Health camp for students, teachers

GD Goenka Public School collaborates with CBSE Sahodaya Schools, Lucknow for a health initiative, hosting a three-day health check-up camp from May 8 to May 10. The camp includes full body check-ups, dental exams, eye tests, and nutritional assessments.
Health camp for students, teachers
LUCKNOW: GD Goenka Public School, Shaheed Path, has partnered with CBSE Sahodaya Schools, Lucknow, for a health initiative. Under it, a three-day health check-up camp is being held from May 8 to May 10. The collaboration highlights the schools’ commitment to prioritise the holistic well-being of their students and staff. Full body check-up, dental examination, eye test, and nutritional assessments are being done at the camp.
By joining forces with CBSE Sahodaya Schools, Lucknow, GD Goenka Public School aims to provide its school community with comprehensive access to healthcare.
The initiative’s primary goal is to promote health awareness and enable the early detection of any underlying health issue among students.
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