01/6Anxious attachment style

Are you overwhelmed by every little fight or argument in your relationship? Do you find yourself overthinking and overanalyzing your partner's behaviour, sometimes even provoking situations to analyze their reaction and assess your worth based on how they respond? If so, you may have an anxious attachment style in relationships. Individuals have various attachment styles, and those with an anxious attachment style often feel intensely insecure and constantly worry about their relationship. To understand more and determine if you have this attachment style, delve into the details. We have mentioned essential characteristics and situations that can help you recognize and understand this specific style, supported by valuable psychological insights.

by TOI Lifestyle Desk

02/6​Fear of abandonment

​Fear of abandonment

When an individual has an anxious attachment style in a relationship, they often experience an intense fear of abandonment or being left alone. This fear continues even in secure relationships leading them to be hyper-aware of their partner's actions and words, and excessively cautious about their own words and actions as well. They habitually overanalyse everything, fearing that minor mistakes or perceived flaws could lead their partner to dislike them or leave them. This constant insecurity and worry about potential rejection prevent them from fully opening up to their partner, creating a cycle of conflict, confusion, and anxiety in the relationship.


03/6​Overthinking and need for reassurance

​Overthinking and need for reassurance

Another serious sign seen in individuals with an anxious attachment style is their constant overthinking and overanalysis of even the slightest issues, which may not even be significant. These concerns can stem from something as minor as a slightly dry reply or a seemingly harmless situation with their partner. Additionally, such individuals always depend on constant reassurance from their partners regarding the health of their relationship and their partner's continued love for them. These issues of overthinking and needing constant reassurance can lead to conflicts, resentment, frustration, and ultimately the end of a relationship in the long term.


04/6​Desire for closeness

​Desire for closeness

A strong or excessive desire to merge with your partner and maintain intense emotional closeness can lead to feelings of suffocation for your partner. This overattachment may result in sacrificing your own independence and boundaries, or losing a sense of personal identity, relying entirely on your partner for emotional validation, regulation of emotions, and happiness. Essentially, it means depending on your partner for your happiness and confidence-feeling overjoyed when they are kind, and devastated when they are not attentive enough.


05/6​Emotional highs and lows

​Emotional highs and lows

You may experience frequent and intense mood swings and emotional ups and downs in your relationship, where even small issues can feel threatening to you and your connection with your partner. A minor argument or conflict can lead to overthinking and intense anxiety, sometimes even deliberately ending the relationship to determine your partner's reaction and review your own worth in their eyes. You may consistently feel overly anxious and excessively devastated by issues that may not necessarily be significant or uncommon in relationships, which can lead to behaving emotionally and unpredictably at times.


06/6​Difficulty with trust

​Difficulty with trust

You may struggle immensely with trusting that your partner genuinely cares about you, loves you, or will stay committed to you. This can lead to issues with self-esteem, self-doubt, and feeling undeserving of love, affection, and commitment. You might even feel like you're being misled or that your partner is out of your league. Importantly, these feelings can continue regardless of your partner's behaviour, even when they show no signs of anything negative.
