01/1211 weird and interesting facts about men

Curious to learn more about men, whether it's your brother, partner, or male friends? We've compiled 11 weird and intriguing facts backed by research that shed light on their behaviours and characteristics. by TOI Lifestyle Deskreadmore

02/12​Beards and bacteria

​Beards and bacteria
Ever experienced acne or skin problems after being in close contact, like hugging your partner who recently grew a beard? Here's an intriguing fact: Men's beards can house more bacteria than dog fur, although the types of bacteria differ. Untreated and improperly cleaned beards can transmit bacteria to the skin of their partners or close contacts. readmore

03/12​Testosterone and risk

​Testosterone and risk

Higher levels of testosterone in men not only influence muscle mass and deep voices but also associate with a tendency for risk-taking behaviours. This is why men are more prone to accidents and other serious injuries, as they are more likely to take risks even just for fun.


04/12​Screen time and technology addiction

​Screen time and technology addiction
Have you noticed your brother or your partner, constantly on their phones or laptops, playing games? Well, men are more likely to be excessively engaged in digital devices or online gaming, which can lead to issues with productivity, sleep disruption, and social isolation.readmore

05/12​Poor dietary habits

​Poor dietary habits
Ever noticed how women thoughtfully watch what they eat, stress over their skin, weight, and overall health, while men happily feast over pounds of fats and sugars? Well, men are infamous for their love of processed foods, fast food, and sugary drinks, which can lead to weight gain and other health concerns.readmore

06/12​Emotional expression

​Emotional expression
Sadly, due to cultural and societal norms, men are often discouraged from openly expressing emotions, resulting in higher rates of suppressed feelings which can lead to anxiety, high stress levels or even depression in then long run. Remember, there's no shame in expressing emotions openly and honestly!readmore

07/12​Sense of direction

​Sense of direction

Did you know that due to their traditional historical roles in hunting and navigating, men may have a slightly better sense of direction than women?


08/12​Colour blindness

​Colour blindness

Another interesting fact is that men are significantly more likely to be colour blind than women. This is because the genes responsible for colour vision are located on the X chromosome, of which men have only one (XY).



Surprisingly, men and women often have distinct handwriting styles, with men generally having larger and more angular handwriting compared to the smaller and more rounded handwriting often seen in most women.readmore

10/12​Sense of humour

​Sense of humour
Men and women have very different preferences when it comes to humour. Men often enjoy playful, teasing, and physical comedy, which is a personality trait often associated with them as a form of social bonding and entertainment.readmore

11/12​Value of friendship and brotherhood

​Value of friendship and brotherhood

Men naturally and instinctively have a tendency to strongly value friendships and bonds with other men, often forming a spirit of brotherhood that provides support and shared experiences.


12/12Avoidance of healthcare

Avoidance of healthcare

While the reason remains a mystery, men are often more likely to avoid regular medical check-ups and preventive care, perhaps fearing and delaying without clear cause.
