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Kavita Kane

Kavita Kane is the bestselling author of six novels, latesr one being 'Ahalya’s Awakening'. She is a journalist with twin post-graduate degrees in English Literature, as well as Mass Communication and Journalism from the University of Pune. She has brought in feminism in where it is most needed - mythology. All her six novels are based on lesser known women in Indian mythology - 'Karna’s Wife '(2013); 'Sita’s Sister' (2014); on Ramayana’s most neglected character - 'Urmila'; 'Menaka’s Choice' (2015) on the apsara Menaka; 'Lanka’s Princess'(2016) on Surpanakha, the female antagonist in the 'Ramayana; The Fisher Queen’s Dynasty' (2017) on Satyavati, the grand matriarch in the Mahabharata and the latest one on Ahalya, ironically one of the most revered as well as the most doubted character in the Ramayana.

Books by the Author

"Ahalya's Awakening", "The Fisher Queen's Dynasty", "Menaka's Choice", "Sita's Sister"

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