Jun 17, 2024

Homemade aloe vera oil for long and lustrous hair

Piyali Bhadra

Aloe vera oil for hair growth

Aloe vera oil contains vitamins A, C, and E which contribute to promoting healthy cell growth and shiny hair, whereas vitamin B12 and folic acid prevent our hair from falling out. Let’s see some ways you can make aloe vera oil at home.


The required ingredients

To make aloe vera oil at home you would require a long leaf of healthy aloe vera and raw coconut oil, one glass bowl, a spatula, and a glass jar for storage.


The creation

Take the plant and cut the sharp thorns from the sides. Open the lead and scoop out the aloe vera gel. Mix the pulp with coconut oil in a pan, and keep stirring at low heat, until the oil slowly turns brown. Strain the situation and store it in a glass bottle.


How to use it?

Part your hair and begin by applying the oil to your scalp. Gently massage for 30 minutes, then shampoo and condition once or twice a week.


The best moisturiser

Dry and dull hair has a higher tendency to break more. Thus, this aloe vera oil is good for moisturisation and has a high water content which hydrates and moisturises your scalp for a long.


Keeps away from dandruff issues

Aloe vera oil keeps your scalp clean which also keeps away dandruffs from your scalp. Aloe vera mainly helps in removing dead layers from the scalp and acts as a natural cleanser.


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Say goodbye to frizzy hair

This oil acts as a perfect natural conditioner for your hair and has soothing moisturising properties that retain the natural oils of your scalp and keep your hair smooth.


Add a subtle shine

Aloe vera oil adds a subtle shine to your hair and makes it look stunning, shiny, and healthy.


Fungal infections at bay

Aloe vera oil has antifungal and antibacterial properties which keep your scalp away from infections and reduce the growth of fungus on the scalp.


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Next: How to apply curd for strong, lustrous and dandruff free hair