This story is from December 28, 2023

Wholesale & retail garlic prices rise as supply fails to keep up with demand

Wholesale & retail garlic prices rise as supply fails to keep up with demand
Nashik: Retail and wholesale garlic prices have both gone up significantly when compared to the prices a couple of months ago due to the mismatch in demand and supply.
The average wholesale garlic price has gone up by almost 57% in two months in Nashik. While the average wholesale price of the kitchen staple was about Rs 105 per kg in October, in December, it breached the 165 per kg-mark.
In the retail markets across Nashik city, garlic prices increased from Rs 200-300 per kg in October, to Rs 320-450 per kg in December. The purple variety of garlic is fetching higher rates than the white variety.
Vendors said the prices will remain in this range until the supply shortage eases off in the market.
Purple garlic is cultivated locally in Nashik and Jalgaon districts, while the white variety is grown in Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and Rajasthan apart from some pockets of Maharashtra. Of the total garlic supply, 90% is of the white variety. On Wednesday, the average wholesale garlic price was recorded at Rs 165 per kg at the Nashik APMC. The minimum and maximum wholesale prices here were recorded at Rs 65 and Rs 200 per kg, respectively. Around 50 quintals of garlic were auctioned here on Wednesday. Roughly 1,400 quintals of garlic have been auctioned at the Nashik APMC between December 1 and 27.
In October, the average wholesale garlic price was recorded at Rs 105 per kg at Nashik APMC. The minimum and maximum prices were Rs 55 and Rs 185 per kg, respectively. Around 2,184 quintals of garlic were auctioned in October in Nashik APMC and the daily arrivals were around 70 quintals on average. According to traders, garlic farmers incurred heavy losses in the last three years due to a crash in wholesale prices. Therefore, most of the farmers shifted to onions and the areas under garlic plantation dropped by around 30% this year.

At present, garlics arriving at the wholesale markets are of the rabi crop harvested during March-May period. This stock is about to be exhausted, but the arrivals of new kharif garlic are yet to begin. As a result, the supply of garlic has reduced, leading to rise in wholesale prices.
Like summer onions, garlics also have a shelf life of around six to nine months and farmers also prefer storing the produce in a bid to fetch higher rates later. The garlic stored by the farmers cater to consumers until the arrival of fresh kharif garlic by October-end. However, this year, the garlic planting was delayed by two months due to the delayed rainfall. The harvest is also delayed and expected to begin by the first week of January, said the traders.
Deepak Madan, a garlic trader, said regular arrivals of new garlic crops will begin by mid January next year. By that time, the prices of garlic will be at a higher side, but the wholesale prices will start declining thereafter as the supply of new crops will increase.
The prices of garlic in the Kolhapur APMC and retail markets have slightly dipped in the last two weeks. A week ago, garlic fetched Rs 180 per kg in the APMC market, while it is now at Rs 160 per kg. In retail markets, the prices are nearly Rs 220-230 per kg, which too were Rs 250-270 per kg a week ago. The retailers fetch the garlic mainly from the APMC. The APMC consistently receives around 200 bags of garlic every day, each bag weighing 50 kg.
Vinayak Balkrishna Gaikwad, a vegetable vendor from Kasba Bawda area of Kolhapur, said, “There is a slight dip in garlic prices. We buy one or two bags of garlic every three to four days.”
(With inputs from Abhijeet Patil in Kolhapur)
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