01/6What you need to know

Most of us are familiar with gynecologists and urologists. They are our everyday medical practitioners whom we consult regularly to ensure good reproductive health. Fertility specialists are no different. They are simply gynecologists and urologists who have been specially trained in order to deal with issues that surround reproductive organs and health. People who are above the age of thirty five and have difficulties conceiving, women who have had a history of miscarriages and people who start their journey towards conception with existing risk factors or symptoms of fertility are referred to fertility specialists by their doctors.

In addition to this, people with a cancer diagnosis who need guidance on preserving fertility before treatments or those who wish to conceive post a treatment, also consult fertility specialists. For those who wish to get permanent birth control like vasectomies or intra uterine devices also find their way to fertility specialists. Here is a list of fertility specialists and what they specialize in for you to decide which one you need to consult.

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Urologists who are specially trained in male fertility are known as andrologists. They may work alone or with a reproductive endocrinologist. If you have a low or an absent sperm count, then an andrologist will try to find reasons for the same in order to provide the required treatment. In addition to this, andrologists treat reproductive infections, erectile dysfunctions, testicular torsion and undescended testicles. They also perform testicular biopsies for use in testicular sperm extraction.


03/6Reproductive endocrinologists

Reproductive endocrinologists

Reproductive endocrinologists are what people consider to be typical fertility specialists. Gynecologists who are additionally trained in infertility and fertility treatment, they treat both male and female issues related to conception. They manage and carry out a variety of fertility tests and treatments such as IVF.


04/6Reproductive immunologists

Reproductive immunologists

As the name itself suggests, reproductive immunologists are specialists who are skilled in both; immunology and reproductive medicine. They combine both these disciplines and are consulted for recurrent miscarriages, unexplained infertility or repeated failure of IVF treatment. People who suffer from auto-immune diseases like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis are also referred to reproductive immunologists.


05/6Reproductive surgeons

Reproductive surgeons

Even though reproductive endocrinologists also engage in surgery, reproductive surgeons are far more trained in performing reproductive surgeries and may treat patients for issues beyond trying to have a baby. Their primary training may be in either urology or gynecology. Removal of cysts, fibroids or treating endometriosis surgically are some of the surgical procedures that reproductive surgeons perform.


06/6Fertility clinic staff

Fertility clinic staff

In addition to specifically trained doctors, a fertility clinic also has nurses who are trained and experienced in reproductive medicine, embryologists, sonographers and other lab technicians who are collectively referred to as clinic staff.
