik said.
Chodankar indicated he had contested the elections reluctantly at the party’s behest. “I contested for the sake of the party and to uphold democratic values. Butm it was later when I joined the campaign and felt the pain of the people that my conviction was strengthened,” he said.
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