Bodyweight sit-up circuit

Dailymotion / Dec 21, 2020, 11:00AM IST

Targeting and strengthening the core muscle is very important for any individual and what could be better than sit-ups to achieve this objective. Sit-ups are classic abdominal exercises done by lying on your back and lifting the torso. This exercise targets all the important muscle groups of the abdominal region and helps to strengthen and tone them. This one move works on the rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, obliques, hip flexors, chest, and neck muscles. It helps target more muscle groups than crunches and static core muscles. In this video, trainer Amber Rees guides us to perform some easy bodyweight sit-up exercises. These are functional exercises necessary for every individual. You do not need any equipment to perform these exercises and can do it even at the comfort of your home.