Digestive juice: Keep your digestive system healthy with Triphala juice

Keep your digestive system healthy naturally with the help of these Triphala juice options.
Digestive juice: Keep your digestive system healthy with Triphala juice
If you prefer trusting Ayurvedic options for your health, you must have heard about Triphala juice or powder for keeping your digestive system healthy. It is a combination of equal parts of Amalaki, Bibhitaki and Haritaki and is known for its multiple benefits.
If you often have complaints related to your digestive system and are looking for some healthy digestive juices, we have something for you. Here is a list of some of the benefits of Triphala along with popular juices that you can buy online:-
Benefits of Triphala
  • Indian gooseberry or amla in it is rich in Vitamin C, minerals and amino acids making it a nutritional fruit for you.

  • Bibhitaki is known for its antibacterial qualities. Thus, it will make your digestive system stronger and will keep it free from some of the most common bacterial and viral infections.

  • Bibhitaki is also a component in Ayurvedic medicines to control blood sugar levels. Thus, Triphala juice can even be taken by those who are suffering from diabetes.

  • Haritaki has a variety of uses in Ayurveda and is considered effective in various stomach ailments

Popular Triphala options that you can buy online
This Triphala juice by Sri Sri Tattva also contains extracts of aloe vera that make it a healthier choice to go for. It is considered effective in helping you lose weight and is even helpful in lowering blood sugar levels. Regular intake of this juice prevents stomach related issues like acidity and constipation. It can even be considered as a good tonic that will make your immune system stronger, make your skin healthier, revitalize your body and even work as a healthy antioxidant.
Among popular brands of healthy juices, Kapiva is a common and trusted name. If you are looking for digestive juices, this Triphala juice by the brand is a good option that you can go for. It is considered as a good natural laxative that is helpful in making your digestive system stronger. The juice boosts your immunity and even helps in fighting liver infections. Mix 30ml of juice with 30ml of water or as directed by your physician and consume it every day to enjoy its health benefits.
Read more about this juice here.
This juice by Axiom is a good mix of Triphala and aloe vera that you can go for if you want to make your digestive system stronger and improve your overall health. The juice helps in reducing the problem of high blood pressure and fights with constipation. It will even help you in losing weight and help you fight obesity in an effective way. The packaging directs that you can take 20-50ml of juice twice a day to see the effective results. However, if you are not sure about the quantity, you can even consult with your doctor about the dosage.
This pack of juice by Nutriorg is another popular option that you can buy online. It helps in detoxifying the body and even helps in making your immune system stronger. Also, taking this juice regularly will help you fight with stomach-related issues like constipation. The juice even works on reducing your weight and will improve the texture of your skin and hair by making them naturally healthy. The brand says that this pack of juice can even be effective in dental problems and cavities.
Baidyanath herbal juices are quite popular in the Indian market. And, if you are looking for Triphala juice or any healthy juice that will make your digestive system stronger, here is a good option by the brand. This juice helps remove toxins from your body and even improves your overall health and make your digestive system stronger. Mix a little quantity of juice in lukewarm water and take it every day to enjoy the benefits of this juice in an easy way. The antibacterial and antioxidant properties might even work on making your immune system stronger.
Also read: Aloe vera juice for good health- Popular options that you can buy online
DISCLAIMER: The Times of India's journalists were not involved in the production of this article.
About the Author
Aarohy Kapoor

Aarohy is a copywriting and lifestyle journalist and has written compelling product reviews on products from tech, sports, health, food, pets and more. With a keen eye for detail, she understands the features of various products across categories which helps her write authentic reviews and detailed explanations for users to make the right buying decision. Her analytical skills help her compare multiple products and pick the best for her readers. A former book author, she pioneered the art of writing sales and deals content. She is a Yoga enthusiast and a hard-core animal lover.

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