Can you solve this school level super easy maths teaser?

Solving math teasers sharpens problem-solving skills and enhances logical thinking, challenging the brain. These puzzles improve memory and concentration, making it easier to tackle tasks. They also boost creativity, as finding different approaches to problems can lead to innovative thinking. Read this article to know how to solve the problem easily.
Can you solve this school level super easy maths teaser?
Solving math teasers offers numerous benefits. It sharpens problem-solving skills and enhances logical thinking by challenging the brain to find solutions. These puzzles improve memory and concentration, making it easier to tackle complex tasks. They also boost creativity, as finding different approaches to problems can lead to innovative thinking. Additionally, math teasers can reduce stress by providing a fun and engaging mental activity, promoting a sense of achievement and boosting confidence.
Overall, they are an excellent way to keep the mind active and healthy.
Question: A car is travelling at the rate of 75 kilometres per hour. How many meters is the car travelling in one minute?

Answer: To determine how many meters a car traveling at 75 kilometers per hour covers in one minute, we need to convert the speed from kilometers per hour to meters per minute. This involves several steps, including unit conversions and understanding the relationships between different units of measurement.
One user explained: 75 kms = 75000 metres in 60 minutes
Therefore in 1 minute, 1250 metres.
To solve this follow this:
Convert kilometers to meters:
One kilometer is equal to 1,000 meters. Therefore, if the car travels at a speed of 75 kilometers per hour, we first need to express this speed in meters per hour:
75 kilometers per hour=75×1,000 meters per hour=75,000 meters per hour

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Convert hours to minutes:
There are 60 minutes in one hour. To find out how many meters the car travels in one minute, we need to divide the speed in meters per hour by the number of minutes in an hour:
75,000 meters per hour÷60 minutes per hour=1,250 meters per minute
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