BRS govt Chhattisgarh PPA led to Rs 6,000 crore loss for Telangana: Officials

HYDERABAD: Refuting the claims of ex-CM K Chandrasekhar Rao on power purchase agreement (PPA) with Chhattisgarh, officials here said Telangana incurred a loss of Rs 6,000 crore. The PPA had also not been approved by Telangana State Electricity Regulatory Commission (TSERC), officials said.
BRS govt C’garh PPA led to ₹6k cr loss for T_ Officials (1).

KCR had attacked the Justice Narasimha Reddy Commission of Inquiry (CoI) on PPAs a couple of days ago and even asked the former CJ of Patna HC to step down. KCR dubbed the CoI illegal and claimed it had no authority to look into PPA and power plant construction issues once approved by the TSERC.


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Officials, however, said that though the PPA with Chhattisgarh was fully operational by 2017-end, power supply of 1,000 MW was not full. This forced Telangana to buy power from the market, resulting in an extra expense of Rs 2,083 crore between 2017 and 2022, officials said.

"The previous BRS govt claimed it purchased power at Rs 3.90 per unit, but it actually spent Rs 5.64 per unit if other expenses are factored in. After inking PPA, Telangana bought 17,996 million units between 2017 and 2022 for Rs 7,719 crore. While the govt claimed dues to Chhattisgarh were Rs 1,081 crore, transmission charge for supplying power was Rs 1,362 crore. Taking all this into account, per unit expenditure came to Rs 5.64 per unit. This is Rs 3,110 crore more than the agreed price of Rs 3.90 per unit," a senior official said.

'State paid ₹638 cr without getting power from Chhattisgarh'

Officials said there was a dispute between the two states. While BRS govt said it owed ₹1,081 crore to Chhattisgarh govt, the latter claimed Telangana owed ₹1,715 crore arrears

Officials said there was a dispute between the two states. While BRS govt said it owed ₹1,081 crore to Chhattisgarh govt, the latter claimed Telangana owed ₹1,715 crore arrears

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