01/8​These simple habits will help you sharpen your brain

Our brains are incredible, but like any other part of our body, they need regular care and attention to function at their best. Adding a few simple habits into our daily routine can help sharpen our mind and protect it from future damage. Here are 7 straightforward ways to boost our brain health.


02/8​Never stop learning

​Never stop learning

Keeping our brain engaged by learning new things is significant for its health. This doesn't mean that we have to enroll in a degree program or tackle complex subjects. Simple activities like reading a new book, learning a new language, or even picking up a new hobby can stimulate our brain. According to a study by the National Institute on Aging, continuous learning promotes brain plasticity, which helps improve cognitive functions and may reduce the risk of dementia.


03/8​Make use of all your senses

​Make use of all your senses

Engaging all our senses can help keep our brains active and alert. Activities that involve sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell can stimulate different parts of the brain. For instance, cooking a new recipe can engage multiple senses, which strengthens neural connections. Research from the University of Texas suggests that sensory-rich experiences can enhance cognitive abilities and memory retention.


04/8​Meditation makes a significant difference

​Meditation makes a significant difference

Meditation is more than just a relaxation technique; it has tremendous effects on the brain. Regular meditation can increase grey matter in areas of the brain associated with learning, memory, and emotional regulation. A study published in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience found that meditation can improve attention, reduce stress, and even slow down age-related cognitive decline.

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05/8​Say no to sugar

​Say no to sugar

Reducing our sugar intake can have significant benefits for our brains. High sugar consumption has been linked to impaired cognitive function and an increased risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's. According to a study published in the journal Nutritional Neuroscience, diets high in refined sugars can cause inflammation and oxidative stress in the brain, leading to cognitive decline.

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06/8​Get moving with aerobic exercise

​Get moving with aerobic exercise

Aerobic exercise is not just good for our body; it’s also excellent for our brain. Activities like walking, swimming, and cycling can increase blood flow to the brain, promoting the growth of new neurons and improving overall brain function. Regular aerobic exercise can enhance memory, reduce anxiety, and protect against age-related brain deterioration.


07/8​Try doing simple math in your head

​Try doing simple math in your head

Doing simple math problems in our heads is a great way to keep our brains sharp. It challenges our brains to think quickly and improves problem-solving skills. Studies suggest that mental arithmetic activates areas of the brain involved in numerical processing and working memory, enhancing cognitive function and brain plasticity. Next time when shopping, try calculating the total cost or the change you'll receive without using a calculator.


08/8​Give your brain a break

​Give your brain a break

Rest is just as important for our brain as activity. Giving our brain regular breaks can help improve focus, creativity, and productivity. This doesn’t just mean getting enough sleep (which is crucial); it also involves taking short breaks throughout the day. The American Psychological Association notes that regular short breaks can help reduce mental fatigue and improve cognitive performance. So, make sure to step away from work or take a quick walk to refresh the mind.

(Images: Canva)
