5 foods and drinks diabetics should completely

Shocking revelations about 5 deadly foods diabetics must avoid! Find out the hidden dangers lurking in your kitchen that could be spiking your blood sugar levels. Stay tuned to protect yourself from this silent killer!
5 foods and drinks diabetics should completely

Diabetes is a growing health concern in India, and managing it effectively often starts with the right dietary choices. As per World Health Organisation data, there are an estimated 77 million people above the age of 18 years who are suffering from diabetes, just in India. Certain foods and drinks can cause sharp spikes in blood sugar levels, making them particularly risky for people with diabetes.
Here are 5 common food and drink items that diabetics should avoid to maintain stable glucose levels.

Controlling the desire for sweets

Sweets such as gulab jamun, jalebi, and ladoos are loaded with sugar and refined carbs. These can cause rapid spikes in blood sugar levels and contribute to insulin resistance over time. According to a study published in the Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, high consumption of sugary foods is a major risk factor for developing diabetes. The study emphasises the need for diabetics to limit their intake of sugar-rich sweets to maintain stable blood sugar levels.
diabetes (2)

Drinks and fruit juices with extra sugar

Popular drinks like lassi, sweetened fruit juices, and sodas are high in sugar content and can lead to quick elevations in blood glucose levels. They also provide little nutritional value, making them a poor choice for diabetics. A report from the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research shows that regular consumption of sugary beverages significantly increases the risk of diabetes in the Indian population. Health experts suggest that diabetics should go for water, unsweetened herbal teas, or
fresh fruit infusions instead.

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White rice and refined grains

White rice is a staple and it has a high glycemic index (GI). This means it is quickly digested, causing rapid spikes in blood sugar levels. Other refined grains like maida (white flour) also pose similar risks. A study published in The BMJ found that diets high in white rice are associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, particularly in Asian populations. Switching to brown rice or whole grains can help manage blood sugar levels more effectively.

Deep-fried snacks

Deep-fried snacks like samosas, pakoras, french fries and bhature are high in unhealthy fats and refined carbohydrates. These foods can lead to weight gain and insulin resistance, making them particularly harmful for diabetics. Research in the International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries highlights the adverse effects of consuming fried foods on insulin sensitivity and weight management in individuals with diabetes. It is recommended to choose healthier cooking methods like baking or grilling.

Full-fat dairy products

Full-fat dairy products, such as malai, full-fat cheese and full-cream milk, are rich in saturated fats. These can increase insulin resistance and contribute to higher cholesterol levels, complicating diabetes management. The Journal of Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders reports that a high intake of saturated fats is linked to an increased risk of insulin resistance and poor glycemic control in diabetics. Go for low-fat or fat-free dairy products for better management of blood sugar levels.
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